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ENG105 Presentation

Topic: Self Defense Training for Women

Presented by: Zakiul Ehssan BarkatiENG105, Section 13

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• The safety of women is a major concern today• It is time women are trained on how to

protect themselves• Self defense training is a mechanism to

protect oneself from a possible violent confrontation

• People mix it with sports kung-fu, karate or taekwondo

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Introduction (contd.)

Hypothesis: • It was assumed that people would mix self-

defense training with sports such kung-fu, martial arts

• People are acquainted to safety concerns of women and would support the idea

• They will feel that the program will ensure safety in the future

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Primary Data Analysis




According to you, self-defense training is?

Taekwondo, kung-fu or karatea mechanism to counter vio-lenceboth of them

Taekwondo, kung-fu or karate: 24, a mechanism to counter violence: 12, both of them: 6

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Primary Data Analysis

Which of the confrontation poses the greatest threat to women?

Rape Eve-teasing Domestic Violence

78.6% 50% 19%

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Primary Data Analysis




While encountering any such instances (rape, eve-teasing), a woman should?

Run AwayHit back for protectionOthers (Calling for someone else's atten-tion)

Run Away : 5, Hit back for protection: 34, Others: 3

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Primary Data Analysis




Self-defense training for women is?


Somewhat Important

Not at all important

Important: 34, Somewhat Important: 7, Not at all important: 1

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Primary Data Analysis




Can the implementation of such training lead to a safer environment for women in the future?

Yes: 32, No: 2, Maybe: 8

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Secondary Sources Analysis

PRIP Trust Study Report on Violence Against Women, April 2009

• The report consisted views of community women and NGO’s along with respondents of victims

• Suggested that the cause of occurrences such as physical torture, sexual harassment and eve-teasing are prevalent and unavoidable as women are not habituated to protest them

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Secondary Sources AnalysisBook: “Art of Urban Survival: A Family Safety and

Self Defense Manual”, by Stefan Verstappen (2011)

• The author terms stalkers, eve-teaser and rapists as a “malevolent psychopath”

• They exhibit a very unpredictable behavior• These people lack remorse, guilt and shame

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Secondary Sources Analysis

Book: “The Science of Self Defense for Girls and Women by Henry Okazaki” (1929)

• A pictorial guide book on training self-defense to women

• Guides on how women can use “eye-poke”, “knuckle” or “chop” to neutralize an assailant

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• If self-defense program is implemented properly, women might be able to protect themselves and other women facing trouble

• According to the primary research, people believe it will work towards ensuring better safety for women

• Women will gain confidence• Possibly, it will force victimizers or attackers to

rethink before committing such disgraceful acts

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