Page 1: February 7, 2001 Round1- Private Capital Automation System Operating and Maintaining your Private Capital Market Place

February 7, 2001

Round1Round1- - Private Capital Private Capital Automation SystemAutomation System

Operating and Maintaining yourPrivate Capital Market Place

Page 2: February 7, 2001 Round1- Private Capital Automation System Operating and Maintaining your Private Capital Market Place

February 7, 2001

Today’s AgendaToday’s AgendaParticipating as a PCAS Investor Participating as a PCAS Issuer Being a PCAS Broker-DealerUsing online helpProviding feedback to Round1

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February 7, 2001


• Individual • InstitutionalInvestment Opportunities

• Browsing • Expressing Interest • Data Room

Bids• Lead • Fill-in • Quick-Fill

Allocations• Reviewing • Receiving

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February 7, 2001


• Apply • Complete ApplicationData Room – (Due Diligence information)

• Uploading Documents • Submitting • Permissions

Using the Order Book• Lead • Quick-Fill • Fill-in

Allocations• Selecting Leads • Selecting Fill-ins• Preemptive Rights

Closings• Exchanging Closing Documents • Escrow

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February 7, 2001

Broker-DealerBroker-DealerDeal Center

• Viewing Deal PipelineWorking with the Issuer

• Issuance Application • Issuer Data Room• Order Book

Working with the Investor• Acting on Application • Viewing trade detail

Reports• ACCPSQ – Access Provided Settlement Date Quarterly• ORDTTO – Orders Taken Trade Blotter On Demand

Call Logs• Reviewing • Composing

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February 7, 2001

Broker-Dealer Admin CenterBroker-Dealer Admin CenterAssigning IssuancesUnassigning IssuancesAssigning InvestorsUnassigning InvestorsOnline oversight of all deals

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February 7, 2001

Application linksApplication linksOnline helpUsing the Feedback linkRound1 Support personnel

• General Support Issues• Broker-Dealer Issues• Application Issues

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February 7, 2001

Overview Overview

Issu e r

G et A ccred ited A p p lyV iew In vestm en tO p p ortu n ities

G et Issu erP erm ission

R eview D a taR oom

P lace a B id(Lead , Q u ickFill, fill-in )

A ccep tA lloca tion

A p p lyU p load D u eD iligen ce In fo toD a ta R oom

P erm it In terestedIn vesto rs/M eet In vesto rs

C on figu reIssu an ce, G etterm s an dsch ed u le

S elec t w in n in gb id

S elec t F ill -in

F in a lizeA lloca tion ,A ssignP reem p tiverigh ts

A ccep t/R ejec tIssu er an dIn vesto rA p p lica tion s

C on d u c t Q u ickFill R ou n d

R eview /R eleaseD u e D iligen ceIn fo rm a tion

O p en O rd erB ook

M on ito r B id d in gP rocess (h an d leb ou n d ary cases)

C lose A u c tionR eview C losin gD ocs/Fu n d in gP rocess

If F ill-in con figu reIssu an ce, G et term san d sch ed u le

In d iv id u a l/In st itu t io n a l In v e sto r

B r o k e r -D e a le rA sso c ia te

B r o k e r -D e a le rM a n a g e r

Closing &



R eview va riou srep orts• T rad e B lo tter• D ea l P ip elin e

A ssign Issu ersan d In vesto rs toB rok er-D ea lerA ssoc ia tes

* O ffL in e B -D h a n d le s /m o n ito rs e sc ro w p ro c e ss w ith I s su e r a n d In v e s to r .

Page 9: February 7, 2001 Round1- Private Capital Automation System Operating and Maintaining your Private Capital Market Place

February 7, 2001

SummarySummaryThe PCAS ProcessOnline helpProviding Feedback

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February 7, 2001

Common FeaturesCommon FeaturesSetting up the PCAS to Work EfficientlyUnderstanding the PCAS Features

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February 7, 2001

Today’s TopicsToday’s TopicsUsing Panels and Panel ButtonsMessaging ComponentMaintaining your Event CalendarManaging your User AccountSetting your PreferencesRefreshing your SessionLogging Out

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February 7, 2001

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February 7, 2001

Panels and Panel ButtonsPanels and Panel ButtonsPanels separate the various features within

a particular tabYou can select which panels you want to

see by toggling the panel buttons

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February 7, 2001

How to Hide a PanelHow to Hide a Panel Click the panel

button next to the panel name you want to hide

When a panel button is gray, the panel is hidden

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February 7, 2001

To view hidden PanelsTo view hidden Panels Click the panel

button next to the panel name you want to view

When a panel button is white, the panel is visible

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February 7, 2001

Messaging ComponentMessaging ComponentThe Messaging component lets you view,

compose, and remove incoming and outgoing messages from other users of the PCAS.

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February 7, 2001

View a messageView a messageClick the underlined subject of the

message you wish to read

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February 7, 2001

To compose a messageTo compose a message Click Compose

above the Outgoing Messages panel

Enter your message in the message box

Click OK

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February 7, 2001

To remove a messageTo remove a message Click Remove above

the panel containing the message(s) you want to remove

Select the subject line(s) of the message(s) you want to remove

Click Remove

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February 7, 2001

Event CalendarEvent Calendar

The Event Calendar lets you view, add or delete an event

• Use the Event Calendar to track the progress of an Issuance

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February 7, 2001

Adding An EventAdding An Event You can add an event

to your calendar as a reminder

Click Create New Event

Enter all information requested.

Click OK

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February 7, 2001

Deleting an EventDeleting an EventYou can only delete events that you addedClick delete next to the subject

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February 7, 2001

Managing your User AccountManaging your User Account

Your User Account consists of your name, contact information and password

You can update this information to keep your records current

To view your account information, click the Account tab

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February 7, 2001

Editing your AccountEditing your Account Click the User’s

name Select the Account

Details Page Click Edit Make your changes Click Apply

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February 7, 2001

Setting your PreferencesSetting your Preferences Session Time Out – select from the drop-down

list up to 12 hours and 59 minutes Preferred Language –English is the only option

at this time. Time Zone – select from the drop-down list. List Panel Height – select from the drop-down

list the number of items you want to view in a panel at a time

Find/Select Panel Height –select from the drop-down list the height of your search results panel

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February 7, 2001

Changing your PreferencesChanging your Preferences Click Preferences at

the bottom of the page

Make your changes Click OK

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February 7, 2001

Updating Your SessionUpdating Your SessionClick Refresh at the bottom of the page to

update your PCAS session. This gives you the most current view of data in the PCAS.

• If you are an issuer, click Refresh to view any new bids in your Order Book• If you are an investor, click Refresh after you submit a bid to see if the investor has responded• If you are a Broker-Dealer, click Refresh from your Deal Center to update your current investors or issuances

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February 7, 2001

Logging OutLogging OutLogging out of your PCAS session

maximizes your security To prevent others from viewing your

PCAS session, you should close your web browser after you logout.

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February 7, 2001

Providing FeedbackProviding FeedbackUsing the application Feedback linkCalling Round1 Support personnel

• General Support issues• Broker-Dealer issues• Beta Program issues• Technology issues• IT issues

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February 7, 2001

SummarySummaryToggle panel buttonsCreate, view and delete messagesCreate and maintain your Event CalendarMaintain your account informationChange your PCAS PreferencesRefresh your PCAS sessionLog Out

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