Page 1: Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 State of Nevada, April 12, 2017 . Elizabeth M Hauk . 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 . Elko,

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 388-1709 [email protected] State of Nevada Attorney General, His Honor Mr. Adam Paul Laxalt 5420 Kietzke Lane, Suite 202 Reno, NV 89511 Telephone: 775-687-2100 Fax: 775-688-1822 [email protected] State of Nevada ACLU Mr. Tod Story 601 South Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 United States (702) 366-1226 Fax: (702) 366-1331 [email protected] RE: Elko County, Elko, Nevada/Inmate and Prisoner Fees/R-16-2015/Elko County District Attorney & Office/Elko County Commission/Elko County Sheriff & Office Dear, Mr. Attorney General, His Honor, Adam Paul Laxalt; Mr. Tod Story, There is no easy way to say this but other than to present you with all the documentation, I have collected on INMATE and PRISONER FEES, that Sheriff Jim Pitts asked to start collecting on 02/05/2014. I have contacted many Attorney’s, including my own and was turned down. I would like to go ahead with my Public Integrity Complaint, against the, for a mentioned. Based on the following allegations but not limited to:

• Criminal Syndicate

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• Embezzlement • Racketeering • Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I am an inmate, out on, 9 month deferment, from an allegation of, ECC 7-1-9 “battery”, arrested July 31, 2016, charged, August 2, 2016. I contacted my attorney, was told she was too, busy to help me. From her response she basically said, it won’t get dismissed. If she would of just taken the time to see what I was doing or ask me to come in and talk, I wouldn’t have to take this to you both. This isn’t about a dismissal, this is about the Public’s Integrity and all the lost SOULS that are being hurt by ASSHOLES! I care less about myself, it’s about what’s being done to thousands of others from the STUPIDITY, of the ECC, ECSO, ECDA, plus the rest of the entire government in our County. This isn’t the only department that has issues! They are rotten to the core. This is just the start of what needs to be done. It holds most close to my heart because I was hurt by the system. I intend to clean up every department. Call them out one at a time for their STUPIDITY! This has been going on for decades, told to me by my mentor Judge Stringfield, before his death. Please send all that you can to my aide, for I am a “PRISONER” in my own home for what I have done. For calling them out on their STUPIDITY! I cannot take it any farther for I fear for not only my own life, my family, and all the souls in ECJ. I have been researching this night and day from August 7, 2016. Most of the info I have memorized or know where it resides, or own it. You cannot get certified copies from any entity, because most of it has not been filed with the Elko County Clerk’s Office. Sincerely Yours, Elizabeth M Hauk

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

State of Nevada Office of the Attorney General His Honor Adam Paul Laxalt Carson City Office: Office of the Attorney General 100 North Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 Telephone: 775-684-1100 Fax: 775-684-1108 Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt. 102 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 388-1709 [email protected] Re: Complaints against Elko County Justice System His Honor Adam Paul Laxalt, I, Elizabeth M Hauk would like to introduce myself. I wish it could be under different circumstances but until that day does comes, here it goes. I have been a resident in Elko County since 1979. I was 4 years old at the time. I moved here with my single parent mother with a family of six others. My mother did the best she could, not until recently; I finally forgave her for my crazy lifestyle. For she was a victim of Domestic Abuse through and through for 20+ years. I have a 27 year tamed “DEMON” of Alcoholism, a 4+ year tamed “DEMON” of Methamphetamines, and just recently discovered 40-year-old tamed “DEMON” of Bi-polar, ADD/ADHD and Generalized Anxiety issues. I am now 42 years old, mother of two adults, two teenagers all girls, my miracles that have no severe “DEMONS” that plagued me all my life. I raised “WINNERS” so to speak. My education that I have is simple, compared to yours, by all means, a GED. I have lived a life of regret and turmoil, due to my OWN detriment, until most recently. I pushed all those that have LOVED me from the time I was 2 years old. Now, I am the happiest anyone could ever be on this place; I like to call EARTH-HELL. I found my LIGHT. I finally have HOPE. I have killed my demons of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Mental Health issues. Elko County is plagued with some of the worst that is crippling our Nation. I have lived and walked in many places and with the “DEMONS” that are killing MY Community, Elko Nevada, MY State of Nevada, MY Nation the United States of America. No one can fix it at your level, unless you have been plagued with any of the “DEMONS”, I speak of. “Let me put it in your terms….” “We are the People”. I will fight those that are preventing me from showing the light that is actually here. Many people are the ones preventing it. It is easier

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than you actually think. You have all just forgotten. Trump is the right one in the Presidency position. He will be the Messiah on this Earth-Hell, for He will not fail. I believe in him, “Do you?” I am the Messiah for all those in Elko County Jail System, until the day, my story unfolds, or you hear me screaming. Alternatively, I WILL sue the “ASSHOLES” that are trying to prevent me from doing so. That day will be in July as for the day they arrested me was July 31, 2016, statute of limitations. I just hope sooner than not you can help me fix the past before I have to bring my suit before the Nevada US District Court. I am not driven; by “MONEY”, “GREED”, or “POWER”, I am driven; by “ANGELS”, “GODS-WILL” “GOD’S-POWER”, for “JUSTICE” of all of “GODS” children. Can you hear me “YET”? The only difference between you and I is you have 400+ lawyers backing you up with your fight. You have earned it. I am the Army of only one to date. I do not need any lawyer to protect me for anything; I have GOD and his army on my side. I found the back door to you so to speak and why I sent these complaints through “RESTRICTED” mail, and will continue, until the day we can speak one on one. One Citizen to another Citizen. If not then and until myself, “Pro Se”, or when some, “BAD-ASS” attorney, like you and your army of 400+, hears me. We GOD’S children are drowning here and now and have been for many years. I was, supposed to do this back in 2005 when my mentor Judge Stringfield told me his secrets and convinced me to plead guilty to a DUI charge. His death however sent me on another roller coaster ride of depression. Well not any longer. He was a great man, JUDGE, leader, my friend in my Community. He is my Angel in Heaven, he is my hero, and he is my mentor still. He just left us too early because he did not have HOPE, as I do when he hung up his robe. Do not be scared for me, for I am not. There is nothing, on the Earth, that could ever scare me again. I walk with “Angels” through and through. I have been reborn so to speak once again and for the final time. I WILL not fail; I WILL not take my place in the HEAVENS until I know my children are safe in all aspects of my community in Elko, Nevada, or at least protect them from all that I use to be for 40 years. I was always on the sidelines to protect them. They are now on the sidelines waiting to see what I am doing. My DAUGHTERS, God’s children in Elko County Jail System, are hurting and have been hurting for a long time. However, I hope that, YOU, THEY, ALL will finally see I am not a beast anymore, with all I am trying to do. I was only that way because my own mother hurt me, over 40 years ago. They were my light, they are still my light, here in this Hell, and we call Earth. They are my Legacy to date. Because my END is, near. They are so afraid for me in what I am trying to accomplish and sit on the sidelines now. The light at the end of my path is brighter than ever. I am only trying to protect them and their families that are to come here and now in this community. To start a revolution against all those that continue to hurt all of “GOD’S” children on a daily basis. The right way, “GOD’S” way, by “The Constitution of The United States of America”. “United We Stand”, “Can you HEAR ME NOW”? Sincerely yours, Elizabeth “Liz” Hauk

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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Dear Mr. Chairperson; Board Members; Counselor,

I came before you on 3/24/2017 and requested; the board procure all records, per R-16-

2015, from ECSO. I also requested procurement of records of all Jail Policies. These records are

to be, held, within OUR local government.

Per; but not limited to, NRS: Chapter 277; NRS: Chapter 211; NAC: 211; Standards for

Adult Local Detention, Second Edition.

That is a statement in progress because they are part of my ALLEGATIONS. There are

so many are being broken behind your Authority, we might as well just throw, all NRS Chapters

at your feet! I believe it would hurt you, more than do any good.

50+ pages of allegations to date to start, that is just for the ECJ and ECSO to date. R-16-

2015 records are to be held by the treasury since they are County Funds not ECSO funds,

according to R-16-2015 & NRS 211.

Upon my return home and checking my Email Miss Kerr sent me a second email with a

new cost analysis. (See email attachments; 03/14/2017 @ 8:45 a.m., 3/24/2017 @ 1:55p.m.) She

said, “All transactions are conducted utilizing a kiosk system.”

So is Trinity an accounting firm or a food service industry? I thought the kiosk system

was governed by Federal Laws of regulations, because it had to deal with Communications,

provided by, the company escapes my memory.

But I do know the Sheriff proposed that back in 2015, for new communications and the

Board approved it, because of a kickback. Which leads to more questions. Who owns Trinity,

who owns the communications for the kickback? I guess I will have to do more digging.

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I am still unsure how the ECSO, is not the responsible party since the Sheriff has been

given such leave way of all Inter-Local Agreements for medical care, food plans, commissary

store, collection of R-16-2015, all policies etc.

Oh, wait only County Government can hold Inter-Local Agreements, writes them up and

signs all contracts, holds all bank accounts, policies, ordinances, resolutions, proclamations!

(NRS; 244, 245, 268 but not limited to)

Has the Board ever read all the NRS Statutes and Bills, Policies, Procedures to date? Or

before they decided to run for their seats? Or before they claimed their Chairs? Or at least know

how to get their answers to the questions that anyone may ask before them before taking action

on anything, before asking for a legal review?

First and foremost you cannot read anything from the middle, to the end or end to

beginning then middle, you get the point, I hope. With reading the Statues you must start at the

beginning Chapter 1, maybe crack open a few other types of books or the entire Bill or

Procedures from an Advisory Board, ETC. You never just assume or take ones review on

anything. You do it until you get the full story before you can have an opinion, which is “sound”

“beyond a reasonable doubt” (CRIMINAL) or “preponderance of the evidence” (CIVIL) both

like mine. Scared yet? I am!

Here we go! Hang on tight! It’s a long and bumpy ride; my apologies if anyone takes

offense, it’s not meant to be offensive. Trying to help, not my fault if you can’t see that!

Consider this part of my deposition! My Allegations, are a work in progress, with all of the

screwed up crap!

The Board might approve Ordinances, Resolutions or Proclamations, but it seems to me

no one is doing their job according to NRS Statues or by any State Boards Policies, or the Local

Laws and Procedures, for that matter.

The more Miss Kerr addresses me the deeper the hole gets open, on the Sheriff’s end. So

Mr. Chairperson, or counsel, please ask Miss Kerr to no longer address me, the adults have a big

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mess to clean up, I am guessing, this mess is because of her. If she wanted a top position like she

had years ago at another establishment, in ELKO, but ruined that also, she should of ran for

Sheriff, or a Board position, in my own opinion, County Manager perhaps? Sister please, I could

run circles around you all day and night long, with both hands tied behind my back, while doing

my real job, a mother and housewife. Oh wait, I will and shall. Therefore I will and must!

In another of my opinions, she has convinced the Board/s, the Sheriff, that she is right

and it will cost you all dearly; it is your names, she ruined them, you all have the AUTHORITY,

you might have been, played but you all are the responsible ones.

Just like ECC & the Sheriff is for the Jail, Policies, Rules, Regulations, Meals, Medical

etc. Everything except the handling of “inmates” and “prisoners”. The Sheriff is just hired help

to control them, by ECC policies.

The ECSO is also responsible to serve any/all documents, dealing with a court of law.

But yet, he seems too busy with all the 80 hired hands doing other things, besides their JOB

outlined in NRS Chapter 248. Talk about a waste of MILLIONS of $$!

So with that said I would like to MOVE and MOTION the Board, to reconstruct the

ECSO. You could save close to, what is the budget to date? Close to 11 MILLION $$? In my

best educated guess you could save about 75% of that give or take 10%. Not my JOB, it is yours

and the Equalization’s and District Attorney’s office JOB! If not I will have a court of LAW do it

for me!


Our Elko Police Department has to aide him in serving to many documents in my

opinion! It’s not the Elko Police Departments job! They do it, I believe because they are to aid

the Sheriff’s Department at the asking of the Sheriff. Enough I say, the Elko Police Department

has better things to do than to be errand runners for the Sheriff!

Has anyone ever looked at the Elko City Police Department or Elko City Council? They

are always nice and pleasant and easy going and actually care and follow all the LAWS! Their

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websites are user friendly, up to date. No one is perfect but they have no HUGE skeletons so to

speak lurking around them, trust me I checked!

It’s like night and day, in my own opinion! Elko City Police Department/Elko City

Council vs Elko County Sheriff Office/Elko County Commissioners.

Don’t even get me started on any other County Department. That is another beef I will

pick on a later date and time. One Department at a time if I must to fix all that is broken! This

isn’t just about the Jail, this is about all the County Departments that are broken. “Our

Community”, “my Community”, who cares? Obviously, I do more than anyone! I chose the one

that was closest to my heart, one that needs the most help in my viewpoint! The rest will come

with time, from me and by me, unless this proves my point. I WILL not stop till we become “The

Best Small Town in America” again!

Because you hurt me and continue to hurt, many of GOD’s children, the COMMUNITY!

Our Community, backs you, except for me and all the ones you are hurting! You can’t cage a

soul and get them to submit to Authority, if you do not know the cause!

You cannot just send them away or use tactics to make them move out of your town,

because you will just piss them off. Like me? I know you guys are buying up all the low income

places around town and kicking out the bad seeds, the druggies, the drug dealers. Making it so

they can’t rent from anyone in this town. The way you are doing it is illegal!

Fortunately, for you they do not have the mentality to read how to secure their homes or

apartments by the Housing Authority of, HUD, FHA, Section 8, etc.

Unfortunately, for you, I do, I have read all that needs to be done and showing them how

to start fighting you all.

So those that ask for my help get packets at no cost to them from me! So stop what you

are trying to do because it will not work. You are just pissing me off more, and making me fight

harder. It’s a never losing battle can’t you see. You have to get to the beginning before you can

fix, the past, before you can look to the future! Any fool knows that, look at me!

Even though, in my own opinion, I shouldn’t of, been arrested by EPD, like they did, so

what! It is what it is, I have no qualm with them, yet! I should have been administered, a

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breathalyzer, upon the scene, or asked, when probable cause of Alcohol or Drugs are the main

factor of cause of ARREST.

Note to self; Write a letter to Legislation, AG, and Governor to possibly change the


Then the Officer should have determined, hospital or jail. Hospital, we wouldn’t be here

today. Makes no difference glad he did otherwise I wouldn’t be trying to make you see the light

of day, some other criminal would only see $$.

This wasn’t my first brush with the law. January 19, 2005, DUI. Most call me Franco,

my maiden name, but the arresting officer was newer, than my alcoholism, and I quit, fell off the


First time in over 5 years, July 31, 2016. I had been in a bar only setting, not by choice, I

wasn’t the driver that night. Still not her fault, I admit to ordering the drinks, the bar that served

me, I’ll never admit that unless under OATH! Ever hear of the Mickey Finn Defense, look it up.

However, I downed a total that I could remember of 12 shots, and 5 beers in less than, 2

hours, leading to my arrest at the Red Lion. Probably more, but who cared? No one, obviously,

just throw her in jail and let someone else like the DA’s office deal with it.

Evidence, the DA’s office handed it to my lawyer, discovery. I could care less about the

arrest except for two things in the discovery, but that will be civil and Federal court of Law, and

depending on the outcome of what happened to me under the care of the ECSO! Don’t believe

me go do some digging Mr. District Attorney.

My husband also works for the Red Lion, so they are not my BEEF either. A few things

I need to let the CEO know about that night but that time will come later, when he gets wind of

this letter, and invites me in as an ally, not as wife of an employee, or a CIVIL LAWSUIT!

I wanted a dismissal from your office, I accomplished the terms of all the Judge and Mr.

Lowe wanted from me, in one meeting with the LCSW, I also only see the Behavioral Specialist

once every 3 months or when needed, no way!

That is because in less than 5 weeks, I went to another State to get help. When all along

all I needed was help with my underlying conditions of Mental Health. I, no longer have fear of

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Alcohol or Illegal Drugs. My only fear is of Legal RX’s. My Behavioral Specialist, is one of a

kind, she is like a motherly being.

Keep me on my 9-month deferment, why because, I have more rights as a ward of the

court out on BOND! Yeah that’s right, duh I told myself. No matter, I already told my lawyer to

refuse it if it is offered. Smart lady that one, worth every penny it took to hire her! Actually

probably under charging, now that I think about it.

Note to self; remind her.

Moving on;

The Sheriff, can request from the appropriate Boards, to open up BIDS for meals,

medical care plans, contracts and bids for expansion, maintenance for the jail, office etc.

Which, is not, in the first place, his job to bring them directly in front of ECC, or

anything for that matter. You want him to keep bringing reports like you, do so let him. Well I

will get an injunction so that he can’t even breathe in your presence.

He can bring them to the attention of the Liaison in their meetings. Then depending on

the right or wrong decision, of the Liaison. I’ll decide how appropriate it is then get an

injunction, if need be.

You might not be mentioning any names, but you sure are making our community scared

“shitless” and they continue to back you! If you are scared in your ELECTED CHAIRS, then

STAND, and let someone that deserves them, SIT in them. Now who is the smart one? Now who

is really SCARED?

All of these, should be, taken to the correct Boards, held by Elko County Commission. So

exactly what does the ECC do except, run around to meetings and never really writing anything

down? They don’t really go before any Boards except their own.

If there is a problem in one of the departments from one of the meetings, they have to

propose something before the Boards. Not individuals, that’s a given common procedure isn’t it?

Obviously not, in my own opinion, otherwise you wouldn’t look withered and worried all

the time. How do I know this well back in 1992 when Head Start started the Infant Toddler

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Program, by Sherri Reynolds, I was the Chair for 4 years, I was only 18. Wonderful women, God

rest her soul.

The way that everyone brings their end of the year reports before the Board, as I saw on

03/24/2017. They are suppose, to go before the Fiscal Affairs Board, then the Chair is to bring

them before the Commission, explain and answer any questions the Board may have.

The Departments may be present to help, but they never present without consent of the

Chair. He doesn’t get to sit, along, the Commission. He is the presenter! No wonder why, the

Commission is so tired, and the public doesn’t pay attention, it’s out of control!

You should have offices and make everyone come to you not the other way around.

There is a whole side second floor of the DA’s office that use to be Child Support Division, hell

that building is big enough start rearranging things so that you all have offices, don’t build

anything new. Start making everyone pull their full weight in every department. If you don’t then

I will one at a time!

Also, I am not sure why the Board has 7 seats at the same level in the ECC Board room

when in fact the Committee is only, to be 5 members. The County Manager and Deputy District

Attorney, do not belong next to you. Whom designed that room or came up with the plans? It

was a waste! You think you built 7 seats just in case we topple 100,000 people yeah, NOT. We

are barely even there! (Check the last census) After this crusade I am starting that more likely

than NOT will ever happen. If it does it will take decades!

The way the Elko County Sheriff or one of his higher up Deputies come to each meeting

is very intimidating. No wonder why no one complains, to you! Especially, the ones that you are

hurting, like me. I now have a RX for Generalized Anxiety, not to mention because of the two

arguments the Sheriff and I had at the Jail, only days before.

When the Sheriff finally backed up from me, sitting in a chair after yelling at me, so I

could leave. I was greeted outside in the parking lot by at least one officer from every

department, wondering what the hell was going on.

I was surprised, were they meant for ME or for HIM that day? Sheriff Pitts, was the one

yelling first and trying to make me adhere to his authority. God, please, it was all caught on

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video by my phone and the cameras owed by the County in the Jail waiting area. Now who is a


Guess me, I didn’t push hard enough for some fool to throw hand cuffs on me, before I

left! Damn guess next time I will or shall! The only reason I left was because the Sheriff was so

out of control I thought he was going to have a heart attack and I would be charged with

Involuntary Manslaughter!

The Sheriff has three officers posted M-F at the Court House, when you have one a

meeting have them posted at the entrance! That is what they are there for. It doesn’t take three

officers to scan in all things, check the person/s, before one that is going before a court of law.

You also have 80 employees, on the website roster. Use them, which is what they are

there for. You have so many higher ranked deputies and paying for all their schooling and what

not, instead of paying for them to become any higher POST employees, use them for a couple of

years them send them on their way to fly.

You only need Security Guards governed by NPILB. We do not need more Police

Officers. The average pay for one is $13.92 an hour, does not include any frills. They are still

governed by State and Federal Laws, but we would not have to pay for any of their continuing

education, and then each City would be responsible for their own Police Force and have to ask

the Commission for more money to hire them.

God Lord, people it doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. Problem is in

my own opinion, the ECSO wants to be the biggest law department in our County when we don’t

even have enough people per sq. mile to account for it. We might be the third biggest, but if you

are not attending to all the needs of the ones that we have in the cities you cannot grow any

bigger. No one wants to move here!

I found out within just most recently, you have been making ECSO, adhere to Laws,

Regulations and Policies. I ask of thee, what about the past that is bound by, the statutes of

limitations? Nothing, I have found to date. Prove me wrong! A Sheriff, elected, but he is not a

politician. He is controller of all criminals, unless it is a metropolitan area, then, if a Police

Commission is created (Because you have enough people per capita) or “We the people”, get to

choose, him or an administrator.

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Unfortunately, due to your own detriment, you continue to let him make a mockery of

ECC, and “OUR” community, in my own opinion. Over 10 million $$, wasted each year,

because you just take the word of the Sheriff, without doing the JOB, which you are, to be doing!

The Chair from each Board is to present all their findings for anything the ECSO wants to

become policy, resolution, or law. ECSO has no business bringing anything before the ECC

Board without proper Authority from any Board below you, first, and foremost. The way he

brings things to your attention how dare he!

Especially the way the addition to the Elko County Jail was brought! Did you know

that he also could be responsible for the cost of the addition, if I or anyone pursed it? Thinking

about it for later to get some of the money he has put into PERS. Did you also know he puts right

around $60,000 a year for retirement yearly in there, that doesn’t come from his annual pay.

We will pay him that when he retires! Over my dead body we will! That is roughly

2/3’s his annual salary! I’m already working on PERS, that will take me years.

Miss Kerr’s net worth, well I’ll let you figure that one out on your own. It’s all public

record if you know where to look, people! Oh wait all public records are, to be held by the

County Clerk, the holder of all Government Papers, but ours does not.

How can one get a Certified Copy of anything when they are not! The only one that

can certify any paper is the County Clerk not each entity. Why do you ask? So that no one can

change or edit or screw up anything, so it stands as EVIDANCE, in a court of Law! Doesn’t take

a genius to figure that one out.

So if there is nothing in the Clerk’s office it does not exist! Who’s freaking out now?

Your oath of verifiability, in court of law, when the time comes, please! Good luck with that! I

won’t be praying for you at that time. It might exist as a COPY of a document, but it still needs


This has been happening for years! Told, to me, back in 2005 from my mentor, my

acquaintance, my friend, a wise man Judge Stringfield. He told me many secrets, God rest his

soul, only weeks before his passing. It crippled me, better late than never, I suppose.

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His spirit lives within me and I will be damned if I fail him. Besides the fact I owe him,

yup he picked me to show you’ll the way. Where he left off. What he didn’t expect was me being

an angel/demon.

However, he had faith in me, and I am finally here. He was a wise man, I owe him my

life for what he has me doing. I have faith in him and in God. I owe them both. Millions upon

millions acts of kindness, for all sins; he, they, I, you have created over the last few decades they

will continue until the day I die, and afterlife.

However, you might think that is crazy, well then, in my own opinion, you have no faith,

• In GOD

• Christianity

• Nevada State Laws

• Nevada Constitution

• Federal Laws

• US Constitution

• ETC!

• In me?

Makes no difference if I am on that list, because I have enough faith in myself, with God,

in God and through GOD! You might call me a childish or crazy, but no matter; I know how to

play the game. Apparently, better than you all. I might be looking like a fool in front of you and

the public, but I have never cared what people have ever thought of me.

Check, yes still do not!

Therefore, am I the wild card you did not count, on? If so, is that childish, crazy, or

insane? Then sign me up! Top penthouse suite, with all of the frills, please. Because, I must be

seriously mental to take on the ECC, the ECSO, the DAO and anyone else that stands in my way.

Without a lawyer, as “ONE”, “United I STAND.”

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Before I stand, before a court of LAW for all of the souls, you seem to be hurting, God’s

Children, including me, “OUR COMMUNITY”, by your Authority and by the ECSO hands, all

of Elko Counties Departments;



Moving on, hope your still with me; I have many more words.

Did you know meal plans are to be set up by?

• The lowest bidder

• Reviewed by a dietician

o Approved by the Nevada State Board of Health (local Board of

Health, since one was created, you want it to be called a Board of Health then,

you shall do all that the one above you by State adheres to, unless you get

their permission to only do as you please. Not as you please. I’ve checked and

could find no minutes stating so. Prove me wrong!)

• At least every 90 days, in advance, before the meals with any

entity can service “inmates” or “prisoners”

I, also, believe in that precise order. Have you seen the, so-called, food Trinity is serving?

Ever just decided to go into the Jail our Community owns, and have lunch. Not by, appointment

or criminal act, but because you actually care?

• I challenge all five of you to do so.

Just one day pop in and check for yourself. Not brave enough, ask around, as I have.

Even though I have been in there, I refused to eat it, bill me if you must. Because that seems to

be all you, greedy people seem to care about, is MONEY! I would not feed that disgrace, to my

Alaskan malamute. She doesn’t even get dog food! She gets a well-balanced meal, homemade

food, three times a day, just like any human being deserves!

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• Then, the ECC is to approve it, check every 3 months, with

the Sheriff, so there is no discrepancies.

• I ask you, where is the paperwork, you keeping a log

off all? There isn’t one! Your, WORD, means nothing to me period,

nor will it in a court of law!

• Correct me if I am wrong Mr. Chairperson or Board; by all

means. Councilor/s?

Even though Eden Medical Care is the facility that comes into the jail whenever medical

care, is requested; per ECSO, or by whatever inter-local agreement the Board approved.

• As per my findings at 3/24/2017 ECC Board meeting;

• Care, is provided by a Physician Assistant

That means, he/she is,

• Governed, under the care of a licensed Medical Doctor.

With, Elko being so busy. How long, before, the governing doctor gets a chance to look

over all the findings of the Physician’s Assistant? If I recall, it is no later than 30 days, or was

back in the day when I worked for several Doctor’s, with Physician Assistants. It couldn’t of

changed that much.

When someone is suffering, as a heroin “abuser”, like I brought to your attention, this

could possibly be cruel and unusual punishment and/or violation of civil rights.

Most heroin “abusers” don’t just use heroin, they use meth. Why, do you ask? Anyone

that is an “abuser” of anything usually has an underlying mental health condition. So depending

on which mental health issue they are fighting depends on the drug. So in order to self-medicate

an “abuser” will use both, a downer and/or upper.

With, extended use, can lead to addiction, which in turn makes them an “addict”. This

leading to more criminal activity. This can also happen with Legal RX’s.

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When one that uses illegal drugs, after coming from a loving caring home without any

PTSD to their brain after full development. Does illegal or legal drugs to help with their mental

pains. Those are the ones to be afraid of! Those are the criminals.

So the ones that lock up the ones with underlying conditions of their drug usage or

criminal activity, could be conceived as cruel and unusual punishment. Oh crap, I let the cat out

of the bag. Wonder what one with that statement would do if they were an “inmate” or

“prisoner” of ECJ.

If you do not believe me go read all the papers Dr. Kilpatrick has written. He is a

renowned psychiatrist. He came up with the term back in 1980, that PTSD is not only for

veteran’s, of war. I’m having a little hard of a time with the analytical math, my weakness, but I

got the just of the science. This is my opinion, not advice, my discovery.

o So there is no specialty Doctors like;

o Psychiatrists

o Psychologists

o Or enough Drug and Alcohol Counselors, that care

At the disposal of inmates, only a PA. This could also infringe on cruel and unusual

punishment and/or civil rights.

Nevertheless, we both know only a court of law could decide that, now do not “We the


We also do not have a big enough facility for a court of law to sentence our criminals into

any kind of modernized Drug Facility!

The current Drug Programs;

• Drug Court

• Vitality Center

Drug Court, was founded, in Florida, years upon years ago.

o We have a Public Works Department, with criminals to work it, so

use them! So they can at least save face to R-16-2015.

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o Their family and friends shouldn’t be the one’s paying for it!

However, the Sheriff does, every time someone puts money on their

books, this includes you, ECC!

Vitality Center, I will let you know I use to work there some time ago. That place is even

more of a mess since Dorothy North, passed, God rest her soul.

It’s like taking a half of a heart away, leaves you a half and any

intelligent person knows you cannot only live with half a heart.

It eventually cannot consume the brunt of all, like a whole.

Those two women, made something strong, just not big enough to take

the fall of all of this communities stupidity!

The only reason why Drug Court, worked in the beginning in our town was that it was

strong. Now that there are swifter minded criminals, it no longer works. Wake up people! Your

wasting tax $$, millions!

However, you want these criminals to adhere to R-16-2015. I ask, how dare you? When

you do not even know, how it is ran completely! You might have passed the Resolution; banking

on the ECSO could handle it.

They obviously, cannot, it is not their JOB, and it is yours! Just because something, set by

Legislation, does not mean it is a good idea unless you follow the law to a T!

I learned that from a great man teaching at our Community College, continuing

education, paralegal classes. His class was just, to slow for me so I quit even before the first 8

week class was over. I spent 3 months learning all I could about Nevada State Laws,

Regulations, and Policies. Now, I am working on Federal, I think I can get that done in the next

18 months, give or take 6 months.

Black and White in my book, a law book, no gray areas. If something is wrong, you fix it

by any means necessary, from the start to the end!

Someone that is Bi-Polar and ADD/ADHD is Black/White, look it up if you do not

believe, or better yet ask any Specialty Doctor of Psychiatry, but I am using my best educated

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guess you do not know any. There is none in this town on a regular basis. I went to many looking

for reasons to stop my pursuit, of obsession.

You are not! You sit there all smug in your Chairs, well if you are not careful and start

listening to me instead of trying to cover it up, I will become even more obsessed and pull them

out from underneath you! That is not a threat, which is a fact and a promise.

My brain, with the correct medicines works about the rate of 15 people, give or take 5


So listen up Mr. Chair and Board, I asked nicely for you, in the beginning to invite me to

one of your meetings. I did not have to do that, by NRS Statues. I still do not, but this is the last

time, I do!

R-16-2015 has been in progress for 3+ years and there is a huge mess to clean up. I have

done all my homework. Have all of you? Will you not? I have no clue, but I think after, this

letter, it might become the biggest topic in your quorum. Especially if I do not get a special,

invite before the Board.

A Special Closed session, bring your whole team of counsel and hire more if you need

them, I have 13 pages of questions so far. It grows daily; I have a closet full of papers, I,

collected in about 4 months’ time, to find one shred of evidence that what I was finding was

untrue. I am working on my second computer, now. Most of it memorized!

The $10.00, which, taken from me when I bailed out, put into the Sheriff’s Cash Account,

without me even seeing my belongings accounted for, over a $25.00 bail charge, you approved,

on June 17, 2015 by R-16-2015.

With one of the papers I signed for demand for payment, without a judgement, that you

are asked to sign, and told if you don’t sign it, you still owe it to us upon your return. To put into

the Commissary Account the Sheriff holds, because the Cash Account is now held by the County

Treasury, thank god she got smart and realized something was up!

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BTW, the Commissary monies is to be turned over monthly to the Treasury, hope for the

Sheriff’s sake he is doing that. You can’t demand for payment unless a judgement from a

JUDGE has been ordered! It is illegal!

Or, an “inmate” or a “prisoner” give full written permission to take the monies out of

their “CASH” account to be put in their “COMMISSARY” accounts! NOT UNDER DURESS!

If the Sheriff wants a “piece of his PIE”, which it is not his in the first place, only the

DA’s office can get a court order and judgement to take that money from the “inmates” or

“prisoners” CASH account held by the treasury, to pay for your stupid R-16-2015.

Sheriff Pitts, piss poor, proposal, approved on February 05, 2014, after his Authority

voice. Collection started on April 1, 2014, Board Resolution discussed on June 15, 2015, signed

June 17, 2015.

Gee, that long breath, of words on paper, sounds criminal, all on its own! In my opinion,

Sheriff Pitts was scared he was going to lose the election by some other citizen, which is why he

demanded it, the way he did.

I was appalled, and notified one of you, since then it disappeared, edited. But any smart

human being, would know, unlike Hilary Clinton, once it’s saved or written, it’s still there.

Unless you completely destroy the servers, but, as for you all, did you know someone

can save the video by mainstream, like me, by someone like my husband that works in IT, yup


Now this has turned into more than just that, I am talking about the 5,358 inmates you

have collected from, per Miss Kerr’s calculations, this does not include how many times, God

help us all.

We would not want this to turn into a court battle now, would we? I also would not want

to be, forced, in a court of law to tell the truth, the whole truth so help me, and you, GOD! Oops

too late!

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I wonder how many millions of dollars it will cost you for your mistake. I am positive;

Mr. Tod Story would be more than willing to help me figure that out, with his team, his

calculator and in a court of law. Since I have been informing him of all that I am finding.

Think of me as the angler and he as the fish. I have not yet given him any concrete

evidence or typed up all of my allegations to the Attorney General, as he has asked me to do. Or

have I? For,

I am on the RIGHTOUS side of HEAVEN! Are we all not? You hold the Key to your

own salvation. Do you not?

You do not want me not to start filing my allegations to the Attorney General or Mr. Tod

Story, head of the ACLU, or another attorney? Then convince me how you are going to fix it!

I have over 5,358 allegations to date, thanks to Miss Kerr. That is just one criminal/civil

act, per person. How many more can I come up with without a team like Mr. Tod Story’s, the

Attorney General I have no clue.

You choose, because I am in a dilemma. If you make me choose, it will be both!

You received the same letter, I did from the Attorney General. You want me to start

throwing allegations like:

• Racketeering

• Embezzlement

• Criminal Syndicate

• ETC!

This is just the beginning, you want to keep me quiet, then try, cause you are doing a piss

poor JOB in my book. Answers, I want them all!

The Community deserves them! Truth, “You can’t handle the truth”, obviously. It is not

about the money, but you are making it that way. It is not that I do not believe in NRS 211 or R-


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I know the way you are doing it, you are committing criminal acts/civil acts, violations,

call it what you will. I want JUSTICE! Want to buy me off? You couldn’t afford me! Souls are


You could start by, putting a STAY on R-16-2015. Then break out your calculations with

the Equalization Board to find out where you will either come up with the money for a

Foundation in Honor of my mentor Judge Stringfield, since I still owe him $$ worth for

something he did for me back in the day, oh wait he cleared my debt before his death.

For all the corruption that plagued our Community, wise man he was only weeks before

his death. You picked the right one to take this forward, in my book! No matter, I want it

dedicated to him. Or I will take it to the US District Court and start my own Foundation! You

have right around what $65 million in assets, last time I checked.

By the way, I am not sure who or whom wrote up R-16-2015, but it is not full proof. I

deconstructed it in a matter of minutes. Therefore, I suggest you get your council to, look at it,

and fix it! Because the only one that can write up Resolutions is the District Attorney, before, the

Board signs them. There is no way possible, Mr. District Attorney Torvinen, wrote that

Resolution. God rest his soul! I have read hundreds of his case ligatures.

I will just assume, the Elko County Manager wrote it up because no one had any clue

when I asked. Don’t even get me started on that PERSON, for he can’t even manage E-

Comment on your website on a daily basis.

That is not till after I made my CLAIM, not allegations yet so far of his STUPIDITY! So

I suggest you get a new one after my allegations ahead of time, unless you want to spend

MILLIONS trying to protect him.

Cause it is happening with or without your permission! He is the top paid official, in the

county including all the benefits upon retirement! He will not, shall not receive one damn penny,

over my dead body!

I am not sure why, you have council at every meeting, is it because you do not

understand the words coming out of her mouth, law terms?

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How can a bird learn to fly if its mother is always there? They will always fail and make

hasty decisions, because they are forced into it by showing off.

No offense Miss Mc Queary, I was actually afraid of you, until the day we had that

meeting, wise woman, wasn’t perfectly clear till after I met you, why the Board didn’t advance

you to District Attorney, but now I know why. They were, to afraid, for their mother, the best

one of the two to leave their nest. Talk about how selfish that is, you deserve it and still do.

Typical children always wanting their mama. Maybe it wasn’t in your path of light. Meaning,

maybe you should run for JUDGESHIP, I would vote for you. God help the Commissioners.

NRS 252.170 Attendance at certain meetings of board of county commissioners;


1. The district attorney shall, when not in attendance at the sittings of the district

court as criminal prosecutor, attend the meetings of the board of county commissioners. When

attending meetings of the board of county commissioners relating to the auditing of accounts

and claims brought against the county, the district attorney shall oppose such accounts or claims

as the district attorney deems appropriate.

2. Additional duties of the district attorney include, without limitation:

(a) Reviewing all contracts under consideration by the board of county commissioners;

(b) Drafting ordinances and amendments thereto;

(c) Providing advice relating to the interpretation or application of county ordinances;

(d) Providing advice relating to the impact of federal or state law on the county;

(e) Drawing all legal papers on behalf of the board of county commissioners; and

(f) At all times, giving his or her advice, including written legal opinions, when

required, to the members of the board of county commissioners upon matters relating to their


[13:125:1865; B § 2947; BH § 2116; C § 2307; RL § 1604; NCL § 2082]—(NRS A

2011, 353)

Meaning if a homemaker, with a GED education can deconstruct it, that means someone

with a law degree and years behind them did not write it.

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Oh wait, I forgot, I already sound like a lawyer, therapist, drug counselor, and of course

mother. I only want to be a homemaker. Someone that loves all, screw this arguing. Oh wait, a

mother knows all, when she or children are being hurt in any way!

Continuing on;

Responsibility, it is yours, but I want the ECSO to be responsible since they are the ones

that brought it before the BOARD on 02/05/2014.

On said date, the video, which seems to be edited, after I brought it to one of your


On the board, back in November, the Sheriff, DEMANDED that he be given permission

to start collecting the money immediately! It was a non-action item, and no legal review, no

budget impact, nothing had been taken on the proposal! If you look up the documentation it was

originally printed out in 2012.

Just because you “could” doesn’t mean you “should” do something. It could lead to

disaster. Miss Mc Queary, gave the board, sound advice that day.

All the Board thought about was $$, in my book, besides someone else like the alcoholic

that filed against him, you had him arrested!

That proposal was not thought out entirely, if given any thought period! I ripped it apart

in a matter of minutes and have many questions and allegations that amounts to about 13 pages.

Then I started trying to fix it. There is no fixing it! Too many criminal and civil

violations. So what would any, GENIUS or mother, do in that predicament, try and fix it.

I started trying to fix it, to help the Sheriff save face, it is impossible! So I decided to help

further and started a new one for the Board. It is not done to date because a lawyer needs to do it!

The DAO, it’s their job not mine, yours, or anyone else’s!

Follow the damn law to a T, top to bottom, it wasn’t put there by Nevada Legislation for

you to use how you see fit! It was put there to protect “We the People”. You don’t get to only

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pick and choose what you want whenever you want! You use it to answer all and every question

you possible could ever have.

Then, when you have questions the Statutes, Boards, Federal Regulations, Federal Laws,

you cannot answer, you ask for a law review. To the DA’s office. They can charge you a few so

be prepared for each legal review. It has never been done this way, so be prepared! They have

criminals to convict, or help!

Then when higher ups like the AG or the GOVENER do their research they, give the

entity a legal review, charge a fee to you or the DA’s office ask Legislation or write up a BILL,

Resolution to help with you solve your issues, get the answers or how they think one should be

done, by their Authority!

In one of the Sheriffs interviews, after the fact, Commissioner Gerber and Sheriff Pitts


“It was their choice to commit a crime, and now they should pay for their meals while

they’re serving their time,” Elko County Commissioner Grant Gerber said to the VICE network.

“We’re looking out for the taxpayer. We’re not looking out for the criminal.”

“[The ACLU] is wrong,” Gerber added. “I’m an attorney; they’re wrong lots of times.

They need to raise money, so they’re making complaints to get their name in the paper.”

Pitts also denied that his move to start charging inmates now was a campaign stunt for

this years election.

“I have been working on this for three years,” he explained. “I finally just got tired of

waiting and went to the commission.”

I only took less than 3 months to figure all out that I needed to start my pursuit! Now I

am putting it all together in order to start what I WILL accomplish!

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However, I, you and our community will in the end, take the blunt of it. If you do not

open your eyes. My line, drawn, since you seem to keep fighting me.

You choose, which side of the line you will be, on, be, middle man, I do not care. I am

sure I can convince the ACLU, whom should be responsible, since I hold all the documentations

to pursue this in the Nevada US District Court of Law.

You choose, I choose, what is the difference? As long as it is fixed and Justice served, I

do not care. Raise my taxes, I’m just as guilty as you are! For not paying attention back in 2014.

I’ll decide if I want to stay, not you! So who or whomever has undercover police

following me, stop wasting your time! Don’t make me start taking photos and keeping a log

book of them all to prove HARRASMENT, STALKING, possibly worse, in a Court of Law.! It

will only cost you Millions more to get new ones in this town!

As for, the so called, informants, or snitches, good lord please, most of them use to

service me when I had my bought with, clinical depression and Methamphetamines! Who’s

playing the fool now?

One last thing, before I finish schooling you officials;

One of the Undercover, agents, asked me about an immediate family member/s, which I

haven’t spoken to in years, in Elko. You even breathe their names again before me or ruin

anything which they are doing and I swear to God, you’ll wish you hadn’t.

That is a statement, a fact, a promise not a threat! They know nothing about what I am

doing, I do not speak to them! So keep them out of this, this is between me and all of you! That

goes for anyone that is my family in this town or close friend/s, acquaintances!

Can you hear me NOW? I suggest you re-read the paragraph above until it is imprinted!

LAST! Not the END, this is just the BEGINNING!

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Someone always pays for criminal/civil acts according to Law. I believe, I could

convince 5,358 people to stand with me, but I will not, so they are punished, no more! They do

not have to fight, because I will do all the fighting. They have bigger issues like, mental health,

drug addictions, drug abuse, alcoholism, alcohol abuse.

Could you even imagine what they will be like if they are just like, I? Years of pent up

darkness, released all at once, with bright shining light.

Yes, I am almost afraid! Are you, not? Any Questions? Can you hear me NOW? Guess I

will just have to wait and see, I hope you decide before I either, get the ACLU or Attorney

General’s attention!

Consider this part of my Deposition and part of your damn Discovery! Do you not know

what that is? Then go look it up or ask for a legal review! You get nothing more without consent

of my ATTORNEY! Oh wait that is me!

A high-five to Commissioner Karr, for trying, but he is a newbie, amongst you. He is just

learning the game. He asked me to put it simple and slowly, not to throw law terms at him. This

is as simple as it gets for you Mr. Commissioner Karr. You still want a secretary for your cause,

here is my formal resume.

Except I will not work for free, maybe in the beginning but not for long. Hell, that goes,

for all of those, that could handle all of ME, I am willing to help you just have to ask nicely!

Obviously the County Manager cannot handle it by himself or his team. You want

someone to do the work for all send me your official, proposal. I might consider it, if your

proposal is strong. County Manager, perhaps? Think that is funny or scary, your only laughing at

yourselves, in my opinion.

“Stupid is as stupid does”, and only a fool plays with “Demons” when an “Angel” is the

leader. “High 5 myself no Friends”. Now that is funny! You can quote me on that phrase!

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P.S. Just to let you know, this past week, one of my best friends died. Of what you ask, of

mental health issues and alcoholism. God rest her soul! You get no more chances, done finite,

zero, zilch, and game over! You lost your chance. I’m done at your level. I just keep notifying

you under public comment. For your sake I hope it’s publicly posted in minutes in no longer than

30 days, or depending on what Business you are dealing with!

May God have Mercy on each of your souls, as I show you the light of day! This one’s

for you my SISTER LORI! Ask and you SHALL receive!

NRS 241.035 Public meetings: Minutes; aural and visual reproduction; transcripts.

1. Each public body shall keep written minutes of each of its meetings, including:

(a) The date, time and place of the meeting.

(b) Those members of the public body who were present, whether in person or by

means of electronic communication, and those who were absent.

(c) The substance of all matters proposed, discussed or decided and, at the request of

any member, a record of each member’s vote on any matter decided by vote.

(d) The substance of remarks made by any member of the general public who addresses

the public body if the member of the general public requests that the minutes reflect those remarks

or, if the member of the general public has prepared written remarks, a copy of the prepared

remarks if the member of the general public submits a copy for inclusion.

(e) Any other information which any member of the public body requests to be

included or reflected in the minutes.

Unless good cause is shown, a public body shall approve the minutes of a meeting within

45 days after the meeting or at the next meeting of the public body, whichever occurs later.

2. Minutes of public meetings are public records. Minutes or an audio recording of a

meeting made in accordance with subsection 4 must be made available for inspection by the public

within 30 working days after adjournment of the meeting. A copy of the minutes or audio recording

must be made available to a member of the public upon request at no charge. The minutes shall be

deemed to have permanent value and must be retained by the public body for at least 5 years.

Page 30: Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 State of Nevada, April 12, 2017 . Elizabeth M Hauk . 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 . Elko,

Thereafter, the minutes may be transferred for archival preservation in accordance with NRS

239.080 to 239.125, inclusive. Minutes of meetings closed pursuant to:

(a) Paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 241.030 become public records when the

public body determines that the matters discussed no longer require confidentiality and the person

whose character, conduct, competence or health was considered has consented to their disclosure.

That person is entitled to a copy of the minutes upon request whether or not they become public


(b) Paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 241.030 become public records when the

public body determines that the matters discussed no longer require confidentiality.

(c) Paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NRS 241.030 become public records when the

public body determines that the matters considered no longer require confidentiality and the person

who appealed the results of the examination has consented to their disclosure, except that the public

body shall remove from the minutes any references to the real name of the person who appealed

the results of the examination. That person is entitled to a copy of the minutes upon request whether

or not they become public records.

3. All or part of any meeting of a public body may be recorded on audiotape or any

other means of sound or video reproduction by a member of the general public if it is a public

meeting so long as this in no way interferes with the conduct of the meeting.

4. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, a public body shall, for each of its

meetings, whether public or closed, record the meeting on audiotape or another means of sound

reproduction or cause the meeting to be transcribed by a court reporter who is certified pursuant

to chapter 656 of NRS. If a public body makes an audio recording of a meeting or causes a meeting

to be transcribed pursuant to this subsection, the audio recording or transcript:

(a) Must be retained by the public body for at least 1 year after the adjournment of the

meeting at which it was recorded or transcribed;

(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, is a public record and must be made

available for inspection by the public during the time the recording or transcript is retained; and

(c) Must be made available to the Attorney General upon request.

5. The requirement set forth in subsection 2 that a public body make available a copy

of the minutes or audio recording of a meeting to a member of the public upon request at no charge

does not:

Page 31: Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 State of Nevada, April 12, 2017 . Elizabeth M Hauk . 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 . Elko,

(a) Prohibit a court reporter who is certified pursuant to chapter 656 of NRS from

charging a fee to the public body for any services relating to the transcription of a meeting; or

(b) Require a court reporter who transcribes a meeting to provide a copy of any

transcript, minutes or audio recording of the meeting prepared by the court reporter to a member

of the public at no charge.

6. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, any portion of a public meeting

which is closed must also be recorded or transcribed and the recording or transcript must be

retained and made available for inspection pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 relating to

records of closed meetings. Any recording or transcript made pursuant to this subsection must be

made available to the Attorney General upon request.

7. If a public body makes a good faith effort to comply with the provisions of

subsections 4 and 6 but is prevented from doing so because of factors beyond the public body’s

reasonable control, including, without limitation, a power outage, a mechanical failure or other

unforeseen event, such failure does not constitute a violation of the provisions of this chapter.

(Added to NRS by 1977, 1099; A 1989, 571; 1993, 449, 2638; 2005, 978, 1404; 2013,

323, 733; 2015, 1060)

You are already committing acts of violations according to the NRS Statue above, with

all the information I have been presenting to you! Fix it or I will report you!

No Holds Barred,

May God Have Some Mercy on Your Soul,

For I Will Not,

Ready, Set, Go,

Elizabeth M Hauk

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 Elko, Nevada, 89801 (775) 388-1709 [email protected] Elko County Commissioners 540 Court Street, Suite 101 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 738-5398 Delmo Andreozzi Demar Dahl Cliff Eklund Jon Karr Rex Steninger

RE: Sheriff Proposal 02/14/2014 & R-16-2015

Dear Mr. Chairperson; ECC Board; Counselors;

These are my;

• Findings • Deposition • Writ of Habeas Corpus • Allegations

I am currently still looking for a LAWYER to take on my case. To the Nevada US District Court. For CIVIL ACTION!

First I would like to show a little family love to my COUSIN, SONNY SANDOVAL, and his CHRISTIAN/ROCK BAND, P.O.D. Recognition of his Album “ANGELS and DEMONS.” Leading my way to RETRIBUTION, on EARTH-HELL.

Then to God, for believing in me and my “DEMONS”, for I have graduated to a living breathing “ARCHANGEL.” For I now, walk, hand in hand with “ANGELS and DEMONS!

For, those of you that do believe, and walk HAND in HAND with GOD. My true name is Elizabeth Marie Santistevan-Sandoval-Franco.

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• Elizabeth God has sworn • Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was a mother and an educator, and devoted her life to children. Saint

Elizabeth of Portugal was married to a king, and her spiritual life was often interrupted by politics and family arguments. She regained her inner peace by spending time in prayer and doing works of charity. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary was a princess who married a prince. Concerned for the poor, she donated to them her portion of the prince’s income and then sold her luxurious possessions to give them more. After her husband died, she renounced worldly wealth, built a hospice for the weak and sickly, and invited the most wretched to dine with her.

• Marie-French cognate of Mary, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām, a name of debated meaning. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Jesus, the son of God

• The distinguished Spanish surname Santistevan is a proud sign of a rich and ancient heritage. The earliest forms of hereditary surnames in Spain were the patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father's given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother's given name

• Sandoval Name Meaning Spanish: habitational name from any of the places named Sandoval, in particular the one in Burgos, also those in Murcia and Málaga, earlier called Sannoval, from Latin saltus ‘grove’, ‘wood’ + novalis ‘newly cleared land’.

• Franco- When Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini was a child, she pretended she was a missionary to China as she sailed paper boats on a stream. Although God eventually sent her west to America instead of East to the Orient, her childhood games shaped her desire to serve Him.

• Iron Fist • "In the mystic city of K'un-Lun, high in the Himalayans, Daniel Rand inherited an ancient force

once possessed by the divine. Blessed with Kung Fu abilities beyond any mortal, the immortal Iron Fist is both hero and legend."

Laugh if you must, call me CRAZY. FOR, your words WILL not hurt me! FOR mine WILL only hurt ALL of you, by my FREE-WILL and the WILL of GOD HIMSELF! Why? Because I have reached NIRVANA, and given my FREE-WILL back to GOD!

“Many Christians around the world annually celebrate Epiphany on January 6. It is a public holiday in many countries and marks two events in Jesus Christ’s life, according to the Christian Bible. The first event was when the three wise men, or kings, visited infant Jesus. The second event was when St John the Baptist baptized Jesus.”

Mine however was, April 6th, 2017, the starting of this letter to you all. I was born, on the 7th day, of August, I started my fight against you all August 7th, 2016.

Meaning, it took the power of 7 Angels to compel me and get me out of my 40 years of suffering by my own hand. They gave me, power, to show you, your path of light.

AND, May the POWER of CHRIST COMPEL you all after reading this;

“Sooner Or Later” – Breaking Benjamin

“Wrong Side of Heaven” – Five Finger Death Punch

Here we go, hang on tight, it’s a; roller coaster; roller coasting; roller coasted ride;

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Unfortunately, I cannot afford an attorney for what needs to be DONE. Not one out of 50+ lawyers I have, spoken to, would take on my case. More likely than not in my own opinion, they didn’t want the headache.

You cannot control a “BEAST”, which has been rehabilitated into an “ARCHANGEL!” One that did it by the hands of “GOD, and themselves.” “FREE-WILL,” that is how I did it!

The “inmates” and “prisoners”, and I do not have enough time for what needs to be done! July 31, 2017, Statue of Limitations, with my fight. I am currently learning US Federal Regulations, but there are, many hundreds of thousands of pages.

So what would one like myself do that was hurt and still hurting by “BEASTS”, many of “God’s Children in Elko County Jail System? Do everything they could possibly do!

Yes, I am an “INMATE”, I am still out on BOND, by Elko County Municipal Court. They ordered an alternative sentencing of DEFURMENT, for 9 months. Meaning I am still an “INMATE”, making me a “PRISONER”. So with that said consider this also part of my WRIT OF HABEUS CORPUS!

“Now or Never” – Three Days Grace

My obsession, to help all the souls in Elko County Jail, has driven me, to reading about 500-1,000 pages, a day. To bring this before a court of LAW! ALL of them if need be, pro se! Oh, I’ll do it alright, if that is what it takes, SCREAMING!!

Responsibility, for those that cannot see they are WRONG! YOU, ME, US? Well here I STAND! ALONE! AFRAID! Living the DREAM.

Unfortunately, I am, killing myself slowly to help all those that have been hurting for decades in ECJ System. Is it worth it? Your darn spankin’ right it IS!

If I just save ONE, for GOD, it will be worth it! The CRIMINALS, YOU, ME. Oh wait, already accomplished, ME.

You can’t start in the MIDDLE, like you all seen to be trying to do. You either start from the BEGINNING or the END. To create, a new future of tomorrow. Correct me if I am wrong, please anyone?

“BREAK MY FALL” – Breaking Benjamin

“You make me feel INVINCIBLE.” – Skillet

You think that all the SNITCHES, my acquaintances, would rather FALL on you or FALL on me? I’ve never really had any, FRIENDS, which would include, FAMILY! Makes no difference, because the only one that matters is GOD and ONESELF.

However, if I was to FALL, you best get ready for an even bigger fight to get to bottom. Because my FAMILY & FRIENDS are just like me. They wouldn’t, STAND for one of their KIND FALLING. They are on STANDBY.

For I WILL not HIDE, like all of you!

“Sometimes darkness can show you THE LIGHT.” – Disturbed

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“I AM MACHINE.” – Three Days Grace

Let’s talk about, “INMATES” and “PRISONERS” first;

“CRAWL” – Breaking Benjamin

NRS 211.140 Control of prisoners; when court may enter order affecting conditions of confinement of prisoner; labor on public works; medical care of prisoners.

1. The sheriff of each county has charge and control over all prisoners committed to his or her care in the respective county jails, and the chiefs of police and town marshals in the several cities and towns throughout this State have charge and control over all prisoners committed to their respective city and town jails and detention facilities.

2. A court shall not, at the request of any prisoner in a county, city or town jail, issue an order which affects the conditions of confinement of the prisoner unless, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the court provides the sheriff, chief of police or town marshal having control over the prisoner with:

(a) Sufficient prior notice of the court’s intention to enter the order. Notice by the court is not necessary if the prisoner has filed an action with the court challenging his or her conditions of confinement and has served a copy of the action on the sheriff, chief of police or town marshal.

(b) An opportunity to be heard on the issue.

As used in this subsection, “conditions of confinement” includes, but is not limited to, a prisoner’s access to the law library, privileges regarding visitation and the use of the telephone, the type of meals provided to the prisoner and the provision of medical care in situations which are not emergencies.

3. The sheriffs, chiefs of police and town marshals shall see that the prisoners under their care are kept at labor for reasonable amounts of time within the jail or detention facility, on public works in the county, city or town, or as part of a program of release for work established pursuant to NRS 211.120 or 211.171 to 211.200, inclusive.

4. The sheriff, chief of police or town marshal shall arrange for the administration of medical care required by prisoners while in his or her custody. The county, city or town shall pay the cost of appropriate medical:

(a) Treatment provided to a prisoner while in custody for injuries incurred by a prisoner while the prisoner is in custody and for injuries incurred during the prisoner’s arrest for commission of a public offense if the prisoner is not convicted of that offense;

(b) Treatment provided to a prisoner while in custody for any infectious, contagious or communicable disease which the prisoner contracts while the prisoner is in custody; and

(c) Examinations required by law or by court order conducted while the prisoner is in custody unless the order otherwise provides.

5. A prisoner shall pay the cost of medical treatment for:

(a) Injuries incurred by the prisoner during his or her commission of a public offense or for injuries incurred during his or her arrest for commission of a public offense if the prisoner is convicted of that offense;

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(b) Injuries or illnesses which existed before the prisoner was taken into custody;

(c) Self-inflicted injuries; and

(d) Except treatment provided pursuant to subsection 4, any other injury or illness incurred by the prisoner.

6. A medical facility furnishing treatment pursuant to subsection 5 shall attempt to collect the cost of the treatment from the prisoner or the prisoner’s insurance carrier. If the facility is unable to collect the cost and certifies to the appropriate board of county commissioners that it is unable to collect the cost of the medical treatment, the board of county commissioners shall pay the cost of the medical treatment.

7. A sheriff, chief of police or town marshal who arranges for the administration of medical care pursuant to this section may attempt to collect from the prisoner or the insurance carrier of the prisoner the cost of arranging for the administration of medical care including the cost of any transportation of the prisoner for the purpose of medical care. The prisoner shall obey the requests of, and fully cooperate with the sheriff, chief of police or town marshal in collecting the costs from the prisoner or the prisoner’s insurance carrier.

[3:96:1879; BH § 2151; C § 2273; RL § 7619; NCL § 11536] — (NRS A 1975, 1317; 1977, 369, 398; 1979, 463; 1981, 648, 1562; 1985, 1756; 1989, 1176; 1991, 307; 1995, 840, 1709)

“One Step Closer” – Linkin Park

NRS 211.010 County to maintain county jail; location; agreements for detention of prisoners.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, at least one county jail must be built or provided in each county, and maintained in good repair at the expense of the county. The county jail required by this section is not required to be located in conjunction with the office of the sheriff that is maintained at the county seat if the board of county commissioners determines that a different location in the county would better serve the needs of the county. Upon such a determination, the county jail may be located at any place in the county.

2. The board of county commissioners of a county, with the concurrence of the sheriff, may enter into an agreement with any other county or city in this State, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 277.080 to 277.180, inclusive, for the construction, operation or maintenance of a jail or the detention of the prisoners of the county.

[1:21:1861; B § 3799; BH § 2137; C § 2259; RL § 7603; NCL § 11520] — (NRS A 1977, 367; 1981, 646; 1991, 12; 2001, 473)

NRS 211.020 Duties of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners:

1. Is responsible for building, inspecting and repairing any county or branch county jail located in its county.

2. Once every 3 months, shall inquire into the security of the jail and the treatment and condition of the prisoners.

3. Shall take all necessary precautions against escape, sickness or infection.

[2:21:1861; B § 3800; BH § 2138; C § 2260; RL § 7604; NCL § 11521] — (NRS A 1977, 367; 1981, 646)

NRS 211.030 Sheriff is custodian of jail; appointment and compensation of jailers.

1. The sheriff is the custodian of the jail in his or her county, and of the prisoners therein, and shall keep the jail personally, or by his or her deputy, or by a jailer or jailers appointed by the sheriff for that purpose, for whose acts the sheriff is responsible.

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2. All jailers employed or appointed by the sheriff are entitled to receive a fair and adequate monthly compensation, to be paid out of the county treasury, for their services.

[Part 3:21:1861; A 1862, 120; 1866, 189; B § 3801; BH § 2139; C § 2261; RL § 7605; NCL § 11522] + [Part 4:21:1861; A 1866, 189; B § 3802; BH § 2140; C § 2262; RL § 7606; NCL § 11523] — (NRS A 1977, 367; 1981, 647)

Here is the BEST, part. With what the Elko County Sheriff has done to building up the Elko County JAIL.

He has turned it into a MAXIMUM SECURITY JAIL. Which means!

If for any reason the State of NEVADA cannot house a MURDER! Guess where the first place they will think to HOUSE THEM!

Now who/whom is the CRAZY/INSANE DONKEY’S BUTT! We can hold 150 of them BAD BOYS/GIRLS! Right now it’s just hold a bunch of MENTALLY ILL CHILDREN, GOD’S CHILDREN. That does DRUGS and ALCOHOL. Who controls who? The DRUGS and ALCOHOL, obviously are the leaders and cause of the problem and the person is just the vessel.

Now let’s talk about the last, Notice 16-2013

It was regulated by;

• The Elko County Commissioners • The County Manager • The Sheriff • Elko County Sheriff’s Office

Where, exactly has a BOARD of HEALTH had any HANDS ON the REQUEST for BIDS? It was a request for a 2-year CONTRACT! Did they have any HANDS ON, for any portion of the CONTRACT?

What do you think R-16-2015 (See attachment) covers? You all? Elko County Commissioners, Elko County Sheriff’s Department, Elko County District Attorney’s Office, His Honor Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt, The Nevada Governor? Citizens of Nevada! Like I said it isn’t IRON CLAD!

“You can’t fix STUPIDITY!” – Ron White

Trust me I tried! It cannot be done, was driving me insane!

You’ll have seen it, every time, I came before you in person! Not to mention, because of my HEALTH issue of Generalized Anxiety, trying to do it drug free, including RX FREE!

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Let’s break down cause and effect of the Sheriff’s Proposal on 02/05/2014. You gave him permission on said date to start collection immediately, PER; NRS 211. If you use Notice 16-2013 for medical costs. The COUNTY pays EDEN MEDICAL CARE;

• $3500/year/2-hours a week • @ 120 max inmates (You gave permission to Sheriff to start collection immediately on

02/05/2014, PER; NRS 211) • Collection started 04/01/2014

You cannot include the total of ALL MEDICAL, because not everyone is responsible for it! Only a JUDGE in a COURT OF LAW can determine that with all the CORRECT DOCUMENTATION!

So take;

• 3500.00/120/365 days in a year = 0.799. • That means you get to CHARGE the inmates, $0.08, not a $10.00 co-pay.

I won’t even get into the extras for the PRESCRIPTIONS! You want to collect the rest that belongs to the indigent fund! Only a COURT OF LAW can ORDER it with a JUDGEMENT!

R-16-2015 (Signed 06/17/2015), after the new JAIL EXPANSION was completed. Still Eden Medical Care is the caretaker for all “INMATES” and “PRISONERS”.

• $3500/year/2-hours a week • @150 max inmates (R-16-2015) • Collection started 06/15/2015 (Completion of the Jail)

So take 3500.00/150/365 days in a year = .063. That means you get to CHARGE the inmates, $0.06, not a $10.00 co-pay!

The HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars we pay with the rate of the LEVY, to EDEN MEDICAL CARE! Sure they owe that back, but only a COURT OF LAW, can decide! NOT YOU ALL!

Eden Medical Care would have to;

• Bill the inmate

Since no one is taken to the HOSPITAL or given the OPTION;

• This could infringe on CIVIL RIGHTS!


• Indigent • Non-collectable

THEN, come before the BOARD of EQUALIZATION, to be PAID! Then the Equalization Board, sends off all the information to the TREASUER. The TREASURER, then asks the BOARD to pay the BILL! NOT UNTIL THEN DO YOU PAY FOR ANY SERVICES!

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Contracts for MEALS given to above since 2014- Present;

• Per Sheriff Office Presentation 2017/2018 • $325,000 a year • 120-150 inmates (120 max until 06/15/2015) (150 max – PRESENT) • 325,000/120/365 = $7.42 a day to “inmates” and “prisoners” • 325,000/150/365 = $5.94 a day to “inmates” and “prisoners”

So I haven’t been able to get an exact amount from the “criminals” and you’re fighting me getting all the necessary paperwork to PROVE, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT (Criminal) and PERPONDERANCE of THE EVIDENCE (Civil)!

The ones that have been paying for your STUPIDITY, R-16-2015. They told me $6.67 and $6.87/a day/3-meals. Which would put you Non-CRIMINAL, until, 06/15/2015.

2016/2017, $174,169.00, cost paid to Trinity for inmates meals. From all the reports I have seen and presented by the Sheriff for that year, we pretty much stayed at max inmate allowance and over. So if that is true who the FUCK, do you think suffered if the contract was for $325,000.00. Where the HELL is that MONEY!?

Now who/whom is the CRIMINALS!!! All of us! Who/Whom is responsible? Only a Court of LAW, can determine that!




Sheriff Proposal (02/05/2014). $5.00. I was charged $25.00 on 07/31/2016. I believe this fee was re-accessed on 06/15/2015 per R-16-2015.


• What formula/s were used to come up with the figures? • What evidence was used to determine factors? • Did the MAGICIAN/S, just pull it out of their HAT/S?

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• Did the Donkey’s Butt/s, just fart and say, POOF, let it be done? (Yeah that is right, I called someone/s, ASSES!)

“DEFEATED” – Breaking Benjamin


Which of you will STAND and which of you will FALL? Let me give this a whirl, only those that are INNOCENT! Oh but we are all, GUILTY! Except for the ones that had to pay for your R-16-2015.

I only have to take this before the FOURTH JUDICIAL COURT! Now whom is scared! I am freaking OUT!


“Due to, who’s’ own detriment?” Mine? “Inmates?” “Prisoners?” All of, “YOURS?” Makes no difference to me. This is my, “path of light.” None of us deserve it!

I am only doing this for, Judge Stringfield, myself, and all of the lost souls and “GOD.” Why, because they asked me to. I will give up my life to them and for them, to prove there are bigger “BEASTS,” that walk amongst us!

So, don’t feel sorry for me, “I want none!” Nor I, for you, when, I finish painting the “BIG” picture for, all of you!

What I want is a new REGIM, a new World ORDER! Just who did you think would take us into the future? Angels/Demons/Politicians? Or Archangels/Angels/Politicians?

Yeah I’m going with the second one. What do you think one becomes when they are REHIBILITED fully? Loving caring ANGELS? Yeah, I think not. We will put you in your places ONE at a TIME!

Exactly what do you think TRUMP is? The VISIONS he is making us see? He made it to the TOP, I’m starting from the BOTTOM, we will, meet somewhere in the middle.

The ACLU? Any team opposed to anything that needs to be RE-WRITTEN. The NEW CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT! Sounds a lot like ARCHANGELS to ME!

Slowly weed out the bad seeds and REHIBILITATE, then give CHAIRS to the NEW that will CHANGE the WORLD. We are living in the DARK AGES of YESTERDAY!

“MONSTER” – Skillet

You can’t start in the MIDDLE, like you all seen to be trying to do. You either start from the BEGINNING or the END. To create, a new future of tomorrow. Correct me if I am wrong, please anyone?

“BREAK MY FALL” – Breaking Benjamin

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“You make me feel INVINCIBLE.” – Skillet

You think that all the SNITCHES, my acquaintances, would rather FALL on you or FALL on me? I’ve never really had any, FRIENDS, which would include, FAMILY! Makes no difference, because the only one that matters is GOD and ONESELF.

However, if I was to FALL, you best get ready for an even bigger fight to get to bottom. Because my FAMILY & FRIENDS are just like me. They wouldn’t, STAND for one of their KIND FALLING. They are on STANDBY.

“One Step Closer” – Linkin Park

Now let’s talk about the last, Notice 16-2013

It was regulated by;

• The Elko County Commissioners • The County Manager • The Sheriff • Elko County Sheriff’s Office

Where, exactly has a BOARD of HEALTH had any HANDS ON the REQUEST for BIDS? It was a request for a 2-year CONTRACT! Did they have any HANDS ON, for any portion of the CONTRACT?

What do you think R-16-2015 covers? You all? Elko County Commissioners, Elko County Sheriff’s Department, Elko County District Attorney’s Office, His Honor Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt, The Nevada Governor? Like I said it isn’t IRON CLAD!

“You can’t fix STUPIDITY!” – Ron White

Trust me I tried! It cannot be done, was driving me insane!

You’ll have seen it, every time, I came before you in person! Not to mention, because of my HEALTH issue of Generalized Anxiety, trying to do it drug free, including RX FREE!

“DEFEATED” – Breaking Benjamin

Now, let’s talk about my brush with the law, but not in full detail;

• Arrested July 31, 2016, @ approx. 1 a.m. • Alleged Charge of NRS 200.481(1.)(a.) • Thrown into a Booking Cell w/ no running water or toilet (HOURS) (NAC 211) • Highly Intoxicated (see Saturday April 1, 2017 deposition) • Demanding to be let out to use the restroom • Demands a Lawyer, screaming she has CIVIL RIGHTS! • Laughed AT!

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• Degraded to PISS in the grate on the floor • Windows covered with Light Brown Paper • Talked about and Laughed at even more • Passed out and LEFT for DEAD!

So we know, from last deposition, “INMATE” would testify without a doubt;

• 12 SHOTS • 5 BEERS • Methamphetamines in her system • In less than 2 HOURS!

This is not the full story but I think you get the just of it!

How could you possibly know that without having me assessed by a MEDICAL TEAM! You did NOT!

So how do you know WTH, you are doing if you you’re not a DOCTOR! Just keep locking up all the BAD SEEDS, which you think are killing OUR COMMUNITY!

I say, NO MORE! Not on my watch! Will it take KILLING one of US, before you start listening to ME!

If that is what it will take for you to OPEN, yours eyes. Then let it be DONE, take the worst one suffering in lock up! Forget that shit, TAKE ME!

The one/s you keep putting in SOLITARY confinement with no one watching them! You let them out only for VISITATION! To SAVE FACE!

GOD will take all of them! HIM, SHE, THEM, ALL, THEY, keep praying for him to end THEIR PAIN!

LIARS! You are the BEASTS! You are the ones KILLING US! You have no DAMN RIGHT to choose for US! Only a court of LAW, a JUDGE, GOD, and OURSELVES! MAY CHOOSE!

Are you lucky I am ALIVE? Or am I? Yeah I should have DIED that day! I wanted to, I was done!

Unfortunately, and due to your OWN STUPID DETRIMENT, you will PAY for what you have DONE and continue to do!

Not to just me, to US ALL! By my WORDS ALONE, and by a JUDGES AUTHORITY, and GOD’S HANDS!

DESTINY! It is YOURS, I hope you are ready for it because it is written in the STARS, and it is YOURS!

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“SEND THE PAIN BELOW! It’s much like suffocating” - Chevelle

Let’s take you to school now SHALL we;

February 5, 2014 – Sheriff Proposal of Inmate Medical, Food and Booking Fees

• NON-ACTION Item (Should of been tabled for next ECC Meeting) • NO Legal Review • NO Budget Impact

“I just got tired of waiting for the lawyers. We have inmates who always have full commissary accounts and my argument is if they can pay for candy or a cup of noodles they should be able to pay for the essentials. Of course we aren’t going to deny food to the indigent inmate but those who can pay should pay.” – Coyote TV High Desert Advocate

NRS 248.110 Practice of law prohibited. A sheriff shall not engage in the practice of law.

[Part 4:38:1861; A 1867, 64; B § 2955; BH § 2122; C § 2243; RL § 1646; NCL § 2147] — (NRS A 1991, 105)

“Driven Under” – Seether

“THE KILL” – 30 Seconds to Mars

Last time I checked, the Sheriff wasn’t on the Equalization Board, Lawyer, Doctor, Dietician, Judge, or a GOD, ETC!

NRS: Chapter 248 (get your own copy!) Just HIRED help to control the “INMATES” and “PRISONERS.” By the POLICIES, ECC approve!

NRS 248.050 Custody of jail and prisoners. The sheriff of each county SHALL have the CUSTODY of the jail of his or her county and the prisoners in the same, and SHALL appoint the keeper thereof, for whose conduct the sheriff SHALL be responsible, and whom the sheriff may remove at pleasure.

[Part 4:38:1861; A 1867, 64; B § 2955; BH § 2122; C § 2243; RL § 1646; NCL § 2147]

Oh WAIT! No one on the ECC BOARD, knows what those policies are?

“Why is that?” One GUESS! They did not write them or APPROVE them! Or at least by NRS Statutes they are supposed to!

“BREAK” – Three Days Grace

SCARED yet? Oh I’ve just begun!

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Moving on;


“But I’m on the OUTSIDE, I’m looking in. I can see through you. See your true colors. ‘Cause inside you’re

ugly. Ugly just like me” –Stained

Right about now I think you are saying, “How dare she!” I’ll just keep praying for your

RIGHTOUSNESS, till a court of LAW, makes you!

• Then for CRIMINALS, you hurt, to have some MERCY on your souls!

• Not GOD! You will be suffering by his hands!

So where do you belong? Perhaps? “Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante’s Inferno”? – Dante

“Epiphany” – Stained

Oh Shit, I almost forgot the PLEA BARGIN (CIVIL)! Since I am the Pro Se ATTORNEY, of this



• 5,358 inmates have been CHARGED fees (Letter from Miss Kerr)

• $300,000.00 max amount in punitive damages (NRS 42)

• $1,607,400,000.00 (Billion)

So would you like to settle for?

To start my new, FOUNDATION for, Mental Health, Drug/Alcohol/Addiction/Abuse Center. You

obviously DON’T WANT THE HEADACHE! Give them to me and let me COMFORT THEM


“His HONOR, Judge Stringfield” and Elizabeth Marie Hauk/Santistevan/Sandoval/Franco

PRESENTS “Stringfield and Hauk Foundation!” vs “Hauk and Stringfield Foundation!”

I can’t decide, they both sound so NICE, kind of just rolls off your tongue. Don’t you think? I’ll figure

that one out later. Maybe a vote from my family members since they will be the ones running it!

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• $77,777,777.77 (Million)

• The old EPD Building (I bet I could build something in 7 days with that kind of money!)

• 30% of above $$, for Attorney FEES (Lead Prosecutor)

• 3% for above $$, for Attorney or Legal Aide (Second Chair)

• 7% bonus for all $$, divided by all legal aides

• ALL Court, Travel, & Witness Protection COSTS

• Dedication to GOD

• Archangels; Michael, Rafaela and Gabriela

• Judge Stringfield

• Myself

• Last but not least, a WALL, with inscription, to all the lost innocent souls in our County due to


• One of them being my best friend, GOD rest her SOUL, Lori Morrison-Armas!

You only have until Mr. Attorney General, ADAM PAUL LAXALT, proves your CRIMINAL


Then the price GOES UP! I wonder how many BILLIONS, your STUPIDITY, will COST, US ALL!

“Walk Away” – Five Finger Death Punch








Page 46: Elizabeth M Hauk 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 State of Nevada, April 12, 2017 . Elizabeth M Hauk . 2075 Idaho Street Apt 102 . Elko,




“CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, Elko County?”- Elizabeth M Hauk

“ALIVE”- P.O.D. (Thanks for the Song-Cuz-Sonny Sandoval)

My Best Regards,

Elizabeth M Hauk

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