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Flipped Classroom Flipping the Classroom in the Teaching of English MovieMaker April 2014 Hkon Swensen Louise Mifsud Slide 2 Fr IKT kta Undervisningen er lagt opp med bruk av instruksjonsvideo som en del av forberedelesen til kta. instruksjonsvideo Vi gr ut i fra at alle har sett videoen(e) og satt seg inn i programmet MovieMaker fr undervisningen. Slide 3 Oversikt over kten LK06 Flipped Classroom Screencast-o-matic Screencast-o-matic Arbeid med oppgaven During this class you will start working on the part B of Theme 7 journal entry. Since it is a group entry, you need to: - before class: agree who you will be in a group with and agree on the content of your multimodal text - in class: sit together as a group Slide 4 Task Choose ONE of the following tasks: A.Find some vocabulary items that are relevant for one of the age groups you will be teaching, e.g. 8th grade. Create a multimodal text that uses and illustrates the meaning of those words. B.Create a multimodal text that illustrates the form (how it is structured)and/or the meaning (when it is used) of a grammatical category (e.g. past tense vs. present perfect, regular vs. irregular nouns, clause structure, a word class ) C.Create a multimodal text that illustrates the use of or explains the pronunciation of a phonetic category (a specific phoneme or group of phonemes, stress, an intonational contour). Slide 5 Why flip the classroom Slide 6 Advantages Differentiation Students can rewind and listen to the explanation several times Gives the teacher more time for guided and independent practice in the classroom Home-school link Slide 7 Challenges Need to plan teaching Aims and objectives have to clear Teacher has to talk clearly Online: requires access to the Internet Other options? Save film in different formats that can be downloaded onto the students personal devices or as DVD Slide 8 The process Plan the lesson Determine the objective of the lesson Record the video You can choose to write a script Keep it short and to the point Edit the video You can remove mistakes, add call-outs Publish the video You can upload your video on an LMS or even on YouTube (make sure that you have not used copyrighted material) Slide 9 c&list=UUagvFOT0oXZTXTv_hvgWzew&index=29 c&list=UUagvFOT0oXZTXTv_hvgWzew&index=29 r2012.html r2012.html Slide 10 Slide 11 An example by students Slide 12 Ideas Language classes Grammar Conversation starters Current events for discussion Text analysis Slide 13 Moviemaker Slide 14 Screencast Slide 15 Save file as *.avi Slide 16 123 record Slide 17 Evaluering av kten

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