Download - Ephebiphobia

  1. 1. EPHEBIPHOBIA The fear of adolescents
  2. 2. STICKY FAITH FINDINGS Nearly 50% of committed Christian teenagers struggle deeply with faith when they hit college Sticky faith that is internalized and externalized Sticky faith that is personal and communal Sticky faith that is mature and maturing
  4. 4. THREE CORE PROBLEMS WITH YOUTH MINISTRY The bait and switch The one-eared Mickey Mouse Behavior Modification The dry-cleaner parent mentality
  5. 5. SYSTEMATIC ABANDONMENT Society createsgeneration gaps where people of different ages dont talk or learn from one another. The gap forces teenagers to create their own worlds with their own rules (the world beneath)
  6. 6. SYSTEMATIC ABANDONMENT Cyber-bullying Sexting Cutting Clinical Depression
  7. 7. CHAP CLARK, HURT The way mid-adolescents have been forced to design their own worlds and separate social system has created perhaps the most serious and yet understudied social crisis of our time.
  8. 8. SYSTEMATIC ABANDONMENT Society createsgeneration gaps where people of different ages dont talk or learn from one another. The gap forces teenagers to create their own worlds with their own rules (the world beneath) Institutions created to care for the young become self-perpetuating and agenda driven
  9. 9. CHAP CLARK, HURT By the time adolescents enter high school, nearly every one has been subjected to a decade or more of adult-driven and adult- controlled programs, systems, and institutions that are primarily concerned with adults agendas, needs, and dreams.
  10. 10. THE CHURCHS RESOURCES The church can celebrate rights of passage The church can provide social scaffolding The church can enter and value their world
  11. 11. YOUTH MINISTRY MYTHS & AXIOMS Myth: We should try and re-create experiences that were meaningful to us when we were teenagers and/or younger. Truth: Teenagers must be led from where they are.
  12. 12. YOUTH MINISTRY MYTHS & AXIOMS Myth: Teenagers need adults who act like teenagers and can keep up with teen culture Truth: Teenagers need adults who dont freak out when they act like teenagers.
  13. 13. YOUTH MINISTRY MYTHS & AXIOMS Myth: We should answer a teenagers spiritual questions with accessible, irrefutable truths. Truth: Their spiritual question is more important than our spiritual answer.
  14. 14. SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS The courage to ask the hard questions ember-online-only/kara-powell-hard- questions.html
  15. 15. STICKY FAITH SOLUTIONS Equipping parents to lead their teenagers spiritually because they are the primary spiritual influencers Valuing and validating teenagers in the life of the inter-generational church Teaching and modeling grace as the churchs primary message over and above sin management
  16. 16. EPHEBIPHOBIA The fear of adolescents

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