Page 1: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

If you\'re selling a product on your home business website, the key factor to consider is how you\'re going to save the end user time or money. If you sell a bib, explain

how easy it is to clean or how it will catch all the food baby drops so you don\'t have to take the time to clean the floor, saving time and money on cleaning products.

Page 2: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Include a coupon in the boxes of the products that you have sold. These coupons can apply to the exact product that they have purchased or even be a percentage off of

their next purchase. If the customer gets a savings coupon in their package, they are more likely to return to cash in

that coupon.

Page 3: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

As you begin developing your initial home business plan, make sure that you are also creating a well-crafted backup

plan. In any business there are things that could happen and cause your business to go awry. You want to make

sure that you have a backup route for these issues so you aren\'t left unprepared.

Page 4: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Do more than your customers expect. One of the things customers love most about home business operators is the

incredibly personal touch they feel when they interact with you or receive your products. Give your customers a surprise sample or coupon with their order. This does not have to cost you a lot -- but it will build a large amount of

goodwill with your customers.

Page 5: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Keep commonly used reference book in easy reach of where you most often use them. Perhaps you use a

dictionary or thesaurus regularly in your writing. Perhaps you order frequently over the phone from one company

and use their catalog as a reference. Either way, keep these books positioned so all you have to do is reach out

and grab them.

Page 6: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Make a back-up of your phone directory! Have contacts in four different places - a corded phone, a cell phone, a PDA,

and an email program. This ensures that if one, two, or even three of them are damaged in a fire, you\'ll still have

the other list and won\'t lose any client information.

Page 7: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Getting your family members involved in your home business can be a great bonding experience, and can be a

lot of fun. It also helps when they will work for you for free. If you have your children pack your products, or your wife answer phones or communicate with clients, you can free yourself up to handle the operations and marketing of

the business.

Page 8: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Look into all your options. When you get an idea for a home based business, take the time to explore what kinds

there are. Your first thought may not be the most successful, but looking into the many types of home

businesses can show you which one would be the most profitable for you.

Page 9: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

When you have decided on what type of home business to start, think of a catchy and descriptive name for your

business. Your business name should be something that will catch the attention of potential customers who are

looking for that specific type of goods or service. For example, \"Betty\'s Distinctive Chocolates\" will attract

the attention of people who are chocolate lovers.

Page 10: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

Sell products that have solved a need in your own life. Having personal experience with a product is a huge

selling point to potential customers. If you are trying to sell someone on hair replacement when you look like a

model, your customer isn\'t going to buy it.

Page 11: From Pipe Dream To Dream Come True: Reliable Advise About Having A Successful Home Business

As you can see, there are a lot of great ideas on starting a home business. Remember that a successful home

business takes patience and perseverance. It will probably take some trial and error to find out what works best for

you. If you continue to learn best practices and apply them to your business, you will become successful.

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