Page 1: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 · Maxian Hangad 8:45 AM Morning Prayer/ 10:00AM Legion of Mary Mtg 6:30 PM RCIA/PREP 7:00 PM Finance Council Mtg. Thurs, Feb 13 9:00


PLEASE PRAY FOR: sick & shut in; Norman Jansen, Debbie Davis, Mary Deguara, David Thiele, Leandro Rodino Jr., Delorus Lee, Aurora Pereira, Dawn Epaarachchi, Gracie Formby, Jim O’Brien, Velma Cronin, Silvia Gallagher, Helen Gaska, Bernadette Leclair, Mabel O’Donnel l, Dario Dira, Carol Armstrong, Rejeanne Lajoie, George Blakey, Lily Gallant, Lucy Gallant, Carol LeBlanc, Corry Van Den Brand, Roy Gregory, Jenna Faykosh,

Artemio Abrogena, Sue Broerken, Roy MacLeod, Christopher Lasell, Norah Aucoin, Norma MacInnes, Margaret Mccreadie, Andrea Haley, Louise Jones, Brenda Curran, Fran & Maureen, Gary Hopper, Mary Hollman, Catharina Noble, Lori Beaulieu Smith, Angela Todo, Anna-Lisa Bailey, Mary Kennedy, Rosa Santos, Susan Harasyn McEvoy, Maximiliano O’Brien, Ney Antonio Villegas, Katherine, Berna Bradley, Polly Voon, Xenia Mallari, Carolyn, Mary Byrka, Bo

Llamas, Peter Taillon, Loreta Boholano & all sick & shut in of our parish & all in need of our prayers. May our Lord sustain, comfort & heal them through faith.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020

Volume 40, Issue 11

Parish Schedule

Mon, Feb 10 Saint Scholastica

9:00 AM Fraser & Madeleine Field

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 1:00 PM Seniors Socials

Tues, Feb 11 Our Lady of Lourdes

9:00 AM Gemma Cowhig

11:00 AM Mass of Annointing followed by light lunch

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 10:30 AM SSVP Bread Distribution 7:00 PM Parish Prayer Group 7:00 PM PEC Meeting 7:00 Spanish Choir Practice@Church 7:30 PM CFC Drop-in Basketball

Wed, Feb 12 9:00 AM

Maxian Hangad

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 10:00AM Legion of Mary Mtg 6:30 PM RCIA/PREP 7:00 PM Finance Council Mtg.

Thurs, Feb 13 9:00 AM

Judith Smythe

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 10AM & 7PM Walking With Purpose

Fri, Feb 14 Saints Cyril & Methodius

9:00 AM

Tony Bailey †

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 2-3 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORA-TION 6:30 PM Altar Servers Gathering

Sat, Feb 15 Our Lady’s Saturday

9:00 AM Alice Anderson

4:30 PM Melvin Hangad

8:45 AM Morning Prayer/Confession 9:30 AM Confessions 4:00 PM Confessions

8:30-8:55 AM Confession 10:30-10:55 AM Confession 3-5 PM Spanish Prayer Grp. 5PM Hispanic Community Fellowship 6:30-9 PM AA Mtg @ Parish Ctr

Sun, Feb 16 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 AM Precious Blood Parishioners

11:00 AM

Joel Felix Daniels † 4:00 PM Spanish Mass

Salt and Light

Back in the hippie 1970’s, Stephen Schwartz wrote songs for the musical “Godspell” (an Old English word for “gospel”), based on the Gospel of Matthew. In one song, Jesus and his disciples sing: You are the salt of the earth/You are the salt of the earth. But if that salt has lost its flavor, It ain’t got much in its favor. You can’t have that fault, and be the salt of the earth!

The images of salt and light are so familiar to us, it can help us to see and hear ancient truth expressed in new words or set to mu-sic. Salt was greatly valued in the time of Jesus, because it was con-nected with purity, preservation, and flavour.

When Jesus speaks of the disciples and us needing to be salt for the world, he is thinking of all three of these qualities. We are being asked to set a very high standard of purity, honesty and truthfulness. Secondly, salt was used to preserve food from corruption and decay, and a Christian is to be a “cleansing antiseptic” in a society that desper-ately seeks guidance. And, finally, salt gives zest and flavour—no one can replace the unique “flavour” we bring to life.

Then there are Jesus’ quite sobering but thrilling words: “You are the light of the world!” Not, “try to be” or “Maybe someday you will be.” No, belonging to Christ means that we do not produce our own light--Christ is THE light! And we are to shine for all the world to see! Tall order, but we are to make Christ’s light visible to all plants, animals, and people in our lives.

Does your face radiate the message, “Christ is lighting me from within!” ? Be a revolutionary in the supermarket line—BE the salt and light of Christ to the scowling, tired faces all around you. That’s no small thing!

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven"

(Matthew 5:16)

The generosity of being a good steward of your gifts has a positive effect on people, and it is contagious! Good works encourage more good works. Let your light shine! Be careful to recognize that God is working through you and don’t put your-self above the people you have been called to help.

© 2020 Archdiocese of St. Louis


FEBRUARY 14, 2 - 3 PM

Jesus Christ, in the Blessed Sacrament is longing to spend time with each one of us. Come and adore, leave your troubles at His feet and let Him take charge in your life. One hour is all he asks. Won’t you come and spend time with Him?

“Can you not stay awake with me for one hour?”

Matthew 26:40


SECOND COLLECTION next weekend is for Altar Flowers. Proceeds of this collection assist the parish in maintaining beautiful floral arrangements and plants at the sanctuary of the church. Please give generously.

Come for coffee and conversation

every morning after daily mass in the

Parish Centre. Get to know some fel-

low parishioners and find out the latest

goings on in the parish.

Tea also available :-)

2019 Tax Receipts are ready for pick up! They will be handed out at all masses this weekend and next. Please make sure to pick up yours. If you prefer your tax receipt mailed to you, please contact the Parish Office.

Page 2: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 · Maxian Hangad 8:45 AM Morning Prayer/ 10:00AM Legion of Mary Mtg 6:30 PM RCIA/PREP 7:00 PM Finance Council Mtg. Thurs, Feb 13 9:00


All council members, their spouses and parishioners who would like to learn more about the Knights are invited on Feb 22, 5:30pm & Feb.23 after the 9&11 AM Masses. We will have a presentation by a Supreme

Council representative in the Columbus room. Note that our monthly council meeting has been postponed to Wed., Feb. 19. All Knights are encouraged to attend this important meeting.

Our first meeting for 2020 will be on February 19 @ 1:30 pm. All women of the parish are invited to get to know the Cir-cle. Our group is mainly in charge of Altar linen and flowers, catering funeral receptions and generally caring for the parish. Come check us out.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SHOPPING CARD PROGRAM FRESH STREET MARKET & PIZZAPIZZA SHOPPING CARDS NOW AVAILABLE! Check out to see what other cards we have or see Earl after Mass. Contact Earl @ 604.576.6306 to order. E-transfer payments accepted!

So far to Building Fund: $23,390.00



Thank you to all Confirmation Parents and Sponsors who attend-

ed our meeting last Wednesday. Feb. 19, Wed @ 6:30pm-CCS

& PREP 1st Communion Parents meeting. Please hand in all

Sponsor forms. Thank you & God bless-Karla.

Wednesday, February 12 in the Cenacle Room from 6:30 - 7:45 pm. Topic is: Sacraments of Healing & Service: Matrimony & Anoint-ing of the Sick presented by Julian. Everyone welcome to sit in. Come and learn more about your Catholic faith.


You are invited to join the Precious Blood Parish Team to walk along our Cloverdale Community this Saturday Feb 22 for the Coldest Night

of the Year ( fundraiser. Please email Luisa ([email protected]) for information. Donate or sign up to join the team on Help us reach our goal of $1,500 to help the homeless and hungry. Thank you for your support! Please watch the Video for more info.

Join us in prayer and worship on Feb 11, 18 & 25 at 7 pm in the Co-lumbus Room of the Parish Centre. Mark your calendar and invite a friend. Call on the Holy Spirit & come pray with us.



Applications for the 2020/2021 school year for Cloverdale Catholic School for Kindergarten to grade seven are now ongoing. If you are interested in having your child

attend CCS please go to the homepage of the school website to apply.

Our weekly outreach program has resumed. We give out small food hampers & bread (milk & eggs bi-monthly) to those who are in need. Our donations are distributed nearly as fast as

they are received, so our cupboards need filling throughout the year. Please remember our white SSVP donation box in the vestibule is always there to accept non-perishable food.



Did you know that there are many ways to donate to the Par-ish to help support our day to day expenses and big projects?

ENVELOPES-Make sure you pick your 2020 boxes or call the Parish office if you would like a set

ONLINE GIVING-Check out our website and register there to give online (see ‘GIVING’ tab)

SHOPPING CARD PROGRAM– support our Knights of Columbus shopping card program. “It costs nothing to give.”

LEGACY/BEQUESTS-Call the Parish office for info.

As Pope Francis stated in the ‘Laudato Si’ on Care for Our Common Home, “We need to strengthen the conviction that we

are one single human family.”

Please consider caring for Precious Blood Parish.


Beautifully hand-crafted cards for various

occasions available for sale at the Parish

office. All proceeds go to the Building fund.

Come and have a look.


Thank you to all who came and participated at our brunch on Saturday, Feb 8th. Come join us for pancake breakfast on Feb. 9th. God bless.


Have you noticed that it is the same few people who proclaim the Scriptures during 11am Mass? I know they are very good but a few new voices would be so much better. Listen to the Spirit and answer the call to become a lec-tor at Mass. For more information contact Kathryn Ingram at [email protected]



for 3– and 4– Year Old programs

for 2020/21 School Year

Please call 604-574-4363 or email

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Or visit our website for more information

Page 3: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 · Maxian Hangad 8:45 AM Morning Prayer/ 10:00AM Legion of Mary Mtg 6:30 PM RCIA/PREP 7:00 PM Finance Council Mtg. Thurs, Feb 13 9:00



Coordinator for

Our parish is in need of leaders for

this coming summer’s program.

Mentorship and guidance to be


Please contact the Parish Office at

604.574.4363 or

email [email protected]

NET Canada (National Evangeli-zation Team) is going to be in the Cloverdale area and need host homes. Please consider opening

you home to these workers in the Lord’s vine-yard. Dates are Feb. 10-14 or Feb. 16-19 or longer term, Feb. 11- 22nd. Contact Heather Squires for questions 604-837-7261 or Sarah Grimard at NET Canada Western Office - (604) 316 - 7811.


Pope Francis Angelus Reflection

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

These Sundays the liturgy offers us the so-called Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel of Matthew. After presenting the Beatitudes last Sunday, today [Matthew] emphasizes Jesus’ words describing his disciples’ mission in the world. (above). He uses the metaphors of salt and light, and his words are directed to the disciples of every age, therefore also to us.

Jesus invites us to be a reflection of his light, by witnessing with good works. He says: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (v. 16). These words emphasize that we are recogniza-ble as true disciples of the One who is the Light of the World, not in words, but by our works. Indeed, it is above all our behavior that – good or bad – leaves a mark on others. Therefore, we have a duty and a responsibility towards the gift received: the light of the faith, which is in us through Christ and the action of the Holy Spirit; and we must not withhold it as if it were our property. Instead we are called to make it shine throughout the world, to offer it to others through good works. How much the world needs the light of the Gospel which transforms, heals and guarantees salvation to those who receive it! We must convey this light through our good works. The light of our faith, does not fade but strengthens in the giving of oneself. However it can weaken if we do not nourish it with love and with char-itable works. In this way the image of light complements that of salt. The Gospel passage, in fact, tells us that, as disciples of Christ, we are also “the salt of the earth”(v.13). Salt is an ingredient which, while it gives flavour, keeps food from turning and spoiling — in Jesus’ time there were no refrigerators! Thus, the Christians’ mission in society is that of giving “flavor” to life with the faith and the love that Christ has given us, and at the same time, keeping away the contaminating seeds of selfishness, envy, slander, and so on. These seeds degrade the fabric of our communities, which should instead shine as places of welcome, solidarity and reconciliation. To fulfil this mission, it is essential that we first free ourselves from the corruptive degeneration of worldly influences contrary to Christ and to the Gospel; and this purification never ends, it must be done continuously; it must be done every day!

Each one of us is called to be light and salt, in the environment of our daily life, persevering in the task of regenerating the hu-man reality in the spirit of the Gospel and in the perspective of the Kingdom of God. May there always be the helpful protection of Mary Most Holy, first disciple of Jesus and model for believers who live their vocation and mission each day in history. May our Mother help us to let ourselves always be purified and enlightened by the Lord, so as to become, in our turn, “salt of the earth” and “light of the world”.


Friday, Feb 14, 6:30-8:30 pm in

the Parish Centre. The first of

more to come to get to know each

other, have fun with

games, fellowship

and learn more about

our faith from differ-

ent members of the

parish. FOOD WILL


RSVP with Yulia by

email at [email protected] .



Mon, Mar 16-Fri, Mar 20, 9am-12pm everyday at

the Holy Cross High School Gym for boys and girls

in Grades 4-7. To confirm your child’s spot, email

H e a d C o a c h M a t t h e w L e C h a s s e u r

([email protected]). Download a regis-

tration form at and bring the

filled form & $135 cheque on 1st day of camp.

Page 4: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 · Maxian Hangad 8:45 AM Morning Prayer/ 10:00AM Legion of Mary Mtg 6:30 PM RCIA/PREP 7:00 PM Finance Council Mtg. Thurs, Feb 13 9:00


It’s cold out there!

The Coldest Night of the Year is on Saturday, February

22, 2020. CNOY is a family-friendly national walk-a-thon

that helps raise funds for charities that serve hungry,

homeless and hurting people in your town and in 136

communities across Canada. In our community the Clo-

verdale Community Kitchen offers a place of safety and

support to those struggling through poverty and home-

less in Cloverdale and surrounding areas. Working in

partnership with local

churches, businesses,

schools and volunteers,

their programs meet the

needs of each guest who

visits. Find out more on

SERRA CLUB FRASER VALLEY WEST and IC Delta Parish (119 St. & 88 Ave., Delta) welcomes everyone on Feb 13 in the Church’s gathering area. The evening begins with Vespers at 7:30pm. Consider finding out more about this ministry which fosters and promotes vocations.

500 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY PILIPINO MASS CELEBRATION Sun, Feb 23, 7 pm @ St. Jude Parish, 3078 Ren-frew Street, Vancouver. Fellowship (“salo-salo”) follows after the mass. This event is one of many around the world that celebrates 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines commemorated on April 2021. In Vancouver, different par-ishes will celebrate Misang Pilipino every month.

MONTHLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION-INTENSIVE PRAYER Sun, Feb 23, 1-4pm @ Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 2465 Crown St., Vancouver. Come pray for the renewal & strengthening of the Catholic Church in all levels and the sanctification of the ordained ministry and consecrated persons.

ST. JOHN PAUL II ACADEMY is now accepting applications for Gr. 8, 9 & 10 students for the 2020-21 school year. All student applications must be completed by Fri .Feb. 28, 2020 and returned to Mr. Michel DesLauriers, Principal, 15262 Pacific Ave., White Rock, BC V4B 1P7. Forms and more information concerning financial assistance are on the school website or the school office .E: [email protected] T: 604.560.8210. Info Evenings will be on Wed. Jan 29th and Mar. 4th @ 6:30 pm for all interested parents at St. John Paul II Academy.

RETROUVAILLE VANCOUVER-an intentional Christian-based ministry that offers a 3-stage program to help cou-ples improve their marriages. Spring program will be held on Apr 5-7 @Barnabas Landing on Keats Island. Call 604.530.6710 or email [email protected] for more information.

MASS OF REMEMBERANCE Sun, Feb 23, 12:30pm & 2:30pm @ the Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of Gethsemani in South Surrey. Pray for family members and friends that have passed away.

“BRAVE” WOMEN’S RETREAT Apr 17-19 @ Rockridge Canyon in Princeton, BC. Experience powerful presenta-tions, prayer time, break out sessions, sacraments, fellowship, adventure, music, rest, quiet, etc as one searches for a deeper relationship with the Trinity and what it means to live bravely as a woman of God. Registration opens Satur-day, Feb 1 @ 9 am $295 (upgraded rooms available on a first come, first served basis. Register at .

MADE FOR MORE Thurs, Apr 30, 7-9:30PM @ Good Shepherd Church, 2250 150 Street, Sur-rey. An evening of visual beauty, live music, and reflection that will open one’s senses to the se-cret of God revealed in all of creation. Featuring Christopher West & Mike Mangione; $35/person. Contact 604.531.5739 or [email protected] for more information or get tickets at .


For more information, email Raymond at [email protected] or call 604.683.0281 ex-

tension 50328. Every Catholic should experience a pilgrimage to Israel if possible.

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