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Fundamentals of and Critical Issues in Lipid AutacoidMedicine: A Review

Jan M. Keppel Hesselink

Received: May 8, 2017 / Published online: June 19, 2017� The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication


The identification of a number of families oflipid signal molecules since the 1990s creatednew therapeutic possibilities for a great numberof disorders characterized by chronic inflam-mation and pain. These lipid autacoids havebeen explored in a great variety of animalmodels related to inflammation, pain,(neuro-)protection, and repair. Based on thedata from these models, as well as on a numberof proof of principle studies in the clinic inindications such as neuropathic pain, a newchapter in medicine is about to begin. Wewould like to introduce the term ‘‘Autacoid PainMedicine’’ for this chapter. There are, however,a number of methodological and strategic issuesto overcome in this field. One of the roadblocksis related to patent strategies around families ofthese molecules. As this is not always recog-nized we will present a number of examples.

Keywords: ALIAmides; Analgesia; Autacoids;Endocannabinoids; Lipoxins; Pain;Palmitoylethanonolamide; Phospholipids;Protectins; Resolvins; Treatment


Autacoid medicine is based on a therapeuticintervention in a disease process based on theadministration of an autacoid or an autacoidderivative. Autacoids are locally producedmodulating factors, influencing the function ofnearby cells and/or tissues, which are producedon demand and which subsequently aremetabolized in the same cells and/or tissues [1].

The word autacoid stems from the Greekautos (self) and akos (medicinal agent or drug).Sometimes we can find the older terms ‘‘secret-agogues’’ or ‘‘tissue hormones’’ for such signal-ing molecules. Autacoid medicine makes use ofthe innate mechanisms of defense and repair,which are modulated following administrationof an autacoid. In order for such administrationto be successful, the autacoid needs to reach thetarget tissues and build up sufficient concen-trations at the site of action, and the choice fora delivery vehicle is an important factor forsuccess. Autacoids used for the treatment ofeczema, psoriasis and cornea disorders (such asstromal and Fuchs dystrophy) can reach thetarget tissues relatively simply via topical for-mulations. Autacoids for treating chronic

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J. M. Keppel Hesselink (&)Institute for Neuropathic Pain, Bosch en Duin,Utrecht, The Netherlandse-mail: [email protected]

Pain Ther (2017) 6:153–164

DOI 10.1007/s40122-017-0075-4

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inflammations of the kidney, liver, heart andbrain are creating some new pharmaceuticaldevelopment challenges. Treatment via auta-coids however offer a number of advantagesover the treatment using New Chemical Entities(NCEs). As autacoids are endogenous molecules,metabolic pathways are intrinsic to the tissue.This implies no production and accumulationof toxic metabolites, and a quick resolving ofnon-active autacoids via innate metabolic pro-cesses, with less chance for irreversible or trou-blesome side effects and no long-term safetyissues or idiosyncratic reactions. In this paperselected lipid compounds will be discussed, asin the field of lipid autacoids where mostexperience has been gathered.

This article is based on previously conductedstudies and does not involve any new studies ofhuman or animal subjects performed by any ofthe authors.


Between 1912 and 1960, the meaning of theword autacoid was quite different from the cur-rent meaning; the word referred to hormonestimulation. Autacoid in its present meaningwas used from the 1960s and the first autacoidsidentified were histamine, serotonin and

bradykinin. Bradykinin at that time (1963) wasdefined as a so-called tissue-hormone, in thesense that there is no specialized gland to secreteit [2]. Serotonin was defined in 1970 per exlu-sionam as: ‘‘Serotonin belongs to the group ofautacoids, i.e. substances of intense pharmaco-logical activity that are normally present in thebody and that cannot be classed with hormonesor neurohumors.’’ [3, p. 848] Clearly at that timenot all requirements for the classification of acompound as an autacoid were transparent. Forhormones, neurotransmitters and autacoids,operational definitions had to emerge step bystep. In order to define whether a certain sub-stance can be defined as a hormone, a neuro-transmitter or an autacoid, a number of criterianeed to be fulfilled (see Table 1). Some autacoidscan also be classified in another context asneurotransmitters, for instance NO, ATP, and anumber of endocannabinoids such as 2-Arachi-donoylglycerol (2-AG); certain neurotransmit-ters can also act as hormones, such as thecatecholamines. Most autacoids play an impor-tant role in chronic pain states.

The identification of lipid autacoids gave riseto a number of patents and stimulated researchin the field of chronic inflammation. However,the use of the term ‘‘autacoid’’ has been indecline since 1992. During that year more than8000 publications could be identified inPubMed, dropping to around 4000 in 2015(Fig. 1).

Table 1 Basic characteristics of hormone, neurotransmitter and autacoid

Characteristics Hormone Neurotransmitter Autacoid

Produced in: A gland or tissue A neuron A cell

Stored in A gland or tissue Vesicles Membrane

Binding to Membrane or nuclear receptors Membrane receptors Membrane or

nuclear receptors



Blood Synapse Intercellular space

Terminating of

action via

Degradation in the blood or endocytosis of the

receptor-hormone complex

Uptake, diffusion,

intrasynaptic metabolization



Major chemical


Peptides/proteins steroids amines Biogenic amines amino acids


Lipids amino acids


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The first glimpse of the potential value ofautacoid medicine was identified in 1964focusing on neuroprotection. It was stated: ‘‘thevalue of physiological compounds, added inexcess of their normal concentrations, to fore-stall the first irreversible changes in the cells’’[4]. The authors were quite visionary and pub-lished the first paper in literature suggesting toexplore physiological acting compounds asdrugs for cell and tissue protection.

In 1981, Melmom and co-workers pointedout that autacoids should be regarded asmoderators of a number of immune functions,and that concentrations of autacoids in tissuesduring inflammation were sufficient to allowthem to modify the functions of a number ofcells which control and express both humoral-and cell-mediated immunity [5]. These auta-coids were subsequently characterized by themas feedback modifiers connecting the early andlate phases of the immune response. Theyidentified the first building block of AutacoidMedicine, when they stated: ‘‘We shouldprobably begin devising a strategy for usingthese ‘‘self-medications’’ as alternatives to drugsthat are less selective in their actions.’’ (pp.100–101).

They also pointed out the fact that autacoidscan influence the immune process at differentstages, and that they can influence differentsubpopulations of cells at concentrations whichprobably exist endogenously during physiologicand pathologic events, indicates that they canand should be seriously considered not only asordinary modulators of the inflammatory andimmune processes, but also as potential drugsthat can ameliorate these pathologic conditions(p. 104).

In 1986, the eminent neuroscientist Profes-sor Erminio Costa (1924–2009) stipulated thisprinciple in an unpublished keynote lecture hedelivered in Washington [6]. He emphasizedPharma should learn from nature how to designa pharmacology of modulation. Costa thuspointed out how nature itself can become ourtutor in developing new therapeutic inroads, inso far as we can trigger and activate endogenousrepair and defense mechanisms of the body byadministrating the endogenous molecules rela-ted to these pathways. These statements areconsistent with the vision of Melmom et al. [5].

Professor Bruni from the Department ofPharmacology, University of Padova and work-ing for the Italian company Fidia, emphasizedthat due to the potency and efficacy, autacoidsstimulated drug discovery. He was also probablythe first author to point out the role of plasma

Fig. 1 Profile of PubMed search of the term ‘‘autacoid’’. The first publications appeared in 1934, peaked around1990–1992, and since 1993 there has been a steady decline

Fig. 2 Professor Bruni correctly stated in 1988 that one ofthe major metabolic route for many lipid autacoids is viathe plasma membrane Adapted from Autocoids frommembrane phospholipids, Bruni A. 1988, PharmacologicalResearch Communications

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membrane in the production of lipid autacoids[7] (Fig. 2).

An important family of lipid autacoids wasidentified by the Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Mon-talcini, who first described palmi-toylethanolamide (PEA) in 1993 and tested anumber of derivatives as anti-inflammatory andanti-pain compounds in a series of preclinicalmodels. For these compounds she introducedALIAmides, as an acronym for ALIA: AutacoidLocal Inflammatory Antagonism. A few yearslater in 1996, the term was refined byLevi-Montalcini in a broader way [8]. She alsoincluded the (neuro-) repair function of auta-coids, and ALIA was presented as the abbrevia-tion of Autacoid Local Injury Antagonism. Ina paper on the protective effects of PEA in cen-tral neuron death, she explained: ‘‘Palmi-toylethanolamide, in reality, appears to exert amore broad local autacoid anti-injury function,thus the acronym autacoid local injury antago-nism for ALIA.’’ Here we see that it was actuallyLevi-Montalcini anticipated the neuroprotec-tive function of these lipid autacoids.


There are many different families of autacoidsand we suggest six classes, as depicted inTable 2.

The lipid autacoids vary from small signalinglipids to high-molecular-weight glycerophos-pholipids, with many structural isomers makingthe profiling of the lipidomic landscape a diffi-cult task. Serhan and his colleagues identifiednew families of lipids, the lipoxins in the 1980sand the resolvins in resolving inflammatoryexudates, (resolution–phase interaction prod-ucts) in 2002 [9]. The lipid autacoids from thefamily of ‘‘specialized pro-resolving mediators’’(SPMs) such as resolvins, protectins, and mar-esins, are all synthesized via oxidation ofomega-3 essential fatty acids precursors.Lipoxin, derived from arachidonic acid, is con-sidered an SPMs also. All the compounds andderivatives from the class SPMs counteractinflammation in tissues triggered by pro-in-flammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes.This holds also true for the lipid autacoids

belonging to the N-acylethanolamides such aspalmitoylethanolamide, which inhibits suchpro-inflammatory signals via the activation ofthe peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors(PPARs).

After 1992 a number of patents were filed onlipid autacoids, which created a proprietaryplatform but also seemed to obstruct develop-mental progress in this field. We will reviewthese patents and patent strategies and discusssome of their shortcomings from the perspec-tive of the pain clinician and their patients.


The essence of a patent is to protect an inno-vative and new idea for the inventor, and theinnovation described in a patent is meant to bedeveloped into an application which will servemankind (IP—Intellectual Property). Patents inthe therapeutic field should, therefore, lead totherapies. If patents do not lead to such

Table 2 Classes of autacoids

Class ofautacoid




NO, ATP, adenosine, serotonine,


Peptides Neuropeptides, endothelin, vasoactive

intestinal peptide, gastrin

Proteins Growth factors, interleukins, cytokines,

leptin, matrix metalloproteases, galanin,

bradykinin, kallikrein

Sugars N-acetylglucosamine, heparin, adenosine

Glycolipids Glycosphingolipides, gangliosides,


Lipids Phospholipids, N-acylethanolamides

endocannabinoids, resolvins, protectins,

maresins, lipoxins

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therapies, there are flaws in the process leadingfrom idea to application. We need to analyzethis process in more detail because in autacoidmedicine such flaws seem to exist and impairdevelopment.

First patents on recognized lipid autacoidswere the patents filed by a small Italian com-pany, LifeGroup Spa, a company run in the1990s by the previous CEO of Fidia, Dr. F. DellaValle. It was in Fidia where much of the lipidautacoid R&D started, as outlined above via thework of Professor Bruni. DellaVallewas also a keyplayer in the field (and intimately connected toErminio Costa and Rita Levi-Montalcini) whoorganized an intense network of research activitybetween the academia and his pharmaceuticalindustry. This served as an example of how tocreate positive synergies [10, 11]. In the patentsfrom LifeGroup we find results from the researchof Levi-Montalcini on PEA and derivatives inmast cellmodels. At that time PEAwas referred toby LifeGroup under the development codeLG2110/1 and the priority date of the first patentwas 31 December 1991 [12]. The patent descri-bed a number of N-acyl-derivatives of hydrox-yamines ‘‘suitable for the therapeutic treatmentof pathologies characterized by degranulation ofmast cells caused by a neurogenic and/orimmunogenic hyperstimulation’’. The one fig-ure in the patent depicted the effects of the oraltreatment of PEA as LG2110/1) in a dose of10 mg/kg BW in an experimental allergicencephalomyelitis (encephalitis) model. Thisdose had clear positive effects on the neurologi-cal outcome. In this patent the synthesis ofmanyN-acyl-derivatives of hydroxyamines weredescribed and a number tested positively inanimal models for various inflammatory indi-cations, such as arthritis. Apart from PEA, whichhas been a known registered drug for the treat-ment of respiratory viral indications (brandname Palmidrol) since the 1970s, none of thederivatives were ever further developed by Life-Group or any other pharmaceutical company forany other indication [13]. The patent, therefore,functioned as a road block for other organiza-tions to explore the anti-inflammatory effectsand the clinical value of this entire family ofcompounds. In 1996, LifeGroup Spa’s burn ratewas such that further steps to develop PEA and

related compound became impossible. Theexpectation was that PEA would be registered forneuropathic pain (sciatic pain) and possibly formultiple sclerosis within a short timeframe, butthese expectationswere notmet in real life as theItalian authorities took toomuch time reviewingthe application, resulting in the premature endof the company. The lesson learned from thiscase is perhaps that an extensive IntellectualProprietary Platform around a family of lipidautacoids needs an aggressive license-out policyin order to disseminate the principle broadly.This did not happen, but happily efforts lead tothemarket entry of PEAmany years later (around2007), although none of the possibly morepromising derivatives were ever developed. Forsome years patent protection for these com-pounds stopped, and there is no longer anincentive for any industry to test those PEAderivatives. The same strategic problem hashappened with the patent portfolio based onSerhan’s work around resolvins and lipoxins.

Charles N. Serhan and his hospital filed agreat number patents to protect many inven-tions related to a number of lipid autacoidfamilies such as the lipoxins, resolvins, mar-esins, protectins, docosatrienes, and their ana-logues [14]. The first patent on lipoxin A and Bwas filed in 1984 (priority date May 4, 1984)[15]. Many more patents in this field have beenfiled since by Serhan et al. starting at the end ofthe last century [16–21]. However, since May 1,2017, over 1600 publications on lipoxins can befound in PubMed, but only one clinical pilottrial in atopic eczema can be identified.

In one of the first patents from Serhan in1994, a number of putative indications aresummarized for new lipoxin derivatives as hav-ing superior pharmacokinetic properties com-pared to lipoxin A and B: ‘‘Compounds havingthe active site of natural lipoxins, but a longertissue half-life are disclosed. These small mole-cules are useful for treating vasoconstrictive,inflammatory, myeloid suppressive, cardiovas-cular, and gastrointestinal diseases’’ [22]. Lipox-ins at that time were already known asantagonists to leukotrienes, important media-tors of inflammation. The patent claims com-pounds with the same bioactivities as naturallipoxins, but characterized by a longer in vivo

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half-life time due to a new metabolic transfor-mation region in the molecule of either lipoxinA4 or B4, resistant to in vivo metabolism.Moreover, the long series of derivatives claimedin the patent (many hundreds of molecules)were synthesized to be more lipophilic than thenatural lipoxins in order to enhance their uptakevia biological membranes. A number of claims(10–20) in this patent were related to theselipoxin derivatives to be used as drugs in thetreatment of inflammation or an inflammatoryresponse in rheumatoid arthritis or induced byphysical trauma and radiation exposure. Inaddition, a great number of potential indicationswere summarized, some related to pain states:anaphylactic reactions, allergic reactions, shock,inflammation, gout, psoriasis, allergic rhinitis,adult respiratory distress syndrome, Crohn’sdisease, endotoxin shock, traumatic shock,hemorrhagic shock, bowel ischemic shock, renalglomerular disease, benign prostatic hypertro-phy, inflammatory bowel disease, myocardialischemia, myocardial infarction, circulatoryshock, brain injury, systemic lupus erythemato-sus, glomerular kidney disease and myeloidsuppressive disorders. Not long afterwards,lipoxins were demonstrated to have impressiveeffects as TNF-alpha inhibitors, and thus thepotential field of neuropathic pain opened [23].

None of the derivatives of the lead com-pound lipoxin A4 have been taken up in clinicaldevelopment since 1994 [24]. In 2015 in areview on lipoxins we found the statement:‘‘Since lipoxins … have clinical relevance, wediscuss their important role in clinical researchto treat a wide range of diseases like inflamma-tory disorders, renal fibrosis, cerebral ischemia,and cancer’’ [25]. Although much research hasbeen conducted in this field, this has led to1599 preclinical publications and only onereported clinical pilot trial. It seems that themany lipoxin-related patents filed since 1984,summarized above, did not substantiate intoeven one clinical available drug.

For patents, it seems that a sunset clause ismissing: this would be a statutory provisionproviding that a particular patent will expire ona particular date, unless it is reauthorized by thelegislature based on clear and explicate activi-ties related to its research and development.

This would at least stimulate the patent holdersto translate the patent findings into hands ondevelopment activities, or to license a patent inan earlier phase to third parties.


The relevance of lipid autacoids for the treat-ment of chronic disorders is vast, and especiallysince many lipid autacoids possess clear pro-re-solving and anti-inflammatory activities theputative indications are many. We point outjust a few and for the sake of argumentation weselect for each class the same indications.


Alzheimer’s disease [26], depression [27], sepsis[28], asthma [29], reperfusion injury [30, 31],glaucoma and retinitis [32], obesitas [33],auto-immune inflammatory demyelination dis-orders [34], arthritis [35], osteoarthritis [36],infections [37], sciatic [38] and neuropathic pain[39].


Alzheimer’s disease [40], depression [41], sepsis[42], asthma [43], reperfusion injury [44], glau-coma and retinitis [45], obesitas [46], auto-im-mune inflammatory demyelination disorders[47], arthritis [48], osteoarthritis [49], infections[50], sciatic [51] and neuropathic pain [52].


In most indications explored the N-acyletha-nolamide palmitoylethanolamide has been tes-ted. This is related to the fact that PEA has beenavailable in a number of European countriessince 2007 as a nutraceutical.

Palmitoylethanolamide: Alzheimer’s disease[53], depression [54], sepsis [55], asthma [56],reperfusion injury [57], glaucoma and retinitis[58], obesitas [59], auto-immune inflammatorydemyelination disorders [60], arthritis [61],

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osteoarthritis [62], infections [63], sciatic [64]and neuropathic pain [65].

In the list above it is clear that there is amajor overlap and representatives from eachclass of lipids are evaluated positively in therespective models for these disorders. In most ofthese disorders the animal models have gener-ated supportive data, and in some cases positiveclinical trials can be seen as proof of principle.Such clinical trials support the use of certainlipid autacoids such as PEA in neuropathic pain.Of course, we need to mention that positiveclinical studies also support or suggest the use ofCannabis in the same list of disorders, includingas a key treatment of various pain states.Mechanisms of actions of Cannabis, endo-cannabinoids and lipid signaling moleculesbelonging to the autacoids clearly overlap.


Lipid autacoids have been explored in a greatnumber of in vitro and in vivo test models rela-ted to the disorders of the central and peripheralnervous system. In this section we will discussthe analgesic efficacy of RvE1 and PEA in modelsfor peripheral neuropathic pain. However, RvE1and its derivatives are not yet available for theclinician and PEA in various formulations hasbeen available in Europe since 2007 as anutraceutical so prescriptions are not required.


Resolvins for the treatment of neuropathic painhave been claimed in a patent of 2009 [66]. In thispatent a number of resolvins (hundreds, aswell assalts and esters) were described, active in thenanogram dose range, producing anti-hyperal-gesic effects in models for inflammatory andneuropathic pain. Many of these findings werepresented in a paper in 2010 [67]. RvE1 wasreported to reducepain inmicemodels for centraland peripheral pain after (intrathecal) adminis-tration of very a low dose: 0.3 and 1.0 and 10 ng,

and was more effective compared to 10 lg of theCOX-2 inhibitor NS-398 [67]. A stable metabolicanalogue19-(p-fluorophenoxy)-RvE1 (19-pf-RvE1)had a comparable, but longer effect afterintrathecal administration: 6 h. Peripheraladministered RvE1 also led to reduced intraplantarcapsaicin-induced acute pain. However, alladministration of the resolvin and its analogueswas parenteral and led to relatively short-livedeffects. The experiments led the authors tostate that resolvins and their metabolicallystable analogs may represent a new family ofanalgesics useful in treating inflammation-associ-atedpain states suchas arthritic andpost-operativepain. This position was also taken in the review inNature Medicine in 2010, where the above-men-tioned findings were discussed and where again itwas pointed out that these results seem to be verypromising for thedevelopmentof adrug tobeusedin humans [67]. This argument was based on onlyone element of the compounds tested, thenanomolar and picomolar potency, which wasregarded as a desirable characteristic for any can-didatedrug.Thechallenge, the authors concluded,would be to develop resolvins into a clinicallyapplicable form.

RvE1 is presented as a new therapeutic targetfor the treatment of inflammatory pain as itstrongly inhibits TRPV1 activity associated withperipheral inflammation [68]. In addition, thereare central mechanisms of action, on glia level.Such findings support researchers to express thebelief, given the potent analgesic efficacy andsafety profiles of endogenous lipid mediatorsthat resolvins, their metabolically stable ana-logues and small molecule agonists that targetthe resolvin’s signaling pathways, may offer newtherapeutic tools for the management of neuro-pathic pain [69]. Also, pathomechanistic studiesspinal (intrathecal) pretreatment of RvE1(100 ng) in a chronic constriction injury of thesciatic nerve (CCI) could reduce the mechanicalallodynia 24 h after administration [70].


With over 600 PubMed indexed papers onpalmitoylethanolamide (PEA), this lipid auta-coid is by far the best explored in preclinical, aswell as in clinical studies.

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All studies are in line with its analgesic andanti-inflammatory actions in a dose range of10–30 mg/kgbodyweight.Doses up to100 mg/kgbody weight have been administered to humanswithout any evidence of adverse effects. Given itsvery benign safety profile, the compound is alsofit for elderly and multi-morbid patients [71]. Forthe clinical data on PEA, we refer to the manyreview articles written since 2012. PEA seems safeand effective in a range of neuropathic pain syn-dromes, frompainful diabetic neuropathy to painin chronic idiopathic axonal neuropathy [72–75].In nerve compression syndromes, such as sciaticpain and carpal tunnel syndrome, a series of pla-cebo controlled studies support the safe andeffective use of PEA in these indications. Analysisof data from an RCT in over 600 sciatic painpatients demonstrated a NNT for PEA of 1.5 [76].Its neuroprotective profile has been evaluated inthe ophthalmological clinic where the com-pound proved to possess retinoprotective prop-erties [77].

The author has worked with PEA in his clinicfor neuropathic pain since 2010 and has treatedmany thousands of patients, mainly those withaxonal neuropathies such as diabetic neuropa-thy and chronic idiopathic axonal neuropathy(CIAP) and sciatic pain [78]. Based on his expe-rience and results of recent RCTs, he recom-mends a dose of 1200 mg daily in neuropathicpain, for at least 2 months. This time frameseems to help the autacoid to reset the system.He also found that partial responders sometimesbecame full responders after doubling this dose.He has used a number of formulations of PEA,and he and other Dutch colleagues found onlypatented formulations containing microPEAformulations to be effective and safe. Patientshave indicated that use of cheap ‘‘me-toos’’ leadto suboptimal efficacy, most probably due to theabsence of an optimal formulation. There areonly three micro-PEA formulations based onpatent protected know-how of formulations ofPEA with adequate bioavailability: PEA-um (ul-tramicronized), PEA-m (micronized), andPEA-opt (optimized). For a crystalline lipid asPEA, formulations containing micro-PEA seemkey for the clinical success. Studies supportingthe safety and efficacy of other PEA formulationsto date are absent.


Lipid autacoids and their derivatives move tis-sue towards balance in the case of overactiveinflammation, and this is one of the key ele-ments in neuropathic pain. The various classesof lipid autacoids such as the lipoxins, pro-tectins, resolvins, N-acylethanolamides, andendocannabinoids have been extensively testedpositively in animal models for a great variety ofdisorders, all characterized by (neuro-)inflam-mation, including in pain models. PEA is themost advanced compound, as this molecule hasbeen extensively tested since the 1970s and isavailable as a nutraceutical without the neces-sity of a prescription. This is a both a strengthand a weakness; for patients the compound iseasily accessible, for pain physicians the com-pound is outside of their (pharma-)scope.

Research in this field of Autacoid Medicinehas been hampered by the many patents filed inthe 1990s, and the absence of serious drugdevelopment in this field because the majorityof research was driven by academia. Manycompounds are mentioned in these patents,compounds with great promise, which havenever been tested nor licensed out by theinventors. Formulation development in thisfield is also rare, and as most compounds have ashort half-life time, such work is mandatory forits success.

Lipid autacoids hold great hope for painmedicine especially since its side-effect profileswill be benign, and as the metabolic routes areendogenous no surprises are to be expectedrelated to their metabolites. Now that a greatnumber of patents have expired, new possibili-ties for formulation of used patents may re-openthe path to serious Research and Development.


No funding or sponsorship was received forthis study or the publication of this article. Thenamed author meets the International Com-mittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) cri-teria for authorship for this manuscript, takesresponsibility for the integrity of the work as a

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whole, and has given final approval for theversion to be published.

Disclosures. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink hasnothing to disclose.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Thisarticle is based on previously conducted studiesand does not involve any new studies of humanor animal subjects performed by any of theauthors.

Data Availability. Data sharing is notapplicable to this article as no datasets weregenerated or analyzed during the current study.

Open Access. This article is distributedunder the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalLicense (, which permits any noncommer-cial use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided you give appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the source, providea link to the Creative Commons license, andindicate if changes were made.


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