

gnaw Bite or chew. V He gnaws the pencil when

cause lingering anxiety v Guilt gnaws in you….

Whine Complain with high pitch V The boy whined when

Divert Turn aside, turn away from V His attention was diverted by… divert traffic

Sporadic Occasional, scattered or isolated Adj Sporadic rain

Cumbersome Difficult because of complexity adj Calculus is cumbersome

heavy Adj Cumbersome backpack

Treacherous Dangerous hazardous Adj The treacherous route

Sneer Smile, laugh showing contempt V He sneered at her competitor

Strut Walk pompously, swag V She struts arrogantly

Nudge To seek attention by a push of the elbow

V He nudged his mom…

Retort Answer back rudely V He angrily retorted

Muffle To deaden the sound V She muffled her cry of pain

Leverage Power over another; effectiveness N He used leverage to

Straining Make a great effort V Don´t strain your eyesight

Heave Lift or raise up v He heaved the

Mumble Utter words indistinctly V Otto mumbles

Stance Posture N His stance is

Bulging Curving outward V Her stomach was bulging out of…

Fury Great anger N Showed fury when

Wrenched Pull by twisting v I wrenched it out of her hand

Construe Assign a meaning to V She construed the meaning of

Yank Pull suddenly V He yanked…

Rejoice Express great joy V After the victory, they rejoiced

Defiantly In a rebellious manner adv Defiantly answered to his parents

Lush Extravagant, a lot of Adj The lush garden

Miffed Aroused to impatience or anger Adj The miffed man

Brusquely Rudely Adv He brusquely pulled...

Swagger Walk arrogantly V He swaggered through the hallway

Merely Just a little bit Adv She gave me merely one

Fidget Move restlessly Verb During a presentation, he fidgeted

Supple Flexible Adj Supple yoga instructor

Scowl Frown with displeasure V She scowled at

Raspy Harsh, grating voice Adj She has a raspy voice

Snatch Arrebatar V The thief snatched her purse

Tingle To cause escalofríos V Acupuncture tingled all over my body

Caress Touch lightly, in a loving manner V JP caresses Sammy’s hair

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