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Different Types Of Font for the Cover Page, Contents Page and

Double Page Spread

By Pav Johal

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• I think that this type of font for the Masthead will be appropriate for the music magazine that I am creating because of the classical music genre. The joined up handwriting type style makes will make the cover look appropriate as it is often referred that calligraphy type font to classical music.

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• I think that this style of font will be suitable for the Contents page, this is because it is quite fancy will make start the magazine off to an elegant start.

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• I think that this will be a suitable font for a Drop cap at the beginning of a paragraph when writing my article, this is because the style looks very fancy and elegant.

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• I think that this font would be suitable for the article, this is because it sticks with the traditional convention of using serif fonts and it very clear to read so readers of any age will not have an issue to interpret the text.

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