
Question Two

How Effective is the Combination of your Main

Product and Ancillary Texts?


The target audience for my digipak is teenagers around the age of 13 -18 (mostly girls) therefore I have incorporated a girly style like our music video. By using a similar theme and photos from the shoot allowed me to keep the consistency of both the video and digipak. After researching on pop genre digipaks that also have a similar age target audience such as Taylor Swift’s ‘RED’ and Jessie J’s ‘Who You Are’, I have realised that the star image of the artist is very important. For example Jessie J has a strong, confident and playful image therefore her digipaks are usually quite bold with simple colours and clean whereas Taylor Swift is portrayed as a romantic and sweet girl so her digipaks are very soft in colours and image-based.


Neat, modern text for young audience and easy reading

Pastel colours to target young girly girls and also relatable to music video

Close up of artist as the main photo to get most of the focus and also work as part of the star image – people are more likely to purchase something that actually has the artist’s face on it.

I have used a very transparent white on top of the photo as a filter to create a look of innocence and girly to further express the artist’s character.

Black text to make it stand out and appear to be clean looking.

Pastel yellow to maintain the colourful/happy theme.

I have used white for the background to keep it consistent with the background for the website and again make her look innocent and sweet.

In the inside of the digipak I have chosen to use a normal photo of the artist as one of pages because it is very common for an artist who uses their face as the brand image to include some normal photos in their digipak. I have chosen this one because it is a close up and fans usually like close up photos since they can see the artist’s features in detail. It is also because it show her character through that her facial expression. The smile tell the audience that she can be a sweet, girly girl but also have her own opinion and appear to be a little bit ‘sassy’.

For the cd design, I have again used the balloons for the background because it was used a lot in the music video and has become an icon for this song. The pastel colours also bring all the other pages together so it makes it look more girly and more pop-like. I have also used a more playful font for the title to relate back to the graphics and drawing in the music video. The idea behind using patterns as the CD design was also because of this. This way it makes it seem more unique and relatable to the video like how Katy Perry used candy and doughnut for her CDs because of her music video.

For my lyrics pages I have decided to use the graffiti photos because it felt incomplete since we have used quite a lot of shoots from the graffiti scene. I have used it for lyrics because it showed a sense of ‘sass’ from her character. Since the background was quite bright and colourful therefore it was hard to have the lyrics show through therefore I have created an almost transparent box behind the text to lift the visibility of the text. I have also used the same font from the CD for the title so it looks like it is part of the whole digipak. The use of colours from the graffiti background also make the whole digipak and music video look alike.

WEBSITEThe consistent use of white background throughout the website and album cover makes it look together and real.

The use of artist’s photos on the main page connote the importance of the artist. There are also images used in the digipak so it is easily identified. It also makes the audience feel closer to the artist when close ups are used.

The social bar at the top of each page allows audience to track what the artist is doing everyday with social media and makes them feel closer to the artist.

The artist’s name is place at the top on each page so viewers can immediately recognize who this is.

Instead of just having a social bar to access social media I have also created a social page that have a gallery of photos the artist post on her social media so it is easier to see all the photos for viewers as young people don’t like hassle when trying to get closer to their fans.

Other than some basic information about the music and pictures of the artist, I have also included merchandises, competitions, live event place and time and some news on what the artist is doing lately and where is she around the world.

The news page allows the fans to track what she has been doing, for example, when her album is going to be released or allow to be pre-ordered, what awards she received recently and others.

I have also included a tour dates page so fans know when and where her concerts will be held. It also allow them to purchase tickets on ticket master with the link so they won’t miss out.

Consistent images throughout digipak and websites.

I have also included a page for people to send emails to the artist’s company to request for things or ask questions. This will make it easier for fans to approach the artist hence making their relationship closer.

Not only can they email the company but also comment on some of pages to discuss their views with the other fans by logging in either through social media or as a member. This will also help the fans to get closer.

I have also created competitions that they could enter to get a better chance of meeting the artist in person so their interest of the artist won’t fade away.

The website also sell official merchandises from the artist such as t-shirts, phone cases or shoes. This will make sure what the fan purchase are genuine and actually from the artist. It also make it simpler and easier for fans to find the artist’s merchandises. Purchases things online is also something that is increasing with our generation.

I have also added options for some of the items such as sizes for the t-shirt and shoes. I have also created a cart so they can view their items that they would like to purchase and prices in the checkout. I have also used trendy items as the merchandise so the it will be likely for the audience to purchase them.

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