Page 1: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

LED – Light from the Light Emitting Diode17

Page 2: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

LEDs are changing the world of light 1

The LED light source 2

LED modules 6

Advantages at a glance 8

Typical applications 9

LED light in use 10

Operational and control equipment 20

LEDs and OLEDs: perspectives 22

Legal and normative requirements 24

Standards, literature 26

List of illustrations 27

Imprint 28

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht publications 29


Title Illustration: LEDs bring colour into life.The illustration shows the hall of theWeggis Hotel in Lucerne, Switzerland. Over 84,000 individual LEDs are distributedon chains over its glass façade. With the aid of a light management system everyimaginable colour can be produced fromthe RGB pattern (see also page 15).




Page 3: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Light sources should be assmall as possible, producelight efficiently and have along life. The demands ofarchitects, light plannersand operators of lighting in-stallations have formed thebasis of the research anddevelopment work of thelighting industry. Todaymore light sources withthese properties are on themarket than ever before inthe history of artificial light.Until now, however, no fila-ment or discharge lamphas combined all threeproperties.

Only light emitting diodes(LEDs), also called lightdiodes, achieve this. Theyconform to the lighting designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no otherlamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. Theminiature form requiressmall optical systems andcreates new demands forlight guidance. In the LED,the light optical systems aremade from synthetic materi-als with high refractive in-dices and replace the clas-sic metal reflector.

The light gains from LEDscontinue to grow, doublingabout every two years. Theyhave today already ex-ceeded the values attain-able by halogen and fila-ment lamps. Soon they willbe moving into the yieldarea of fluorescent lamps. Itis not unrealistic to assumethat in ten to fifteen yearsLEDs will become the solefront runner amongst effi-cient light sources.

With 50,000 operationalhours, LEDs have a verylong life. This results in anew conceptual approachto the design and develop-ment of lighting: there is no longer a need for equip-ment for changing the lightsource: with LEDs, lightsource and luminaire growold jointly and both arechanged together when thelamp has reached the endof its lifespan – except inindividual cases where repair of the light sourcehas to be possible.

The LED light sourcebegan its career as a statussymbol and has since become standard for car drivers, at first in the brakelights, later in the interiorlights, soon after in theheadlights and now todayin many traffic indicators.

The LED quickly conquereddisplay and effect lightingas well as gaining a firmfoothold in lighting for ori-entation purposes. Now it isproceeding to desk, stan-dard and street lamps,making it available as ‘lightto see by’. When luminaireswith LEDs become an established component oflighting concepts or whenthey can even exclusivelytake over general lightingfor the illumination systemof a space, remains to beseen. It certainly will not bemuch longer …

LEDs are changing the world of light


Illustration 4: the LED colouredsurfaces and the LEDs on theramp make the Morris Minor very eye-catching; the surfacecolours can be changed.

Illustration 5: an attractive nighttime picture of the bridge inDuisburg harbour, and alsoshowing the light to see by, boththe result of LED light on therailing posts.

Illustrations 1 to 3: colouredLED light has already quicklyestablished itself. The rider isriding in Schloss Brake, theWeser Renaissance Museum; in the light itself, but moreespecially by using colourchanges, he gains maximumattention from the audience.



Page 4: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

In conventional lamps’ visible light arises as a by-product of the warming of a metal helix, or by a gas discharge or by the conver-sion of a proportion of theultraviolet radiation pro-duced in such a discharge.In LEDs the production oflight takes place in a semi-conductor crystal which iselectrically excited to illumi-nate (electroluminescence).In the largest available lightdiodes their dimensions are represented by edgesof about 1 mm. LEDs thusbelong to the smallestavailable, almost point-like,light sources.

As protection against envi-ronmental influences thesemiconductor crystal is setinto a housing. This is con-structed so that the light ra-diates in a semicircle of al-most 180 degrees (the cur-rent maximum is about 160degrees). Guidance of thelight is thus easier than infilament or dischargelamps, which generally ra-diate light in all directions.There are various types ofhousing for LEDs of low,medium and high perfor-mance; they all give goodmechanical stability.

LEDs are only manageableby users if they are moun-

ted on plates which enablesimple electrical contactand divert the heat: as LEDmodules (see page 6). Thesemiconductor crystals canalso be mounted directlyonto the plates and be pro-tected by a light perviouscovering.

The LED light LEDs produce monochro-matic radiation and theircolour tone is defined bythe dominant wavelength.There are LEDs in thecolours red, orange, yellow,green and blue.

White light can be pro-duced as a mixture of allwavelengths, for example inLED modules (see page 6).This arises through an ad-

ditive mixture of thethree RGB colours

(Red, Green, Blue).

Alternatively,white light canbe producedby the conver-sion principleknown in ordi-nary lamps (luminescenceconversion).

Here the light ofa blue LED ex-

cites luminescentmaterial which

changes a part of theblue light into yellow. By

overlaying the unabsorbedblue light with yellow lightemitted by the luminescentmaterial white light is pro-duced. The concentrationof luminescent materialmust here be guided pre-cisely so that the desiredwhite is realised. Lumines-cent materials are perma-nently undergoing furtherdevelopment in order toimprove the colour repro-duction value (see page 4)of white LED lighting.

Light emitted by LEDs con-tains no ultraviolet (UV) orinfrared (IR) radiation. LEDscan therefore be employedanywhere where this kindof radiation has a detrimen-tal influence, for example in

The LED light source


illuminating surface

LED-chipblue light

white light

conversion layer

History of light production by LED

1907 The Englishman Henry Joseph Round (1881-1966) discovers the physical effect of electro-luminescence. As at the time he was actually engaged in a new radio locating process for sea traffic the discovery is at first forgotten.

1962 The first red luminescent diode of type GaAsPcomes onto the market. The industrially producedLED is born.

1971 From the beginning of the seventies LEDs areavailable in further colours: green, orange, yellow.Performance and effectiveness is continually beingimproved in all LEDs.

1980s to early 1990s High performance LEDs (LED modules) in red, later red/orange, yellow andgreen become available.

1995 The first LED producing white light by lumines-cence conversion is introduced.

1997 White LEDs come onto the market.

the food industry, in the illu-mination of materials whichfade easily or in the illumi-nation of sensitive works ofart in museums.

Diagram 1: White light atvarious colour temperatures (in K = Kelvin) as a result ofadditive colour mixture.

Diagram 3: The colour tone andemission spectrum of LED lightis determined by the dominantwave length.

Diagram 2: white LED light can also be produced with the aid of the conversion principle (luminescence conversion).

Abb. 1

Diagram 2

Page 5: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires


LED functional principles


LED chip





Diagram 4: tiny light diodes three to five millimetres in height – the principles of construction here are shown in sketchform – enables completely new light design.

The light of a LED comes from a semiconductorcrystal. It is electrically excited to produce light: twoareas exist within the crystal, a n-conducting areawith a surplus of electrons and a p-conducting areawith a deficit of electrons. In the transitional area –called the pn-transition or depletion layer – light isproduced in a recombination process of the electronwith the atom with the deficit of an electron when current is applied to the crystal.

The emission spectrum of the light thus produced is narrow banded. The dominant wavelength and the colour of the light depend on the materials used in the manufacture of the crystal. LED light contains no UV or IR radiation. The characteristic current/tension curve of an LED shows a small differ-ential resistance in the flow voltage when comparedto the lamp voltage, which makes it necessary to stabilise the working point. If the current supply isvaried the luminous flux can be influenced in pro-portion. In practice a defined direct current is allowed to flow through the LED which, as in a lampusing luminescent material, provides an operationaldevice.








Spectra of white and coloured LEDs




380 430 480 530 580 630 730680

Illustrations 6 to 8: LED housings (from left)for low, medium and high performances.

Illustration 9: LED semiconductor crystal,on a carrier with electrical contacts.

Diagram. 4

Diagram 3

6 7 8


Page 6: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Luminous FluxThe luminous flux value ofcurrently available LEDslies between one lumen(lm) in low performanceLEDs (about 50 to 100 mWpower input) and up to 120 lm in high performanceLEDs (up to 5 W). Strongerevidence for end users isthe information on the lumi-nous flux packets whichcan be realised with LEDmodules.

Light colour and colourreproduction of whiteLEDs White LEDs have above alla cold, neutral white lightwith a colour temperature � 4,500 K, (K stands forKelvin). Further develop-ment in the area of conver-tible luminescent materialsis making warmer lightcolours possible. Since2003 there have beenwarm white (� 2,800 K)and neutral white (3,300 to3,800 K) LEDs.

Convertible luminescentmaterials are also responsi-ble for an improvement incolour reproduction: warmwhite LEDs have a colourreproduction index from Ra � 70 up to Ra � 90. For cold white LEDs the Ra

value is between 70 and80.

Efficient light sourcesLEDs are extremely efficientlight sources. In 2005 thelight yields from white LEDshad already reached valuesof over 30 lumens/Watt(lm/W), and those fromcoloured versions 50 lm/W.In the near future lightdiodes with yields of up to100 lm/W will be available.LEDs will thus soonachieve the yield values oflamps which use lumines-cent materials.

Future generations of LEDswill find wide employmentin interior lighting, loweringthe use and cost of energy

and so making a contribu-tion to ecological relief. Thesame applies to externallighting, where long lastingLEDs (also coupled withsolar cells) can be em-ployed in saving energy instationary situations suchas road markings, or inmobile applications.

Lifespan depends on temperature The lifespan of an LED de-pends on its operationaland environmental temper-ature. At room temperatureLEDs – and thus also LEDmodules – have a verylong lifespan of up to50,000 working hours.

In contrast to filamentlamps, where a break inthe helix means the end ofits life, total failure of anLED is extremely rare. Itslight intensity also declinesmuch more slowly: thisproperty is known asdegradation. The period ofdegradation of the originalluminous flux by up to50 % defines the lifespan ofLEDs.

The degradation of the lu-minous flux is strongly de-pendent on the tempera-ture of the light emittingsurface in the semiconduc-tor crystal. There must

The LED light source


The colours of the LED light

According to the type and composition of the semiconductor crystal the light from LEDs has different colours. Today there are white, blue, green,yellow, orange, red, and amber, together withnuances of these colours. The narrow banded(monochromatic) light is produced without additional filters. Examples are:

Semiconductor material Abbreviation Colour

Aluminium-gallium arsenide AlGaAs red

Aluminium indium gallium phosphide AlInGaP red, orange,


Gallium arsenide phosphide GaAsP red, orange,


Indium gallium nitride InGaN green, blue


Filament lamps

Sodium vapourhigh pressure lamps

Halogen-metallicvapour lampsLamps using

luminescent materialsMercury vapour

high pressure lampsLow voltage

halogen filament lamps

Efficiency of light sources

lumens/Watt (including series connection equipment losses)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240


therefore be no build-up ofheat in the operation of anLED: the conducting plateor additional heat sink mustreliably divert the heat.

A too high environmentaltemperature will equallylead to a decrease in theluminous flux.

Diagram 5: the light yield fromLEDs is reaching ever highervalues.

Diagram 5

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0-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40

Light intensity distribution curve(with secondary optics)

angle of radiation in degrees

Diagram 7: An additional secondary optical system focuses thelight from an LED. The result is a restricted spot of light.

angle of radiation in degrees






1009080706050403020100-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Light intensity distribution curve(without secondary optical system)

Diagram 6: The light intensity distribution curve of the LED ‘without secondary optical system’ has two peaks of intensity. A high uniformity of illumination is achieved by the introductionof a diffusing plate.

Light intensity distribution of LEDs

The light intensity distribution curves of LEDs are determined by the construction of the housing used.The semiconductor crystals are mounted on carrierswhich act as mini reflectors. The angle of radiation can vary between 15 and 160 degrees.

Illustration 10: the point-likeLED light is especially suitablefor illumination – even in thesmallest format.

Illustration 11: the light fromground mounted lights withLEDs which mark out thepattern of the site creates aninteresting night picture.

Diagram 6

Diagram 7



Page 8: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

An LED module consists ofseveral semiconductor crys-tals or single LEDs (semi-conductor crystals with theirhousings) which are placedin series next to one an-other, or combined in someother form, on a conductorplate. The plate is not only a carrier but also makespossible the easy fixing ofthe LEDs and other optical,electronic or mechanicalcomponents.

The electrical layout of theconductor plate can beadapted to a particular ap-plication: as well as singleoperation, coloured LEDscan also be separately fixedusing an appropriate layoutso that plays of colour andsequences are possiblewithin a module. Colourscan be produced with anadditive colour mixture because the LED modulecombines the three RGBcolours (red, green, blue).The mixing of basic coloursleads to the creation ofevery favourite tone or tovarious colour effects.

LED modules are obtainableon the market in differingshapes and sizes, the mostimportant distinguishing fea-tures being their construc-tion technology such as:• modules with wired LEDs

mounted through holeson the printed circuitboard.

• modules in SMD technol-ogy (Surface Mounted De-vice) – these allow formore miniaturisation thanis possible with wiredLEDs.

• modules based on innov-ative CoB technology(Chip-on-Board) – inthese modules the semi-conductor crystals areplaced directly onto aconductor plate and withcontacts. This allows highequipment density, bestminiaturisation and goodthermal management fora long lifespan.

• SMD or CoB modules forhigh performance LEDs(high performance mod-

ules) – high performancelight diodes demand amodule concept whichmakes possible the easydiversion of the heat aris-ing in the semiconductorcrystal. For example, theconductor plate containsa metal core made of alu-minium for this purpose.

Conductor plates are pre-pared from diverse materi-als. The range extends from

standard conductor platesto those with organic mater-ial with interwoven threadsfor stabilisation and again tohighly flexible foil materialwith a thickness of 0.15 mmor to ceramics, glass ormetal core conductorplates.

High performance modulesThe high performancemodules are especially

LED modules


Illustrations 12 and 13: LEDsmake it possible – living withlight now also means living with coloured light.

innovative. The trend isclearly aiming towardsthese efficient light sourcesand to being able to re-place current general light-ing by LEDs in the near fu-ture. High performancemodules with a light yield



Page 9: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires


LED modules – light sources with advantages

The essential advantages of LED modules as compared to conventionallight sources:

• They have a low profile.• Their beam is IR free. LED modules

therefore radiate no heat in the direction of the illuminated object.

• They have a very long life.• The semiconductor crystals inte-

grated into the module or individualLEDs can be directly controlled, thus reacting very quickly, and areeasily dimmed even in RGB (red,green, blue) phases.

• The high lamp density and compact-ness of LEDs opens up completelynew possibilities in optical design:from secondary optic and reflectorsystems to aimed light guidance andhomogenisation of light ray distribu-tion.

in the region of 30 lm/Wcan in fact already bemanufactured but as yet,however, some technologi-cal development remainsto be accomplished.

The most important aim ofthe LED manufacturers isto further optimise effi-ciency. This must also leadto an improvement in thesale price/lumen relation-ship so that LED modules,which cannot currentlyhold their own withcheaper conventionalmeans of lighting, becomea force to be reckonedwith.

Further efficiency increasesDue to the higher perfor-mances of LED modulesan increase in efficiency bymeans of optical compo-nents is becoming evermore important. Above allthese will be improved bythe integration of opticaltechnology, as for examplenano-structured semicon-ductor surfaces, specialchip design and optimisedreflector/micro-optic sys-tems within LEDs, as wellas by the use of specialmaterials such as opticalpolymers.

Another important aspectof high performance mod-ules is thermal manage-ment. Heat affects thewavelength of the light ra-diated by LEDs and thusalso it’s colour, as well asthe life of the light diodes.This decreases with risingtemperatures. The currentlyavailable thermally opti-mised designs can andmust be improved in viewof the higher performancesof LED modules.

The colour reproductionproperties of high perfor-mance modules with LEDswill steadily be improvedby optical and thermalconverter optimisation andspecially calculated mix-tures of suitable LED spectra.

Illustration 14: module with wired LEDs.

Illustration 15: module in SMD (Surface MountedDevice) technology.

Illustration 16: high flexibility module in SMDtechnology.

Illustration 17: module based on innovative CoB(Chip-on Board) technology.

Illustration 18: high performance SMD module.

Illustration 19: high performance CoB module.

14 15


18 19

Page 10: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

LEDs offer a multitude ofnew possibilities and some-times also demand otherways of thinking with re-gard to lighting. The reportsof success published bymanufacturers cause thepopular press to speculatetime and again as to whenthe new ‘semiconductorlights’ will have supersededthe well known forms oflighting. The assumptionthat in the future LEDs willreplace some of the classiclighting is not unrealistic.Above all, however, theyopen up additional uses,which until now have beendifficult or very expensive to achieve.

LEDs and LED modulescombine many advantages.Their success is based onmaking new applicationsaccessible and on theiremployment in conven-tional illumination work.

Economic advantages • A very long lifespan of up

to 50,000 hours meansthat the lamps in a light-ing installation are com-pletely maintenance freein most forms of applica-tion. The maintenancecosts of the installationare reduced.

• The high degree of effec-tiveness of coloured –and in the future whiteLEDs – gives rise to lowenergy use. Energy costsfall.

Advantages for design,architecture and lightingarrangements• Coloured light can be

produced directly and effectively. It has a richfullness of colour and thechoice of colours is im-mense as all possibletones can be mixed to-gether.

• There are LEDs with highvalue white light pro-duced by an additivecolour mixture (RGB mix-ture) or in a blue LEDcoated internally with lu-minescent material (lumi-nescence conversion).

The latest development isLEDs with warm whitelight (3.200 K colour tem-perature).

• LEDs have no UV or IRradiation in their spec-trum. This means thateven sensitive objects arenot put under stress andcan be illuminates atclose range.

• The small cross sectionmakes for very compactluminaires and large re-flectors can be dispensedwith.

Technical advantages• LEDs have high func-

tional safety.• In technical terms LEDs

can easily be dimmed –over the whole rangefrom 0 to 100 percent.

• Colour control of theRGB colour mixture isalso technically uncompli-cated .

• LEDs are durable againstimpact and vibration.

• Instant start enablessmooth switching.

• Focused light of high in-tensity can be producedwith LEDs.

• LEDs can be operated atlow voltage, even whenstarting up, they are safeif a fault occurs.

Advantages for the environment • The low energy use of

coloured, and in futurewhite, LEDs reduces energy costs in operationand the heat gain for air-conditioning.

• The long life of LEDsmeans that there arefewer old lamps to bedisposed of.

• An important environ-mental aspect of externallighting: the orientation of insects that are activeat night is not disturbedby LED light. Animalsreact almost imperviouslyto its spectral composi-tion.

Advantages at a glance


Illustration 20: blue LED light decorates the hall with anaccent on colour at the Millenium Point in Birmingham,England.

Illustration 21: LED light showsthe way over the bridge.



Page 11: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

LEDs are today almost irre-placeable as signs of statusand importance in the fieldof electric and electronicequipment. They are in-creasingly establishingthemselves in other areas,particularly in markerandorientation lighting as wellas in the illumination of ar-chitectural and other ob-jects. There have as yetbeen few attempts at light-ing in the workplace andgeneral lighting is still adream of the future: this ap-plies similarly to externallighting.

Typical applications ofLEDs and their most important advantages are: • Signal installations,

traffic lightsHigh light intensity (goodvisibility), directly pro-duced coloured light, veryhigh operational safety,long lifespan (minimalmaintenance)

• Lighting in the auto-motive industry: instrument/display lighting, indicators, driving lightsDirect operation at lowvoltage allows easy integration into the on-board system, colouredlight, long life (no bulbchanges)

• Lighting for orientationColoured light, colouredzones and simple switch-ing options (includingcolour change) raise

attention and reduce therisk of accidents

• Effect lighting, advertising, staged lightingColoured light, dimmable,simple to switch and con-trol

• Display lighting, displaybackground lightingExtremely compact dis-plays possible, low operational temperatures

• Safety signs for emergency routesHigh reliability, immediatestart, easily controllable

• Display case, museumand shop lightingIllumination of sensitiveobjects at close rangewith IR and UV free light

• Integrated compact lighting solutions:handrail lights, lights setinto the floor, stair lights,wall lights, furniture lights.Compact lamp construc-tion, low operational temperatures (handtouchable)

• Lights in the workplace –industrial applications, for example machinelightingCompact lamp construc-tion, firm against vibration,IR free light, long lifespan(minimal maintenance)

• Desk lightingCompact lamp construc-tion, IR free light

• IlluminationIllumination of sensitiveobjects at short rangewith IR and UV free light,

Typical applications


Illustration 22: light to look at –coloured board with colourchanges in a hotel receptionarea.

Illustration 23: Machine lightingbrings LED light of 500 Lux towhere it is needed.

Illustration 24: LED lighting inte-grated into the handrail is inno-vative – an application problemwhich until now has been verydifficult to solve and which wasvery uneconomic in the fewcases in practice.

23 24


details can be highlightedwell

• Underwater lightsLow voltage operation,high safety, long life (no maintenance)

• External lightingQualitatively high valuewhite light, reduced energy costs, long life (minimises maintenance)

Page 12: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Emergency and safetylightingA power cut means suddendarkness. This creates anxiety and seeing is al-most impossible. A lightingsystem independent of thegrid, which can beswitched on immediately incase of emergency, makesorientation easier and

LED light in use


Illustrations 25 and 26: LEDsare especially well suited foremergency sign lighting.

Illustration 27: illumination ofthe edge between stair treadand riser is easier with LEDsthan with any other form oflighting.

Stairs and corridors: reduce the risk of stumblingThe risk of accidents is par-ticularly high on stairs.Going up and down issafer if the treads are dis-cernible at close range andtheir further course is easilyvisible. Light reaches thetreads almost without loss ifit comes from lamps builtinto the riser: for examplein the theatre (Illustration28), but also in any otherstairway. For this purposethere are luminaires of nu-merous types of construc-tion, of which several canbe built into the riser. With-out LEDs the illumination ofthe edge between the tread

makes it possible to leavethe affected building insafety. Illuminated/back-ground-lit safety signs canbe used to mark emer-gency routes. LEDs are es-pecially suited to this latterpurpose; they fulfil all thestandard requirements andthus ensure good visibilityof the signs. LEDs are gen-erally well suited for emer-gency and safety lightingbecause they are very reli-able, start up immediatelyand can be easily con-trolled.

and the riser is quite diffi-cult to achieve.

Orientation and markerlights naturally also makesense even if the way is notinterrupted by steps: for example in long corridors(Illustration 29). Here toobuilt-in LED lights, either inthe wall or the floor, are thefirst choice.




Page 13: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires


Planned colourColour has made a dra-matic impact on architec-tural design. The use ofcolour and the almost limit-less palette available fromLED’s creates a colourfulfascination that is mirroredby the use of dynamiccolour change from red togreen to blue and to all thecolours of the rainbow.

Illustration 28: In a theatre thelight for the stair treads is ofgreat importance for safety.

Illustration 29: LED lights markthe corridor.

Illustrations 30 and 31: thiscoloured surface with a dynamiccolour change is a visualhighlight for guests in theLufthansa business lounge in terminal 2 at Munich Airport.

Illustration 32: Eye catchingscene in the approaches to thereception area of a Swiss insurance undertaking – LEDlamps with blue light.

28 29




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Colour guides the eyeColour can act as an opti-cal stimulant. This appliesespecially to colourfulnessin places where colour is(still) somewhat unusual.The effect is even strongerif a colour change is per-ceived as movement. In theadvertising business colourhas long had an estab-lished place as an eye-catcher in display windowsand salerooms. This worldis becoming even more

LED light in use


Illustrations 35 and 36: the illu-minating surfaces attract thegaze, and the impressive colourchange raises the attention level even more. The display ofgoods and the remainder of the saleroom are by contrastdecorated with restraint.

Illustration 33: the displaywindow dummies are constantlybeing remodelled as the lightchanges colour. Three diffuselyradiating lights are being used toproduce colours on the RGB pat-tern in a synchronised sequence.White/neutral is the lightest, at alighting intensity of 160 lux,followed by green with 76, redwith 68 and blue with 59 lux.

Illustration 34: un-missable –the LED light band marks thecourse of the glass doors. Acolour change guides the gazeto the Munich municipal shoppremises.

brightly coloured with LEDlight.

33 35



Page 15: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Colour relaxesWellness has a lot to do withrelaxation. Lighting moodsproduced by coloured lightscan promote the relaxationprocess; health teachersfrom Asia know this for afact. Coloured light to relaxby can, for example, beused as a component oflight therapy and as an element of space design in,among other things, the fit-ness studio. It can also beemployed to provide a sim-ple, changing space/colourenvironment which viewerscan contemplate anywherewhere tension needs to berelieved, such as in a wait-ing room or examinationroom at the doctors.

Illustration 37: look and relax –the water wall in the wellnessrest area at the Krallerhof Hotelin Leogang, Austria.

Illustration 38: In or by thewater, the relaxing colour of thewhirlpool makes an impressionon every visitor to the KrallhofHotel.

Illustration 39: Visitors to this fitness studio experience wellbeing in a sea of colour.


LED light – UV and IR free LED light contains no ultra-violet (UV) radiation; there-fore the constituent materialof any objects illuminateddoes not fade or becomehot under the light beam.The lack of infrared (IR) radi-ation also permits the illu-mination of heat sensitivematerials – regardless ofwhether they are in a mu-seum or in display windowsand salerooms.

Illustration 40: In a museum UVand IR free LED light exhibitsNapoleon’s coronation cloak andthe empress Josephine’s dress.

Illustration 41: Whether in amuseum or a saleroom, LEDlight is particularly well suited forthe illumination of goods in dis-play cases.



40 41

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Colour adds valueColour adds diversity,colour guides the eye, andcolour relaxes – andthereby really adds to theambience of a location. Innsand restaurants pursue thisaim by installing dynamic,changing LED light, be it inthe floor, on the walls, in theceiling or in the fittings, forexample at the bar.

LED light in use


Colour is fun Colourfulness and colourchange are also a meansof fun. This becomes espe-cially clear in the lightingeffects in discotheques andother public rooms. Whereuntil now only the ‘colourorgan’ produced flickeringflashes of light, colours cannow be displayed in afuller, more extensive andprogrammed flow whichalso gives a calming effect.

Illustration 46: stage set for atelevision show of the Italianbroadcaster Mediaset.

Illustrations 42 and 43: colourchange at the bar counter …

Illustrations 44 and 45: … or – with a more long rangeeffect – guides the eye beneath,giving a relaxing and high quality feeling.

42 43

44 45


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Coloured LED light withexternal effectsMuch (coloured) light for little energy and thus notassociated with excessivecosts – these advantagesof LEDs can be used in avariety of ways for instanceto give buildings a ‘nightview’.

A unique example is theextension of the five starWeggis Hotel in Lucerne,Switzerland, with a translu-cent double glass façade; it was opened in 2002 andcan be used for events oras a restaurant (Title Illus-tration, Illustrations 47 and48).

The LED chains which aredistributed over the façadefrom the inside are each840 metres long – this re-presents about 84,000 indi-vidual LEDs. All imaginablecolours on the RGB patterncan be produced by a lightmanagement system – fora single or multicolouredcoloured façade, for thecolourfulness of the interiorspace according to the de-sired light mood and to suitspecific events.

Another example is the‘night view’ of an officeblock in Lemgo, NorthRhine-Westphalia. Theglass façade lights up inred, green and blue whilstin the hours of darknessafter close of business theoffice rooms behind arebathed in these colours (Illustrations 49 to 51). Synchronised LED lighttubes indirectly illuminatethe offices with colour.

Illustrations 49 to 51: the ‘nightview’ of an office block changescolour: the office rooms behindare bathed in these colours in the hours of darkness afterclose of business.

Illustration 47: the hall of theWeggis Hotel in Lucerne,Switzerland, lit up by 840 metrelong LED chains in all desiredcolours – for example, all in yellow or multicoloured, in thecolours of the rainbow (see Title Illustration).

Illustration 48: internal effect ofthe façade at the Weggis Hotel.



49 50 51

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Façade lightingIn order to illuminate façades, either interior light-ing is used or they are litfrom outside.

With the ‘inside’ option, theavailable room lighting canbe programmed to goodeffect. Another possibility isto set up the lighting with,for example, specially in-stalled coloured light as inan office building (see Illustrations 49 to 51, page15) or behind a glass facade (Title Illustration andIllustrations 47, 48 on page15).

With illumination from out-side, luminaires are eithermounted close at hand(hard shadows) or at agreater distance from thebuilding. Alternative: inte-gration of a lighting systeminto the façade. LEDs areparticularly suitable for this:for example in wall lights,for illumination, as a lightobject (also in colour) or foran outlining light effect hid-den behind a wall projec-tion or something similar.

Coloured light surfaces orlight figures are also effec-tive. These applications,which are easily producedwith LEDs, can also beused for advertising withlight.

LED Light in use


Illustration 52: integrated illumi-nation – LEDs are well suited tofaçade illumination.

Illustration 53: Coloured LEDlight and colour change on thefaçade throw the DortmundConcert Hall into relief againstthe cityscape.

Illustration 54: coloured LEDlight and colour change symbol-ise the mill wheel at the Buhl-schen Mill in Ettlingen. As a cen-tral light figure it complementsboth the other elements of theillumination: searchlights setinto the ground for light coneson the façade and a blue LEDline along the course of thebrook in front of it.




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Step by step safetyThe danger of stumbling onstairs lessens when thetreads are easily recogniz-able. This goes for inside(see page 10) as well as foroutside. The best solution isto build LED lights into therisers.

Attention! – LED lightfrom belowLED lights set into the floorare used principally to in-crease safety: theircoloured lights mark dan-ger spots, for example theapproaching tram (Illustra-tion 55), or the edge of theplatform (Illustrations 58and 59).

Illustration 55: the light hurryingbefore it makes passers byaware of the approaching tram.

Illustration 56: a well lit stairwayconnects two areas of a hoteland leisure facility. The LED lightprovides good sight of thetreads for going up and downthe stairs whilst from a distancethe lit stairway has the effect of alight object.

Illustration 57: light for steps: in the ‘Welle’ office complex inthe centre of Frankfurt on Mainvisitors to the numerous cateringenterprises are safe while ontheir way.

Illustrations 58 and 59: whetheron the underground inStockholm (above) or the rapidtransit in Prague (below) LEDlight draws attention to dangeron the platform. In Prague, whenan approaching rapid transittrain is announced the LED lightflashes; on arrival it illuminatescontinuously but is switched offwhere there are open doors.




55 59

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LED light shows the wayLED lights set into theground mark the way andmake orientation easier.They are equally suited asan element of architecturaldesign and a decorativeaccessory.

LED light in use


Illustration 60: light lines –

route guidance in the estate

park at the Hohenkammer


Illustration 61: decoration and

orientation at the same time –

LED lights set into the ground

at the ‘Welle’ office complex in

Frankfurt on Maine.

Illustration 62: Light lines

decorate the terrace of an

espresso bar.

LED light with long rangeeffect The strong illuminatingpower of LED lights makesprominent points into fea-tures visible over a longdistance. The illuminatedwind turbines on the

Haarstrang between Mun-ster and the Sauerland arereminiscent of huge blos-soms. At the same time theLED light fulfils safety dutiesin signalling the presenceof the high wind turbines.The second example: the

Stone Bridge in Regens-burg. On the occasion ofthe city’s application to be-come the 2010 culture cap-ital the bridge received ared appearance suitable asa symbol for the bridging ofspace and time.

Illustration 63: the Stone Bridge over the Danube inRegensburg in LED red.

Illustration 64: Wind turbines in red – put into practice withLEDs.



63 64

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Street lighting with LED lightThere are also ‘proper’ LEDluminaires for external lighting: road and street fix-tures which project the lightfrom the LEDs to where it is needed. LEDs show theirsuitability for street lighting:accidents are scarce and there are few lamp changes, little maintenance, reducedenergy use and low costs.

LED lights set into theground can also markroutes traversed by motorvehicles, for example ac-cess roads and entrances.On public roads in Milan,Italy, LEDs have now beenused for the first time tomark traffic islands (Illustra-tion 68).

LEDs are very suitable intunnels (not pictured) fororientation lighting which, atthe same time, providesadditional safety: along theroad embedded LED lightbands are increasinglybeing installed in the wallsor in the asphalt beside thecarriageway itself.


Illustrations 65 and 66: probablythe first street lights with LEDs– in a car park (above) and on acycle way (middle left).

Illustration 67: footpath lighting,here a bridge with external LEDlights.

Illustration 68: bewareroundabout traffic – the red LEDlight has high attention value.





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Operational equipmentshould• provide the energy sup-

ply appropriate to type(safety-low voltage SELV),

• guarantee safe operationunder various environ-mental conditions,

• enable stability or control-lability of the technicallight parameters,

• have an interface for spe-cial applications and

• be as flexible as possiblein use.

Frequency changersAt the present time thereare two sorts of frequencychanger for LEDs and LEDmodules in performanceclasses from 3 to 500 Watt:

• frequency changerswhich reduce the electri-cal supply of 230 Volts toa stabilised low voltageof, for example, 10, 12 or

24 Volts (constant currentregulation to the module)and

• frequency changerswhich reduce the electri-cal supply from 230 Voltsto, for example, 30 Voltsand supply a stabilisedcurrent (fixed currents areabout, for example, 350Milliampere (mA), 700mA, 1,050 mA). In thiscase it is possible toswitch the LEDs in seriesup to a maximum no-load voltage.

All frequency changersavailable on the market,which meet the relevantsafety specifications, pro-vide for separation from thegrid by the use of an inter-nal transformer. UnearthedLED modules can thereforebe touched without fear ofan electric shock. A protec-

tive level (IP code) must bedefined and given for everyfrequency changer.

For safe working methodswith an LED frequencychanger it is also importantthat the maximum permit-ted casing temperature isheld at a certain test point.In qualitatively high gradefrequency changers, thecasing temperature testpoint ‘tc max’ is definedand shown on the casing.

A further trade symbol fortemperature protection isthe specification of themaximum temperature in atriangle. This specificationcertifies that the equipmentreferred to is provided witha device for protectionagainst overheating andthat the surface tempera-ture of the casing will neverexceed the value shown inthe triangle.

ControlIn accordance with the typeof operation there are twodifferent methods of controlfor LEDs and LED modules:voltage regulated and cur-rent regulated.

Voltage regulatedThe voltage regulated con-trol of LEDs is charac-terised by the fact that thediodes are operated with aconstant voltage. In thiscase standard proprietary“direct current” equipmentcan therefore be used asthe power supply. Thismethod of operation per-mits easy control of light in-tensity in LEDs by pulses(switching on and off) ofthe power supply. With thismethod it is necessary tolimit the current in LEDs,because the forward ten-sion leaks strongly. An in-correctly defined operating

current limit can lead to de-struction of LEDs and theiroperational and controlequipment.

Current regulated The current regulated con-trol of LEDs has advan-tages for constant operationand in the performancebalance (lumens/Watt). Forthis purpose a predeter-mined current at which theLEDs should be operated isdefined. The appropriatewiring, in most cases in-cludes a governor, ensuresconstant operation. Stronglyfluctuating forward tensionsplay only a small role inthis method of operation asthe voltage to the LEDs ad-justs in proportion to theiroperational current so thatthey are not overloaded.

Control of light intensityThere are several proce-dures for brightness con-trol:

• control with the aid ofanalogue regulated con-trol elements (transistors)in which these are oper-ated as a variable resis-tance.

This procedure has twodisadvantages: at lowlight intensity the controlelement has a relativelylarge performance losswhich is converted intoheat. Because of this acomponent for an appro-priate diversion of theheat has to be includedand this is of relativelylarge dimensions.

• control with the aid ofdigitally controlledswitches.

Here the LEDs areswitched on and off inter-mittently. This happens so often within one sec-ond that the eyes do notnotice the flickering of the LED light.

Control by pulse withmodulation is, for exam-ple, such a process.

Operational and Control Equipment


Illustration 69: the coloured light comes from the aluminiumprofiles carried by the glassplates; up to 48 LEDs fit intoeach profile.


Page 23: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

If the technique of bright-ness control is combinedwith the technological op-tion of being able to setvarious coloured LEDs toindividual colours, thencolour sequences andplays of colour, as well asmixed colours, are veryeasily created.

Wiring of LEDsTwo of the most frequenttypes of wiring – in eachcase combined – are returnconduction and the feederline.

• Combined return conduc-tion (earth):For this, expensive driversare necessary, althoughintegrated drivers withsafety switching are al-ready available. Thisraises the cost. Driversare also relatively slow(only usable with lowphase rates). The voltageto the LED modules canbe switched off in casesof failure.

• Combined feeder line(plus):The available integrateddrivers with safety switch-ing can be easily con-trolled with simple tran-sistors or field effect tran-sistors (FET). This re-duces costs. If fasterswitches are used then itis possible to set highphase rates.

Control interfacesThe possibilities for bright-ness control already de-scribed can be used withcontrol devices previouslydeveloped in conventionallight technology.

Analogue interfaces belongto the technically simplersystems, for example the 1-10 V interface. Here theapplied analogue controlvoltage appropriate to the control equipment is converted into an adequatesignal for supply to theLEDs.

Manual control equipmentalso as a rule countsamong the group of sim-pler systems. Here there isfrequently equipment with alimited range of functions,where colour sequenceprocesses or colours canbe adjusted by press keys.In more expensive equip-ment of this class it is pos-sible to bring in separate,simpler colour schemes.

Among the more expensivesystems also suitable foruse in larger installationsthere are, for example, thedigital multiplex transmis-sion process DMX, thestandardised digital inter-face DALI (Digital Address-able Lighting Interface) andthe digital European Instal-lation Bus EIB. These sys-tems can control a largenumber of control circuits(colour channels) via asmall number of lines, bothindividually and indepen-dently, over fairly long dis-tances.


Illustration 70: catwalk anddance floor are shown in richcolours.

Illustration 71: eye catcher – the red light makes the stairwayunusual.



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White LEDs under wayAs well as coloured LEDswhich now already occupya firm place, LEDs withwhite light will in future beused in ever greater num-bers for illumination pur-poses. Research must,however, make its contribu-tion by increasing the lightyield of white LEDs to 100lumens/Watt (lm/W). Alongwith this goes a continualimprovement of the qualityof white LED light. Definedcolour temperatures withnarrow tolerance limits anda high colour reproductionindex of at least Ra � 80 oreven Ra � 90 for all whiteLEDs are also a part of this.

Further developments ac-company the increased useof LEDs as an alternative to more usual means oflighting:– Besides increasing the

light yield, research isalso focusing on the op-erational temperature andits effect on lifespan. Inthe near future, develop-ments will make availableLEDs suitable for operat-ing at temperatures

higher than those cur-rently possible. The ex-penditure currently nec-essary for heat diversionwill therefore be greatlyreduced.

– The foreseeable exten-sion of production capac-ity and greater number ofunits in production willcontribute towards mak-ing LEDs cheaper.

Organic LEDs Another revolutionarymeans of lighting for the fu-ture is organic LEDs(OLEDs). They will soonopen up other types oflighting. Today they illumi-nate displays on electricalhousehold goods and mo-bile telephones. Researchhas, however, already pro-gressed so far as to makeit foreseeable that in a fewyears time OLEDS will beavailable as flat lightsources for innovative light-ing solutions.

If traditional ways of think-ing permeate this kind oflighting solution, lit ceilingsoffer a good example of theuse of OLEDs: they can beproduced to a considerablysmaller construction depth.And: the uniformity of thelighting effect is no longerdetermined by the lumi-naire optics but is more orless controlled by thelamps themselves.

The OLED light sourceOrganic LEDs (OLEDs) aretoday normally constructedon glass substrata. Othercomponents are the lightproducing layer, the elec-trical contacts and the cas-ing for protection againstexternal influences. Efficientprototypes are evidencethat it is possible to pro-duce flexible light sourcesbased on a mouldabletransparent substratum.

Research on materials hasdiscovered a series of systems in which light canbe produced. The resultsreveal two groups: organicLEDs with small molecules(sm-OLED – small mole-cule OLED) and those withlong molecule chains, thepolymers (p-OLED – poly-mer OLED). They aremainly differentiated by thenumber of materials necessary to construct thelight producing layers. Insm-OLEDs the organiccomponent consists of fourlayers: the same functional-ity can be already be re-alised with two layers usingp-OLEDs.

Coloured and white OLED lightColours from every area ofthe visible spectrum can be produced using the cur-rently known organic mate-rials. This includes white.

The particular advantage ofOLEDs: the white light soimportant in general light-ing, can be produced by alight mixture in the organiclayer.

Using this method of lightmixture, white and colouredOLEDs which are com-pletely transparent whenswitched off, can be manu-factured. The production oftransparent OLEDs is verysimple but their light can,however, only be dimmedand not changed in colour.

The mixture for white lightmakes it possible to adjustcolour temperatures be-cause distinct organic lay-ers are used to producethe three basic colours.Such OLEDs hence offerpossibilities for the designof colour sequences.Alternatively white light canbe produced with the aid ofthe conversion principle,exactly as with inorganicLEDs (luminescence con-version, see page 2). To dothis in OLEDs, blue lightfrom the organic layer ismixed with the yellow lightfrom a luminescent conver-sion material. If white lightis produced in this way,then the light source is nottransparent when switchedoff.

LEDs and OLEDs: Perspectives


Illustrations 72 to 74: the colourchange dramatises the glassfront and façade.

72 73 74

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OLEDs, which are con-structed from single, indi-vidually controllable points,offer maximum flexibility inthe production of colourand in dimming – howeverat very high cost. In futuresolutions to this problem information could, for ex-ample, be presented on illuminating surfaces.


glass substratum


adhesive screen organic layers cathode layer anode (ITO)


glass substratum

anode (ITO)

organic layer

metal cathode


electron injector

electron conductor




polymer emitter



Diagram 8: principle of lightproduction with organic LEDs.

Diagram 9: schematic represen-tation of the functionalprinciples of OLEDs – theorganic layer of sm-OLEDsconsists of four coatings. Thesame functionality can beachieved in p-OLEDs with twocoatings.

Illustration 75: prototype of anOLED, whose organic layers aremounted on a glass substratum.

Illustration 76: LEDs are on theway to becoming the futuremeans of lighting.



Diagram 8

Diagram 9

Page 26: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

EU guidelinesManufacturers and import-ers may only bring prod-ucts which fulfil the basicdemands of Europeanguidelines into circulationin the European Union(EU). For luminaires, theLow Voltage Directive (LVD),the General ProductionSafety Directive and theElectromagnetic Compati-bility Directive (EMCD) arebinding.

National law The European requirementsmust be assimilated intocorresponding laws of theland in the various MemberStates. In Germany the LowVoltage Directive and theGeneral Production SafetyDirective are transformed tothe Geräte- und Produkt-sicherheitsgesetz (GPSG).The EMCD-Directive isimolemented by the Ger-man Gesetz über die Elek-tromagnetische Verträglich-keit von Geräten (EMVG).

CE MarkingThe CE marking on prod-ucts is the manufacturer’sdeclaration that a productconforms to the essential re-quirements of the Europeanlegislation. The manufac-turer must produce proof ofconformity to these guide-lines by means of an evalu-ation process whose docu-mentation must be madeavailable on demand to theresponsible authorities.

The CE marking does notdocument conformity to thelaid down standards, butonly the essential require-ments of the Directives.Therefore, the ‘CE’ is not atest mark.

As with all other electriclights, LED luminaires canonly be placed on the market if they have the CEmarking.

Lighting installations withLEDs for special effects canadditionally fall under otherlegislation such as the ToyDirective, Medical ProductsDirective etc.

Production SafetyThe GPSG obliges manu-facturers only to bring intocirculation products whichare so made as not to endanger the health andsafety of the user or of athird party. This applies notonly to uses for which theproduct is intended but alsoto foreseeable cases ofmisuse.

The manufacturer confirmsconformity to standards ei-ther by a ‘manufacturer’sdeclaration’ for which he isresponsible or has theproduct tested and certifiedby an independent testingagency such as, for exam-ple, the Prüf- und Zertifi-zierungsinstitut des VDE.

Several safety standards(see the Safety Standards

overview) apply to LEDlights and their compo-nents. The committees re-sponsible for this area areproducing Standards andSafety Requirements forLED Modules as the firstnorm specially drafted forthe new lamps. In Germanythe status quo has beenpublished as draft DIN VDE0715 Teil 100.

For operational equipmentthere is the already com-pleted draft of DIN EN61347-2-13 and for workingmethods the Standard DIN EN IEC 62384 is inpreparation. Ancillary elements for LED modules,such as connectors, aretested according to DINIEC 60838-2-2.

Radiation SafetyThe requirements for radia-tion safety according to DIN EN 60825-1 ‘Safety ofLaser Products – Part 1:Equipment classification,requirement and user’sguide’ must be adhered tofor lights and all compo-nents employed in lightinginstallations with LEDs asready to use equipment.

Information on this is alsogiven in the publication‘LED in General Lighting –Optical Radiation Safety Illustrated in Connectionwith Luminaires’ producedby the ZVEI in Germany(for reference to the ZVEI:see page 26).

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV)Manufacturers may onlybring into circulation prod-ucts which conform to therequirements of the EMVG.According to this no equip-ment should cause electro-magnetic disturbanceswhich would affect otherequipment present in itsvicinity and it must functionsatisfactorily in its electro-magnetic surroundings.

If the requirements of theharmonised standards areadhered to, it will be as-

sumed that the specifiedsafety requirements of theguidelines and the lawhave been observed.

EMV conformity of LEDmodules and their opera-tional equipment, as well aslights, is tested and certifiedon the basis of severalstandards (see the Stan-dards for ElectromagneticCompatibility overview).

EMV requirements havebeen revised in the interim.The most important differ-ence to the requirementsstill currently in force is thatthe prescribed interventionof a ‘neutral agency’ (‘Competent Body’) incases of deviation from, ornon-adherence to, the EMVstandards will become avoluntary step.

Under this new ruling manufacturers and import-ers could bring productsinto circulation on their ownresponsibility in spite of ex-isting deviations from thestandards or having ex-ceeded limiting values.Only adherence to thesafety requirements mustbe proved: this would as arule happen by means ofan EMV evaluation madeby the manufacturer.

A further important changeaffects the technical docu-mentation which has to besupplied to the authoritieson demand: it must alsocontain proofs of testing.

Additional informationIn addition to standards theGerman Electrical andElectronic ManufacturersAssociation ZVEI has pub-lished some basic docu-ments, such as ‘LED defini-tions’ (is in German and inEnglish submitted to theIEC – International Elec-trotechnical Commission; to be ordered by ZVEI: see page 26).

Legal and Normative Requirements


By the CE marking the manufacturers certify ontheir own responsibility thattheir products conform tothe essential requirementsof the relevant EU Direct-ives.

The CE marking does notdocument conformity to thelaid down standards. ‘CE’ isnot, therefore, a test mark.

The VDE Kite Mark or theequally valid European ENECtest Mark confirms con-formity of lights and built-inoperational equipment to the harmonized Europeansafety standards and norms.

Both are issued by the VDE;the ENEC marking issued byVDE includes the identifica-tion number 10.

Page 27: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires


Illustration 78: light from thehandrail guides passers-by overthe bridge on the site of the 2005 North Rhine-Westphalia Garden Show in Leverkusen – an innovative use of light with LED lamps.

Illustration 77: the light andcolour flooded wall attunesguests to the wellness area of the Krallerhof Hotel in Leogang, Austria.

Safety Standards

For LED modules DIN VDE 0715-100 applies (draft).

For fittings DIN IEC60838-2-2 applies (draft).

For operating equipmentDIN EN 61347-1 – A1and A2 (drafts) apply, as well as DIN EN 61347-2-13 (draft).

For luminaires DIN EN 60598-1, DIN EN 60598-2 andDIN EN 60825-1 apply.

The requirements for radiation safety in accor-dance with DIN EN 60825-1 applyoverall.

Standards for electro-magnetic tolerance(EMV)

For LED modules, operational equipmentand lights DIN EN 55015, DIN EN 61547, DIN EN 61000-3-2 andDIN EN 61000-3-3 apply.



Page 28: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Standards, Literature


DIN VDE 0715-100 (draft) LED modules for general lighting – Safety requirements

DIN IEC 60838-2-2 (draft) Miscellaneous lampholders –Part 2: Particular requirements – connectors for LED modules.

DIN EN 61347-1 – A1 and A2 (drafts) Lamp controlgear –Part 1: General and safety requirements.

DIN EN 61347-2-13 (draft) Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. suppliedelectronic controlgears for LED modules

DIN IEC 62384 (in preparation) D.C. or A.C. suppliedelectronic control gear for LED modules – Performancerequirements

DIN EN 60598-1 Luminaires – Part 1: General requirements and tests

DIN EN 60598-2 Luminaires – Part 2: Particular requirements

DIN EN 60825-1 Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user’s guide

DIN EN 55015 Limits and methods of measurement ofradio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting andsimilar equipment

DIN EN 61547 Equipment for general lighting purposes –EMC immunity requirements

DIN EN 61000-3-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –Part 3-2:Limits – limits for harmonic current emissions(equipment input current � 16A per phase)

DIN EN 61000-3-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltagefluctuations and flicker in public low voltage supply sys-tems for equipment with rated current � 16 A per phaseand not subject to conditional connection

LED definitions published by the product divisions Electric Luminaires and Electric Lamps of the GermanElectrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association ZVEI,Frankfurt am Main

LED in General Lighting – Optical Radiation Safety inConnection with Luminaires published by the productdivisions Electric Luminaires and Electric Lamps of theGerman Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Associa-tion ZVEI, Frankfurt am Main

Method for determing the life expectancies of LED-modules in electric luminaries published by the productdivisions Electric Luminaires and Electric Lamps of theGerman Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Associa-tion ZVEI, Frankfurt am Main

CE-Kennzeichnung für Leuchten, Lampen undLeuchtenzubehör – Ein Leitfaden zur Anwendung derrelevanten EG-Richtlinien published (only in German) by the product divisions Electric Luminaires and ElectricLamps of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufac-turers Association ZVEI, Frankfurt am Main

Proceedings of the CIE Symposium ’04 on LED LightSources: Physical Measurement and Visual Photo-biological Assessment, 7-8 June 2004, Tokyo/Japan,published as CIE-publication x026:2004 (ISBN 3-901906-36-3)

Publications of the the German Electrical and ElectronicManufacturers Association ZVEI are each available as a download in the publications catalogue of the productdivisions Electric Luminaires and Electric Lamps, Stresemannallee 19, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Publications of the CIE – Commission Internationale del’Eclairage can be obtained from the CIE webshop Central Bureau, Kegelgasse 27, 1030 Vienna, Austria

Illustrations 79 and 80: LEDs inviteexperimentation – coloured stripes orcircles of light for enjoying a slidedown the tubes.

79 80

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Illustration Sources

All illustrations were provided by member compa-nies of the Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht (FGL).

Further information on individual illustrations:• Title illustration and illustrations 47 and 48: build-

ing owner is the Aldopark Ltd in Weggis, Switzer-land. Photographs: Fabrikstudios Ltd, Lucerne.

• Illustration 46: Gaetano Castelli stage set, transla-tion Nova Implanti 99.

• Illustrations 72 to 74: these show the ‘E-KommTelecommunication Tower ‘ in Ludenscheid. Pho-tographs: Assunta Jaeger, Wuppertal.


bs Werbung, Darmstadt: diagrams 2 to 7FGL*: diagram 1Kugelstadt MedienDesign, Darmstadt: diagrams 8and 9

* provided by member companies of the Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht (FGL).

81 83

84 86




88 89

Numbering of illustra-tions on back page:













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Page 30: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires


This booklet is No. 17 in the series Information on Lighting Applications published byFördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht(FGL) to provide information ongood lighting with artificial light.

The titles and numbers of all thebooklets in this series are shownon the page opposite. The postcards on this page can be detached and used for orderingthese booklets.

Orders can also be placed by e-mail ([email protected]) or via the Internet ( An invoicewill be sent with the booklet(s) ordered.

Publisher: FördergemeinschaftGutes Licht (FGL)Stresemannallee 1960596 Frankfurt am MainGermanyphone: +49 (0)69 6302-353fax: +49 (0)69 63 02-317e-mail: [email protected]

Technical Fördergemeinschaftconsultant: Gutes Licht

Editing and rfw. redaktion für realisation: wirtschaftskommunikation


Design/DTP: Kugelstadt MedienDesignDarmstadt

Lith film: Layout Service Darmstadt

Printed by: only available as pdf-file, download at

Acknowledgements: The booklets in this series containreferences to current DIN standards and VDE stipulations.

DIN EN standards:Beuth-Verlag GmbH10787 BerlinGermany

DIN-VDE standards:VDE-Verlag10625 BerlinGermany

ISBN: 3-926 193-34-4

Reprints: With the permission of thepublisher.05/06/00/17EpdfD

Printed on chlorine-free bleachedpaper.



itte liefern Sie ohne w

eitere Nebenkosten die bezeichneten H

efte (e= available in English, E

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Die B

eleuchtung mit künstlichem

Licht (7/04)E



utes Licht für Schulen und B

ildungsstätten (7/03)E



utes Licht für Sicherheit auf S

traßen, Wegen, P

lätzen (3/00)E



utes Licht für Büros und Verw

altungsgebäude (1/03)E



utes Licht für Handw

erk und Industrie (4/99)R



utes Licht für Verkauf und Präsentation (2/02)




utes Licht im G

esundheitswesen (4/04)




utes Licht für Sport und Freizeit (9/01)




epräsentative Lichtgestaltung (8/97)R



Notbeleuchtung, S

icherheitsbeleuchtung (4/00)R



Gutes Licht für H

otellerie und Gastronom

ie (12/04)E



Beleuchtungsqualität m

it Elektronik (5/03)




Ideen für Gutes Licht zum

Wohnen (9/99)




arketing mit Licht (4/02)





– Licht aus der Leuchtdiode (10/05)R



Hefte 13 und 15 sind vergriffen





Bitte den A

bsender auf der Rückseite der P

ostkarte nicht vergessen.

The listed booklets are available in English only as pdf-file, download free of

charge at ww

1Lighting w

ith Artificial Light (7/04)


ood Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishm

ents (7/03)3

Good Lighting for S

afety on Roads, Paths and S

quares (3/00)4

Good Lighting for O

ffices and Office B

uildings (1/03)6

Good Lighting for S

ales and Presentation (2/02)7

Good Lighting for H

ealth Care Prem

ises (4/04)8

Good Lighting for S

ports and Leisure Facilities (9/01)11

Good Lighting for H

otels and Restaurants (2/05)

12Lighting Q

uality with Electronics (5/03)


rban image lighting (4/02)–


D – Light from

the Light Emitting D

iode (05/06)

Page 31: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht publications

Fördergemeinschaft GutesLicht (FGL) provides infor-mation on the advantagesof good lighting and offersextensive material dealingwith every aspect of artificiallighting and its correctusage. FGL information isimpartial and based on current DIN standards andVDE stipulations.

Information on LightingApplicationsThe booklets 1 to 17 in thisseries of publications aredesigned to help anyonewho becomes involved withlighting – planners, deci-sionmakers, investors – toacquire a basic knowledgeof the subject. This facili-tates cooperation with lighting and electrical spe-cialists. The lighting infor-mation contained in allthese booklets is of a gen-eral nature.

LichtforumLichtforum is a specialistperiodical devoted to topical lighting issues andtrends. It is published at irregular intervals. Lichtforum is available onlyin German.

www.all-about-light.orgOn the Internet, FGL offerstips on correct lighting for avariety of domestic andcommercial ‘LightingApplications’. In a PrivatePortal and a Pro Portal, numerous ex-amples of applications arepresented. Explanations oftechnical terms are alsoavailable at the click of amouse on the buttons‘About Light’ and ‘LightingTechnology’. Databasescontaining a wealth ofproduct data, a product/supplier matrix and the addresses of FGL membersprovide a direct route to manufacturers. ‘Publica-tions’ in an online shop and‘Links’ for further informa-tion round off the broadspectrum of the FGL lightportal.

Gutes Licht für Sicherheit auf Straßen, Wegen, Plätzen3Die Beleuchtung

mit künstlichem Licht 1

Gutes Licht für Sport und Freizeit 8Gutes Licht für Verkauf

und Präsentation 6Gutes Licht für Handwerk und Industrie 5

Beleuchtungsqualitätmit Elektronik12

LED – Licht aus der Leuchtdiode 17

Gutes Licht für Hotellerie und Gastronomie11Notbeleuchtung

Sicherheitsbeleuchtung10Repräsentative Lichtgestaltung 9

Gutes Licht am Haus und im Garten 15 Stadtmarketing mit Licht16Ideen für Gutes Licht

zum Wohnen14Gutes Licht für kommunaleBauten und Anlagen13

Booklets 13 and 15are out of print

Gutes Licht für Schulen und Bildungsstätten 2

Gutes Licht imGesundheitswesen 7

Gutes Licht für Büros und Verwaltungsgebäude 4

Page 32: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht · 2009. 12. 21. · designer’s ideal of a point-like light source: no other lamp possesses compara-bly small dimensions. The miniature form requires

Informationon lighting applicationsBooklet 17

LED – Light from the Light Emitting Diode

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

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