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AUSTRALIAMelissa Mbongo

Erica Hemamali Leonora John

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Australia National Anthem “Advance Australia Fair”

Australians all let us rejoiceFor we are young and free

We've golden soil and wealth for toil,Our home is girt by sea:

Our land abounds in nature's giftsOf beauty rich and rare,

In history's page let every stageAdvance Australia fair,

In joyful strains then let us singAdvance Australia fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, We'll toil with hearts and hands,

To make this Commonwealth of oursRenowned of all the lands,

For those who've come across the seasWe've boundless plains to share,With courage let us all combine

To advance Australia fair.In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia fair.

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Welcome to Austrialia

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Overview of AustraliaORIENTATION

The name Australia came from the Latin Terra Australis Incognita, which isknown as (“the unknown south land”) in 1814.

In 1817 the name was approved by the British Governor of the colony of New SouthWales.

The nickname “Aussie” refer to people who were born in Australiaand off British or Irish ancestry, the use of the name began throughout WorldWar1.

“Aussie” is describe has happy-go-lucky people who are able to handlehard times.

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Overview of Australia Cont’d


Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.

It is also the largest island located in Southern Hemisphere, between the Indian Ocean.

Australia consists of six states, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, South Wales and Queensland and 2 territories, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.

The majority of the population lives in urban areas culturally diverse they have a very skilled workforce system with a strong economy.


Australia schooling start at kindergarten or preparatory year, this includes 12years of primary and secondary schooling.

Australia is well-know, worldwide for having the highest education system. Their futures rely on high quality

and dynamic foundational skills, values, knowledge and understanding required for lifelong learning, and involvement in society.

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Overview of Australia Cont’d

The Governor has made an agenda for early childhood education which to concentrate on:

Providing families with high-quality, accessible, affordable integrated early

Childhood education and childcare. This is in motion to ensure all children are

Completely prepared for learning and life

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Types of Child Care SystemsApproved Care: Care provided by long day care, home

childcare, outside school hours care and occasional care services approved by Australian Government to receive Child Care benefit on behalf of families.

Child Care Benefit (CCB): A payment made by Australian Government to families to assist with the cost of child care.

Long Daycare: Is the most significant type of government-supported and regulated child care in Australia

Long Daycare includes: Family DaycareOccasional CareOutside School House CareMultifunctional Services Multifunctional Aboriginal Services

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Types of Child Care System Cont’d

Three Distinct Types of Long Daycare Providers:

Community-based long day care centers: All non-profited Offers highest quality daycare

Independent Private Centers: Profits small businesses Similar to community based centers

Corporate Chains: Profits publicly listed corporationsOffers lowest quality careMarked lower than community-based daycare centers

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History of Childcare System in Australia

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Underlying Child Care Philosophy

Established philosophies for Children, Families, Staff and the Community

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Philosophy Cont’dChildren:- Childhood will be respected.

- Explore natural atmosphere

- Children have a voice which is valued, heard and responsive with reciprocal communication.

- Fun and play

- To feel safe and secure.Families:- Are diverse and are invited to share and commemorate their culture

and values.

- Support and Communication

- Right to equity, privacy and confidentiality

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Philosophy Cont’dStaff:- Believe in positive and effective work relations

- Are valued partners in teaching

- Work collaboratively to achieve best practice.

- Respect and acknowledgement of the vital role of families in raising children.

Community: - Consists of diverse special talents which can enhance

the curriculum and services offered to children, families and staff.

- Benefits positive, active contributors to their society.

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Child Care Funding- The cost is covered through a

combination of public funds, family contribution and in rare cases employer contributions.

- Government funding methods emphasis on affordable measures for low income families.

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Child Care Funding Cont’dHow the Australian government contributes to Early ChildhoodEducation:

1. Operational Funding:Government pays a portion to child care services to reduce cost

for parents.

2. Fee Subsidies:Families receive a government contribution to reduce their cost.

The fee maybe paid directly to the service on behalf of the family.

3. Tax Relief:Government provides an income tax reduction. This case the

money goes to the families rather than the Early Child Care Service Provider.

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Training and QualificationsTo work as a qualified childcare worker in Australia you need have as minimum a diploma of

children’s services or one of the following approved Early Childhood Qualifications: Diploma of Montessori studies

Diploma of teaching (primary early childhood or Early childhood education)

Diploma of community services children’s services

Advanced Diploma Montessori studies or Early Childhood Education

Advanced Certificate in child care (2 years)

Bachelor or Early Childhood Education

Bachelor of teaching (Early childhood)

Graduate diploma in education

Associate diploma of childcare

Associate diploma or education (Early Childhood)

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Training and Qualifications Cont’d

The following information will assist you further in determining Qualifications requirements :

Approved Early Childhood Qualifications

Assessing Australia Qualifications

Assessing overseas Qualifications

Gaining approved Qualifications

Up skilling Existing Staff

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Early Childhood Education in Ontario

Types of Childcare Settings:Infants: 0-18 Toddlers: 18 months 2 ½ Preschool: 2 ½

School Age: 6 years – 12 years  Ontario provides licensed home setting and child care centres. Home Childcare: can have no more than five unrelated children and may

be of different ages run by independent operators or by a license agency.

Nursery schools: Offers learning experience either in the morning or in the afternoon.

After-School and Recreation Care: Unlicensed programs for children aged 6 to 12, offered by parks, forestry and recreation

 Family Resource Program: Offers a range of services that support parents and caregivers. (Toy lending, resources and workshops).


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Early Childhood Education in Ontario Cont’d

ECE Job Titles:Preschool teacherDaycare workerNursery school teacherRegister Early Childhood Educator

Funding: - Child Subsidy - Ontario Childcare Supplement for working families - Ontario Child Benefits - Canada Child Tax Benefit  Roles in Care for and Educating Young Children:Meet children basic needsEncourage children to develop in all aspectsInvolve the community and families. Knowledge about the DNA and city of Toronto criteria

Other Facts:About 300,000 individuals mostly women work with young children. 3% are only men. Average Hourly wage is approximately $12.00.


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Refernces Home. (2010). Retrieved from (2011, october 19). Retrieved from Philosphy . (2011, June). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved Novemeber 3rd, 2011, from Qualifications. (2006, November 6th). Retrieved November 3rd, 2011, from (2000-11). Retrieved from‐5856271 Roles and Responsibilities of Early Childhood Educators, Class Power point (Introduction to ECE) Class notes (Introduction to ECE)




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