Page 1: Fecal Malodor Reduction Efficacy Testing · 2019. 1. 15. · Fecal Malodor Reduction Efficacy Testing 17 November 2017 St. Croix Sensory, Inc. Page 1 of 12 Introduction St. Croix

St. Croix Sensory is ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited

Fecal Malodor

Reduction Efficacy Testing

Final Report – 17 November 2017


ReportPreparedby:St.CroixSensory,Inc.1150StillwaterBoulevardNorthStillwater,MN55082U.S.A.1‐800‐879‐[email protected]

DataReportNo.: 1731401




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Figure 1. Four of the stainless steel chambers utilized for malodor reduction efficacy testing at St. Croix Sensory, Inc. The chambers are all identical 1.2x1.2x1.5m boxes with a sniffing port in the center on the front, multiple testing ports also on the front, two access and exhaust ports on the top, and an access hatch on the front. An exhaust system on top of the chambers is used to purge the chambers at the end of each test.

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Areferencechamberwaspreparedwiththefecalmalodor.Additionalchamberswerepreparedwithmalodoralone(control)ormalodorplustheEcobreezedevicewitheitheracarbonfilteroracarbonfilterandfragrance.Thefollowingwasthechamberdesignforthetest: Chamber1:MalodorReference Chamber2:MalodorControl Chamber3:Malodor+DevicewithCarbonFilterA Chamber4:Malodor+DevicewithCarbonFilterB(replicate) Chamber5:Malodor+DevicewithCarbonFilter+FragranceFecalMalodorSyntheticbathroommalodorusedforthistestingisarecipeoriginallypublishedbytheU.S.GovernmentServicesAdministrationasSpecificationFA200‐5,commonlyreferredtoas“GSABathroom”.ThisGSAbathroommalodorwasdilutedto5%dipropyleneglycolsolutionforthistest.Approximately2.5gramsofthemalodorsolutionwaspipettedonto5‐cmx5‐cmcellulosepads.Eachpadwasplacedinanaluminumweighboatandset,uncovered,inthecenterofeachtestchambertwohoursbeforetheteststarttime.Themalodorremainedinthechambersfortheentiretestperiod.Notethismalodorsourceisintendedtocreateastrongintensityfecalmalodor.Thelevelisstrongerthanexpectedinanormalbathroominordertoallowdifferentiationinproducttrials(i.e.carbononlyvscarbonwithfragrance).ProductApplicationTheEcobreezedevices,settorunconstantlyonamediumfanspeed,werehunginthecenterofasidewallintheirassignedtestchambersimmediatelyuponcompletionoftheodorevaluationsattimezero.Thedeviceswerepluggedinanditwasdeterminedthatthegreenlightcameonbeforeclosingthechamberaccesshatches.Thechamberaccesshatcheswerealsoopenedonthereferenceandmalodorcontrolchambersforasimilartime(20‐seconds)forconsistency.Assessorsevaluatedthechambers30minutesafteralldeviceswereplacedinthetestchambersandagainat1‐hour,2‐hours,3‐hours,and4‐hours.OdorEvaluationsThisodorstudywasconductedfollowingASTMInternationalE1593‐13,StandardPracticeforAssessingtheEfficacyofAirCareProductsinReducingSensorilyPerceivedIndoorAirMalodorIntensityalongwithbasicprinciplesofCSPA,DeodorizationEfficacyAssessment–AScreeningMethod.TheASTMStandardisageneralpractice,whichallowsforcustomizingprocedurestothespecificproductbeingtested.TheCSPAstandardprovidesamoredetailedprocedurebasedontheASTMmethod,however,specificparametersarestilldeterminedbasedonthegoalsofthetesting.Alltestchamberswereevaluatedbyapaneloftwentyassessorswhodeterminedthelevelofmalodorrelativetothereferencechamber,theoverallodorintensityofthechamber,and

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1. 12ppmn‐butanol2. 24ppmn‐butanol3. 48ppmn‐butanol4. 97ppmn‐butanol5. 194ppmn‐butanol6. 388ppmn‐butanol7. 775ppmn‐butanol8. 1,550ppmn‐butanol

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Table 1. Average assessor ratings of perceived malodor compared to reference chamber (100) for products tested with fecal malodor. Each time period was compared to malodor reference at that time.


Figure 2. Fecal malodor reduction from all products based on magnitude estimation evaluation over the 4-hour testing time. Each time period is compared to the malodor reference at that given time.


0‐hour 30‐Min 1‐hour 2‐hour 3‐hour 4‐hourMalodorControl 88.3a 90.2a 90.5a 90.7a 91.0a 92.5a

CarbonA 78.6a 18.6b 15.1b 20.6b 21.8b 18.5b

CarbonB 78.3a 23.4bc 17.5b 10.0c 16.1b 11.2bc

Carbon+Fragrance 85.1a 11.4c 1.7c 2.7d 2.4c 3.1c

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rangedfrom83.9to102.6ppmn‐butanolforthemalodorcontroland125.4to189.1fortheEcobreezedevicewithbothacarbonfilterandfragrance.Thesescoreswerenotsignificantlydifferentatanytimepointwiththeexceptionof3‐hours.Thescoresforthereplicatecarbononlychambersweresignificantlylowerthanboththemalodorcontrolandthedevicewithacarbonfilterandfragranceatalltimepoints.Table 2. Average perceived whole odor intensity of chamber odors.


Figure 3. Perceived whole odor intensity (ppm n-butanol) of test chambers during the 4-hour fecal malodor reduction test.

0‐hour 30‐Min 1‐hour 2‐hour 3‐hour 4‐hourMalodorControl 114.2a 95.2a 102.6a 93.9a 83.9b 92.7a

CarbonA 75.4a 21.1b 19.9b 23.5b 19.0c 16.6b

CarbonB 70.3a 26.0b 23.6b 14.6b 16.6c 12.1b

Carbon+Fragrance 108.0a 125.4a 174.4a 189.1a 183.0a 140.0a

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HedonicToneResultsFigure4summarizesthehedonictoneresultsassociatedwiththefecalmalodorevaluationswithallproducts.Thehedonictonescoresrangedfrom+0.3to‐5.2duringthe4‐hourtest.TheEcobreezedevicewithbothacarbonfilterandfragrancehadthemostneutralhedonictonevaluesbetween30‐minutesand4‐hours(+0.3to‐0.2).Figure 4. Hedonic tone values reported for the test chambers during the 4-hour fecal malodor reduction test.


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Figure 5. Odor character profile at time zero for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

Figure 6. Odor character profile at 30-minutes for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

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Figure 7. Odor character profile at 1-hours for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

Figure 8. Odor character profile at 2-hours for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

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Figure 9. Odor character profile at 3-hours for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

Figure 10. Odor character profile at 4-hours for all samples during fecal malodor reduction test. The results of the Ecobreeze device with carbon are the means of two replicate samples.

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1150 Stillwater Boulevard North Stillwater, MN  55082  USA  [email protected] 

1‐800‐879‐9231T: 651‐439‐0177 F: 651‐439‐1065 

Mission Statement: 

St. Croix Sensory is a laboratory dedicated to practicing  state‐of‐the‐art sensory evaluation  

and to advancing the science of sensory perception.  

We are a family owned and operated business  providing our clients with personal customer service,  

flexible scheduling, and timely results.  

Our focus is to provide the best professional services available  to make your project or product a success. 

St. Croix Sensory is ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited  

Certificate of Accreditation issued by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. 

Accreditation No.: 81047 Certificate No.: L14‐130 

Initial Accreditation Date: 19 May 2014 

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