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 CHAPTER 1 Fair Whites and Dark Whites - The Australioids -Craniological Testimony-  A "Indian" Theory-Ugrians and Iberians  Stone Circles and their Makers-Distribution of  the Whites Races- Early Migrations British Types.    (Pgs 13-16)    "In addition to the black, or brown, and yellow races already spoken of as pre-historic Europeans, there is a theory that a copper-colored race, closely akin to some branches of American Indians, once inhabited Europe- or rather the southern parts of Europe, and North Africa. Proofs of this are said to be visible in the complexion of the modern Copts, which is “reddish,” and of the Nubians, who are described as “of a deep red colour,” “with nothing of the negro in their profile, and  with oval faces.”  This theory has been started by an Italian archaeologist, named Gennarelli, and may be seen at length in the “Journal of the Anthropological Institute.”  Its leading points are thus summarized :- “ In support of the hypothesis of kinship between the red races of Europe and America, Gennarelli adduces: (a)  the existence of pyramids in Egypt, America, And Etruria ; (b) of the labyrinths in Egypt, America, and Etruria ; ( c )  of the title ‘Children of the Sun,’ borne both by the Incas and the Pharaohs;  (d) of mummies in Egypt and America, and images of mummies in Etruria ;  (e) of hieroglyphic languages in Egypt and America ;  (f) of languages having similar structure in America, Iberia, and Etruria (Humboldt thought there were affinities between the Basque and Etruscan) :  (g) of the Nile in Egypt, and a Nile region in Guatemala, from the Cordillera of Sconusco to the Pacific; (h) of canopies and sacrificial vases in Egypt, Mexico, Yucatan and Peru, with names similar to the deities they represent; (I) and of the root ’Atl,’ which in it’s original signification he asserts to belong not to the European but to the American Languages. Gennarelli further supports his theory by the assertion t animals of American origin, unknown to Africa, are to be found among the Egyptian hieroglyphics, and in the paintings or sculptures on the vases and monuments of Etruria.” . . . He also points to evidence of the existence in Italy of races  “which were neither Aryan nor Semitic, under the various names of Aborigines, Siculi, Liguri, Umbri, etc.”  And he also suggests that the Phoenicians were of this copper-coloured hue. It is perhaps scarcely correct to describe this as a third division of dark-skinned people, for Signor Gennarelli’s “red” is not very different from Professor Huxley’s “chocolate brown,” the colours ascribed by each to the Ancient  Egyptians.The connection between this last theory and the consideration of  “ Ancient Britons” becomes apparent when one remembers that not only are these people allied to the Egyptians, as being both “Australiods,” but there is also a legend that the Scots are of Egyptian decent ; while of the Phoenician intercourse with Britain there is no doubt. However, red colour of the Phoenicians seems only a suggestion. As with the Iberians (according to M.D’ Arbois de Jubainville), this red race of the Italian antiquary is assumed to have come into Europe out of the sunken island-continent of Atlantis, which the voyage of the Challenger and the study of geology have proved to be fable.  The point of difference between scientific men now seems to be rather the probable date of the subsidence of that continent ; which, it is contended by some , must be so remote as to preclude the possibility of establishing a race-connection between the two continents, in this way. But at any rate, there are several reasons for

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believing that the un-identified builders of our stone-circles, cairns, and dolmens, were dark-skinned people ; and the races with which they have most similarity are Professor Huxley’s Austalioids and Negritos.  Not only is it asserted by that there is an actual blood relationship between those two families and British people of this and past generations, plainly visible in many outward features,-but there is also the testimony of similar customs, some of which will be afterwards specified.  One of these is the practice of painting or smearing it with various colours. But the most telling evidence is that afforded by the stone monuments, which are found in all the countries which have been inhabited by those races.  Tasmania, home of the Negritos, has it’s stone circles and cairns ; and Scotland shows the presence of the same people and the same works. In the Australioid Deccan there are dolments and stone-circles, as in the Australioid Britain and West Europe.  And there is, within the jungle of one part of Borneo, a great area known to the Malays as Fallan Batoe, “The Field of Stones.” It contains rocking stones, standing-stones, and others ; -and many of these are covered with marks resembling  “ the curious ‘picture-writings’ found on scattered stones and rocks in British Guiana and other parts of South America.”  The present inhabitants know nothing of their origin, and believe them to be haunted by spirits,- a memory, doubtless, of the time when their builders, a different race, lived amoung them.  These it may be reasonably presumed, were the Negritos now found in the islands to the south-east. (The Negritos, although not identical with the Australioids, are yet said to present  “a remarkable approximation to the Australioid type,” and the two divisions may logically be held to have been one in the days of the Ancient Britons, though since modified by intermixture with other races.)Accepting, therefore, the existence of Australioids and Mongoloids within these islands as a fact which is likely to become more and more clearly established as time goes on, the object now set before us is to find out, if possible, whether there are any proofs of their presence, as distinct races, yet traceable in our own customs, languages and traditions. There ought to be such, if those races were really the ancestors of many among us.  It is unreasonable to assume that a mixed people can only inherit the history of one section of its ancestry......  

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