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Portfolio: Fall 2016


Pepsi marketing internshipMaya Moran

sodexo and pepsico. | Allentown, PA

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INTRODUCTIONThis semester, I have had the pleasure of continuing my Pepsi Marketing Internship with

Sodexo and PepsiCo. Unlike my sophomore year, my position was largely twofold. On the one hand, I act as a representative for PepsiCo. at Muhlenberg College, arranging Pepsi samplings and various promotions. On the other hand, I work as a marketing intern for the Muhlenberg Dining Services, in which I write articles for the ‘Berg focus magazine, create and implement social media strategies, analyze qualitative data, make advertisements, plan events, as well as create PowerPoint presentations.

Through performing the tasks that were asked of me, I have enhanced countless skills, including communication skills, writing skills, critical thinking skills, qualitative analysis skills, design skills, creative skills, social media and technical skills, and much more. Furthermore, I have been able to gain additional experience in the marketing and advertising field, which will benefit me in a future workplace environment.

My portfolio will highlight some of the work I have completed this past semester through my internships. It will also outline some of the tasks a future intern in my position may have to accomplish.

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SOCIAL MEDIADining DishFacebook Promotion

A year ago, I was asked to establish a social media strategy to raise engagement activity (i.e. likes, comments, shares, and reaches) on Facebook. As a result, I created and implemented the ‘Dining Dish’, as a new way to share tastes, experiences and stories about Muhlenberg Dining venues on-campus through an interview. Like in the past, I interviewed many students this semester about their dining experience at Muhlenberg. Afterwards, I uploaded the photograph and interview onto the Muhlenberg Dining Services Facebook page. I also tagged the student in the photo to draw about additional attention.


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ResultsAfter Gil Moran’s Dining Dish interview was posted and another social media post about

the ‘Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives’ event was also published, these were the results the Muhlenberg Dining Services saw:

Reaches and engagement went up substantially and post engagement increased each time the dining dish was posted.

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Event PostingsThroughout the semester, I was tasked with taking photographs of events and posting

them on social media. I was also asked to post a photograph to Facebook and Instagram in order to build awareness of the event at-hand. Some examples include:

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Total Facebook Results for Fall 2016Each time the dining dish or picture from an event was posted on Facebook, there was a

huge increase in reaches and engagement compared to the average posts.




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‘Berg FocusEach semester, the ‘Berg Focus magazine is published. Like last year, I was asked to

write a number of pieces for the fall 2016 edition of the magazine.

From Brown Foods to Green

Michael Lee’s Food Transformation at Muhlenberg College

Before attending Muhlenberg College, Michael Lee (’14), like many other Americans, did not understand the importance of healthy eating habits. Growing up, Lee was a self-proclaimed “big eater” and would give no thought to the foods he consumed. Upon arriving to Muhlenberg, Lee underwent a food transformation.

Chef Middleton, head chef at Muhlenberg, noticed Lee’s eating habits, and tried to expose Lee to healthy food options. On many occasions, Chef Middleton would call Lee over to the “back of the kitchen to show me [Lee] all the fresh produce he would get from local farms. I [Lee] now have that same sort of excitement when I [Lee] see beautiful fruits and vegetables in season at the supermarket”, Lee comments.

On a separate occasion, during his time at Muhlenberg, Lee was at a Thai restaurant with his mentor. At the dinner, Lee ordered Pad Thai and informed his mentor that this was the first time he had ever tried the popular dish. Shocked, the mentor called Lee “boring”. Initially, Lee was offended by this remark but over time, realized that the mentor was right. In fact, Lee adds, “I realized the importance of being cultured and trying new things. There is plenty of good food out there besides chicken nuggets and burgers.”

Lee began a food blog his freshman year at the college, before taking pictures of food was popularized. Over time, Lee transitioned to utilizing Instagram as his medium. Lee originally began his food blog in order to show his fellow peers the exquisite food options the Lehigh Valley has to offer. Lee notes that he tried a new restaurant or café almost every week during his time at Muhlenberg. He found that the Lehigh Valley was filled with different cultures and food options. In addition, Lee came to love many of the dishes that Muhlenberg has uniquely offered. Some of his favorite Wood Dining Commons dishes include lamb sliders, enchiladas, gumbo, ful medames, and fresh warm cookies.

During his time at Muhlenberg, Lee majored in biology and was a Presidential Assistant for Seegers Union, in which he was tasked with managing information desk employees, organizing and scheduling events on campus, as well as arranging F.R.R.F.’s. Now, Lee is on his

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way to medical school, which he will begin in August of 2017. Right now, he is spending his time travelling and working as a server at a fine dining ‘farm-to-table’ restaurant in Princeton, NJ.

Shadow Program

Professor Kushner’s Management Class Shadows Sodexo Managers

Since 2009, Professor Roland Kushner has assigned his BUS 236 Management class a shadowing project, in which each student in the course is assigned to one of five locations on campus, including Campus Safety, Plant Operations, Trexler Library, Wescoe School, and the Muhlenberg Dining Services. The students are responsible for shadowing managers within each distinct aspect of campus, report periodically on their progress within a team setting, and ultimately, present their findings to the rest of the class and the organizations’ managers.

John Pasquarello, Evan Rehrig, Peter Stark, and Mike Saylor of the Muhlenberg Dining Services were shadowed by students throughout the semester. Many of the managers have partaken in the shadow program in the past and therefore, know how to supplement course material in an effective manner. Professor Kushner believes that the office that puts the most effort into the shadow program is definitely the Muhlenberg Dining program. In fact, Kushner states that the program is ultimately successful due to “responsive partners like Sodexo. John Pasquarello and his staff have always been very enthusiastic,” adds Professor Kushner.

The project allows students to observe managers on-campus in order to evaluate their own skills and learn how to improve upon them. The managers act as mentors to the students and are collaborative in the educational work. These mentors teach the students what they cannot learn in a classroom. Shadowing a manager allows students to give the management profession a “tangible face” and therefore, creates a better learning outcome, Professor Kushner stated.

Professor Kushner began the project himself six years ago. However, the fall of 2016 was the first time Professor Kushner has been able to teach the course in four years due to academic course placement. He created the shadowing project as an, “opportunity for students to develop their team skills in an academic environment where the team work is content. It’s management. It creates a setting for students to do well in many different content areas of management.” Furthermore, the project itself allows different students to shine in different ways.

Muhlenberg is particularly unique in the sense that the Muhlenberg Dining Services works so closely with the student body. The Muhlenberg Dining Services is ultimately aligning itself with the institution’s goal of improving the collaborative nature of study at large.

“Muhlenberg is a fascinating organization for management studies,” Professor Kushner says, “it is a great fit with the character of the campus to give students the opportunity to learn

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about management and to supplement conventional classroom studies.” The campus is truly a community.

Meet Dean Gulati

For this piece, I was asked to interview Dean Gulati, the new Dean of Students, and arrange the piece in a Q&A format.

1. In your opinion, what impact does the dining program have on the campus experience?

Dining is an integral part of each student's experience at the college.  Not only is it essential to students’ health and well-being, but there is no question that from a community-building perspective, food is one of the greatest connectors of all people.

2. What was your first impression of the Wood Dining Commons? Does it remind you of Hogwarts or a ski lodge (as referenced by most tour guides)?

It does remind me a bit of Hogwarts, but I also love that upstairs feels a bit modern and open.  It is a beautiful space and I have admired the fireplace in there many times.

3. If you were stranded on an island, what is one food you could not do without? What one food would you not want on the island?

Mac and cheese - required;Beets - nowhere on my island!

4. What is your favorite meal to prepare at home?

My favorite meal to prepare at home is steak and mashed potatoes because I love combining stuff off the grill with comfort foods.

5. What is the most bizarre or adventurous food you have tried? Was it positive or negative experience?

Ostrich - I expected a poultry-like experience, but it was more like filet mignon.  Surprisingly positive!

6. In terms of customer service, what can transform a good experience into a great or unforgettable one?

Perfect timing of courses and good wine pairings!

7. What is your favorite dish from the Wood Dining Commons?

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Hmm...I am still trying everything but so far fish tacos and meatloaf.


This semester, I was asked to analyze qualitative data and create recommendations for the Muhlenberg Dining staff to review. First, I tabled for the Customer Loyalty Survey, which students and staff are asked to complete during the fall semester. The survey questions customers’ experiences at various dining venues at Muhlenberg College. I, then, organized the responses into six different categories. Based on what I had seen organizing the data, I highlighted areas of concerns and ultimately, created recommendations for the Muhlenberg Dining staff to consider when discussing the results.

On a separate occasion, I was asked to review results from another survey, which asked students and staff about their experiences at Muhlenberg Dining venues throughout the summer. The survey was only given to students and faculty who had dined at the venues over the summer. I categorized the data and created common themes. I placed each response within each all-encompassing category. Next, I laid out the strengths and weaknesses for the Muhlenberg Dining staff and presented recommendations for the staff to consider.


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In November of 2016, I brought up the idea of planning an event for next semester. I wanted to tie the event with a “food holiday” and find a way to raise money for a charity. After much research, I presented my boss with an outline for an event:

February of 2017 is American Heart Month/Heart Disease Awareness Month. In terms of “food holidays”, February is National Chocolate Lovers’ Month.

Charity: Lehigh Valley Health Organization (hospital network in the Lehigh Valley)

Ideas for the Event:

Speaker from the Lehigh Valley Network A raffle will be held for a Pepsi Item. Proceeds for the raffle will go to the Lehigh Valley

Network Recipe Contest: Students enter a chocolate-dish and a panel of student judges will decide

the winner Performance from an Acapella Group Bring in Sue Hurd, the registered Dietitian, to promote heart awareness (dark chocolate?) Have other student groups join (and run their own tables/sections) in order to bring about

attention and attendance Promote the event a week before by releasing a fun fact about chocolate and heart


My outline highlights just some ideas I have thought of for the event. Hopefully, next semester, the event will be extremely successful. It is currently in the early stages.


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Each month, I was tasked with creating a new presentation to be placed around campus on digital signage. The presentations had monthly themes and highlighted health information that is relevant to the time period at-hand.

September PowerPoint: Healthy Breakfasts

October PowerPoint: National Apple Month

November PowerPoint: Thanksgiving Tips

December PowerPoint: Finals

CONCLUSIONThis semester, I had the pleasure of continuing my Pepsi Marketing Internship with the

Muhlenberg Dining Services (specifically, Sodexo and PepsiCo.). I was able to create and implement a social media strategy, take photographs of various Muhlenberg programs, plan an event, create PowerPoint presentations, social media postings, create advertisements, categorize and analyze qualitative data, as well as write articles for the ‘Berg Focus magazine. I had the opportunity to enhance a great deal of skills and grow overall as a person.

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