Page 1: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 3

Celebrating Family Day!

Page 19

Look on Page 4 for Town of Strathmore Municipal Notices

Page 21

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Kings in tough playoff battle

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Volume 4 issue 8

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Horse drawn sleigh rides were just one of the many activities people could take part in at Kins-men Park on Feb. 20. See page 21 for more coverage.

Cody Gregory Photo

Shannon LeCLairTimes Reporter

The government of Alberta released its 2012 budget last week, and the three key facts include no tax increases, a balanced budget projection and increased invest-ment in families, communities, education and supports for the vulnerable.

“It’s certainly a positive budget, I think it’s been well received. When you look at the economy that we enjoy in this prov-ince we are in an enviable position,” said MLA Arno Doerkson.

“We’re leading the country with regard to growth at 3.8 per cent, and that’s not only economic growth but also employ-ment growth has been moving at the same rate, and that’s certainly the highest in the country.”

Over half of the new jobs in Canada have been right here in Alberta, and we have the lowest unemployment rate which is around 5.5 per cent said Doerkson.

He says Alberta is in a strong economic position and said from that there are posi-tive revenue projections for the coming years.

“A positive thing about the budget that starts April 1 of this year and runs for the following years is, there is no new taxes anywhere in the budget. There is still a deficit but that is significantly less than what was anticipated earlier and project-ed a balanced budget for 2013/14 which I think is certainly positive for our prov-ince,” said Doerkson.

There is really strong investment in stu-dents, he said, and there are some new programs coming to help support post-secondary students, young people in uni-versity, both for their ongoing costs but also some incentives to complete their schooling. There will also be 14 new K-12 schools opening their doors this year across the province.

“The other really significant investment, I think, is in families and communities with $100 million being committed to im-proving access to primary health care, and mental health services, that will include our premiers commitment to family care clinics as well,” said Doerkson.

Continued on Page 2

Alberta’s 2012 budget proposes no tax increase, balanced budget in 2013/14

Winter wonderland!

sTraTHmoreTIMESLocally Owned & Operated

Page 2: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

people. The tires, which weigh close to 400 pounds, damaged doors, walls and ceiling. The momentum cracked a floor joist, left carpet filled with glass fragments, smashed cabinetry and threw wreckage at treasured animal mounts done by his son.

“I’d rather be in front of the camera with a lotto cheque than this,” said Oriold about his recent near brush with death and fame. “You have to see it to believe it.”

The wheels, complete with hubs, flew off a passing semi-truck, travelled off Hwy 24, burst through a neighbour’s fence and bounced against a power pole in front of the house. An antique wheel mounted on the post was driven hard enough to leave a one-inch deep imprint. The tires, still airborne, crashed through the screen and exterior front door, up through the stairwell railing and grazed the wall at about 4 ft high. The tires crashed to a stop in a stub wall of Oriold’s newly renovated kitchen.

Oriold’s house sits across from the Welcome to Cheadle sign along Hwy 24.There is a reduced speed of 80km posted on the road, but Oriold says the trucks do not observe the limits.

“They rush through here at 100 to 120 km an hour. We get a lot of truck traffic going through here. We get them from the south, from the States, off 901 and 22X, coming out from Glenmore Trail. I have seen so many close calls out here, “said Oriold.

Currently, the road is a two-lane asphalt with no medians. There are only grass ditch banks which separate traffic from the local neighbourhood. Oriold is concerned that with the new Hwy 1 interchange traffic will increase. He does not want to think what could have happened if it had been the truck and not just the tires that crashed through the wall. His wife and granddaughter were home at the time and he said it was just chance that no one was injured.

‘“I told 911 that truck tires crashed through my house and they asked ‘well, where’s the truck?’”

County councillors have contacted Oriold to find out his sug-gestions about preventing accidents like this from happening again. He suggests implementing a significant reduction in the speed limit and enforcing it.

“Totally reduce the speed limit. Number one, I`m not saying that at 70 or 80 clicks that the wheels still wouldn`t do damage, but they may not have had the speed up,” suggested Oriold about the flying debris.

The driver of the truck realized he was missing the wheels when he did an inspection in Edmonton. The RCMP are still in-vestigating the case. The driver’s company has been in contact Oriold to investigate damages.

Every year there are a number of accidents caused by flying highway debris and some of the debris comes from parts drop-ping off vehicles.

The Alberta Vehicle Inspection Program endeavors to re-duce those accidents by monitoring vehicles on a regular basis. There are currently 121 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Of-ficers in the province. It is their responsibility to check for in-spection decals and paperwork which corroborate that licensed mechanics have certified the vehicles meet safety standards. Registered owners are responsible for ensuring that each bus, truck, light truck, or trailer owned by them receives the re-quired inspection.

Brendan Cox, spokesperson for Alberta Solicitor General and Public Safety, stated under Alberta’s Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation, all commercial vehicle drivers operating vehicles over 11,798 kgs are required to complete and document a com-prehensive trip inspection, and the carrier is required to main-tain the trip inspection reports for six months to confirm com-pliance in the event of an audit. Under the Alberta Traffic Safety Act 154, charges for infractions can be laid with penalties. Any-where between a $230 fine, or payments of up to $25,000 can be levied, if the case appears before a judge.

Page 2 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

Continued from Page 1

“One of the things that will affect every community across the province is the $400 per month increase to the AISH funding. That impacts over 45,000 Albertans and will be an important program and I am pleased to see that increase.”

AISH is for Albertans who use the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped program. The $400 increase will be beneficial to those who currently use the program, and Doerkson believes there is an expansion to what an AISH recipient can make on their own as well.

“I think the context around the fact that there’s some projection for a balanced budget next year is positive. Cer-tainly when you look around the world, Alberta is poised to be the leader both nationally and to succeed in interna-tional markets and there is a real commitment to that, both

through the budget and also from our premier’s commit-ment to represent our province internationally,” said Doerk-son.

“I think for municipalities what’s positive is three year funding, as well as for education that provides the oppor-tunity for municipalities and school boards to plan into the future, just like we have done with Alberta Health Services. That secure funding out into the future has worked for be-ing able to plan programs and find deficiencies within the program.”

The deficit is projected to be $886 million, which is down $432 million from the 2011/12 forecast. There is a projec-tion for a $5.2 billion surplus by 2014/15. Expenses are expected to go up by $1.3 billion, which is mainly due to 75 per cent of the operating budget being invested in health, education and human services.

No tax increase in provincial budget

Bill Oriold shows where the wheels demolished his front door.

Sharon McLeay

Sharon McLeay Times Contributor

A 6 a.m. house call, by a couple of semi-truck tires, has Bill Oriold of Chea-dle fending off media and meeting with claim adjusters, insurance structural en-gineers, cleanup crews, and restoration

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Auto insurance eats up about half of the costs with home insurance a bit more than the life insurance total. Do you know what you spend on your insurances? Do you know what coverage you have in place?

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Page 3: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Concerns over the future of the Heritage Days Stampede is what brought members of the Strathmore and District Agri-cultural Society to council on Feb. 15.

Grant Klaiber spoke on behalf of the Ag. Society, stating that they wanted to inform council and the citizens of Strath-more of some potentially major decisions that may have to be made in the near future that will have an impact on the community as a whole.

After giving a brief history of agricultural societies and their mandate Klaiber brought up the issue that is at the forefront for the Strathmore Ag. Society.

“In the past few years we’ve identified some major changes that we feel are having a profound affect on the role of the Ag. Society in our community and is the primary reason that we are here tonight. Without question the largest undertak-ing our Ag. Society has each year is the Strathmore Heritage Days Stampede,” said Klaiber.

Two of the trends identified include that it is getting harder each year to fill the grandstands, and it has been a challenge to provide a show that has something for everyone.

“The legions of rodeo enthusiasts are dwindling, each year the grandstand seems to become a little bit greyer. We’ve tried to appeal to a younger crowd by bringing in acts such as the stunt motorcycles, and of course the running of the bulls has been a resounding success,” said Klaiber.

“The budget for our annual show approaches seven figures and due to inflation there are constant demands for increases from the entertainment providers, and on the other side the reluctance of our guests to accept any further increases to

our gate admission. “The consequences of this squeeze are that our margins

are becoming so tight that any kind of a glitch such as bad weather threatens the very future of the show itself.”

Klaiber said it has also become increasingly difficult to provide peripheral entertainment for the rodeo, and this year the Ag. Society is unable to secure a midway.

Because of all of the challenges and issues being faced, the Ag. Society has decided to reduce the 2012 event to four days from the previous five, and has been looking at all aspects of the show to trim expenses.

Discussion has also already begun about the future format of the rodeo beyond 2012.

“We, the board of the Strathmore and District Agricultural Society are looking to the future and tonight we are serving notice to our community and the many interest groups in our town that we want their input to help us determine what direction we are going to take,” said Klaiber.

“The challenges we face will have an impact on our town and our community, whether or not that impact will be for the good or not is entirely up to the participation of those involved.”

Klaiber said the show will go on this year, and the Ag. Soci-ety will continue putting on a show as long as they can. They have identified though that the show has to change, and the weekend has to change and they are looking for ideas, espe-cially on how to get the young people out.

The Ag. Society did receive the support from council they were looking for when Councillor Sobol made a motion that council indicate support and that steps be taken to demon-strate the support to the Alberta Government either in writ-ing or in person.

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 3

Family Day fun

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The future of Heritage Days looks dismal, Ag Society looking for public input

Tara Gillies shows off some of the photos drawn by kids at A&W during their Family Day festivities. There were plenty of crafts and games to keep the kids amused, and free coffee for mom and dad.

Cody Gregory Photo

Lions familybreakfastThe Cheadle Lions held their an-nual pancake breakfast on Fam-ily Day, Feb. 20. There was face painting, balloon animals and of course plenty of food for every-one.

Cody Gregory Photos

Page 4: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 4 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

town of


We heard there’s room in...

upcoming council meetings will be held march 7 & 21 at 7:30 pm.

Agendas are available on the Town Website under Council.

680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB t1p 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • office Hours: m - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

signsThe sign tabs have now been changed to reflect the name change on Centennial Drive (formerly East Lake Road).

delegAtion pRocessIf you are planning to attend Council Meetings as a delegation, here are the steps you need to take.1. Contact our Municipal Clerk at 403-934-3133 to schedule a time and in which you will be heard at a Council meeting.2. Delegations MUST submit a summary in writing briefing Council about what it is that you will be presenting.3. This must be done by the Wednesday before a Council meeting with the exception of Christmas holidays, in which case you must give yourself two weeks before the 1st meeting in January.

If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact the Town Office.The proposed Bylaw # 11-27 proposes to:

Implement the Lakewood Meadows Area Structure Plan for the lands located on a portion of NW 22-24-25 W4M containing approximately ± 58 hectares (± 144.5 acres) within the Town of Strathmore.

Bylaw #11-27 Lakewood Meadows Area Structure Plan Affected Area

notice oF puBlic HeARing: BYlAW # 11-27

tos2012-02 emploYment oppoRtunitY

liFeguARd/instRuctoRRole and Responsibilities• Responsible for performing Lifeguarding & Instructor duties. Assists in maintaining the overall operations of the pool in order to meet Provincial Health and Safety Standards.Qualifications and education Requirements• 16 years of age• Current NLS Award• Current Standard First Aid Award• Current CPR C / AED Award• Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Award• Lifesaving Instructor / Examiner Award (An Asset)• Any other qualifications are an assetHours of Work• 30 hours or less per weekThis competition will be open until a suitable candidate has been selected.

Linda Nelson, Deputy CAOTown of Strathmore680 Westchester RoadStrathmore, AB T1P 1J1Email: [email protected](When emailing please quote the position in subject line)

A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be inspected by the public during regular office hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, monday to Friday at the town office (680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB), or can be found on the town website ( Please contact the Town Office if you would like an opportunity to review and provide input on the proposed amendments prior to the Public Hearing.

The Public Hearing will be held at the Council Chambers, Strathmore Municipal Building, 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore Alberta on Wednesday, march 7th, 2012, commencing at 7:30 pm with procedures in accordance with the Town of Strathmore Council Procedural Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto.

Any person or group of persons, or person acting on his or their behalf, who claims to be affected by any or all of the proposed bylaws may present suggestions or concerns by making a submission to the public hearing.

Written submissions to the Public Hearing or the name of any person wishing to make an oral presentation at the Public Hearing must be received by the Planning and Development Department prior to 12:00 noon on Friday march 2nd, 2012 as outlined in Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto. If your written submission is not received by this time, please provide fifteen (15) copies for distribution at the Public Hearing. Each person wishing to address Council at the Public Hearing shall complete their verbal presentation within five minutes.

Please note that written submissions will become public documents once submitted to the Town, unless otherwise requested.

Tammy Henry, M.PL, RPP, MCIPDirector of Planning and Development

notice oF deVelopment peRmitsThe following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Develop-ment Appeal Board:

Application: 12/D-026Civic Address: 875 Briarwood RoadLegal Description: Lot 65, Block 6, Plan 8010030Development: Variance – Side Yard setback for as built deck, shed and gazebo: Deck 0.39 meters Accessory Building (shed) 0.73 meters Gazebo 0.26 meters

The above noted file(s) can be viewed at the Town Office during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue fifteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are filed prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 West-chester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1.

Date of Publication: February 23, 2012 Deadline for Appeal: March 8, 2012

Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIPDirector, Planning & Development

inVite to contRActoRsTender for the 2012/13 Town Sweeping Program is now open

To view tender www. Tender closes March 6,2012 @2.00pm

tHAnk YouThank you to all who participated in The Great Skate at Kinsmen Park

on Family Day! We hope you all enjoyed the day. Thank you to the HEAL Committee for your hard work.

Page 5: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Shannon LeCLairTimes Reporter

The Black Jack Comedy tour featur-ing Matt Billon and the King of Cana-dian Comedy Mike MacDonald will be coming to Strathmore on March 2. Tickets are only $20 and the show will be held at the Travelodge.

“There’s really no subject that we don’t tackle, we kind of cover all bases together and we put on a great show,” said Billon.

“It’s two acts for the price of one really, it’s really two really good acts that it’s obvious from the chemistry on stage that we’re friends, that we get along, and that we both have a differ-ent style, but it’s both with the same kind of attitude or opinion,” said MacDonald.

The two men met at a Just For Laughs festival

in Montreal in 2003. Billon had just finished a show when MacDonald approached him and in-troduced himself.

When Billon went to Los Angeles a few months later and reconnected with MacDonald, the two have been good friends ever since. They soon started doing tours together in the summer, and decided to keep going a book a few tours together each year.

“That’s always the thing with com-edy you never get to pick who you’re working with it’s always through dif-ferent agents and so this is the only tour that Mike and I can control and make sure that we know who we’re working with and that we enjoy each others company,” said Billon.

Doors to the show open at 8 p.m. and any one looking to reserve seats can call 403-901-7196.

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 5

Borrowing bylaw could see town at 66.6% debt limitShannon LeCLairTimes Reporter

Included in the December budget was a provi-sion to borrow funding for the potable water res-ervoir. The amount to be borrowed is $3,120,000, and it is anticipated the project will cost around $9 million.

It’s anticipated the amount will be borrowed in June from the Alberta Capital Finance Authority, whose present rates are for a 15-year term at a 2.663 per cent fixed rate.

If the funds are borrowed, the town will be at 66.6 per cent of its debt limit. The project could potentially come in higher or lower than the es-timated $9 million. Tenders have been issued for the project and will be closing on March 12.

Councillor Best is concerned about having a floating figure and wanted to wait until after the tenders come in before approving the motion.

Mel Tiede, director of corporate services for the town, explained that the town is not obli-gated to borrow the full amount, but can borrow up to that amount. If the project were to come in at $1 million more, then the town would either have to find the additional funds from reserves, borrowing or grants, but Tiede said borrowing is not the only option.

The reservoir is needed to bring the town’s

potable water storage increase to approximately four days in the case of an emergency.

First reading was given to the borrowing by-law, with Councillor Best opposed, and will be heading to a public hearing in April.

MeMoranduM approved by town, county A Memorandum of Understanding was ap-

proved for a joint emergency operating centre between the town of Strathmore and Wheatland County. It’s for a three year term and Linda Nel-son, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for the town, said the agreement is basically for where a requesting party may request assistance from a supplying party in the event of a disaster or emergency situation. The requesting party, how-ever, cannot activate its own emergency operat-ing centre, and there is a limitation clause where the supplying party can, by its absolute discre-tion, refuse to render assistance.

naMes advisory coMMittee Council approved the name Grandview Gar-

dens for the area immediately northeast of Strathaven. The name came from actually stand-ing on the property and realizing it is a ‘grand view,’ said Councillor Earl Best. The family name Sorenson was proposed for future use and has been placed in the names reserve list.

Photos Courtesy of Richard Clarke

Families gathered together for food and fun on Feb. 19 when the Gleichen Kids Club hosted a Family Day breakfast. There was face painting, a balloon artist and all day outdoor and indoor public skating.


Dinner, Song and Dance Performance and Family Dance to follow!


Black Jack comedy tour comes to Strathmore

Mike MacDonald

Matt Billon

Family day in Gleichen

Shannon LeClair Photo

Ribbitz co-owner Lindsay mullins, left, presented Corrine Ball a representative of Project H.O.P.e with $480. The money was when Ribbitz raffled off baskets at Christmas. Because it was a cash do-nation the Community Spirit Grant will match the money. Ball said the money is matched through the grant any time a donation is made in cash, or by a per-sonal cheque.

Ribbitz gives back

Page 6: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

timesPage 6 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

We’re not horsin’ around.Taking our Courtesy Matters® program to heart.

Encana employees and contractors have embraced the philosophy of our Courtesy Matters program, namely: courteous behaviour, honest dialogue and actively addressing potential concerns raised as a result of our operations.

We’re proud of staff who go beyond the call of duty, and appreciate when their efforts are brought to our attention by neighbours in communities where we operate.

We would like to recognize the efforts of a Completions Supervisor who works at our operations in the Strathmore area.

On his way to provide advance notice to a landowner that completions

work was going to start at one of our well sites, the Supervisor saw three horses in a fenced area nearby. Concerned that operational noise may spook the animals, he alerted the landowner. Together, the two men worked to lead the horses to another pasture.

Encana’s company-wide Courtesy Matters program focuses on being a good neighbour, addressing concerns from dust and traffic to noise and road activity.

If you’d like to recognize someone in your community for their commitment to Courtesy Matters, let us know!

Follow us on us on us on

Courtesy Matters is a registered trademark of Encana Corporation.

Shannon LeCLairTimes Reporter

A&W is a strong supporter of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society, and this year the Strathmore A&W found a way to help someone local that is in need.

Debra Grouwstra has been fighting MS for the last three years, and when Will Whatley, the manager of Strath-more A&W, heard about Grouwstra from one of his former supervisors he knew he had to help. Whatley had been told about how Grouwstra had to spend all of last summer confined to her house because she was unable to make it up and down the stairs.

“She was looking for funds to build a ramp so I figured we’d tie it togeth-er. Half the funds will go to the MS Society and the other half will go to rebuilding the front of her house so that she has an access ramp to be able to get in and out of her house,” said Whatley.

Grouwstra is happy to know the ramp will be there for her, but is more excited that it will be there for her landlady’s future residents as well. She said her landlady helps senior women who need a place to go before head-ing to other nursing homes.

Grouwstra was first diagnosed with MS in 2009, and it is something she has battled with every day.

“I suddenly had a violent attack in my head and literally could not walk, I literally just dropped and had a massive attack and bed-ridden and thought, my goodness I have a bad flu, this is pretty bad,” said Grouwstra.

The flu didn’t go away. She said she first struggled to get out of bed and walk, and would have to crawl to the washroom, occasionally crawling a bit further when no one was around. Grouwstra would use the wall and doorknobs to pull herself up and help herself stand and take a few steps. She said her dogs and her cat bugged her enough to keep fighting, they wouldn’t leave her alone.

“They knew there was something drastically wrong and they enticed me to keep going, bothering me very much. Of course other people were rooting for me too, we thought, oh this is going to go away, so I would just start walking,” said Grouwstra.

“I would keep striding for my strength until I could get outdoors,

and then I would have people set up so benches for me so I could walk far-ther and sit down. I noticed something strange about my life at that time, when I got into the hot sun I para-lyzed and I could not understand that, and I could not understand the pain I got in my spine, in my hand…it was excruciating pain…especially being in the heat and the sun, so I began to just go out in the early mornings and the evenings to enjoy the outdoors.”

She said eventually she acquired a walker and was able to make it to the stable. Prior to this she had been a rancher and a horsewoman train-ing therapeutic horses, which was her life’s work.

“It was an enjoyable life’s work to always be training horses and always with a goal that it helped someone, that horses are our helpers,” said Grouwstra.

In the few years since Grouwstra was diagnosed, she has found coping mechanisms such as having a strong support system, but has found every stage of MS to be difficult.

“The pain is difficult, neuropathic pain is very difficult, and what I have found is every stage of MS emotionally and mentally traumatizes everything you do,” said Grouwstra.

“When you start to lose function it traumatizes you, so you have to have a spirit to overcome the trauma of every stage of MS. It takes a great deal of love in your life from people around you so that you can gain that (energy) to overcome trauma, and have a posi-tive mind…to overcome that trauma so you don’t let it win.

“There is a side to MS that’s very lonely, you can lose a partner in life when you’re diagnosed with MS and that is extremely painful and extreme-ly difficult. If a single person comes down with MS other people might not want to reach out to you and become your partner because MS, through the attacks of MS, you spiral downwards from being ambulatory can go all the way down to quadriplegic conditions.”

Grouwstra said sometimes people will get angry as a way of coping, and that can sometimes lead to victimiza-tion of the person suffering from MS. The number one thing that Grouwstra feels a person with MS needs is love. She feels a strong loving support sys-tem can help make the days a little easier for someone trying to fight MS.

Strathmore A&W helps support MS in a hands on way

Shannon LeClair Photo

Debra Grouwstra has been fighting mS for a number of years, recently Strathmore A&W announced that half of the money they raise during their mS fundraising will be going to Grouwstra to build a wheelchair ramp outside of her home. Grouwstra used to be a rancher and horsewoman, and spent time at the Spiritual equine Connection Society, owned by Kari Fulmek, reacquainting herself with the animals she loves. Debra Grouwstra, right, and michelle Quon meeting the horses at the Spiritual equine Connection Society.

Page 7: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 7


Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, Indus, Langdon, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.

Contributors Wendi Tashlikowich, Doug Taylor, Manny Everett, Jenna Campbell, Sharon McLeay

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589

Mario Prusina Publisher / EditorShannon LeClair Reporter Rose Hamrlik Advertising Tracey Rogers Office Manager Jody Schneider Production

The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.

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Productive start for Parliament in 2012

Pat FuleFule for Thought

I have a mission, one that must be done soon-er, rather than later. Alberta has a dry, sometimes harsh environment, and that’s what I’ve been tell-ing myself when I search for answers. The ques-tion is, how did I get so addicted to lip balm? I know I’m not alone because I often see other people bringing out theirs. There’s a serious look on their faces, followed by the relief of smearing on whatever is in the stuff! ( I wonder if it’s a con-spiracy….maybe the big companies have the stuff rigged, so we get hooked on it!) Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to make light of any addic-tions, but this ‘attachment’ has become a ‘monkey on my back.’

Lip balm … some call it “lipstuff, chapstick, or chapstuff.”

Often, we also give nicknames to other things like ‘horse’ for heroin, ‘grass’ for marijuana … but whatever the name, addiction’s the same. Now, I’ve never stolen a TV to support my habit, but I still need to smear that gunk on my lips! That feeling of instant gratification can’t be beaten, but it’s not enough … it’s never enough. Sooner or later, I need to re-apply the stuff, and I’m back to square one! It’s always in my right pocket, whether I wear pants or shorts. I panic if I can’t find it, and I’ve been known to leave the house at night to buy one! I’ve even bought an extra one, just in case. Heck, I’ve even fumbled around in the middle of the night to put on some! Now if you just switch liquor for balm in those situations, you’d see just how it lip balm can be an addiction! I know I need help, I know I’ve got to quit … but it’s bigger than me!

If only there was a group of us … say “Chap-stick Anonymous.”

I’d have a sponsor, someone I could call to ‘talk me down’ from giving into it! Believe it or not, if you Google this, there are many websites that talk of this addiction, and I just found the one called “Lip Balm Anonymous”! (I’ll have to go there and

really read carefully how to kick this habit!) I have a friend who was also tormented by lip

balm, but he was stronger, more brave than me. He stopped using lip balm ‘cold turkey!’

I asked him what it was like, and he admitted “it was hell.”

He said his lips dried up, felt like cracked leath-er, and then began to peel badly! He did it over a school break, so he could kick it at home (sur-rounded by loved ones, I’ll bet!). There must be a nice place we could go, like a rehab spa, where trained people could help us ease off the stuff!

I’m afraid for my son, too. Lately when we’re together, he’s asked to borrow my “lip stuff.”

I always agree, but often watch him closely to make sure he doesn’t try to “forget” and put it in HIS pocket! (What does hurt is that he always rubs the applicator on his arm … I guess it’s to get rid of “Dad germs!”)

It’s my fault … I set a bad example. If he saw me using the balm, he’d feel it was okay for him to use it, too. Now he’s an adult, and I can’t stop him.

I’ve secretly hoped for an ‘Intervention,’ for family and friends to surround me, and read their statements of love, anger, and support, to get me to quit! But for now, the balm is stronger than me … it’s winning. So far, we balm users haven’t been banned from public places, and I hope we never will. If you are in the same situation as me, maybe we can start a support group, to help us beat this. Maybe we could even get government funding; I mean some of the things our governments have funded, are been pretty bizarre! However, I have to end this column now, because once again, I’ve misplaced my balm … and I need a “fix!”

Balm, James Balm … “license to dab” (chap-stick, that is).

(“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that will appear in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at [email protected])

Balm … James Balm

Kevin SorenSon, M.P., CrowFootParliamentary Report

Our Conservative government is keeping Par-liamentarians busy and making progress on nu-merous files in Ottawa during the first few weeks of 2012. Most notable for the constituents in our own riding is the final Third Reading Vote on Bill C-19, the Eliminating the Long-Gun Registry Bill. I delivered a speech during the Third Reading de-bate on Monday, Feb. 13, perhaps my last speech in support of scrapping the long-gun registry. Of course, this bill will proceed to the Senate and repeat the process it has passed in the House of Commons. I predict it will be ready for Royal As-sent in the very near future.

I invite concerned constituents to my website ( to read the special two-page Op-Ed I have provided detailing the facts about Old Age Security and the necessary chang-es that our government will make to ensure sus-tainability of this retirement benefit for Seniors in the next generation.

“There will not be a cent cut from pensioners, or from those who are approaching retirement,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the House of Commons.

Canadians who are not near retirement will re-ceive substantial notice of changes to Old Age Security, to ensure they have ample time to plan for their future.

In the 1970s there were seven workers for

every one person over the age of 65. Currently there are four and in 18 years there is expected to be two workers for every person over the age of 65. On its current path, Old Age Security is un-sustainable. Ignoring this problem is a dangerous course of action that would put the retirement benefits of future Canadians at risk.

At the same time Members of Parliament voted for the last time to scrap the failed and costly long-gun registry, MPs voted for the first time to eliminate Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act that squelches free speech in Canada. Bill C-304 was brought forward by Alberta MP Brian Storseth and I know that the vast major-ity of my constituents support this effort. We have all read about lives being ruined, reputa-tions trashed, jobs lost, and a fortune racked up in legal bills as a result of ‘prosecutions’ under Section 13.

Also noteworthy in the first few weeks of the New Year in the Parliamentary calendar was Prime Minister Harper’s Official Visit to China. In his 2009 visit, Canada and China signed agree-ments dealing with several areas, including tour-ism, cultural exchanges, climate change, energy conservation, green technologies, and education.

On this trip, several government-to-govern-ment agreements were signed dealing with air transportation, agriculture, double taxation and, a memorandum of understanding on energy co-operation was renewed. We secured a large num-ber of business contracts, worth nearly $3 billion.

Our Conservative government is working hard to grow Canada’s economy and provide jobs for hard-working Ca-nadians. While Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao claims that Chi-na is interested in exploring the viability of a full free-trade agreement with Canada, our Prime Minister maintains that we are interested in diversifying Canadian trade.

Canadians know that it will be difficult to achieve a free-trade agreement with China and we know it won’t happen soon. In the interim, we have seen Prime Minister Harper accomplish two very successful missions to China. He has Canada firmly established in an optimal position going for-ward in Canada’s relations with China.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or previous columns you may write me at 4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600, toll-free 1-800-665-4358, fax 780-608-4603 or e-mail [email protected].

Page 8: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

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Page 8 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

Thought for the week

~ Only the things we share will multiply.

Do you have a special recipe you would like to share? Please submit to the Strathmore Times by Friday noon. Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or email [email protected]

Sausage & Egg Breakfast Casserole

now open at Crystal Ridge Landing!

1 pound bulk pork sausage6 eggs2 cups milk1 tsp salt1 tsp ground mustard6 slices bread, cut into 1/2-inch cubes1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

In a skillet, brown and crumble sausage; drain and set aside. In a large bowl, beat eggs; add milk, salt and mustard. Stir in bread cubes, cheese and sausage. Pour into a greased 11 x 7. baking dish. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before baking. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

Arno DoerksenStrathmore-Brooks MLA

One of the announcements coming out of last week’s budget was expanded coverage for diabe-tes supplies.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that poses a serious health concern for many Albertans. About 53 new cases of diabe-tes are diagnosed each day in the prov-ince.

A person with diabetes incurs medical costs, including diabetes supplies that are two to five times higher than those of a person without diabetes. To help ease these financial pressures, Minister of Health and Wellness Fred Horne an-nounced on Feb. 16, expanded coverage for vital supplies needed by insulin-dependent diabetics to monitor their blood glucose and help manage their disease.

As of July 1, 2012, Alberta Health and Wellness will pay the costs of a comprehensive range of

supplies for insulin-dependent diabetics through the Alberta Blue Cross Seniors, Non-Group and Palliative Care Drug plans.The funding will cover lancets, syringes/needles/cartridges and test strips for insulin-dependent diabetics.

All insulin-dependent diabetics, includ-ing those with gestational diabetes, are eligible to receive up to $600 in diabetic supplies per year. Eligibility will be deter-mined based on a individual’s prescrip-tion history, or by a pharmacist if an in-dividual does not have an Alberta Blue Cross prescription history.

Minister Horne also announced Lantus and Levemir, two new long-lasting insu-lins, were added to the list of drugs Feb. 1, to provide more options for Albertans to manage their diabetes.

The expanded coverage will take effect July 1, 2012. This additional support for insulin-depen-dent diabetics is part of government’s work to ensure Albertans have the best options to stay healthy and enjoy the highest quality of life.

Government offers helping hand

shAnnon LeCLAir Times Reporter

Students at Strathmore High School (SHS) will once again be holding a talent show to raise mon-ey for those in need. Last year was the first year for the show, and the money raised was used to create school kits for children in third world countries and orphanages.

“Last year we bought the supplies and assem-bled them, and this year we are just going to do-nate the money directly,” said Brooklyn Davidson, SHS student and organizer of the event.

“We’re donating the money to Free the Children, and Free the Children gives 100 per cent of dona-tions to the cause. So they’ll use the money to-wards buying more school desks and they’ll also be buying school supplies for the kids.”

Last year there were a few issues getting the kits over the border, and though they did eventually make it over, this year Davidson decided to spend all the money to go directly towards the cause. Davidson believes over $2,400 was raised last year and the goal is to raise $3,000 this year.

Davidson, who is graduating this year, is hoping someone will carry on the new found school tradi-tion of having a benefit show.

“I hope so, that’s the goal. I’ve been to a few

Grade 11’s and trying to see if they would be inter-ested in it. I don’t know if they would keep with the Kits for Kids theme but the doing a benefit show I think will continue for whatever cause they feel that they need,” said Davidson.

“I think a benefit show is really successful in our school because we have a ton of talent, we have a lot of dancers, a lot of people who are talented musically.

“It’s nice to be able to show that off, and it’s dif-ferent from the school talent show because this is open to the public and the acts are a bit more re-hearsed and it really gives them a chance to show off what they’re working at.”

The students helping belong to the Me to We Club, which Davidson is also a member of. She said the club dedicates each year to different causes.

The talent show will have a variety of acts, in-cluding a few bands, dancers and soloists.

“During the show…to make up for time for set changes we’ll be playing Minute to Win it with the audience, so they’ll be able to win little prizes dur-ing the show,” said Davidson.

The talent show is Feb. 29 in the SHS theatre, and is open to everyone. Tickets are $10 each, and the doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets can be pur-chased at the door or through the high school by calling 403-934-3135.

Benefit show to help students in need

Page 9: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 9

Times TidbiTsDid you know?

A person born on February 29 may be called a “leapling” or a “leaper”.

In common years they usually celebrate their birthdays on February 28 or March 1.

Once upon a dream

Wheatland elementary students participated in the Winter Carnival on Feb. 17. The weather made it nice to be outside, but it did mean changing a few of the events.

shannon LeClair Photos

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Letters to the editor

To the EditorRe: TELUS temporary phone lines ex-

posed, Sharon McLeay. February 10, 2012TELUS read Sharon McLeay’s story on

February 10 regarding TELUS temporary phone lines. We know the Strathmore Times prides itself on fair and accurate re-porting, so we would like to clarify some information presented in Ms. McLeay’s story and take this opportunity to set the record straight.

The story indicates we place a higher priority on urban and business sites and population density determines work prior-ity standing. To be clear, there is no distinct priority between counties. TELUS applies the same priority schedule to the County of Wheatland as it does other counties. In all counties across Alberta, priority is given to major communication traffic routes that pose risk of community isolation. Particu-lar attention is also paid to any routes that may be serving operations such as police stations, hospitals and fire stations.

The story includes: “The Company laid out 14 kilometres of permanent line last year and just over 14 kilometres of per-manent line was done.” Perhaps this was just an error in placing the decimal point. Last year, TELUS laid out 1.4 kilometres of

temporary line to accommodate road con-struction in the area. In the same year, we permanently buried 14 kilometres of tem-porary line. It is important to note that TELUS places more than 600,000 metres of cable every year in Alberta to accommodate municipal road moves and other construc-tion projects. Believe it or not, that is actu-ally down from the boom years of recent years, and we do it at virtually our own ex-pense which is why we need to prioritize the work. We also do not charge a customer if a temporary cable is accidentally cut.

To keep up with the yearly rush of proj-ects across Alberta, we are forced to lay temporary cable and then come back to dig trenches and properly bury them afterward. The reality is that we are making good progress on burying temporary cable, but still catching up on the backlog from the economic boom of the past years.

TELUS’ main priority in all cases is to en-sure cables are laid quickly to accommo-date all of these important local projects so we don’t hold them up, and that we mini-mize the risk of service disruption for our customers.

Chris GerritsenTELUS manager of Community


Setting the record straight

To the EditorIt is time for a report card on the Strath-

more Town Council since the election and the promises made.

Multiple current members of council promised not to increase their salaries if elected and wasn’t it one of the first orders of business to increase Council Salaries?

It was all of the rage to posture about revitalizing the downtown core to get votes, but all that was delivered was a clock that only works correctly part of the time.

More business are now closed down town than ever before.

Stop allowing new business development in new areas it draws away from the down-town core.

There is not enough of a population base for existing commercial space let alone new development. No new commercial building until the current spaces are occupied.

An Economic Development Officer was promised to us even though we all new at the time that an Economic Development Of-ficer could not be afforded and still can not.

Where is the new sheet of ice at the Fam-

ily Centre that was alluded too?Although it is desperately needed we can

not now or any time in the near future af-ford another sheet of ice.

Even though everyone campaigned on cutting the Town Of Strathmore debt, we are now drowning in debt even further with more unforeseen debt on the horizon.

The Highway #1 Realignment was a hot topic during the election to distract us from other important topics and what a fiasco that has turned out to be.

Since they campaigned on openness and transparency, is there going to be a full and complete disclosure on who actually owns every parcel of property on the Council Ap-proved Realignment? Not hiding behind the title of and Alberta Numbered Company but the actual names of the parcel owners and who will benefit from Councils Approved Realignment of Highway #1.

If this is not a failing grade it is consid-ered unsatisfactory.

Mr. John M. WhieldonStrathmore

Report cards for town council

Once upon a Dream, which fol-lowed the classic story line of Cinderella took place at Wheat-land elementary School on Feb. 15. Students from other schools were invited to the af-ternoon performance and then the evening was open to the public.

shannon LeClair Photo

Winter fun

Page 10: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 10 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012


WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2012 Fiesta SE sedan with manual transmission/2012 Focus SE sedan with automatic transmission/2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission for $16,999/$21,499/$21,999/$31,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$0/$5,000/$2,500 deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fi ll charge and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fl eet consumer incentives. **Choose 2.99%/1.99%/5.99%/4.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase fi nancing on a new 2012 Fiesta SE sedan with manual transmission/2012 Focus SE sedan with automatic transmission/2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualifi ed retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase fi nancing monthly payment is $230/$280/$323/475 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $106/$129/$149/$219 with a down payment of $1,850/$2,500/$2,500/$2,500 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $1,418.29/$1,172.54/$3,761.51/$4,696.87 or APR of 2.99%/1.99%/4.99%/4.99% and total to be repaid is $16,567.29/$20,171.54/$23,260.51/34,195.87. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $0/$0/$5,000/$2,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fi ll charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes are payable on the full amount of the purchase price. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that fi nancial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a fi rst payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. **From Feb. 1, 2012 to Apr. 2 , 2012, receive 0% APR purchase fi nancing on new 2012 Focus (excluding S) and Fiesta (excluding S) models for a maximum of 60 months to qualifi ed retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $20,000 purchase fi nanced at 0% APR for 60 months, monthly payment is $333.33, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $20,000. Down payment on purchase fi nancing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. †From Feb. 1, 2012 to Apr. 2, 2012, receive $500/ $750/ $1,000/ $1,750/ $2,000/ $2,500/ $3,000/ $3,500/ $4,000/ $4,500/ $5,000/ $5,500/ $6,500/ $7,500/ in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Flex SE, E-Series/ Explorer (excluding Base)/ Fusion S, Taurus SE, Escape I4 Manual, Transit Connect (excluding Electric)/ Mustang Value Leader/ F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/ Edge (excluding SE)/ Flex (excluding SE)/ Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/ Fusion (excluding S), Taurus (excluding SE), Expedition/ Mustang GT (excluding GT500 and Boss 302)/ Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)/ Escape V6, F-250 to F-450 gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/ F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)/ F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew, F-250 to F-450 diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs). All Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fl eet consumer incentives. ††Offer valid from February 1, 2012 to April 15, 2012 (the “Program Period”). Receive a maximum of [$500]/ [$1000] worth of selected Ford custom accessories, factory installed options, or Customer Cash with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Ford [Fiesta, Focus, Escape]/[Fusion, Mustang (excluding GT 500), Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Expedition, E-Series, Transit Connect] (each an “Eligible Vehicle”) during the Program Period (the “Offer”). Offer must be applied to the Eligible Vehicle. The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered or factory ordered during the Program Period. Taxes payable on the total price of the Eligible Vehicle (including accessories and factory options), before the Offer value is deducted. This Offer is subject to vehicle, accessory, and factory installed option availability. Only one (1) Offer may be applied toward the purchase or lease of each Eligible Vehicle. This Offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. This Offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP), or the A/X/Z/D/F Plan Program. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for models shown: 2012 Fiesta 1.6L I4 5-speed Manual transmission: [6.9L/100km (41MPG) City, 5.1L/100km (55MPG) Hwy] / 2012 Focus 2.0L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [7.3L/100km (39MPG) City, 5.2L/100km (54MPG) Hwy] / 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy] / 2012 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ‡Remember that even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics. It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions. ‡‡Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††© 2011 Sirius Canada Inc. “SIRIUS”, the SIRIUS dog logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SIRIUS XM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

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Page 11: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 11


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Page 12: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 12 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012










































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Page 13: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 13

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

The Matrix Cheer team keeps growing every year, and this year there are enough girls to fill two teams. There are 39 girls al-together, ages 9 to 18. The teams attended their first competition the weekend of Feb. 4. The junior team came home with first place and the senior team with second for their divisions.

“The first year was kind of small and every year it just builds. We don’t ask for a lot of experience, we teach them most of what they want, but most what we want is the commitment,” said Lori Knopf, who co-owns Jumphouse Gymnas-tics with Tara Smith and is one of the lead coaches for

the Matrix teams. “If they say they are going

to be on our team they need to be here. We’re putting in the effort as coaches and we need the athletes to put it in too.”

Next up for the girls is the Total Spirit Championships at West Edmonton Mall.

“They do it right on the ice rink, it’s really kind of cool. They take out the ice and that’s where you compete, right in the centre of the mall and it’s just very excit-ing,” said Knopf.

“For people that don’t know what it is, it is just like ‘Bring It On’ (the movie). Just the strength that it takes to build those pyramids of people stacking on top of people, that is what they do. It’s just like the movie…they go out, they work hard, they

Matrix cheer team prepare for Total Spirit Championships

Doug Taylor Photos

Strathmore’s celebration of lights

We are looking for Adult and Kids Costumes

for the 2012 Christmas Park – to be used for Christmas Eve Family Event.

If you have any unused costumes such as Comic Book

Characters, animals, princesses etc. that you would like to donate to the Christmas Park please let us know.

Call Rose at (403) 934-5589 Days(403) 934-3462 Evenings

(403) 934-8191 Cell

Families will be invited to attend this fun event to meet the various

characters, enjoy hot chocolate, hot dogs and listen to Christmas music

plus some extra fun events.

Thank you.

Please join

MLA Arno Doerksen


PubLic Meetings

Monday, February 27th Rosemary: 10am,

Recreation CentreGem: 2pm, Community Centre

Bassano: 7pm, Community Hall

Tuesday, February 28thHussar: 9:30am,

Senior Sundowners CentreRockyford: 2pm, Village OfficeStrathmore: 7pm, Sagewood

Community Centre (Second floor)

Wednesday, February 29thRolling Hills: 10am, Community Hall

Rainier: 2pm, Community HallBrooks: 7pm, Heritage Inn

strathmore-brooks constituencyFor information call (403) 362-6973

lift people over their head, throw them in the air, catch them and it’s an amaz-ing team sport.”

On April 14 the teams will be back in Edmonton for the All Star Extrava-ganza.

Tryouts are usually in September. Anyone interested in watching to see what it is about can watch during a practice time, which is Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. At the end of the season, which is around May, Knopf said sometimes they will invite kids who they have heard are in-terested to train with them for a few days and get a feel of what it is like. The biggest thing Knopf said they are looking for is the commitment level. To find out more call Jumphouse Gymnas-tics at 403-934-4900.

The Hussar Playschool went to have a visit and a tour at the Hussar Firehall on Feb. 16. There were five Hussar Volunteer Fire Fighters there to take them on the tour. First off, the kids were each given some tournout gear to put on to see what real fire fighters look like. They were toured around the Fire hall and shown a lot of the equipment used on a fire call. The kids then helped strap down mrs. Slemko to back board. After the tour, kids were taken upstairs to have cupcakes, some fruit and some juice. What a wonderful way to spend the morning. Here is a picture of the kids with all their turnout gear on while sitting on the back of a fire truck. Vanessa Oxtoby (back row, l-r), Kali Collett, Hayes Armstrong, marli Sandum, Ayden Todd (middle row, l-r), Chance Bartman, isaac Paul, Austin Vandehaar, Fire Fighter Tracy Anderson (front, l-r) mrs. Slemko (Playschool teacher) and Fire Fighter matt Santerre.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Chocolate for a cause

What a tour!

Photo courtesy of Pam Collett

To commemorate Valentines Day Grade 6 students at Wheatland el-ementary School were selling chocograms. it was a way for the Grade 3 to 6 students to acknowledge their friends, classmates and teachers at school on Valentines Day while raising money for the Alberta SPCA. There were over 1,200 chocograms sold at $1.25 each. After cover-ing costs the hope is to be able to donate $400 to the SPCA. Jordan Diemer (left), Jared Kirkpatrick and Tanner Owel show off some of the chocograms they purchased.

The matrix Cheer teams will be heading to edmonton the weekend of march 10 to compete in the Total Spirit Championships at West edmonton mall.

Page 14: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

testing instruments. She found this to be very interesting work, and made many life-long friends here. After the war, Margie worked at the Shoprite store in Gleichen, and this was where she and Don met, as he became a regular customer. They were married in 1947, and have one son, two daughters, five grandchildren and five great-grand-children, and two more on the way!

Don advised they were very involved in the Gleichen-Cluny 4-H Club, and that he was part of a group that es-tablished Wheatland Co-op Farm Sup-ply at the Chancellor Corner in the early 60’s. He’s a Life Member of UFA, and helped promote Weather Modification, otherwise known as Cloud Seeding. In the old days, this was used to suppress hail storms which caused substantial damage to crops. Nowadays, insurance companies are promoting the cloud seeding, following huge insurance claims across our province.

Margie was very involved with The Red Cross in her younger days, and spent over 30 years working in the lo-cal library. It wasn’t always called The Marigold Library system. To this day, she still spends two hours per week re-pairing books.

Since retiring they have travelled extensively by RV, bus, plane and cruise ship.

In 2009, the McArthur Farm was acknowledged by the Province of Alberta for having been in opera-tion for 100 years. In ac-tual fact, it celebrated its centennial in 2007. Today,

there are still members of the McArthur family working on the farm.

(“Remembering our Past” is a bi-weekly special column to The Strath-more Times which features a local se-nior or couple, and their lives in and around Strathmore and Wheatland County. If you know someone who should be featured in this article, please call the Strathmore Times at (403) 934-5589 and leave your request.)

John GodsmanTimes Contributor

Don’s parents were born in Iowa, and prior to meeting each other, lived 40 miles apart. Both, with their respective families, moved to California, where Don’s mother attended Stanford Univer-sity. She was the youngest in a family of nine, whereas his father was the old-est of a family of six. His father joined Bank of America.

In 1907, they answered the adver-tisement by CPR to come to Alberta to make their fortunes on 160 acres of free irrigated land. Don’s grandfather and father purchased land four miles east of Gleichen, plus another piece of land, Sec 1-23-22 west of 4th Meridian (or four miles east and four miles north of Gleichen).

Don was an only child, and was born in the Calgary General Hospital on April,

23, 1919. Margie’s mother was born in Germany, and her father was born in Idaho. They were married in Strathmore in 1912. Margie was born on the family farm NW of Cluny on 17th April 1923.

After leaving school, Don owned and ran a trucking company, until the start of WW2, when he joined the Ca-nadian Navy. After being discharged, he sold the business to his partner, so that he could concentrate on his farm near Gleichen. In the meantime, Margie spent the war years at Bowden Flight Training School.

This was one of hundreds of Canada-wide Commonwealth Training Schools, where rookie prospective aircrew from all parts of the Commonwealth came to be trained. Pilots commenced learning to fly in small two seater Cornell planes. Margie’s job was to keep track of total number of flying hours on each plane, as well as recording aircraft parts, and

Page 14 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

RemembeRing ouR past

Don & Margie McArthur


Happening?What’s happening is a free weekly community calendar. if you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to [email protected] or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.

Mark Your Calendars for these

Upcoming SpecialEvents....

Gleichen & District community AssociAtions AGm

February 23 @ 7:30 in the Community Centre

AnnuAl GenerAl meetinGs The joint Annual General Meetings of the

Rosebud Memorial Hall Association and the Rosebud Fire Association will be held

on Thursday, February 23, 2012, at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Centre.

WorlD DAy of PrAyer 2012 A world day of prayer service will be held at Our Savior’s Community Lutheran Church in

Hussar, March 2, 2012 at 2pm.

fire & ice sPrinG sPectAculAr Presented by Calgary Dance Express of

Strathmore. An event for the whole family. March 3 @ Cheadle Hall, Cocktails 5:30pm,

Dinner 6:30pm, Show @ 8pm,followed by dance and silent auction.

Tickets $35. For tickets or more info contact [email protected]


free microsoft WorD – GettinG stArteD course

March 6 (6:30 – 7:30pm) Strathmore Municipal Library (85 Lakeside Blvd. ) Please call the library

403-934-5440 to register.

free Do-it-yourself e-resources course

March 8 ( 1:00 – 2:30pm) Strathmore Municipal Library (85 Lakeside Blvd.)

Please call the library 403-934-5440 to register.

BooksAle! March 9 (noon- 7pm) & March 10

(10am – 5pm) Strathmore Municipal Library (85 Lakeside Blvd.)

strAthmore skAtinG cluB Presents; circus comes to toWn. Sunday March 11 @ 1pm, at the Strathmore Family Centre. 5 & under – FREE, 6 & over


trunk sAle Strathmore Sacred Heart Parish – Catholic

Women’s League TRUNK SALE. Flea Market/Hobbies/Crafts/Wares/ Farmer’s Market. Saturday

May 26th 9am – 2pm. Call Kazia for info at 403-901-1439.

Royal Canadian Legion For information regarding hall rentals, darts and crib, please call 403.934.5119

MOPS (Mother’s Of Preschoolers) meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9:30am – 11:30am at the Strathmore Alliance Church. Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. For more informa-tion call Jennifer at 403-934-5799 or visit

Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, meets every Tuesday at 9:30 - 11:30 am. in the Strathmore United Church Basement. For more infor-mation call Tammy at 403-983-7284 or Ali at 403-934-2089. $1 per child

Strathmore District Health Services Auxiliary Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August). Lower level Conference Room at the Strathmore Hospital. New members welcome. For more info please call 403-934-4436

Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce meets the second Thursday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. All members welcome. Check web page for meeting location. For more information call 403-901-3175 or

Come Fly With Us 903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. Meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the blue building and Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome between 12 & 19 years. Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 for more information.

HIV Edmonton providing support, education and advocacy for those infected with, affected by or at risk of HIV and AIDS for 25 years. Go to or call toll free 1.877.388.5742.

TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Want to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds?? Need support to reach your goal? We are here for you! We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Contact Melissa @ 403-901-1566 or Lynne @ 403-934-4359 to join our journey to a fitter you.

The Hope Bridges Society Board meetings held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Please call Marvin Hilton 403-901-8872 for information.

Strathmore Musical Arts Society, If you love music and musicians and have a special soft spot for the Blues, you would enjoy being part of this group. Call 403-934-4196 or 403-680-7721 to get on our phone or email list and be notifies about meetings and upcoming events.

Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. New Members welcome. Call Greg 403-888-6155.

Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Any Strathmore and Area familes that are homeschooling are invited to join our Yahoo Group.

Meals on Wheels is available in Strathmore. For information or to obtain this service please contact Wheatland FCSS at 403-934-5335.

Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group at the Strathmore United Church. For more info call Pam @652-4776.

Strathmore Caregiver Support Group This is an opportunity for caregivers to find support and benefit from interaction with others in a similar situation. For more information or to register call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176.

Sunday School for All Ages: Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Christian Education opportunities for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All are Welcome! For more information please call Margo Sevick 403-901-2044 or call the Church Office at 403-934-2374.

Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association (Your local fish & game club). Meetings – 2nd Thurs-day every month, 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. Call Larry at 403-934-4388 for more information.

Strathmore Lions Club meets the first and third Thursday at the Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm.

Strathmore Country Gardens Club Meetings at least once per month. Tours, guest speakers, workshops and much more included in a membership. $20 single, $30 family. For more information visit or phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017.

Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the first Monday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038. Website:

Adult Competitive Drop In VolleyballWednesdays 7-9 Crowther Memorial Junior High$2.00 per drop inBegins Wednesday September 21, 2011

Free Tree for all New Born Babies Attention all infants – remind your parents to register your birth so a tree can be planted commemorating your birth in the Chinook Credit Union Birth Forest in Strathmore. Registration Forms are available at the Town office, Chinook Credit Union and Health Unit. (A Communities in Bloom Project)

Healing Rooms, open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at the Harvest Healing Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. Everyone is Welcome.

Strathmore Full Gospel Church We’re a Pentecostal Bible based family church that has something for all ages. Call 934-2225 or visit

Blackfoot Crossing’s new winter hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Call 403-734-4383 for more information.

Wheatland Business Women Meet the second Tuesday of the month @ 8:00 am at Days Inn & Suites. New members welcome and follow us on Facebook. Call 403-324-6641.

Parent Link has reopened as Hand-In-Hand Parent Link Centre! Call 403-983-0076 for Program information or drop by the office in Country Lane Mall for a Program Calendar.

Chestermere and area Children (& Families) with Type 1 Diabetes. Our Goal is to create a group of mature, respon-sible members where we open our own homes as Safe Places for Diabetic Children to go to if ever in Diabetic Distress. Join the Facebook group for more information.

The Community Crisis Society, operating Wheatland Shelteris currently seeking volunteer applicants to serve on the board. Interest individuals may contact Gerry at (403) 934-6634, Monday -Thursday, or e-mail: [email protected].

Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each Month. Featuring guest speakers. For more information call 403-934-4055.

Strathmore & District Agricultural Society Darcy Ledene - General ManagerStrathmore & District Agricultural [email protected] 403.934.5811 Office 403.999.7646 Cell 403.901.0299 Fax Facebook: Strathmore StampedeTwitter: Strathmore Rodeo

Strathmore Regional Victim Services Society(SRVSS) SRVSS is looking for men and women interested in becoming front line victim advocates to provide support, information and referrals to victims of crime or tragedy. We need individuals interested in a chal-lenging and rewarding volunteer experience who are caring and non-judgmental with a sincere interest in helping victims move past their immediate trauma.We provide extensive training in many areas, includ-ing sexual assaults, domestic violence, suicide, court preparation, and sudden death. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Lesley Hering at the Strathmore RCMP De-tachment at (403) 934-6552.

Strathmore Baptist Church Meeting Sundays @ 11am and Thursdays @ 7pm, Call Pastor David Blankenship for info 403-390-4431.

Happy Gang 55 plus Seniors Meetings; 2nd Tuesday every month @ 1:15pm.Potluck Supper; fourth Tuesday every month at 5:30pm. Everyone welcome!Hall Rental; $80. Call Shirley @ 403-934-9927.All other inquiries call Eric @ 403-901-1596.

RCCG Peculiar People Assembly, Strathmore Meeting Sunday Services at 10am & Wednesdays Bible study at 7pm. Venue: Chuck Mercer room of Centennial Civic Centre. PH: 403-667-7832 e-mail – [email protected]

The Strathmore Youth Club is looking for people interested in leading youth programs and for a Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the Strathmore Youth Club’s Program Coordinator for application details, [email protected] or 403-324-4521.

Seventh-day Adventist Church Meeting in the Storefront School @688 Westchester Rd., Strathmore. Saturday morning @ 10:00 AMPastor Ghena Girleanu, phone 403-983-0081.

Page 15: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 15

"The Sign of experience" 403-934-5533Strathmore & area 24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE

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Great 3 bdr house with lots of living space. New laminate

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upgraded in Westmount -

$299,900· Beautiful home in mature area

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call SHeIla


Just listed!

Page 16: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 16 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012


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Page 17: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 17

Next Dinner Theatre:

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Jenna Campbell Times Contributor

Hailing from the land-locked province of Alberta, two Olympic hopefuls, Han-nah Meers (18) and Erin Flanagan (26) are in the midst of preparing to sail the International 470 Dinghy in the wom-an’s division, at the 2012 Summer Olym-pics, in London, England.

Through intensive training in Victoria, B.C and Miami, Florida, the Wild Rose girls efforts are focused on qualifying and competing at an Olympic level.

The skipper of the 470 boat, Han-nah Meers of Strathmore, has been sailing since she was ten years old. Meers learned to sail through the Cal-gary Yacht Club and the Newell Sailing Club. Throughout Meer’s sailing career, she has had experience in sailing single handed dinghies like the Optimist and the Laser Radial, but is new to sailing a double handed, 470 boat. In recent years, Meers has been coaching sailing through the Alberta Sailing Association.

“Before I joined up with Erin, my competitive sailing was really slowing down for sure. I had been coaching for the last couple of years and was not ac-tually sailing competitively; I think my sailing career was headed more towards a coaching stand point rather than (be-ing) a competitive sailor,” said Meers.

Erin Flanagan, the crew member of the boat, began sailing at the age of seven through the Glenmore Sailing Club and has sailed the Optimist and Laser Radial dinghies throughout her younger years. Flanagan began sailing the 470 boat in 2006. Flanagan has been in the pursuit of the 2012 Summer Olympics for the last couple of years with a previous skipper who had decided against con-tinuing the campaign back in August.

“Erin still wanted to see through the campaign, so she was looking around for a skipper, and she asked my boss, Peter MacDougal, who is the head in-structor for Alberta Sailing, and Peter gave her a few suggestions and one of them was me, so we tried sailing togeth-er in Victoria for a little bit,” said Meers.

The pair brought out Australian Coach, Ian “Bunny” Warren, who has had firsthand competition experience in Olympic sailing, and has coached Olym-pic medalists throughout the past. Af-ter seeing the duo on the water, Bunny immediately saw talent and knew that there was potential in the girls to carry out the campaign.

Meers and Flanagan immediately be-gan training together and have most recently been training in Miami, Florida between visits back home, since the end

of November. The team started noticing a strong difference in their training in-tensity as soon as Bunny came to Miami to coach the girls.

Since beginning on the water together in September, Meers describes her and Flanagan’s progress as in “leaps and bounds.”

“We always worked well in the boat together, but especially the learning curve for me, because I’m so new to this boat and double hand sailing in general, (has been) that I’ve been forced to im-prove at a ridiculous rate, especially sail-ing with teams that have already quali-fied for the Olympics, or have already been to the Olympics and have medals in the Olympics,” said Meers.

Up next for the Wild Rose team is more training and practise regattas in Spain and France. More importantly, the girls are gearing up for the last set of qualifiers, May 13-19, in Barcelona, Spain.

“Basically, there are five spots left in the Olympics, there are 22 boats that compete from 22 different countries, so no country can send more than one boat. 17 of those spots were already filled at the previous qualifiers,” ex-plained Meers.

The girls need to finish in the top 60% of the Nations and must be the first placed Canadian team at the 2012 470 World Championships in Barcelona, Spain, in order to qualify to compete in the Olympics. There is only one other Canadian team that will be competing against the Wild Rose Girls in the wom-en’s 470 dinghy division.

While on the water, the girls’ focus may be improving on their abilities and working in a communal fashion, but off of the water, a large challenge that lies ahead is the immense amount of fund-raising that needs to be done in order to cover the expensive costs of the cam-paign. The heavier costs include equip-ment, travel and coaching. The budget the girls are anticipating up to the quali-fiers, ranging from Nov 1- May 20, 2012, will total at approximately $107,662.

After the girls’ successful Wine, Cheese, and Comedian night at Cheadle Hall this past Saturday, Feb 18, the Wild Rose team raised an impressive $14,000, bringing the combined total of funds raised to $44,000.

Meers is incredibly pleased with the evening’s turnout but strongly empha-sizes that the team is still in need of help from the community in order to raise enough funds to reach their goal.

The next upcoming fundraising event will be the Wine, Cheese and Silent Auc-tion at the South Calgary Community

Olympic hopefuls in need of community’s support

Strathmore’s own Hannah meers (left) and erin Flanagan have their eyes set on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, england.

Jenna Campbell Photo

Association in Calgary, on Feb 25. The night will feature a speech from guest speaker, naturalist Brian Keating. Tick-ets are $50 and are available for pur-chase by visiting the team’s website,

http://www.wildrosegirls.caTo follow the girls’ progress or to do-

nate, visit the girls’ website, which links to the Wild Rose Girls Facebook page, Twitter page and blog.

Page 18: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 18 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

Page 19: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

f e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 1 2

Playoff Games

Game 6 of the South Division Finals, if necessary, will be played

Saturday, February 25 8:00 pm vs Cochrane GeneralsStrathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena

Please visit to verify if the game is necessary

Come Watch Our Run in the Playoffs! Go Kings Go!


The four Strathmore half-pint hockey teams hosted their an-nual tournament Feb. 20 at the Family Centre. The one-day tournament, which included local-area teams from Gleichen and Indus, was a great success and a fun way to spend Family Day!

Cody Gregory Photos

Mario Prusina Times Editor

Despite a brutal record in the second half of the season, the UFA Bisons are optimistic heading into the playoffs.

The local triple-A midget team, which had a losing record since January, defeated two of the top teams in the North Division this past weekend and head into the playoffs on a positive note.

The Bisons defeated the St. Albert Sports Raiders 5-2 on Feb. 18, before disposing of the Leduc Oil Kings 5-2 the following day.

According to Bisons head coach Jeremy Friesen, the team is confident going into the post-season, where they will face the Calgary Buffaloes in the first round.

“There is no question, we know that we are capable and able – we just need to go out there and do it,” said Friesen. “That is a message we’ve stressed – enough talking about it, the only way we can show and con-vince ourselves really is to go out there and actually perform and play the game. That’s not five or six guys, that’s all 20.

“I think it is definitely a boost of confidence go-ing into the playoffs. We talked about finishing fifth, where everyone is looking down at us. We’re in an underdog position and that’s exactly where we want to be – we want to catch some teams off guard.

“I don’t think that the Buffs have seen us at our best and I’m pretty confident we’ve seen them at their best … heading in, I think that it’s a perfect matchup for us.

“We know what we have to do and the guys have been looking forward to this since the second half of the season.

“Now it’s win to play again – that’s the mentality we need to have.”

The Bisons will open the best-of-three series Feb. 22 in Calgary against the Buffs, before Game 2 shifts to the Strathmore Family Centre on Feb. 25 (5 p.m.). If necessary, Game 3 will be played in Calgary at the new South Fish Creek Arena starting at 1:45 p.m.

“It’s perfect for us, I think we matchup well against them,” said Freisen. “They’re not in the Arch (arena) anymore, so that’s an advantage for us I think – we don’t need to adjust our game plan playing in a small-er building. Going into there in a playoffs setting, it’s intimidating in the Arch.

“For us, if we go out there, relax, play our game, if we get solid goaltending and our special teams con-tinues, then I like our chances.”

The Buffs boasted the third highest offensive team in the league, which is something the Bisons must key on. However, most of that offence came from a trio of players. If they Bisons can minimize their chances, it will come down to which team has more depth.

“In any playoff setting, whether it’s three games or five games, you can’t run a short bench, you need con-tributions from everybody,” said the coach. “You need timely goals – that is where our veteran leadership is going to be critical. We’ve taken a lot of 17-year-olds for a reason – this is the part of the year where their game (needs to) elevate drastically.”

Bisons confident going into playoffs

Scotiabank once again raffled off a jersey to raise money in a show of support for Strathmore Minor Hockey (SMH). Jackie Cook with Scotiabank (left), Calen Wil-son a peewee SMH player, Liam Wilson a novice SMH player and Wayne Hansen president of SMH.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Scotiabank continues to support local teams

A great day for hockey!

Page 20: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 20 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

Damian anDerson Times Jr. Reporter

This past weekend, Strathmore High School held a tournament for the boys Basketball team.

It was a slow start for the boys, whose first game was against the

Spartans improve during home tourney

The senior boys basket-ball tournament was held at Strathmore High School on the weekend, Feb. 17 to 18. There were seven teams competing, includ-ing the Holy Cross Colle-giate Hawks.

Shannon LeClair Photos

Thank YouOn behalf of the Gleichen and District Minor Hockey Assoc

and the Gleichen Gunners Pond Hockey program, I would like to graciously thank the following for making our Third Annual

Hockey Day in GA on February 11/2012 a fantastic success Encana • The Gleichen Lions • The Cluny Lions

Shephass Trucking - Olds • Chinook Credit Union - HussarGreg and Candace Appleyard • The Country Farmhouse - Cluny

Brownview Farms - Cluny, • Boston Pizza - StrathmoreHome Hardware - Strathmore • Canadian Tire - Strathmore

Pioneer Hi Bred - Dave Sammons • Travellodge - StrathmoreCluny Rural Volunteer Fire Dept • Gleichen Rural Volunteer Fire Dept

Red Deer Pond Hockey • SportsEquipment for kids - Brian EnnisCreative Screen Art - Bassano • Hockey Alberta

Hockey Alberta Pond Hockey CommitteeGleichen and District Ag Society - Rodeo Committee

A & W - Strathmore • Richard ClarkeBarb Clarke • Rocky’s Bakery • Pathfinders - Strathmore

Strathmore Flooring Concepts • Mack Smith • Volker StevinAnonymous Lunch donator • Gleichen RCMP

Ice Man - Curtis Lussier A huge thanks to our coaches, volunteers, parents, friends and

community members with and without kids in our program, without the help of all involved this event wouldn’t be.

Finally thanks to the players and parents coming from communities all across Alberta to support Hockey day in GA. See you in 2013.

Raffle Donations From:Elsie VanHereweghe Memorial • Armstrong Auto HussarCJS Agro Services • Moira Sproule Simmentals Hussar

Demott’s Flooring Drumheller • Chinook Credit Union Hussar BranchDoor Prize Donations From:

Gregory Harriman & Associates StrathmoreHussar Hairstyling • HussarTMB Exteriors Brad & Tara Wilson and family

Country Farm House Cluny • Avon Kim Adamcewicz HussarOver the Rainbow Drumheller • For Sight Vision Drumheller Yvonne and Donna Hussar • Western Chev Olds Drumheller

Home Hardware Strathmore • Kaiser Charolais HussarHussar Seed Plant • Big Hill Berry Farm Hussar

CIBC Drumheller • Connie Williams HussarLooking Good Boutique Drumheller • Lana Armstrong Norwex Consultant

Ken Williams Hail Agency • Hugh & Winnie Peake HussarHussar Tanning • Mark’s Work Wearhouse Drumheller

Rick & Harriet Armstrong • Twin View Ranches HussarWindy Hill Farms Hussar • Wheatland Petroleum UFA Hussar

Don’s Cafe and Lounge Hussar • Gates Agencies StandardImage Salons Denise Brown Cluny • Avon Donna Sevick Hussar

M&M Meat Shops Strathmore • The Wool Shop Susan Clark HussarSJ Fashions Drumheller • Cut Loose DrumehllerCarey Taubert Hussar • Kevin & Barb Slemko

Dundas Enterprises Oilfield Services Ltd. Hussar Gleichen Standard Transport • Wades Jewellery Drumheller

Ben & Terry Armstrong • Value Drug Mart Drumheller

Thank You to all the donors of the

Hussar Ladies Bonspiel 2012

Ages 4-12Sunday February 26th

LAngdon Youth


LASt dAY oF regiStrAtionLangdon Field house 11:00am-1pm

[email protected]

Ages 13-14 (Junior Division)Register in Chestermere with the

Chestermere Little LeagueFor more information please e-mail [email protected]

Part of Chestermere Rockyview Little League

shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

A love for a sport doesn’t necessarily mean you will make the team. The #1 Hoops basketball program is focused on getting kids of all skill levels out and playing the game.

“I have been playing basketball and coaching for 13 years and I’ve enjoyed it so much that I just thought I would bring something different to Strath-more,” said head coach Shantelle Gieck.

“I’ve had negatives and positives throughout my career in basketball. I just wanted to get across that every kid can play, no matter what their skill level is, just as long as they love the game.

“(It’s) just to let kids just have fun and learn the game. I’m all about showing them etiquette on and off the court. Playing university ball and playing for the Alberta team, I found that kids don’t know the rules, so I teach them the ref’s signals and what the lines on the court mean, all that kind of stuff.”

This is the second year for the basket-ball program, and Gieck said she can take up to 30 kids in the program. It’s for girls and boys ages 8 to 13, and all of them will receive a reversible jersey, a water bottle and a basketball.

There are five spots left, and the nine-week program begins on March 15. It runs every Thursday from 6:30p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Strathmore High School gym. To find out more or to register contact Shantelle Gieck at 403-660-3896.

Hooping success

Shantelle Gieck, right, was at ReVS on Feb. 8, looking to sign more kids up in her #1 Hoops bas-ketball program.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Crescent Heights Vikings. The Strath-more Spartans played well as a team, and progressively improved in this game, but it was no use against the Vi-king’s superior ball control.

When asked about what needed to be improved for future games, Spartan’s coach Christopher Hall said, “managing the last two minutes of the game.”

That was exactly what the Spartan boys did in their game against the West Central Rebels. It was close throughout the entire game, neither team being more than two points away from each other at the end of each period. In the last few minutes of the game, the Spar-tans pulled ahead of their 42-42 tie and won the game 49-42.

However, the winning ended when the Drumheller Dynos came in and took the Spartans by surprise, ending in a loss and placing the Spartans sixth in the tourney. Although the placement was not what they had hoped for, the Spartans made noticeable improve-ments in ball control and aggression as the tournament progressed.

The Strathmore High School girls bas-ketball team played the Foothills Fal-cons on Feb. 15. it was a tough game for the girls, but they don’t plan to let it get them down as they prepare for the league playoffs march 2 and 3.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Spartans get ready for league playoffs

Page 21: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

HEAL, the Healthy Eating Active Living coalition, hosted Strathmore’s first Great Skate at Kinsmen Park on Feb. 20. People had a chance to get out and enjoy the nice weather, skate, listen to music, and just overall enjoy spending time with their family.

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimES • Page 21

Cody Gregory Photos

Great skate, great fun


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NOTE: This brochure is updated every year.

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colour included Publish date: Any March Publication

deadline date: February 22

Mario Prusina Times Editor

After dropping the first two games of their best-of-seven series versus the Cochrane Generals, the Wheatland Kings rebounded with a gutsy win on the road.

The local junior-b team was defeat-ed 6-5 in Game 1 on Feb. 17 and 5-2 the following day, before enjoying a 5-4 road win in Game 3 on Feb. 21.

“It was a (pivotal game) and the guys knew it,” said Kings head coach Doug Murphy. “They knew that they

would have to go out and battle and sacrifice themselves for the win. That was exactly what they ended up do-ing.

“We’ve battled through a lot of ad-versity all season, so the playoffs shouldn’t be any different.”

Game 4 took place in Strathmore on Feb. 22 (results unavailable as of press time), while Game 5 is Feb. 24 in Co-chrane (8 p.m.).

Game 6, if necessary, is back at the Strathmore Family Centre (8 p.m.). For up-to-date results, visit the league’s website at

Kings in battle with Generals

Mario Prusina Times Editor

The Wheatland Braves are hoping to continue their regular season suc-cess when they tangle with the In-nisfail Flyers in the first-round of the SCAHL peewee playoffs.

After compiling a 22-7-3 record, the fourth seeded Braves are set to

host the Flyers in a best-of-three se-ries, which started Feb. 22 (result was not available as of press time).

Game 2 is slated for Innisfail on Feb. 24 (8 p.m.), while Game 3, if necessary, will take place in Hussar on Feb. 25 (5:45 p.m.).

The Braves defeated the Flyers in both regular season games, outscor-ing them 16-9.

Braves ready for playoffs

The Wheatland Kings dropped their first home playoff game Feb. 18, when they hosted the Cochrane Generals at the Strathmore Family Centre.

Doug Taylor Photos

Page 22: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 22 • Strathmore TimeS • February 22, 2012


ObituariesWELLS, November 24, 1965 – February 18, 2012Lloyd passed away Saturday, February

18, 2012 at the age of 46 years. He is survived by his daughter Electra (Tyler) of Edmonton and son Zach; grand children Lennix and Savannah; parents Curtis and Rose Mary Wells of Rockyford; sister Sherry of Kamloops; brother Glen (Tammy) of Rosedale; grandmother Eleanor Brownscombe of Strathmore and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. He was predeceased by his grandfathers Matthew Brownscombe and Ovid Wells, grandmother Ina Wells, and his uncles Clarence, Dennis, Roy and Dale Wells. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2012 at Strathmore Alliance Church at 1:00 p.m. To send condolences, please visit WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666.


Damien Corbiellcelebrates his

90th BirthdayFebruary 28th

Happy Birthday from your family

Love MayBarry & LindsayHeather & Bruce

Sharon & DonAnd all the grandchildren &


In Memory of

Lorne LochheadBeloved Husband - Father - GrandfatherSeptember 24, 1939 - February 24, 2011

If Tears could build a stairway

And Memories a Lane

We would walk up to Heaven

And bring you Home Again.

Loved and missed by your wife Elaine

Sons Greg / Brenda, Ray, Ken/Candace

Grandchildren: Austin, Kayla, Connor, Amaris, Ivan, Ariel

and Lennox


Want to know what the United Way of Strathmore

is all about? Ever thought of Volunteering?

Please come visit us at Rocky’s Bakery on Saturday, February 25

from 2-4 for Coffee and Cookies.


Proudly sponsored by

Change starts here.


Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Finding something ev-eryone in the whole family can do can be tough, but the ACKU Family Karate, taught by Linda Tucker and her husband Duane, offers just that. They take students aged four up to 99-years-old said Tucker.

“We joined initially as a family about 10 years ago and we absolutely loved it. I loved it so much that I ac-tually wanted to learn more and take from an instructors point of view and then teach it,” said Linda Tucker.

ACKU stands for the All Ca-nadian Karate Union, which she and her husband belong to. When they finished their training as instructors the couple began teaching here, approximately six years ago.

“It’s really important that folks know it is safe. The en-vironment at the karate club here in Strathmore is a safe, protective environment and no one is going to get hurt,” said Tucker.

She said it is never about hurting anybody, and if someone does get hurt it would likely be someone ac-cidently turning around and not knowing someone else was behind them.

“It’s not just about being a black belt, it’s about living the lifestyle in karate and be-ing a good person, and eat-

ing well and being healthy and being respectful and that’s what it’s about,” said Tucker.

“It’s really about doing something together with your family that’s surround-ing fitness but structure, so it’s promoting just family time in a structured fitness type of environment.”

The Tuckers run three classes. The first one is ka-rate chops and it is for chil-dren ages 4 to 6 and is a 30 minutes high intensity class focused around learning karate basics among other things. There is also a be-ginner class for new people wishing to learn, or in the beginning stages of their ka-rate journey. The third class is the advanced fast paced class for senior ranked stu-dents who want a bit more advanced training. Classes begin at 5:30 p.m. with the Karate Chops, the younger kids, and end with the ad-vanced students at 8 p.m. They are held every Tues-day in the Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy gymna-sium. Tucker said it’s pay as you go - they understand that families get busy and they want people to enjoy it when they can.

Anyone looking to try it out can drop by on a Tues-day night in comfy clothes, or can find out more by go-ing to or call-ing 403-232-0228.

Bringing families closer

every Tuesday night the ACKU Family Karate taught by Linda and Duane Tucker are held at Trinity Lu-theran Christian Academy.

shannon LeClair Photos

Tami Lemoine Strathmore Electric Ice

Ringette fans were treated to an incredible weekend of ringette when the Rockyford Ringers and the Strathmore Electric Ice came together to determine the zone two champions.

The first game was played in Rockyford on Friday night. Rockyford scored first, but Strathmore was able to respond a few minutes later. Rockyford was able to capi-talize on a couple of Strath-more errors and the game looked like it was getting away from the Ice.

Strathmore scored near the end of the first, but the score was 5-2 at the break. Coach Rhonda Olson and Lana Lane were able to settle the girls and they returned to the ice with renewed de-termination.

The action was fierce and both sides experienced fre-quent trips to the penalty box. Rockyford scored twice near the middle of the pe-riod but with their character-istic “never give up” attitude, Strathmore was able to score four goals in the last six min-utes of the game to end the game only one goal behind.

Game 2 was in Hussar the following day. From the opening whistle, it was evi-dent Strathmore had come to play. They scored first and held the Rockyford sharp shooters off the scoreboard until the second period. The Ringers came out hard in the second and looked like they could take the game but Strathmore dug deep and were able to hold them off until the end with a final score of Strathmore 5 - Rock-

yford 4.The final battle was played

out in the Rockyford arena, Sunday afternoon. Strath-more had been beaten by the Ringers almost every game of the season, but they were determined that this game was going to be different. From the first mo-ment to the very last, the two teams battled like warriors.

End to end, fierce, com-petitive action. Fantastic net-minding. Unbelievable plays, passing and scoring. Both teams wanted this so badly but in the end it was Strath-more who was able to com-pletely frustrate and shut down their opponents and emerge the victors. A long season of defeat was finally rewarded in the end when it mattered the most.

The success of the week-end was due, in large part, to the outstanding coaching the girls have received all season from Rhonda Olson, Lana Lane and Leslie Larson. Their belief in the team has never waivered.

Strathmore Electric ice is extremely proud to be the Zone 2 champions and will represent the zone in the up-coming provincial playoffs in Lacombe, March 2 - 4.

Congratulations to the Strathmore Ice Electric. Your coaches and families are so proud of you.

Members of the Electric Ice are; Brooke “Wally” McK-enzie, Karly Larson, Rhiece Cordes, Taylor Shpyth, Shae Lane, Gabi LeMoine, Meghanne Uptigrove, Han-nah Olson, Payge Bratt, Sarah McKinnon, Tassia Rushford, and our superstar affiliates Katie Edelmann and Darcie Weir.

Electric Ice ignite

Page 23: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 23

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Publication Date: March 16, 2012Advertising Deadline: March 1, 2012


COming evenTS

Ages 4-12Sunday February 26th

LAngdon Youth


LASt dAY oF regiStrAtionLangdon Field house 11:00am-1pm

[email protected]

Ages 13-14 (Junior Division)Register in Chestermere with the

Chestermere Little LeagueFor more information please e-mail [email protected]

Part of Chestermere Rockyview Little League

Parents any plans yet for your

Grade 12s Graduation this Year?

Plans are in the works for a spectacular graduation banquet that is to be hosted

in our community by a hard working parent committee.

Graduates of Strathmore High will have a great time sharing a meal with their loved ones and classmates as they celebrate this memorable

event. Stay posted for more information as the great day approaches!

Find us on Facebook “Strathmore High School Graduation Parent

Banquet Committee of 2012”

Public Invitation

To the Citizens of Strathmore and Wheatland County regions who are

interested in the furtherance of “Arts and Culture” in our Community!

The Strathmore Regional Community

Arts Centre Feasibility Study Committee and RC Strategies

invite you to attend a brief presentation of the results of a “2011 Community

Arts Centre Feasibility Study”, funded primarily by an Alberta

Government grant and in part by the Hope Bridges Society.

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

5:00 p.m.Strathmore Community Centre

(West end main hall)

C-Can Storage


Call 403-901-5255

urgentVolunteer ScreenerS

required for Wheatland county food Bank

For further information please call Sylvia 403-934-5287

Lutheran Church Canada (LCC)

worship services are being held every

Tuesday evening 6:30 pm at Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy

630 Westchester RoadInfo call: 403-901-0205

Email Pastor Nick: [email protected]

All are welcome!

You must have simple non complex tax requirements.

Call 403-934-5335 for eligibility information and to arrange for an appointment.

85 Lakeside BlvdStrathmore, Alberta T1P 1K2

(403)934-5335 fax (403)934-2457

Wheatland FCSS is providing

free income tax preparations

for low income residents

of Strathmore and Wheatland County.


NW-30-24-24-W4 containing 159.51 acres more or less

LINC # 0019 897 602

The land includes electric pivot with pump and motor.

Sealed tenders will be received at the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society office located inside the

Civic Centre at 122 Brent Boulevard or via mail to Box 2085 Strathmore, T1P 1K1.

Tenders close March 12th at 5:00pm.

The accepted tender, if any, requires the approval of the membership of the society within 30 days of closing.

Successful buyer will be required to have a GST number and sign a GST undertaking and indemnity, or pay GST.

Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

$25,000 deposit required to accompany proposed tender.

Buyer is responsible for their own due diligence prior to submitting tender offer.

Information packages may be obtained at our office, via email to [email protected]

or by calling 403.934.5811

COming evenTS

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[email protected]

Rent for 6 Months

& We Pay the 7th!

under new management!



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RED aND BLaCK aNGUS BULLS FOR SaLE. Yearlings and 2 year olds. Semen tested and delivered. Call Mardy Skibsted at 403-934-2571.


David and Karen Reinhardt are pleased

to announce the recent graduation of their daughter

Ashley from the University of Alberta with

a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental

and Conservation Sciences.

Ashley is currently employed with AMEC

in Calgary.

David & Karen Reinhardt are pleased

to announce the engagement of their daughter

Melissa Irene to Daniel Brandon

son of Jim and Robinne Hurt of Crossfield, AB.

~Wedding to take place

July 28, 2012.Melissa & Daniel

Page 24: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 24 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012


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help wanTed

Now HiriNg - F.T. at the Strathmore Station - Kitch-en Helpers 11.30/hr expe-rience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/hr 3-5 years experience re-quired. Mail resume to 380 ridge road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 or Fax 403-934-9390 or Email: [email protected].

help wanTedhelp wanTed help wanTedHiriNg - F.T. Kitchen Helper at the roadhouse restau-rant - $11.30/hr experi-ence preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to: 510 Hwy #1 Strathmore AB T1P1M6.

help wanTedwanTed; Sports minded entrepreneurs. Call 403-850-2619.

Get your Classified ads in the times!

Now HiriNg! Field Techni-cians. Are you looking for an opportunity where you can make use of your skills & talents? Consider joining our team. Apply to: or via fax to 604-697-6739.

EXPEriENCED DriLLErS, Derrickhands, Motorhands and Floorhands. Seeking full rig crews. Paying higher than industry rates and winter bo-nus. Send resume c/w valid tickets. Fax 7 8 0 - 9 5 5 - 2 0 0 8; [email protected]. Phone 780-955-5537.

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MECHANiCS & SErViCEMEN - HD required for fleet of road building equipment. Po-sitions for 1st year Appren-tices to Journeymen. Email: [email protected]. Fax 403-568-1327;

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LEAgUE PiPELiNE looking for Heavy Duty Mechanic or 3rd year apprentice required for local construction company.Skills and qualifications: Thorough knowledge of maintenance and repair of heavy equipment. Ability to work in shop and outdoor environment with adverse conditions. Motivated self starter who is able to work in a challenging environ-ment with minimal supervi-sion, long hours and some weekends. Salary negotiable depending on experience. good benefit program avail-able. Must provide own tools, truck provided. Please fax all resumes to 403-793-8147. Please note: only qualified individuals shall be contacted for interview.

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SErViCE MANAgEr - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alber-ta). opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email: [email protected].

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EXPEriENCED ForEMAN, Cat & Hoe operators re-quired for oilfield construc-tion with well maintained equipment. Competitive sal-ary & safety tickets required. Fax resume 780-778-2444.

SEEKiNg A CArEEr in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FrEE right where the publishers are looking.

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One day a week answering phones, invoicing and data entry.

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[email protected]


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Nuvision Industies Inc. requires following personal:

Parts/Purchasing Personnel

• agricultural/industrial manufacturing background and asset• able to procure raw materials and supplies for fabrication shop• experience in inventory control, customer service, work in team environment, shipping and receiving• computer experience required

Welders Journeyman or Apprentices - mig exp preferred, full time permanent positions

Nuvision is a progressive agricultural / industrial manufacturer located near Carseland, Ab. Please fax resume to 403-901-2387 or e-mail to [email protected].

Viterra - Beiseker Ag is looking for self-starters to transport and deliver anhydrous ammonia to

our farm customers during our spring fertilizer application season.

Licensing requirements: Valid 1A license or Class 3A. Relevant anhydrous

ammonia experience is beneficial but is not

required. Given favorable weather conditions, these

term positions are expected to begin early Spring 2012.

Viterra offers a competitive wage and safe handling


To apply, please submit your resume via e-mail to [email protected] or fax

to 403-947-2354. When submitting your application, please also attach a copy of your five year driver’s


The closing date for appli-cation is March 15, 2012.

For posting details and job description, visit:

Applications will be accepted in confidence until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 29, 2012 to:

Personnel Committee-Assistant PlannerWheatland County Hwy 1, RR 1,

Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6. Fax: (403) 934-4889.

For additional information email: [email protected].

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



For posting details and job description, visit:

Applications will be accepted in confidence until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 29, 2012 to: Personnel Committee-Public Works Receptionist

Wheatland County Hwy 1, RR 1, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6.

Fax: (403) 934-4889.

For additional information email: [email protected].

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


pUbLiC WOrks

rECEpTiONisTFull Time



3” wide version

3.75” wide version

SnagS Truck ParTS 1-800-825-3046

SpecialFuller 18 Speed

engines, Drivetrains, misc.A good variety of truck parts for most common trucks

SnagS Truck ParTS 1-800-825-3046

SpecialFuller 18 Speed

engines, Drivetrains, misc.A good variety of truck parts for most common trucks

ASSiSTANT DirECTor Po-SiTioN, job requirements: criminal record check, first aid, child care supervisor, persons familiar with ac-creditation and simply ac-counting preferred. Please fax resumes to 403 901-6265 or email to [email protected]. wage will depend upon experience.

wANTED wAiTrESSES wiTH BAr TENDiNg EXPEriENCE AND PArT TiME CooK Please send resume to [email protected] or bring in person to 134 2nd Street, Strathmore.

METAL rooFiNg & SiDiNg. Best prices! 36” Hi-Tensile TUFF-rib 29ga. galvalume $.69 sq. ft. Colours $.85 sq. ft. 40 Year warranty. ALTA-wiDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254.

SAwMiLLS from only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. in stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD; 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400oT.

gET PAiD to lose weight. $5,000. for your success story. Personal image TV Show. Call to qualify 416-730-5684 ext. 2243; [email protected];

THE SMoKY riVEr Express in Falher, Alberta, has an immediate opening for a re-porter. Please forward yourresume by email to: Kevin Laliberte, email: [email protected].

ATTENTioN - Painters, Print-ers and Potters. register for Visual Arts Diploma pro-gram. Multi-use workshop, painting, drawing, sculp-ture studios. No portfolio required. grande Prairie regional College. University transferable. Call 1-780-539-2909 or

HErBAL MAgiC. with Herbal Magic lose up to 20 pounds in just 8 weeks and keep it off. results guaranteed! Start today call 1-800-854-5176.

DATiNg SErViCE. Long-term/shortterm relation-ships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).

TrUE ADViCE! True clarity! True Psychics! 1-877-342-3036 or 1-900-528-6258 or mobile #3563. (18+) $3.19/minute;

CriMiNAL rECorD? guar-anteed record removal since 1989. Confidential. Fast. Af-fordable. our A+ BBB ratingassures employment/travel freedom. Call for free infor-mation booklet. 1-8-Now-PArDoN (1-866-972-7366)

Do YoU NEED to borrow money - Now? if you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - it’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161.

CriMiNAL rECorD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. inexpensive. Debt re-covery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2 2 8 - 1 3 0 0 / 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 4 7 - 2 5 4 0 ;

MoNEYProViDEr.CoM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660.

HAwAii oN THE MAiNLAND, where healthy low-cost liv-ing can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condomini-ums, 24/7 secured Commu-nity, Costa rica “the most friendly country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;



6th ANNUAL CoLLECTor CAr Auction & Speed ‘n Custom Show, March 23 - 25, 2012, red Deer west-erner Park. Featuring The Big Schwag & indoor car show! Exhibitor space avail-able. Consign your car or es-tate today. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102;

MEiEr gUN AUCTioN, Satur-day, March 3, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. 150 handguns, rifles, and shot-guns. Call Meier Auctions to consign 780-440-1860.

CoLLECTor CAr AUCTioN. 2nd Annual Edmonton Auto Show Collector Car Auction. Expo Center March 2 - 4. Last year sold 75%. Time to consign. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102;

HUgE AUToMoTiVE related Antique & Collectibles Auc-tion Sale. Saturday, March 3, 9 a.m., Blueberry Com-munity Hall, Stony Plain, Al-berta. over 1000 model cars plus numerous automotive items; 1-877-494-2437. PL324312AB.


SCrAP BATTEriES wANTED. Buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip-ment. $3. each. Free pickupgreater Calgary & Edmonton area. Minimum 10. Toll free 1-877-334-2288.

MiLLwrigHT AND MACHiN-iST Program Combined. 16 week course gives entry level skills. write 1st year millwright and/or machinist apprenticeship exam. gPrC grande Prairie Campus. 1-888-539-2934;


gAiN ENTrY Level Skills in ATV, Snowmobile, wa-tercraft Technology. gPrC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Learn to repair small en-gines, recreational vehicles. Apprenticeship opportunity. on-campus residences. 1-8 8 8 - 9 9 9 - 7 8 8 2 ;

wiN HArLEY DAViDSoN VrSCDX Night rod Spe-cial Motorcycle. 2nd & 3rd prizes plus Early Birds. only 499 $100 tickets sold. June 22 draw. grande Prairie re-gional College. 1-888-999-7882;


SHowEr TrUCK Kenworth 2001 T300 four shower heads (new). Certified road ready. Neat, well main-tained. $59,500. 780-385-8268.

BANKrUPT? BAD CrEDiT? Call us! All makes and mod-els. Professional credit re-builders. Delivery Available.Call garth 403-888-5593 or 1-866-476-1938. Caval-cade Auto Acceptance Corp., serving Alberta for 20years. FrEE CASH BACK with $0 down at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? good or bad credit call Stephanie 1- 877-792-0599; DLN 30309. Free delivery.


Sharon’s Doggie Do’s

Professional All Breed Dog grooming.

Strathmore. 18 years experience. Reasonable Rates & Calm Environment.

Sharon 403-934-3824

peTS1 MALE AND 1 FEMALE 5 months old English Bulldogs, free to a good home due to relocation. Please contact: [email protected] if interested or for more information.


Call Now for a

FREE SamplE!

Multi Menu Pet Food

FREE Home Delivery of

Superior Quality Pet Food.

18 Pet Food Formulas.

Call Larry or Wendy


403-923-8983 [email protected]

New Puppy Program

Quality Dog grooming

Offering 1/2 hour free consultations in your home we will show you how to get your puppy ready for its first groom. We will also be bringing some

coupons and other goodies with us.

Call to book today!

PArT TiME rEAL ESTATE ASSiSTANT required imme-diately. Must have excellent computer & social media skills, and phone manner. Send resume & inquires to [email protected].

Page 25: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

3 Bedroom Condo for March 1st.Located downtown Strathmore

Exceptionally cleanLarge deck on back, 5 Appliances

Hardwood in living room$1100.00/month plus damage deposit

plus ½ UtilitiesN/P, N/S

Close to all amenities.

Rose (403) 934-3462 or (403) 934-8191

avaiLaBLe MaRCh 1

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 25


real estate

1 single person house for rent, 8km south on hwy 817. All utilities includ-ed, semi furnished, n/s, n/p, rental references, $675/month + $675 security de-posit. Available Jan 1, 2012. Call 403-934-4407.

ChinooK iii. first months rent is half price! 2 bdrm $900/mth or 1 bdrm $800/mth. +DD required. heat & water included. no pets. Call Jane at 403-934-6896.

Chinook ii - a two bed-room unit located at the Chinook ii Condo $875, this is adult life-style building, with no pets & Coin laundry. Call lu-ella at 403-934-5731 or emerald Management & realty ltd. @ 403-237-8811.


BeAutiful 2 BeDrooM ConDo + Den. Bright, spACious, With fireplACe. 5 AppliAnCes, Minutes froM sChools AnD hos-pitAl. MAster BeDrooM CoMes With en-suite. fullY DeVelopeD BAse-Ment With 4 pieCe BAth. 2 pArKing stAlls in front of front Door. n/p, n/s. CAll 403-901-0851. AVAil-ABle iMMeDiAtelY. WestMount Drive - 1

and 2 bedroom town-house unit from $765/month. Family Build-ing, with no pets. short walk to shopping, golf and parks. Call luella at 403-934-5731 or em-erald Management & realty ltd. @ 403-237-8811.


shareD aCCoM

upstAirs BungAloW, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, f/s, DW, fire-place, douple parking pad, shared laundry, large fenced yard, n/s, pets negotiable. $1050/mth + D.D. + utilities, Available february 1. Call 403-901-0309

unique opportunitY! shared Accommoda-tions, 1 – 3 bdrms if needed in strathmore, near schools & hospital, with beautiful backyard, backing onto gray’s park. Available immediately and rent is flexible if nec-essary. Mature adults only. Call 403-901-9295 for all the details.




CONTACT JOHN 403-852-0074


CONTACT JOHN 403-852-0074


LOOKING FOR AN OFFICE PRESENCE?Are you working from home and need to meet clients in a professional office atmosphere?Has your business grown to the point where you could use some office space every now and again?

We have a solution for you!For part time office solutions call Robert Desjardins at 403-934-5533

lAnD of orChArDs, Vineyards & tides in nova scotia’s beautiful Annapo-lis Valley. live! Work! Bring Business! free Brochure - Website: email: [email protected]. toll free 1-888-865-4647.

nAples floriDA AreA! Bank acquired condos only $169,900. same unit sold for $428,895. own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar in warm, sunny sW florida. Walk to over 20 restaurants/100 shops. Must see. Ask about travel incen-tives. Call 1-866-959-2825 ext. 15;

real estatefor sAle by owner, $85,000 2bdrm Mobile on two lots You oWn. for pictures go to iD # 352026153. Call 403-312-4325 for info.

hABitAfleX.CoM Manu-factured folding homes. shipping size 8’X40’ folds to 20’X40’. oil camps, recre-ation, all season. quick set-up, no construction needed. homeflex Building solutions,780-886-0692.

oVerstoCKeD! huge Dis-counts on 20’ wide 2011 sri homes. unconditional guarantee to beat any price on equivalent homes. Com-pare and save! immediate delivery. trades welcomed. Dynamic homes, 1-877-341-4422;

grAnDVieW MoDulAr hoMes. Come get lost in our new 2428 sq. ft. show home! specialists in high end modular housing. Call 1-877-945-1272 or [email protected].

CrAig’s hoMe sAles. save with low mortgage rates and best deals of 2012! 4 bed-room Moduline 1520’ home starting at $108,500. Call fordetails! 1-855-380-2266;

JAnDel hoMes. Volume buy, save up to $8000 on select models. limited time only, will deliver in the spring. edmonton east 1-800-463-0084. edmon-ton West 1-855-463-0084. grande prairie 1-877-504-5005;


Business oppsDriVe A BlACK BMW. Be your own boss. Work from home. tax breaks. no over-head. get paid to party! Call 403-983-7706.

Do You hAVe gravel/ag-gregate deposits on your property? We specialize in marketing, mining, man-aging and reclaiming ag-gregate resources. Contact tom 1-888-784-4400 for more information.

Be Your oWn Boss with great Canadian Dollar store. franchise opportunities now available. Call today for de-tails 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website:

greAt Business oppor-tunitY. Very lucrative 13 room motel with attached 1053 sq. ft. home in the thriving community of foremost, Alberta. show-ing good returns; 403-580- 0222.

refleXologY ClAsses, fun and relaxed learning. good for the sole. register now limited space. start-ing March 10 & 11, 2012. phone edwards & holloway health and Wellness 403-340-1330.


DireCt sAles representa-tives. Canada’s premiere home automation and secu-rity company is now hiring April-August. no experience necessary. travel required. email resume: [email protected]. Visit:

An eArthMoVing CoMpAnYbased in edson, Alberta re-quires a fulltime heavy Duty Mechanic for field and shop work. We require Cat dozer/Deere excavator experience.You will work a set schedule for days on and off. Call lloyd at 780-723-5051.

neeD to ADVertise? prov-ince wide classifieds. reach over 1 million readers week-ly. only $259. + gst (based on 25 words or less). Call thisnewspaper noW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228.

spruCe point pArK Camp-ground and Marina facility is located on lesser slave lake approximately 285kms northwest of edmonton, Alberta near the hamlet of Kinuso. We are now accept-ing applications for the posi-tion of park Manager, for the period of May 1 to sept. 15. for complete package and details please call 780-775-3805 or 780-805-0801 or email: sprucepointpark@ Deadline for ap-plications is March 5, 2012.

MeDiCAl trAinees needed now! hospitals & Doctors need well trained staff. no experience needed! local training & job placement available. Call for more info! 1-888-748-4126.

WeBCo leDuC - division of sun Media, requires full-time heatset/ Coldset 1st & 2nd pressmen. 15 unit goss Community. Competitive rates and benefits. email re-sume: [email protected].

WeBCo leDuC - division of sun Media, requires full-time heatset/Coldset Jour-neyman pressman. 15 unit goss Community. Competi-tive rates and benefits. email resume: [email protected].

JourneYMAn rV teChni-CiAn. Competitive wages + benefits. great working en-vironment. position availableimmediately. great West rV, lacombe, 403-782-9378; [email protected].

hAMilton’s igA a modern 25,000 sq. ft. store. 4502 - 50 st., ponoka, Alberta, t4J 1J5, requires Bakery Manag-er or applicant who can learnmanagement position. Mail resume: Attention: Jim or email: [email protected].

holiDAY on horseBACK in Banff, Alberta. seeking individuals interested in rid-ing in the rockies! hiring for trail guides, cooks, carriage drivers and packers. horse experience required. Also seeking retail/reservation agents in busy western shop. Must share enthusiasm for the western lifestyle! staff accommodation available; amanda @ h o r s e b a c k . c o m ;

fort MCMurrAY JoBs! Jacobs field services ltd. (Jfsl - triton Division) is looking for pipefitters and rig Welders for camp job starting in March. excellent wages, ClAC benefits, flights provided to edmonton, Cal-gary and saskatoon. email: [email protected]. fax 780-485-6722. phone 780-969-1890.

help WanteD


Practical Nurse Program Lead (50% FTE Temporary) Bow Valley College Health and Community CareLocated at Old Sun Community CollegeCompetition #12FA-03

Bow Valley College offers our Practical Nurse program at Old Sun Community College (OSCC) at the Siksika Nation in southern Alberta. We are currently recruiting a Program Coordinator to ensure the delivery of our program on-site and in the hospitals and long-term facilities in the area.

Working closely with our Calgary based Practical Nurse Program Coordinator you will ensure the quality of education provided to the OSCC students. This includes:

being used

Under your leadership students will leave these programs with a strong educational foundation in their field of study.



would be an asset.

Closing Date: Open until a suitable candidate is selected.


Please submit your application on-line by visiting the Employment Opportunities section of our website at:



3” wide version

3.75” wide version



3” wide version

3.75” wide version

CORIX Job FairSaturday, February 25, 2012 - 10am-4pm

For more information, visit or call 1-855-697-6799

Delta Calgary South135 Southland Drive SE,


St. Albert Inn 156 Saint Albert Trail,

St. Albert

Positions available include Field Technicians, Account Managers, Warehouse Staff and more!

Come learn about CORIX and our exciting job opportunities. Please bring your resume.

CORIX Job FairSaturday, February 25, 2012 - 10am-4pm

For more information, visit or call 1-855-697-6799

Delta Calgary South135 Southland Drive SE,


St. Albert Inn 156 Saint Albert Trail,

St. Albert

Positions available include Field Technicians, Account Managers, Warehouse Staff and more!

Come learn about CORIX and our exciting job opportunities. Please bring your resume.



3” wide version

3.75” wide version

WANTED:Anchor Truck Operator

• Experience preferred.• Tickets required: H2S, WHMIS, TDG, First Aid, PST,

Ground Disturbance, Line Locating & Air Brakes.• Clean drivers abstract required

• Year round work• Good wage, benefits & bonuses• Willing to train the right applicant.

Fax resume and driver abstract to 780-723-3315or email to [email protected]

• Experience preferred.• Tickets required: H2S, WHMIS, TDG, First Aid, PST, Ground

Disturbance, Line Locating & Air Brakes.• Clean drivers abstract required

• Year round work• Good wage, benefits & bonuses• Willing to train the right applicant.

WANTED:Anchor Truck Operator

Fax resume and driver abstract to 780-723-3315or email to [email protected] email to [email protected]

WANTED:Anchor Truck Operator

• Experience preferred.• Tickets required: H2S, WHMIS, TDG, First Aid, PST,

Ground Disturbance, Line Locating & Air Brakes.• Clean drivers abstract required

• Year round work• Good wage, benefits & bonuses• Willing to train the right applicant.

Fax resume and driver abstract to 780-723-3315or email to [email protected]

• Experience preferred.• Tickets required: H2S, WHMIS, TDG, First Aid, PST, Ground

Disturbance, Line Locating & Air Brakes.• Clean drivers abstract required

• Year round work• Good wage, benefits & bonuses• Willing to train the right applicant.

WANTED:Anchor Truck Operator

Fax resume and driver abstract to 780-723-3315or email to [email protected] email to [email protected]

help WanteD help WanteD help WanteDrounD hAY and straw bales for sale. Cheap! We deliver, self unloading. no sunday calls please. 1-403-843-6380.

heAteD CAnolA buying green, heated or spring-thrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “on farm pickup” Westcan feed & grain, 1-877-250-5252.

seeD & FeeDrV lots $38,000. Clear title. $1,000. down, balance on/before April 17/2012. fhu50amp, pool, spa, club-house, gated. Viewing by pre-booked appointment only. Call 1-888-913-2114. Website:

reCreationrAnCh resort Mainte-nance position, 40 hours/week. start $5000/month + accommodations. land Management 500 acres, livestock care 18 horses & cattle, equipment operation & repairs, mechanical opera-tion & repairs, construction &renovations, manage inven-tory parts & supplies. fax 250-968-4445.

eXClusiVe finning/Cat-erpillar Mechanic training. gprC fairview Campus. $1000. entrance scholarship. paid practicum with finning. high school diploma, me-chanical aptitude required. Write apprenticeship exams. 1-888-999-7882; september 2012.

get Your foot in the garage Door. general Me-chanic training. learn basic engine theory, power train, suspension, job safety. first step to Automotive/heavy Duty Apprenticeships. gprC fairview College Campus. 1-888-999-7882;

2 AnD 3 BeDrooM ApArt-Ments for rent. no pets, non smoking-available im-mediately. starting at 900/mth. 403-934-2959.

house for rent in stAn-DArD. 2 bedroom, single car detached garage includes all appliances. $650/month plus DD. Call 403-934-8765.

lAKeVieW hoMes & lots, Vernon, BC. lake okana-gan. private Beach. Dock, trees, meadows, wildflow-ers, birds, trails. reason-ably priced custom home construction. Architectural guidelines. Build now or later. ten minutes to town-center. lots from $219,000. houses from $499,000. Ven-dor financing available. Call scott 2 5 0 - 5 5 8 - 4 7 9 5 ;

www.StrathmoreTimes.comGeT your

ClaSSified adS in!

Page 26: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 26 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012

C h e c k O u t t h e S t r a t h m o r e T I M E S ! w w w. S t r a t h m o r e T i m e s . c o m o r o n Fa c e b o o k



Carey Roserealty horizon

403.934.0781 l

Residential, Condominiums, Investment, Acreages, Hobby Farms, Raw Land &

New Home Construction

The Best in Quality Service! Serving Strathmore & Area since 1999

Brentwood MLS C3508430


Strathaven MLS C3472105


Downtown Strathmore MLS C3506102 $210,000

Downtown Strathmore MLS C3498560 $69,900

The Ranch MLS C3503552


Boundry Road MLS C3508558


Gleichen MLS C3479235


Green Meadows MLS C3503527


Rural Wheatland MLS C3507218 $575,000



Raelene Nichol Realtor403-921-6111

#105 - 1212 - 32nd Avenue NE Calgary

its a gReat time to buy oR sell!Call Raelene for my menu of services!

Executive Bungalow, well designed floor plan, exceptional finishings, slate, granite, hardwood,

vaulted ceiling to allow natural light in, developed walkout basement with in floor heat.

Located on the Speargrass Golf Course.


speaRgRass villa

County Living with B&B revenue! This property has a great floor plan with a separate suite. Vaulted

ceilings, beautiful hardwood floors, bright & spacious great room with a corner fireplace. The walkout

basement has a large rec room, laundry & storage room. Also a separate 2 bedroom suite with a cozy

fireplace in the living room & is designed to be handicap accessible. This property is situated on 1 acre, nestled in the Rosebud River Valley in the

peaceful Hamlet of Redland.

wheatlaNd CouNty

“Constantly Selling More Real Estate”

New roof, siding, windows and main bath. Huge well landscaped corner lot

with single garage.Immediate possession. $91,900.

Canyon Creek (Strathmore)

Tina Scott 403-901-5388

Tina’s Feature Properties

Specializing In Country Properties

Country Charm - arrowwood


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.




• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.




• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.




• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore


25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey ho

me beginswith a


ation with access

to a varietyof floor

plans to act

as reference points

in creating

your signature


From bungalows to

split level


e will create

the perfectdesign

for your

lifestyle, takin

g into account

your current a

nd future needs.e perfectdesign

for your

festyle, taking

into account

your current a

nd future needs.

PH 403.901.2









• Prestigious g

ated communit


• Viewof moun


• Oversized Est

ate lotson the G

olf Course1229 Hillcrest



g lot & GST

• Immediate po


• Oversized Est

ate lotson the G

olf Course1193 Hillcrest



g lot & GST

Hillcrest Manor

Lots(3 lots left to choose from)

Apply your credit towards

a lot or the build!

Lots to come in Prairie Development in 2012.Like Us on Facebook

We have I residential Unit left in our 3 Plex


Great locationCanal Gardens

one acre parcelcall lorna

Pole shed.40 gal well.

1/2 mile to pavement.

views, trees! 4.22 acres$199,000

call lorna



BranD new BUnGalow $336,000

call lorna

Huge Double WideSingle Garage

Large Corner LotForeclosure

priceD at $124,900

call lorna




reallY, reallY nice!JUst listeD $265,900

call lorna

3 bdrms, 2 full baths, family

room, fully dev basement.

call lorna steal this!$154,900

This home sparkles, fully developed

lower, 18x14 deck, views of the country.

JUst like new $212,000

call lorna




totallY renovateD!!

1548 sq, ft,Fully Dev. Lower

Downtown locationHuge treed Lot

Priced at $360,000

call lorna


Great Four PlexOver looks Lake$3500 per mo


invest in real estate!


call lorna call lorna

3 bdrms, 3 Baths, Bsmt Dev.

Walk out Bsmt, Green Space.

new GorGeoUs villa


Industrial rezoned west of Strathmore

11.9 acres $288,000

call lorna

solDa little Bit coUntrY!!

$149,000Gorgeous Modular

Heated 28x24 GarageHot tub

Lease is $300 per mo.

call lorna

Many options on this parcel of land, 25 min-utes east of Calgary.


46.56 acres

call lorna$214,900!50+ living. 2 large

bedrooms. Backs on canal and green. Front attached


call lornanew new$333,000




call lorna



lorna Phibbs

403-874-7660 to buy

or sell!

106 - 304 - 3rd Ave., Strathmore

[email protected]

Associate Broker

call lorna

Paved Circle DriveLots of Trees

Walking Distance to all Amenities

Attached Double Garage

BeaUtifUl Brick BUnGalow$299,900


32 Years Experience

solD solD



Unique and impressive are two words that describe this fabulous built by Tradional Custom Homes in

Strathmore. From the front entrance with it’s mosaic is tile medallion, to the maple mantle on the gas is

fire place to the fully upgraded kitchen and wonder-ful master suite retreat you will be impressed. The kitchen has no expense spared, featuring custom

8’ rare roasted maple cabinets as well as a large 3’ by 6’ island with granite counter tops making this an entertaining chef dream! Throughout the kitchen, living room and den is wonderful Japanese maple

harwood. The entrance and bathrooms feature over sized porcelain tiles which look like large planks.

Upstairs your master suite awaits, with large walk in closet and a dream ensuite with custom tiled tub/shower with glass doors and separate air jetted tub. The basement is fully finished with bedroom, play-room, 3 pc bathroom and family room. Don’t miss

your chance to own this dream home! home!

KaraLee Foat (403)703-7659

[email protected]

Open House 108 Camden CourtSaturday, Feb. 25 12:30 - 3 pm

featured property of the week

Emelia Holmgren REaltoR

Cell: 403-512-5551 Fax: 403-934-6409Email: [email protected]


STRATHMORE LAKES BAYTotally developed 2 bedroom/ plus den

1128 sq.ft. bungalow. Tons of cupboards, gas fireplace and spacious

master bedroom.Three baths. Attached double garage and beautiful

landscaped yard. No mowing, no shoveling, just enjoy this beautiful

home!!! A steal at $274,900



Page 27: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

February 24, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 27

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Page 28: February 24, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 28 • Strathmore TimeS • February 24, 2012


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2012 RAM 1500SXT QUAD CAB 4X4

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