  • ^elerteit -^netrq.Riding in the Stage.

    Creeping through the valley,Crawling o'er the hill,

    Splashing through the branches.Rumbling by the mill ;

    Putting nervous gemmen'In a towering rage ;

    What is no provokingAs.riding in a stage !

    Feet are interlacing,Heads severely bumped,

    Friend and foe together,Get their noses thumped ;

    Dresses act as carpet*.listen to the aagv.

    Life is but a journey,Taken in ti e stage.

    Spinsters fair and forty.Maids in youthful charms,

    Suddenly are cast in.To their neighbor's arms ;

    Children shoot like squirrels.Darting through a cage ;

    la'nt it delightful.Riding in a stage.

    Married men are smiling.They are out of fright.

    Thankful that the broomstick.Is nowhere in sight.

    Young men wiah the d 1Would with fiendish rage

    Take them, if again theyEver take a stage.

    Bonnets crash around us.Hats look "worse for wear."

    Teeth at each concussion,Fly t* take the air ;

    Shrivelled maiden ladies,Past a certain age.'

    Groan forlornly." DreadfulRiding in a stage.

    Jolted.thnmped.distracted.Racked and quite forlorn.

    " Oh ! " ho writhes." What dutiAre now laid on corn ! "

    Mad.disgusted.angry.In a swearing rage,

    Tis the very d 1Riding in the stage 1

    'LBit unii iiumur.Power of Attraction.

    A jovial set of fellows, fresh from a fyears cruise, were sitting together, Tbrt <hftrl belonged to m poor bHndfnan, la<dw»4; t*Eri no mantar, »n*i «

    A Hew County. i iA very unworthy member ofa church in iigtiruitur

    = ti^e,Weetorn pat orf this State, was in the,.habit of committing such offences, aa to From the Farmer andmake it necessary tor the chnrch to4 havehim up' often; and as often did they 'turn TunUp bnltur®hiinout,' and tell him he must do his first Messrs. Editors. As I 1work over. After joining the church for successful in getting a very firthe seventh time, one day, coming home this valuable vegetable, I haveto dinner, his wife was gone.just stcpoed not amiss ^ give you their minto a neighbors, for a moment. On lierreturn, she was met at the door by her ^urCigood husband, and on leaning forward The lot >n which they arc sto extend him that welcome, ro common in which I have kept my cattlwith a devoted wife, ho straightened out time, for the purpose of makinghis arm of muscles, and thrust her from u wa8 original|y a very inferhun, and with an oath, wished her in Pur- '

    I gatorv. The news was soon spread thro' 8°,i» w,th 11 clayey 8iUtHI»l.nt II. I 1 I a J annnrv all flirt mannwi oiwl flirtvv . iiin^V) UIM i'J r. IlltU UVHV, nllU "f""6 "" ",v """ ,-"vcursed his wife, and wished she wan in Pur- the earth was scraped up aigatory. A meeting of the church was ou^called ; the offender arrained.he pleaded 0n the 10th August, there higuilty to the charge of having treated Ins , , , . .wife mutually, hut said he had never wish- a 8Ca8ont * ploughed it t ireeed she was in h 11 ; that ho thought a subsoil gopher.ploughing i'Purgatory1 was a new county recently directions each time.this toremade in some part of Eastern North the turfs of grass; ot which tlCarolina V lie was restored to member . (,ca, Two or^ dfty8ship, upon conditions^ tlwit lio lexirn tlic* , T *« « .meaning of the word Purgatory!.N. C. ploughmgs, I hitched two str

    Giraffe. to one of Prouty and Mear's Iing ploughs, and broke it 10 in

    luniiiUj fmhi\[}._: I then put it into rows, 18 in<

    From the Star Spangled Banner. with a short small gopher, theReflect my SouL then sown pretty thick, and ear

    ered with iron rakes, I then ruBV R. O. STAPLES.roller over them several times,

    Reflect my soul! let earth present in a few days, and looked siHer thousand beauties to thee now ; bcaIthy tliree weekg after I tf,j,Behold them as they fade and die.31 .And learn from them to meekly bow to 8 or 9 inches apart.never 1Before the altar of thy God. one plant in a place.the giLook up and view tha arum sky. lhcn aonfl ovop_ Hlltl wdl 8tirrc

    vmze on me starry vauucu neavcn. 0' »And bend the knee in silent prayer. hoes, as it had become hardThat all thy sins may be forgiven, from the copious rains of AuguEredM to f,«c thy .ovoreip. Lord, scnttercought back hi«log death-men came again, they found him sit- $50. The 'sold1 men offered tc»iy ting up in the bed! He is still alive, and sum, if the fortunate one who Ihns has enjoyed unusually good heal h. perty sufficient to pay hisJif.rt. L. Mi ChiM* would not tell of it in Boston.

    ah 4 M1SCELLANE0ilS. pebiomcalx& Mi===== THE PEOPLE'S PAPER!1 lanter. JOUXNAX^^ALL ^ WllAHAM S MAI

    A Moral Instructor a Social Uuide FOR 186We been A^tSS^SSS^ THE MAGAZINE OF 1le patch of BriUiant Arrangement* for the 2d Volume The New Volume of thisthought it Commencing in December. popujar Monthly-commencedadeofcul.the uarv numhor-the handsomeILLUSTRATED FAMILY FRIEND. pubhah«LTHE most unique, original, instructive a- Tho well esUbJUhed charamusingand beautiful, as well as chea. Mafud,lf' a" thc ,cadl"& Am

    e for some rEST paper published! Desiring to bejudg. fenuerait unnecsaary osc. m..,ro. edbyTln^H. c,JLtlon' Zor ...idy No ^rprnsc ha. or will be spared to nimkc k rav*U,,°a talsoils Lnst this Jonrnni nil that a paper can bo# Its mi»n nrur amfrtpam««-«Pc' . e^cry ^'./ ,r~ . mnA ... era will continne to contnbutn dlfforcnt and the wid.t n.nim of literalIiou uy ni u-aoi A- UUT £«2VUAA f" , , ... *. V T".> to pieces INQg .n cach numbor ^ world will also Wbronght to

    lere was a In addition to the labors of its host of tal- "j of the Ictter-pr»ft«p tb»-so ented contributors, the entire time and attcn- wor" * . ~ . , . ....after these^ |t# Editor, Steuakt A.GoDMAR.are . . C\ P- *ong mules devoted exclusively to its management, and /I he original novel written

    argo turn- ho will contribute, in the course of the year, p'18hed writer for commcncehesdocn magnificently illustrated ORIGINAL SEA- n«ry number,and wUl befouchcs accj, stories! one of which will be commenc- ®ntertaining of thetrash, and ^ in the fir9t number of the new volume, b? this universally popular av

    Dec. 6th, and will run rhrough ten numbers: SPLENDID AND COSTII . its Title The Opium Smuggler, a talc of VINGS.L ' ' the Chinese Waters. In the department ofArt sea, Distil.

    "*8 North Fourth atreea needle, Coloring, &c. Steam and Gas En. unvPUtC 1TVIVT

    as soon as gines, Boilers and Furnaces, Mathematical MhiirjKo HiNiVl!Philosophical and Optical Instruments, Cars, by Charles Jflnrrinffi'K. Wind and Grind.lag Mill's Powers, Planing Mnchineo, Tools I ^ , periodical, publishec

    itort.Not f°r Lumber, Brick Machines, Farming, Fire Jj"y» semi-monthly.T. , Arms, Electricity, Telegraphs, Surgical In- V,*^H ° , moi,t remarks!)you, 1 feei gtrumenta, 6lc , besides Claims of all the Pa- ®difieea, in every zone and <

    yet I have tents, Reviews, Notices of New Inventions n®nt, accompanies by letteia with the American and Foreign. The work is in ll°ns, w-hich while conveying'

    . form for binding, contains teceral hundred' r*t® xnd trust-worthy inform)our valua Enffravingt, over four hundred pages of to clothe the dry details of fiV that you printed matter, and a copious Index. Nearly w''th something of the vitalityin hnr«*« ftN the valuable Patents which issue weekly ,® eoable the raeder, while h

    from the Patent Office are illustrated with historical and political phenas I have Engravings in its columns, thus making the com® insight into the caus<vas almost paper a perfect Mechanical Encyclo|iedia for , y spring. Extensive and

    future as well as present refeiencc. ir0,! "RVf been made to pitValuable Premiums ore offered for the fullest collection,of>iewa, no

    n Leaves largest list of Subscribers to this Volume. **7 ®f the United 81a common It is published weekly by MUNN & CO., all parw of the continent F<

    i ie at their Patent Agency (Jmcc, 12b Fulton St, past artists have been engimmal. If j^ew York. 'ifiT *h* most romantic regioile, weaken TERMS! TERMS! TERMS! try Canada, and Cental Anhis I have 1 CoP>' ?ne y^J" a 00

    ,. .. 1 copy six months 1 00 and the engraven are W*'[>n his side 5 eop(M for n\x months 4 00 hove one hundred view* 6f hn hour the 10 copies for six months 8 00 scenery slone, which In due ti

    10 copies for twelvemonths.. 16 00 before our subscribers in a<16 copies for twelve months.32 00 engravings of European, AsiaDENT. 30 copies for twelve months. .38 00 Austnllan Cities and Lnndsc

    .always ix advance. ted by aaimatod and interestn:1 .the most popular authors.

    *To the Reading Pnblio. bem will comprise a volume.« will contain four steel engrai*>rs started 1AA AAA Corr" *» now P«nt«d of in a high style of art, with alOf car. for 1W.UUU HARPER 8 NEW ge. oflettef press,of can, for MONTHLY MAGAZINE; and more than 8 We put the work at the I.>pcrty of a Hundred Dollars are paid to he semiannual volume, ori the State Am«ri«*n Editors, Authon, and Artista, for tingle number. All sobacri' labor betowed upon the prepantion of a T0lumc 1, in advance, will hseparately, single number. The Magazine in probably Ceive as a premium, the aubcrof the ob- read by a greater number of persons than ^ on steel, size imperial foil*av a word *"* ot,'«r periodical published in any psrtot fice," after the celebrated pict/ the world; and more money is expended up- .eer, engraved by G. Melzenstances all, on it, for Original Articles and Pictorial Em- ^ publisher will suonlycept that bei 1ishmenin, than upon any other Magazine bers gratuitously to agents'aLVhnn ihnv ' ued the United States. And will make liberal errsy The Publishers beg to renew their thsnks them for the circulation ofton, which to the public, for the extraordinary favor with |fe w;|| *!» supply clubs ofdebtor!did whkh " h®60 r®eelved- No Ubor or ex- * half year, of five pers<"Dut 'over P6"*® wlH h® 8l>Ared 40 render 11 more of a larger number at the sai

    , worthy of the unparalleled succeas it has HERMAN J.!! Or"? 'hlered. No. 164,Wy^mpu tf"1, "» The series or paper* commenced in the 38.3tfourth, and present number, entitled Memoibs or the


    ran after, IIolt Lard, will be continued, with other _ __ _the driver. Articles of special moral and religious inter- TH JB D£ Wed to sell est, in the successive numbers of the Maga- A ro.

    it n0t 2T«u£S12&ES# CADETSW TEW]*11 I * m^r* trations of permanent interest and unrivalled PuMi'M Semi-monthly at W>11 him for BY FRANC. M. PAUI

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    own deH Addrew HARPER * BROTHERS, pnce ofthe two aepar!wngQ5 *) Now York be Fiyc Dollar*

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