Download - Fashion photography


Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Sebastian Kim

Image 1 - Allur December 2014

Image 2 - Heroin#2 2015

Image 3 - Heroin#2 2015

Image 4 - Numero April 2011

Image 5 - Allure April 2014

Image 6 - Numero June 2013

Theme or focus of images Over the years fashion photography has become an increasing phenomenon in which imagery highlight fashion such as clothing and accessories therefore making this the primary focus within images of this particular type of photography. Like all fashion photographers Sebastian Kim has captured a number of images all of which feature attractive models portraying clothes and accessories in a glamorous and sophisticated manner, therefore enabling people like myself to look at these images and aspire to be like the models and as a result using their style to influence my own. Fashion photography also often creates a narrative based around the clothing therefore engaging the audience making us more likely to focus on not only the clothing but the context behind it as seen in a number of Sebastian's images.

Image One - This image is very basic in contrast to Sebastian's other work with it featuring a model against a white background therefore making the models clothing and bag the primary focus of this particular image due to it standing out against the plain background. I personally feel that this particular image is targeting an older demographic than his usual work due to the simplicity which often appeals to middle aged women.

Image two & three- Both these images are taken from Sebastian's photo shoot Heroin#2, in contrast to the previous image this one seems to have an underlining narrative which i have interpreted as relating to drug use not only due to the name but also due to the settings of not just these two images but the variety of images within this particular photo shoot, all of which are in field full of rubbish or a squatter like flat as you can see in image three which shows the two models sat in a room which only contains a mattress on the floor. This underlining dark narrative automatically draws us as an audience in and engages us, therefore drawing our attention to the immaculate clothing that the two models are wearing. I feel that Sebastian's contrast between the dark underlining narrative and the women's immaculate clothing cleverly creates the ideology that it doesn't matter where you come from, you too can be as stylish and sophisticated as these models.

Image four - within this image Sebastian has chose to have the model standing against a dark background, therefore enabling the vibrant colours within the models clothing to stand out, therefore automatically attracting the audiences attention. Sebastian has chosen specifically to portray the model almost lie a mannequin with her pasty white skin and unusual posture therefore anchoring the fact that the main focus of this particular image isn't the model but the clothing that she is wearing, making this are primary focus.

Image five - Within this image Sebastian has chose to represent the clothing as

sophisticated and empowering through the use of portraying a model in a glamorous career which looks as though she is some kind of race driver assistant or manager, by having her stood in front of the race driver himself it creates the sense that she is of higher importance to him. Sebastian has chose to have the colours within the image very bland browns and white in contrast to the dramatic black within the models dress therefore as a viewer we are automatically drawn to the clothing.

Image six - Within this image Sebastian has cleverly used the clothing in order to portray the model wearing the clothes as a wild cat by having her sat on a log , with wild cats having connotations such as strong and fierce it automatically creates a sense of empowerment regarding women and suggests that it is this particular piece of clothing which has provided this model with that power therefore encouraging women to buy leopard print clothing. CompositionLike other certain types of photography such as advertising, Sebastian and other fashion photographers have the advantage that they are able to manipulate and move their subjects when conducting photo shoots. In terms of composition it is noticeable that all of his images are taken at a lower angle to some degree, this is due to the fact that fashion photography's main purpose is to promote fashion, and by capturing the models who are wearing these clothes at a low angle to some degree it creates a sense of dominance and importance, therefore empowering the clothing.

Techniques usedIn regards to the techniques used, image two and image five both have shallow depth of field with the models and their clothing being sharp and in focus in contrast to the background which is blurry due to the fact that Sebastian's intentions was to focus on the clothing therefore the background is irrelevant, in order to achieve this he would of had to use a fast shutter speed along with a small aperture setting.

In terms of the rule of thirds Sebastian has insured that on each image the model will be stood within the intersecting lines, therefore making the model the first place our eyes are drawn to when looking at his imagery therefore again ensuring that the clothes are the primary focus.

Strengths & WeaknessesI particularly like image six in which Sebastian used the connotations of a fierce animal to cleverly create a strong, empowering representation of a piece of clothing.

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