  • 7/29/2019 Eugenics Belongs To The Left, Not The Right


    Eugenics Is Not Right Wing

    by Ian Thorpe

    March 17, 2013.

    Following Conservative Howard Flights breaking of the unofficial rule that no

    one in politics should ever speak the truth about anything, Dave Osler at the far left

    Liberal Conspiracy blog wrote, in an article titled Eugenics and the Tory

    (Conservative) Right:

    "It seems that Flight is just the latest supporter of the traditional class-based

    Eugenics that has been a singularly ugly undercurrent in British intellectual life at

    least since 1798, the year in which an anonymous pamphlet entitled 'An Essay on the

    Principle of Population' first saw the light of day."

    Liberal Conspiracy, known for it's readiness to brand any dissenting voice a

    Eugenics: The Hiddeen Agenda
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    racist, bigot, genocidist or right wing nut job is probably the most illiberal British

    political blog, an organ of the extreme left's lunatic fringe whose conviction that they

    are right about everything protects them against attacks by Star Wars type weapons.

    Osler does the blogs noble tradition of ignorance, stupidity, uninformed bigotry and

    support for pseudo science proud by showing he does not understand the difference

    between eugenics and family planning. (Hitler's Final Solution was not eugenics, it

    was genocide)

    Where did that ugly undercurrent of class based eugenics come from? you might

    well ask. There was no Conservative party in 1798, just a bunch of people nicknamed

    Tories who supported the King, the Empire and the Church of England, they had

    never heard of class politics. In fact the notion of Eugenics (literally young gene - not

    an idea the traditionally inbred aristocracy who ran the show in 1798 ever embraced

    with great enthusiasm) had not around long enough for traditionalists to have any

    truck with it. No, the idea of Eugenics came from the left. While Volta in Austria and

    Galvani in Italy were planting the seeds of the Frankenstein myth with their argument

    about the relationship between electricity and life, British political thinkers were

    toying with the idea that physical and mental defects were due to hereditary factors

    and could be eradicated by preventing imbeciles and cripples from breeding. Both the

    electricians and the eugenicists were aiming in the right direction but not right on


    Look back to the early decades of the Twentieth Century and we find such

    luminary socialists as Virginia Woolfe, Marie Stopes,Marga ret Sanger, HG Wells,

    George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes and the left's leading couple Beatrice

    and Sidney Webb, all social progressives from the Leftie pantheon (look them up if

    you don't want to take my word),shared a common belief the state had not just the

    right but the duty to forcibly sterilise large sections of the population.

    The Fabian society, a left wing talking shop formed by the more disconnected

    intellectuals of the UK Labour Party has always been at the forefront of authoritarian

    socialism and one of its leading intellectuals Harold Laski was also a member of the

    British Eugenics Society and even penpals with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr.,
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    who once wrote to his British friend that he had "delivered a decision upholding the

    constitutionality of a state law for sterilising imbeciles the other day and felt that I

    was getting near to the first principle of real reform".

    Laski certainly didnt object. In fact, as

    Dennis Sewell recounts his bookThe Political

    Gene support for eugenics was largely contained

    within the left wing metropolitan intellectuals

    who by the 1930s had infiltrated and hijacked the

    UK Labour Party, founded by and for the men and

    women who worked in factories, shipyards, docks,

    in construction, on the railways and the land.

    These trendy left wing intellectuals desperately

    wished to improve the lot of people in the lower strata of society but had no

    understanding of the lives and attitudes of people who lived in working class

    communities. The left wing intellectuals were in fact more elitist than the


    Although eugenics is often and unfairly branded with a racism label and some of

    the policies of 1930s socialism had strong racist undertones, the bulk of the 65,000

    forced sterilisations in the US were against white country folk. A boy who smiled was

    likely to be sterilised for being an idiot, but any hillbilly could be victimised.

    Deliverance, as Sewell writes, was just a movie, while the brutality visited upon the

    people of Americas rural heartlands by well intentioned reformers and "progressive

    liberals" was real, and has left a long trail of agony leading to the present day.

    It might surprise readers to learn that the science of eugenics (and it is a

    science)was developed not by "right wing nut jobs" but Darwinists whose

    hyperactive God complex led them to believe nature could not be trusted to manage

    natural selection alone and needed a helping hand from scientists) was developed by

    a Briton, Francis Galton and an American, Charles Davenport. Though the forced

    sterilisation program in the USA is mentioned above the most extensive experiment

    in eugenics was conducted in politically correct, socialist Sweden with forced

    The Hidden Agenda: Item 1
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    sterilisations only being ended by law in 1975.

    Taken at face value, eugenics is not a bad idea,

    eradicating a gene that causes congenital defects or

    makes a person susceptible to hereditary diseases

    is a laudable intention. But as with all such

    scientific developments, once established it is open

    to abuse. Politicians were quick to see the

    opportunities to eradicate not just those destined to

    be a burden on society throughout their lives but

    troublesome minorities, mavericks, habitual

    dissidents, blacks, jews, homosexuals, artists and

    anyone who the establishment did not like the look

    of. Science was ever fascism's whore of course and

    once politicians in Germany and elsewhere saw the possible advantages of racial

    purity there was no shortage of scientists ready to help them achieve it.

    To understand why eugenics was not Right-wing one only has to look at the

    Scopes Trial, historically seen as a battle between modernism and fundamentalist

    forebears of today's Religious Right. Sewell , again, explains it is remembered

    entirely falsely. Supposedly heroic teacher John Thomas Scopes was just a football

    coach with "no special commitment to his pupils, and was not planning on staying in

    Dayton very long" and "probably never really taught his class about evolution".

    The trial itself was described by contemporary commentators as a cynical

    contrivance, a plot hatched by local businessmen to make Dayton famous, and a

    response to an advert by eugenicists hoping to challenge the anti-evolution Butler


    That Act was not some reactionary and archaic ruling, having only been signed

    into law by the Governor on March 23, less than two months previously, passed by

    overwhelming margins by both houses.

    Sewell comments: "These margins reflected the Butler Acts enormous popularity

    among the people of Tennessee. In 1925, the nationwide eugenics campaign was at its

    Science giving nature a helping


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    height. In the rural areas of Tennessee folk may not have had a sophisticated grasp of

    Darwinian science, but they knew the eugenicists who preached Darwinism in the

    cities despised country people, called them imbeciles and defectives and would

    sterilise them if they got the chance. They knew they despised God and the Bible too.

    Now they wanted to teach children that grandpa was descended from an ape. But

    America was a democracy, and that meant that simple people, if they made their

    views plain, could fight."

    While not persuading me to move one millimetre toward creationism it does put

    into perspective the deification of science.

    Prosecutor William Jennings Bryan, portrayed

    as a reactionary and idiot in the Spencer Tracey

    film glorifying Scopes, has been described as the

    most radical and socially progressive man to ever

    stand for the American presidency, and saw the

    trial as a contrivance on the part of a middle-

    class elite to cheat the ordinary citizens of

    Tennessee out of a law that they very much

    wanted. Here we see the left's contempt for

    democracy and the will of the majority most

    recently displayed when after a political activist

    Appeal Court Judge in California overturned a democratic vote to repeal a law

    permitting same sex marriage. "Progressives, who have the effrontery to describe

    themselves as Democrats, were saying that in cases where the popular vote produces

    the wrong answer to a question, central government must step in and "do what is


    Obviously to anyone who understands the concept of a democratic society a

    majority in a popular vote can never produce the wrong answer. To call for

    government or the courts to overturn such a decision is a call for tyranny. But what

    else can we expect from people sympathetic to the tyranny of eugenics.

    It is not just in the USA that such a contemptuous attitude towards poor and

    The Scopes Trial

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    uneducated people is blindingly obvious among the new elitists of the intellectual

    left. Eugenics and Fabian Socialism shows that many leading British socialists in the

    1930s supported if not forced then certainly coerced stetilization. Though the Labour

    Party has now dropped its official support foe Eugenics as social engineering, the

    Fabian Society still exists and still supports eugenics, though not as noisily as in the


    In his bookThe Intellectuals and The Masses: Pride and Prejudice Among the

    Literary Intelligentsia, 1880-1939 (review - Google Books) Professor John Carey

    comments on the elitism and intellectual snobbery of leading left wing academics and

    writers from the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth century.

    Professor Carey's thesis proposes that modernism was born out of snobbish

    revulsion to the spread of literacy and popular culture. Modernism, he says, is less a

    cultural movement motivated by certain aesthetic and spiritual imperatives than a

    closing of ranks by social cabal. Its chief ambition is to exclude as many people as

    possible from the enjoyment and understanding of culture so the self-appointed

    elitists of culture may enjoy their own superiority unhindered by the press of common

    folk. Or, put more simply: If a lot of people like it we must dismiss it as crap. In this

    sense, modernism is fundamentally "antidemocratic." "Intellectuals could not, of

    course, actually prevent the masses from attaining literacy," Professor Carey explains.

    "But they could prevent them reading literature by making it too difficult for them to

    understand - and this is what they did.

    The early twentieth century saw a determined effort, on the part of the European

    intelligentsia, to exclude the masses from culture." Hence the aesthetic experiments

    of writers like Mallarme, T S Eliot, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf were undertaken

    not for any compelling aesthetic or spiritual reason but simply as an exercise in

    obscurantism. Literature is not unique but special in holding the ability to educate and

    entertain simultaneously. People who have followed Bernard Cornwell's "Sharpe"

    series will have learned a lot about Wellington's Iberian Campaign against Napoleon

    Boneparte's French Empire and a good deal about nineteenth century military

    technology. Likewise the books of John Steinbeck give us a vivid picture of
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    California in and just after the Great depression but deliver the message in a much

    more engaging narrative that some weighty social history written by the type of

    person who would sneer at Steinbeck's populism.

    A progressive, Left-wing middle-class elite, as most of the eugenicists were right

    up until the Second World War, was entirely comfortable with eugenics not just as a

    philosophical idea but as a social policy to be implemented with enthusiasm. After

    WW2 eugenics became discredited and, surprise, associated with conservatives. The

    left are nothing if not hypocritical and had conveniently forgotten Hitler's political

    party was the National Socialists and that the other nations to have pursued eugenics

    as a policy were Soviet Russia under Stalin and Communist China under Mao Tse


    Now when online writers and commentators encounter "progressives" shouting

    "Eugenics" at any mention of the idea that we should perhaps discourage the

    unemployed and the underclass from producing children by making the benefits

    system less generous, do not be intimidated by their assumptions of intellectual or

    moral superiority. It is they, the left as they like to style their authoritarian politics,

    who have traditionally supported eugenics and not for the entirely supportable reason

    of economic pressures but for the unsupportable and illiberal reason of advancing a

    political agenda that involves eliminating certain social groups from the population.

    Curtailing benefits is not in any way related to eugenics, it is simply a common sense

    attitude to persuading people to take responsibility for their own lives.

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