Download - Electric Calc Pro

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro




    P RO M ODEL 5060




    M +


    + /

    DC Res

    Wire Res

    milli EqGrnd D/R Size

    InsTrip SEFuse Starter

    Cond Type





    90 75 Ind/Sync

    1 3 Amb

    Cu/Al 60 FrAir



    x 2





    4 5 6

    7 9


    On/C Off

    Volts VA Amps Watts






    DEFuse InvTime

    HP th kilo




    HP motor







    Cu 125%WIRE SIZE


  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 1

    Introducing the


    ProNow NEC -Updateable! The ElectriCalc Pro is an invaluablecalculator for todays busy electricalprofessional. Unlike a regular calcula-tor, it has intuitively labeled electricalkeys and conforms to the 2002 and

    future National Electrical Codes , allow-ing you to solve Code-related problemsquickly and accurately. The most com-mon NEC tables are now at your finger-tips!

    An important new feature of the Elec- triCalc Pro is that it is now programmedto accept future NEC changes, allowingyou to conveniently install future Codeeditions in a few simple steps.

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    2 ElectriCalc Pro

    The ElectriCalc Pro instantly solves forthe following:

    Volts, Amps, Volt-Amps, Watts,kVA, kW, PF%, EFF%, and DCResistance

    Copper or Aluminum Wire SizesParallel & Derated Wire Sizes

    Voltage Drop Wire Sizes, % andActual Voltage Drops, VoltageDrop Distances and Wire Resis-tances

    Grounding Conductors Sizes

    Motor Full-Load Amps

    Overload Protection Sizes

    NEMA Starter Sizes

    Conduit Sizes

    And much more!

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 3

    Table of Contents

    Installing NEC Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Preference Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Basic Math Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Percent Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Memory Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Kerchoffs Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Motor Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

    Ampacity Wire Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Voltage Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Ground Conductor Wire Size . . . . . . . . .48Equip. Grounding Conductor Wire Size . .49Fuse and Circuit Breaker Size . . . . . . . .50

    Starter Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51Overload Protection Size . . . . . . . . . . . .51Conduit Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57Battery Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .572002 NEC References . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58Updating Future Code Revisions . . . . . . .58Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

    Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

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    4 ElectriCalc Pro

    Installing NEC UpdatesYour ElectriCalc Pro is now updateablefor future National Electrical Code editions that are updated every three(3) years (next Code update is 2005).To upgrade your unit, follow the instruc-

    tions below:1) Purchase the NEC Update from CI(see pricing & details from CIs Website: or call 1-800-854-8075). This Update is in theform of a chip that contains the newCode.

    2) Once you receive the NEC Updatechip, you need to install it in yourElectriCalc Pro:a)Turn calculator off.b)As a precaution, remove the bat-

    tery (located back of calculator, topof unit) by sliding battery door out

    with your thumbnail. Set aside.c) Using a screwdriver, pop out thesquare tab located in the middlesection on the back of your calcu-lator.

    d)Replace it with the new Update tabby inserting it into the slot.

    e) Replace the battery door.f) Turn calculator on. Your calculator

    is now updated and ready to use.

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    Users Guide 5

    Key Definitions

    Standard Calculator Functions

    [On/C] On/ClearTurns on power. Pressing once clearsthe last entry and the display. Pressing

    twice clears all non-permanent values.

    [Off] OffTurns all power off. Clears the memoryand most internal registers.

    [+] [] [x] [] [=]Arithmetic operation keys.

    [0] [9] & []Used for keying in numbers.

    [%] PercentFour function percent key.

    [ ] Back Space FunctionUsed to delete entries one keystroke ata time (unlike the On/C function, whichdeletes the entire entry).

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    6 ElectriCalc Pro

    [Set] Second FunctionAccesses the secondary functions

    shown above the keys when pressedprior to selection.

    [Stor] StoreUsed to store values when pressed just

    before a storage register (i.e., M+,AMPS, VOLTAGE, etc.).Displays: STOR.

    [Rcl] RecallRecalls a value stored in a register(e.g., to recall voltage drop % press[Rcl] [VD%]). Displays: RCL.

    [Set] [ + ] Pi (

    )Constant = 3.141593

    [Set] [] Change Sign (+/)Toggles the sign of the displayed value(from positive to negative or from nega-tive to positive).

    [Set] [%] x 2

    Squares the displayed value.

    [Set] [ ] Square Root ( x )Square root function.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 7

    [Stor] [0] Cumulative MemoryAdds displayed value to Memory (e.g.,

    10 [M+], 20 [M+], [Rcl] [M+] = 30).Clears when the calculator is shut off.

    [Rcl] [0] Memory RecallDisplays the value saved in (M+).

    [Rcl] [Rcl] Display/Clear MemoryDisplays and clears the value saved in(M+).

    [Set] [Rcl] Clear MemoryClears the value saved in (M+) withoutchanging displayed value.

    Mode Set-up Functions

    [Set] [x] All-Clear (AC)Resets all settings and values to theirdefault settings.

    [Set] [] PreferencesUse to set default settings or modes(see Preference Settings page 26)

    [Set] [1] Single-Phase (1)Sets calculator to single-phase mode.Displays: 1.

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    8 ElectriCalc Pro

    [Set] [3] Three-Phase (3)Sets calculator to three-phase mode.

    Displays: 3.

    [Set] [2] Ambient Temperature (Amb)Permanently enters ambient tempera-

    ture for determining ampacity derivedwire sizes. Ambient temperature willonly change when entering a new valueor by resetting the calculator ( [Set] [x] ).Defaults to 30C (86F). Amb willdisplay when the ambient temperatureis other than 30C (86F). Displays:Amb.

    NOTE: The temperature units can be displayed in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F) by using the preference function ( [Set][] ).

    [Set] [4] Copper/AluminumUsed to toggle between copper (de-fault) and aluminum wire types. Whenthe wire type is revised, any calculatedwire size will be re-calculated automati-cally. If a wire size is entered with thewrong wire type, pressing [Set] [4] willchange the material type withoutchanging the size.

    Displays: Al or Cu.

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    Users Guide 9

    [Set] [5] Free Air (FrAir)Sets calculator into Free Air mode,

    which refers to NEC Table 310-17 forwire size calculations. Displays: FrAir.

    [Set] [6] 60C Wire InsulationSets calculator to 60C wire insulation

    type for wire size calculations. This isthe default setting. Displays: 60.

    [Set] [7] 75C Wire InsulationSets calculator to 75C insulation typefor wire size calculations.Displays: 75.

    [Set] [9] 90C Wire Insulation

    Sets calculator to 90C insulation typefor wire size calculations.Displays: 90.

    Electrical Functions

    [kilo-] Kilo-This key is used with watts, amps,volts, and volt-amps to identify kilo-values.

    [Set] [kilo-] Milli-This key sequence is used with other

    keys watts, amps, volts, and volt-ampsto identify milli- values.

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    10 ElectriCalc Pro

    [Amps] AmpsEnters or calculates amps (using volts

    and VA or watts). Displays: AMPS,KAMP or mAMP.

    [Volts] VoltsEnters or calculates volts (using amps,

    HPth, and VA or watts). Default value is240 volts. Displays: VOLT, KV, or mV.

    [Set] [Volts] DC ResistanceCalculates and displays DC resistance.Displays: OHMS.

    [VA] Volt-AmpsEnters or calculates volt-amps (using

    amps, volts and horsepower or watts).Displays: VA, KVA, or mVA.

    [Watts] WattsEnters or calculates watts (using amps,volts, and VA or horsepower).Displays: WATT, KW, or mW.

    [Set] [Watts] Power FactorEnters or calculates power factor per-centage (based on watts and VA). De-faults to 100%. Entered or calculatedpower factors greater than 100% willresult in an error. Displays: PF%.

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    Users Guide 11

    [HPth] Horsepower (Theoretical)Enters or calculates theoretical horse-

    power (based on Amps, VA, watts,efficiency%, PF%, and/or volts). 1.0HPth correlates to 746 watts at 100%efficiency. Displays: HPth.

    [Set] [HPth] EfficiencyEnters or calculates the percent ratiobetween real power (watts) and theo-retical horsepower. Default: 100%.Entered or calculated efficienciesgreater than 100% will result in an er-ror. Displays: EFF%.

    Motor Horsepower FunctionsThe ElectriCalc Pro can be used todetermine motor full-load current(amps) based on entries for motorhorsepower (HP), phase and voltage.

    You can also find an equivalent motorhorsepower if you have entered voltageand full load current values. Only HPand voltage entries as defined by NECTables 430-148 and 430-150 can beused to determine motor loads.

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    12 ElectriCalc Pro

    [Set] [8] Induction/Synchronous Motor Toggle

    Toggles between induction and syn-chronous motor types. Displays: SYNC(synchronous) or IND (induction - de-fault).

    [HPmotor] Motor HorsepowerEnters or calculates motor horsepower.Displays: SYNC HP (synchronous) orHP IND (induction - default).

    Ampacity Tables

    The ElectriCalc Pro uses NEC Table310-16 (310-17 for Free Air) to find wiresizes and ampacity ratings of wires.The calculator uses the following datato calculate wire size: 1) insulationtemperature rating (60C, 75C and90C); 2) wire material (copper or alu-

    minum); and 3) ambient temperature.Only standard AWG wire sizes areused by the ElectriCalc Pro .

    NOTE: 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0 wires are

    entered using the [0] key (i.e., 0, 00,000 and 0000).

    [WireSz] Wire Size/AmpacityEnters or calculates wire size based on

    ampacity and voltage drop, if a voltagedrop length has been entered.

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    Users Guide 13

    First Press If a wire length has been entered, the

    first press will show the larger of theampacity or voltage drop derived wiresize. The calculator will use the largervalue when calculations require a wiresize. If no voltage drop length has beenentered, the calculator will display thecalculated ampacity rated wire size.

    Second Press If a wire length has been entered, thesecond press displays the smaller ofthe two wire sizes. If not solving forvoltage drop wire size, then displaysthe maximum ampacity.

    Third Press If a wire length has been entered, dis-plays the minimum wire ampacity rat-ing.

    [Set] [WireSz] 125% AmpacityUsed for motor wire sizing when thewire must not exceed 80% of its rated

    ampacity (125%A). This keystrokecalculates wire size based on 125% ofthe entered or calculated amps value.Displays: 125%.

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    14 ElectriCalc Pro

    [ParSz] Parallel SizeUsed to find the size of parallel conduc-

    tors using amperage and an enteredquantity of wires. Parallel wire sizecomputations smaller than 1/0 are dis-played as none (display showsnonE ) as the NEC does not allow

    parallel wire runs smaller than 1/0.

    First Press When preceded by a number, calcu-lates the applicable wire size for thatquantity of wires in parallel.Displays: PAR WIRE SIZE.

    Second Press

    Displays the maximum adjusted am-pacity of the calculated parallel wiresize. Displays: WIRE A.

    NOTE: No adjustments are made for deration.

    [Set] [ParSz] Derated Wire SizeUsed to calculate derated wire sizesand allowable ampacity based on theentered quantity of wires, NEC Table310-16 and NEC Table 310-15(b)(2)(a).Derated wire sizes are not calculatedwhen there are less than 4 wires, or

    when the unit is in Free Air mode.

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    Users Guide 15

    First Press Calculates the derated wire size, if you

    have entered the number of wires, forexample, 4 [Set] [ParSz]).Displays: D/R WIRE SIZE.

    Second Press Displays the maximum adjusted am-pacity of the derated wire size.Displays: D/R WIRE A.

    Third Press Displays the derated adjustment factorper the NEC Table 310-15(b)(2)(a).Displays: ADJ %.

    Voltage Drop Solutions

    The ElectriCalc Pro will calculatemaximum lengths, minimum wire sizesor actual voltage drops given the othertwo values. Voltage drop solutions arebased on the DC resistance valuesfound in NEC Chapter 9, Table 8.

    NOTE: Voltage drop solutions may vary slightly from actual AC circuit values as the calculator does not incorporatefactors such as inductive reactance,skin effect, raceway material, etc.

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    16 ElectriCalc Pro

    [VD%] Percent Voltage DropUsed to enter or calculate voltage drop.

    The default voltage drop is 3%. If wiresize or wire length values are not avail-able, nonE will display since the volt-age drop cannot be found.

    First Press Enters a maximum allowable voltagedrop percentage ( Displays: V DROP%) or calculates actual voltage drop(Displays: V DROP ).

    Second Press Calculates actual percent voltage drop.Displays: V DROP %.

    [Length] LengthEnters or calculates the length of a runfor voltage drop computation.Displays: FEET or MET.

    NOTE: Units of length can be set to Feet or Meters by use of the Prefer- ence function ( [Set] [] ).

    [Set] [Length] Wire ResistanceDisplays the actual resistance per1,000 feet of the wire size in [WireSz]based on NEC Chapter 9, Table 8.

    Displays: OHMS WIRE.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 17

    Ground Function Keys

    [Grnd] GroundAn output-only key used to find thegrounding electrode conductor size forAC systems based on NEC Table250-66 and an entered or calculatedservice-entrance conductor (largestsize). Only actual wire sizes are con-sidered valid entries.

    First Press Calculates the copper grounding elec-trode conductor size if you have en-tered a valid wire size.Displays: GRND CU WIRE SIZE.

    Second Press Displays the aluminum grounding elec-trode conductor size.Displays: GRND AL WIRE SIZE.

    Third Press Displays the circular mil area used tocalculate the grounding electrode con-

    ductor size. Displays: CMIL WIRE.

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    18 ElectriCalc Pro

    [Set] [Grnd] Equipment Ground (EqGrnd)

    This function uses NEC Table 250-122to compute the minimum equipmentgrounding conductor size, given anentered amperage rating or setting for aover-current device up line (i.e., 300

    [Set] [Grnd]).

    NOTE: This function deviates from the NEC Table 250-122 in that 1250 MCM AL is used instead of 1200 as specified in NEC Table 250-122.

    First Press Displays the copper grounding conduc-

    tor size for the entered amp rating.Displays: EQPG WIRE SIZE CU.

    Second Press Displays the aluminum grounding con-ductor size.Displays: EQPG WIRE SIZE AL.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 19

    Fuse/Breaker Keys

    The ElectriCalc Pro has special keysthat automatically calculate the Ampratings of the following over-currentprotection devices: Dual Element Fuses(Time Delay), Single Element Fuses(Non-Time Delay), Instantaneous TripBreakers (Type 1), Inverse TimeBreakers (Type 2), and OverloadProtection Devices.

    These fuse and circuit breaker sizesare derived using the Percent of Full-Load Current multipliers listed in NECTable 430-152.

    You can also calculate the full voltagestarter size for non-plugging and non-

    jogging duty motors based on phase,voltage, motor HP and NEMA table

    specifications.If a parameter is missing or invalid, thecalculator will display nonE .

    [Set] [O-Load] Motor TypeBased on NEC Table 430-152, this keyselects the motor type used to definethe percent factors for breakers/fuses.Once set, the motor type remains fixeduntil you change it or perform an allclear ( [Set] [x] ).

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    20 ElectriCalc Pro

    First Press Displays the current motor type. Note

    there is no motor type in single-phasemode.

    Second Press In three-phase mode only, subsequent

    presses of [O-Load] will select anddisplay the next motor type from thislist: SQ-C non-E (Squirrel Cage, non-Design E), SQ-C E (Squirrel Cage,Design E), SYNC no codE (Synchro-nous), WND no codE (Wound Rotor).

    [DEFuse] Dual Element Fuse

    First Press Calculates the minimum amp rating fora Dual Element Fuse.Displays: AMPS dE.

    Second Press Displays the full-load current percentmultiplier used to determine fuse size.Displays: %FLC.

    [Set] [DEFuse] Single Element Fuse (SEFuse)

    First Press Displays the minimum amp ratingbased on phase, motor type, and am-perage. Displays: AMPS SE.

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    Users Guide 21

    Second Press Displays the full-load current percent

    multiplier value used to determine fusesize. Subsequent presses repeat thiscycle. Displays: %FLC.

    [Set] [InvTime] InstantaneousTrip Circuit Breaker

    First PressDisplays the minimum amp rating foran Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breaker,based on the phase, motor type, andamperage. Displays: AMPS b1.

    Second Press

    Displays the full-load current percentmultiplier value used to determinebreaker size. Displays: %FLC.

    [InvTime] Inverse Time Breaker

    First Press Calculates the minimum amp rating foran Inverse Time Breaker, based on the

    phase, motor type, and amperage.Displays: AMPS b2.

    Second Press Displays the full-load current percentmultiplier value used to determinebreaker size. Displays: %FLC.

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    22 ElectriCalc Pro

    [O-Load] Overload Protection

    First Press

    Displays the overload amperage re-quirement based on the full-load cur-rent shown on the motor nameplate.Multiplies the entered motor nameplatefull-load current (stored in the [Amps]registers) by 115% or the value youenter. Conforms to NEC Section 430-32 (a)(1) value of 115% unless youenter another value. For example, en-

    tering 125 [O-Load] would calculateoverload protection based on 125% ofthe entered amperage. Displays:AMPS ol.

    Second Press Displays the full-load current percentmultiplier value used to determine theoverload current protection size. Sub-sequent presses of [O-Load] repeat the

    cycle. Displays: %FLC.[Set] [HPmotor] Starter SizeDisplays the starter size (from NEMApublication ICS 2-1988 Tables 2-327-1

    and 2-327-2) based on the phase, volt-age, and motor horsepower settings.Displays: STAR SIZE.

    NOTE: Horsepower values not identi- fied in NEMA tables will cause the cal- culator to round up to the next larger starter size in the table.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 23

    Conduit Sizing Keys

    The ElectriCalc Pro calculates conduitsize using NEC Tables 1, 3, 4, and 5 ofChapter 9 (given insulation type, wiresize, and quantity of wires). It will alsocalculate the number of wires of a

    specified insulation type and wire sizethat will fit in a defined conduit size.Acceptable conduit sizes (dependingon the type of conduit used) are asfollows: 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2,2-1/2, 3, 3-1/2, 4 5 and 6. Conduitsizes are entered using decimal equiva-lents (i.e., 1-1/2 is entered as 1.5, 3/4is entered as .75, etc.).

    [#THW], [#XHHW], [#THHN] Number of WiresUsed to enter or calculate the numberof wires in a raceway and calculatecross-sectional wire area.

    First Press Enters number of wires or calculatesmaximum number of wires in conduit.Displays: TTL WIRES (calculated) orWIRES (entered).

    Second Press Shows total cross-sectional area for allentered wires. Displays: WIRE AREA

    (entered) or TTL WIRE AREA (calcu-lated).

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    24 ElectriCalc Pro

    Third Press Shows total cross-sectional area of all

    entered wires of the selected wire insu-lation. Displays: TTL WIRE AREA.

    [CondSz] Conduit SizeUsed to find conduit sizes based on the

    total area of the entered wire types andsizes (up to 15 at one time). If thequantity and insulation type has notbeen entered, the calculator will as-sume 2 THHN wires for single-phase or3 THHN wires for three-phase calcula-tions.

    First Press Enters or calculates conduit size.Displays: COND SIZE.

    NOTE: If a wire size has not been en- tered or calculated, or an invalid con- duit size is entered, the calculator will display nonE .

    Second Press Shows total number of wires in the

    conduit for calculated conduit size.Shows the conduit internal area for anentered conduit. Displays: TTL WIRES(calculated) or CONDAREA (entered).

    NOTE: Third through fifth presses dis- play only for calculated conduit sizes.

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    Users Guide 25

    Third Press Shows fill percentage for the calculated

    conduit size as determined by Table 1,Chapter 9. Displays: COND FILL %.

    Fourth Press Shows the total wire area for all entered

    wires. Displays: FILL TTL WIRE AREA.Fifth Press

    Shows remaining fill area. This valuemay be negative if all wires are thesame size due to Note 7 in NEC Chap-ter 9, Table 1.Displays: REM WIRE AREA.

    [Set] [CondSz] Conduit Type

    First Press Displays the currently selected conduittype.

    Second Press

    Subsequent presses will display andselect the next conduit type from thislist: 1) EMT 2) ENT 3) FMC 4) IMC5) LFNB 6) LFNA 7) LFMC 8) RMC9) P-80 10) P-40 11) P-A 12) P- EB.To select a specific conduit type, enterthe corresponding number of the con-duit and then press [Set] [CondSz]. Ifyou press this keystroke without enter-

    ing a number, the calculator will switchto the next conduit type on the list.

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    26 ElectriCalc Pro

    Preference SettingsYour calculator has the following Pref-erence Settings that you can accessand change at any time.

    Reach the Preference Function bypressing [Set] [] . Then, to accesseach category, press the [] key untilthe desired setting is reached. Within each category , press the [+] or [-] keysto toggle between individual selections(note: the [+] will advance, the [-] willback-up).

    You can change these settings at anytime by repeating the above, and set-

    ting in a new preference. NOTE: Toclear preferences, you must either reset using keystrokes below, or perform an All-Clear ( [Set] [x] ).

    The Preference Settings are (defaultsettings shown first):

    To Set 1999 or 1996 NEC Code:[Set] [] (1st press of []) CODE 99

    [+] CODE 96To Set Ambient Temp. to C or F:[] (2nd press of []) AMB30 C[+] AMB86 FTo Set Length to Feet or Meter:[] (3rd press of []) FEET 1.[+] MET 1.

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    Users Guide 27

    Default SettingsWhen you first receive your calculator,it is pre-set to the default settings listedbelow. You can always return yourcalculator to these default values withan All-Clear ( [Set] [x] ).

    Ambient Temperature 30C

    Insulation Rating 60C

    Material Copper (Cu)

    Phase 3

    Volts 240 V

    Efficiency 100%Power Factor 100%

    Length Units Feet

    Voltage Drop Percent 3%Wire Environment Raceway(vs Free Air)

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    28 ElectriCalc Pro

    Basic Math OperationsThis calculator uses standard chaininglogic, which simply means that youenter your first value, the operator (+, ,x, ), the second value and then theequals sign (=).

    A. 3 [+] 2 [=] 5B. 3 [] 2 [=] 1C. 3 [x] 2 [=] 6D. 3 [] 2 [=] 1.5

    Percent CalculationsThe percent key [%] can be used forfinding a given percentage of a numberor for working add-on, discount or divi-sion percentage calculations.

    355 [x] 15 [%] 53.25250 [+] 6.5 [%] 266.2525 [] 5 [%] 23.75100 [] 50 [%] 200.

    The percent key also allows you tochange percentages to decimals (e.g.,25 [%] 0.25).

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    Users Guide 29

    Memory FunctionsWhenever the [Stor] [0] (M+) keys arepressed, the displayed value will beadded to memory. A list of memorykeystrokes/functions is provided below:

    Function KeystrokesAdd to memory [Stor] [0]Display total in memory [Rcl] [0]Display & clear memory [Rcl] [Rcl]

    Clear memory, no display [Set] [Rcl]Replace memory withdisplayed value [Set] [Rcl] [Stor] [0]

    The memory is semi-permanent; it willbe cleared when you:

    1) turn off the calculator;2) press [Rcl] [Rcl] ;3) press [Set] [Rcl] ;

    4) press [Set] [x] (all clear).

    How To Use Memory Functions:

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Add to M+ 355 [Stor] [0] 355. MAdd to M+ 255 [Stor] [0] 255. MRecall total M+ [Rcl] [0] 610. MSub. from M+ 745 [Set]

    [Stor] [0] 745. MRecall & clear [Rcl] [Rcl] 135.

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    30 ElectriCalc Pro

    Kerchoffs LawThe ElectriCalc Pro utilizes KerchoffsLaw in finding volts, amps, volt-amps,watts, horsepower (theoretical), effi-ciency and power factor.

    Finding VoltageFind the voltage supply to a single-phase load drawing 14,605 volt-ampsand 115 amps.

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PH

    Enter VA 14605 [VA] 14,605. VAEnter amps 115 [Amps] 115. AMPSSolve for volts [Volts] 127. VOLT

    Finding Amps

    What is the current (amps) for a loaddrawing 8,250 volt-amps on a 240 volt,three-phase circuit?

    Steps Keystrokes DisplayClear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 3-phase [Set] [3] 3 PHEnter VA 8250 [VA] 8,250. VAEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTSolve for amps [Amps] 19.846416 AMPS

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    Users Guide 31

    Finding Current Load

    A building with 120/240 volt 1 servicehas the following loads:

    Range = 7,800 VA Heating = 15,100 VADryer = 5,100 VA Appliances = 8,900 VALighting = 6,470 VA

    What is the service load (amps) of thecircuit supplying this building?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHAdd VA loads: 7,800 + 15,100 +

    5,100 + 8,900 +

    6,470 [=] 43,370.Enter as VA [VA] 43,370. VAEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTSolve for amps [Amps] 180.70833 AMPS

    Finding Amps from Kilowatts

    What is the amperage for a 75 kW loadconnected in a 120/208 volt, 3 circuit?

    Steps Keystrokes DisplayClear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 3-phase [Set] [3] 3 PHEnter kilowatts 75 [kilo-] [Watts] 75. KWEnter volts 208 [Volts] 208. VOLTSolve for amps [Amps] 208.17918 AMPS

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    32 ElectriCalc Pro

    Finding Volt-Amps

    What is the VA rating for a 120 volt, 22amp, 1 circuit? What is the kVA rat-ing?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHEnter volts 120 [Volts] 120. VOLTEnter amps 22 [Amps] 22. AMPS

    Solve volt-amps [VA] 2,640. VASolve for kVA [kilo-] [VA] 2.64 KVA

    Finding kVA Rating

    What is the kVA rating for a 120/208volt, three-phase 65 amp transformer?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Enter volts 208 [Volts] 208. VOLTEnter amps 65 [Amps] 65. AMPSSolve for kVA [kilo-] [VA] 23.417327 KV

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 33

    Finding Wattage

    A 120 volt single-phase 45 amp electri-cal motor has an 87% power factor.What is its wattage?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHEnter volts 120 [Volts] 120. VOLTSet power fact % 87 [Set] [Watts] 87. PF%

    Enter amps 45 [Amps] 45. AMPSSolve for watts [Watts] 4,698. WATT

    Finding kW Rating

    Whats the kW rating for a 90 amp, 208volt, three-phase broiler with 100%power factor?

    Steps Keystrokes DisplayClear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 3-phase [Set] [3] 3 PHSet power factor 100 [Set] [Watts] 100. PF%Enter amps 90 [Amps] 90. AMPSEnter volts 208 [Volts] 208. VOLTSolve for kW [kilo-] [Watts] 32.423991 KW

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    34 ElectriCalc Pro

    Motor HorsepowerThe ElectriCalc Pro can calculate thefull load current (amps) of a motor,based on phase, voltage and motor(synchronous or induction). It usesNEC Tables 430-148 and 430-150 to

    determine the motor full load current. (Ifyou enter a value for HP or voltage thatdoes not correspond to these tables,the unit will display Error 8).

    The ElectriCalc Pro can also calculatean equivalent horsepower for either aninduction or a synchronous motorbased on a voltage, phase and full loadcurrent. When calculating motor HPfrom an entered amperage, a result notdirectly matching a value in NEC Table430-148 or 430-150 will cause the cal-culator to choose the next higher table

    value for motor horsepower.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 35

    Finding Single-Phase Full LoadCurrent

    A 2 HP induction motor operates on 230volt, single-phase power. What is the fullload current for this motor?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHEnter volts 230 [Volts] 230. VOLTEnter HPind 2 [HPmotor] 2. HP INDFind full load amps [Amps] 12. FLC A

    Finding Motor Wire Size andAmpacity

    Find the wire size required to connect acontinuous run, 3, 3 HP inductionmotor into a 230V circuit.

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Enter volts 230 [Volts] 230. VOLTEnter HPind 3 [HPmotor] 3. HP INDFind load current [Amps] 9.6 FLC A

    Find 125% A size [Set] [WireSz] 14 CU AWWIRE SIZE 125%

    Find max ampacity [WireSz] 14 20.0WIRE A125%

    NOTE: Display will show wire size in the upper left when displaying wire ampacity rating.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    36 ElectriCalc Pro

    Finding Synchronous MotorHorsepower

    A synchronous motor is defined ashaving a 27 amp load on a 240 volt, 3circuit. What is its horsepower?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Set to synch. [Set] [8] 0. SYNCEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLT

    Enter amps 27 [Amps] 27. AMPSSolve for Hp [HPmotor] 25. HP SYNC

    Ampacity Wire SizingThe required wire size of a serviceconductor can be determined based onthe specified electrical requirementsand the [WireSz] key. The wire size isautomatically recalculated wheneverthe wire insulation (temperature) ratingsor wire material (copper or aluminum)types are revised. Wire sizing is based

    on the requirements defined in NECTables 310-16 and 310-17.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 37

    Wire Sizing Basedon Insulation Rating

    Wiring is being installed in a 240 volt,single-phase system rated at 30 kVA.What is the wire size needed if you use60C copper wire?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHSet to 60C [Set] [6] 1 60 Cu 1 PHEnter kVA 30 [kilo-] [VA] 30. KVAEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTFind amps [Amps] 125. AMPSFind CU wire size [WireSz] 0 CU


    Re-sizing Wire Based onDifferent Insulation Ratings

    What wire size is required for a 75Ccopper branch circuit carrying a load of260 amps? What would the wire size beif 90C copper is used?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 75C [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.Enter amps 260 [Amps] 260. AMPSFind wire size [WireSz] 300 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEChange to 90 [Set] [9] 0000 CUAWG WIRE SIZE

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    38 ElectriCalc Pro

    Wire Sizing Basedon Ambient Temperature

    Find the 90C aluminum wire sizeneeded to connect a 47,700 volt-ampload to a 240 volt, single-phase source.What is the adjusted wire size, if theambient temperature rating is changedfrom the default 30C to 40C?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHSet to 90C [Set] [9] 1 90 Cu 1 PHSet toAl [Set] [4] 1 90 Al 1 PHEnter VA 47700 [VA] 47,700. VAEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTFind amps [Amps] 198.75 AMPSFind wire size [WireSz] 0000 AL


    Change ambienttemperature 40 [Set] [2] AMB 40.CFind adjustedwire size [WireSz] 250 AL


    Reset amb. temp 30 [Set] [2] AMB 30.C

    *NOTE: Ambient temperature will re- main at 40C unless you change it or perform an ALL CLEAR ( [Set] [x] ).

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 39

    Wire Sizing Based onMaterial Type

    Find the wire size for a 75C copperwire carrying a 3 load of 265 amps.What is the equivalent aluminum wiresize?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 75C [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.

    Enter amps 265 [Amps] 265. AMPSFind wire size [WireSz] 300 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEChange to alum. [Set] [4] 400 AL


    Sizing Parallel Conductors

    What size 60C insulated copper wire is

    required for a single conductor carryinga 500 amp load in a Free Air environ-ment (30C amb. temp.)? What size for2 parallel conductors? For 3 conduc-tors?

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    40 ElectriCalc Pro

    (Contd)Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set free air mode [Set] [5] 3 60 FrAir Cu 0.Enter amps 500 [Amps] 500. AMPSFind 1 wire size [WireSz] 500 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEFind 2 wire size 2 [ParSz] 000 CU

    PAR WIRE SIZEFind 3 wire size 3 [ParSz] 0 CU


    NOTE: Parallel wire sizes smaller than 1/0 will be displayed as nonE.

    Finding Derated Wire Size

    What is the derated wire size requiredfor nine 75C copper wires, each carry-ing a maximum load of 65 amps?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 75C [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.Enter amps 65 [Amps] 65. AMPSFind normalwire size [WireSz] 6 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEFind derated

    wire size 9 [Set] [ParSz] 3 CUD/R WIRE SIZE

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 41

    Sizing Temperature-AdjustedDerated Wires

    A circuit was built with 90C aluminumwire connecting a 47,650 volt-amp loadto a 240 volt, single-phase source.Ambient temperature is 50C. What isthe derated wire size required if eightcurrent-carrying THHN wires were in-stalled in the raceway?

    Steps Keystrokes DisplayReset calculator [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHSet to 90C [Set] [9] 1 90 Cu 1 PHToggle to alum. [Set] [4] 1 90 Al 1 PHEnter volt-amps 47650 [VA] 47,650. VAEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTSet to 50C amb 50 [Set] [2] AMB 50 CFind adjst wire sz. [WireSz] 300 AL

    AWG WIRE SIZEFind derated 8 [Set] [ParSz] 500 ALwire size D/R WIRE SIZE

    NOTE: Ambient temperature should be

    changed back to 30C to avoid conflicts in answers through out the rest of this manual.

    Reset to 30C 30 [Set] [2] AMB 30 C

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    42 ElectriCalc Pro

    Voltage DropThe reduction in voltage between thepower source and the load can be de-termined by entering the phase, volts,amps, wire material, voltage drop wiresize and length of run. The calculator

    determines resistance and then thevoltage reduction. Voltage drop can bedisplayed as volts dropped, or as apercent reduction of potential load.

    This calculator also finds voltage dropwire size once you have entered orcalculated the phase, volts, amps,length, wire type, and allowable VDpercentage. It will solve for the distance([Length]) once you have entered orcalculated the phase, volts, amps, wiretype, voltage drop wire size, and allow-able VD percentage. The ElectriCalc

    Pro uses resistance values found inNEC Table 8 to determine voltage drop.

    NOTE: Voltage drop solutions may vary slightly from actual AC circuit meas- urements as the calculator does notincorporate factors such as inductive reactance, skin effect, raceway mate- rial, etc. In most situations, the DC Voltage Drop calculation is sufficient to meet safety standards.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 43


    The ElectriCalc Pro calculates voltagedrop and wire size using DC resistanceas defined by the 2002 NEC. To findthe voltage drop for a specific wire size,you must first enter amps and the one-

    way wire length (and other requiredvariables), entering the specific wiresize last . Otherwise, for your safety thecalculator will recalculate the wire sizesbased on the 99 NEC Ampacity Tablesand maximum allowable voltage drop.

    Finding Single-PhaseVoltage Drop

    You are installing 175 feet of 75C, #8THW branch circuit copper conductorsto supply an 11A load on a 208V 1system. What is the source voltagedrop at the load?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PH

    Set to 75C [Set] [7] 1 75 Cu 1 PHEnter amps 11 [Amps] 11. AMPSEnter volts 208 [Volts] 208. VOLTEnter length 175 [Length] 175. FEETEnter wire size 8 [WireSz] 8 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZESolve volt. drop [VD%] 3.0 DROP VSolve % v.drop [VD%] 1.4 DROP V %

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    44 ElectriCalc Pro

    Finding Three-PhaseVoltage Drop

    A 20-amp three-phase load is being fedby a 230-volt source located 150 feetaway. The installation specificationsrequire 75C #10 THW stranded copperconduc-tor. What is the voltage drop onthis branch circuit?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 75C [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.Enter amps 20 [Amps] 20. AMPSEnter volts 230 [Volts] 230. VOLTEnter length(feet) 150 [Length] 150. FEETEnter VD wire size10[WireSz] 10 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZESolve volt. drop [VD%] 6.4 DROP VSolve % v.drop [VD%] 2.8 DROP V %

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 45

    Finding Voltage Drop Wire Size

    A 20-amp single-phase 208-volt load willbe located 175 feet away from thesource. Assuming a 3% allowable volt-age drop, what is the size of 75C con-ductor re-quired for this branch circuit?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Set to 75C [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.

    Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PHEnter amps 20 [Amps] 20. AMPSEnter volts 208 [Volts] 208. VOLTEnter distance 175 [Length] 175. FEETEnter allow. VD% 3 [VD%] 3.0 DROP V %Find wire size [WireSz] 8 CU

    AWG VD WIRE SIZEFind actualvoltage drop [VD%] 5.4 DROP V

    Find % v.drop [VD%] 2.6 DROP V %

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    46 ElectriCalc Pro

    Finding Voltage Drop Distance

    How far from a single-phase 240-voltsource can you install a 15 amp loadusing 60C #10 Al branch circuit con-ductors? Assume a 3% allowable volt-age drop.

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] [1] 1 PH

    Set to aluminum [Set] [4] 1 60 Al 1 PHEnter amps 15 [Amps] 15. AMPSEnter volts 240 [Volts] 240. VOLTEnter wire size 10 [WireSz] 10 AL

    AWG WIRE SIZEEnter 3% VD 3 [VD%] 3.0 DROP V %Find distance [Length] 123.77387 FEETFind actualvoltage drop [VD%] 7.2 DROP AL V

    Find % v.drop [VD%] 3.0 DROP AL V %NOTE: The calculator automatically makes adjustments for resistance using NEC Chap 9, Table 8, if the insulation

    type is other than 75C.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 47

    Finding Voltage DropResistance

    What is the resistance of 85 feet of #290C copper conductor?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 90C mode [Set] [9] 3 90 Cu 0.Enter wire size 2 [WireSz] 2 CU


    Find resistance [Set] [Length] 0.2033993OHMS WIRE

    Find 85 ft resist* [] 1000 [x] 85 [=] 0.0172889

    *NOTE: Given resistance per 1000 feet,divide by 1000 to get a per foot resis- tance, then multiply by 85.

    Finding DC Resistance

    What is the equivalent resistance of a12 volt DC circuit pulling 5 amps?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Enter voltage 12 [Volts] 12. VOLTEnter amps 5 [Amps] 5. AMPSFind resistance [Set] [Volts] 2.4 OHMS

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    48 ElectriCalc Pro

    Ground Conductor Wire SizeYou can use single or multiple serviceentrance conductor(s) to find thegrounding electrode conductor for ACsystems. When using multiple conduc-tors, the ElectriCalc Pro uses the

    equivalent circular mils to find thegrounding electrode conductor (basedon NEC Table 250-66).

    Find the grounding electrode conductorwire size required when 2/0 is the larg-est 3-phase 75C copper service-entrance conductor being used. Whatis the equivalent aluminum size? Whatis the equivalent circular mils?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Set cond. temp. [Set] [7] 3 75 Cu 0.Enter wire size 00 [WireSz] 00 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEFind grnd wire sz [Grnd] 4 CU

    GRND WIRE SIZEFind alum size [Grnd] 2 AL

    GRND WIRE SIZEFind circular mils [Grnd] 133,100.


  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 49

    Equip. Grounding ConductorWire SizeThe [Set] [Grnd] keystroke can be usedto find the grounding conductor size forraceways and over-current devices incircuit ahead equipment. The calcula-

    tor uses the displayed amperage valueto solve for the equipment groundingconductor based on NEC Table250-122.

    Find the equipment grounding conduc-tor size required when the circuit-breaker is rated at 45 amps and 90copper is being used in the installation.

    What is the equivalent aluminum size?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Set cond. temp. [Set] [9] 3 90 Cu 0.Enter amp rating 45 [Amps] 45. AMPSFind equip. grnd.wire size [Set] [Grnd] 10 CU


    Find alum size [Grnd] 8 ALEQPG WIRE SIZE

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    50 ElectriCalc Pro

    Fuse and Circuit Breaker SizeWhat is the computed dual elementand single element fuse size for a 230volt, 3-phase, 50 HP induction motor?What are the Instantaneous Trip andInverse Time Circuit Breaker require-


    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.Enter volts 230 [Volts] 230. VOLTEnter hp 50 [HPmotor] 50. HP INDFind full current [Amps] 130. FLC AFind DE fuse size [DEFuse] 227.5

    dE AMPS

    Display % used [DEFuse] 175. %FLCFind SE fuse size [Set] [DEFuse] 390.SE AMPS

    Display % used [DEFuse] 300. %FLCFind inv. time brkr [InvTime] 325. b2 AMPSDisplay % used [InvTime] 250. %FLCFind ins. tripbreaker sz. [Set] [InvTime] 1,040.

    b1 AMPSDisplay % used [InvTime] 800. %FLC

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 51

    Starter SizeWhat NEMA size starter is required fora 575 volt, 3, 20 HP induction motor?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [On/C] 0.

    Enter volts 575 [Volts] 575. VOLTEnter hp 20 [HPmotor] 20. HP INDSolve forstarter size [Set] [HPmotor] 2


    Overload Protection SizeWhat overload protection device size isrequired for a 460 volt, 3-phase, 15 HP

    induction motor with a nameplate cur-rent rating of 19.2 amps and a 1.0 ser-vice factor? What is the required over-load rating at 125% (for a 1.15 servicefactor)?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset Calculator [On/C] 0.Enter volts 460 [Volts] 460. VOLTEnter horsepower 15 [HPmotor] 15. HP INDEnter nameplatecurrent 19.2 [Amps] 19.2 AMPS

    Find overload size [O-Load] 22.08 ol AMPSDisplay % used [O-Load] 115. %FLCFind 125% load 125 [O-Load] 24.

    ol AMPSDisplay % used [O-Load] 125 %FLC

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    52 ElectriCalc Pro

    Conduit SizeThe ElectriCalc Pro can calculate thesize of conduit required when runningsingle or multiple wires using the[CondSz] key and the calculators inter-nal tables. The calculator uses NEC

    values for area of THW, THHN, andXHHW wires. When using the actualwire areas (and following the guidelinesin NEC Chapter 9, Tables 1, 3, 4 and5), the calculator can calculate a con-duit size based on the conduit type andthe same or different wire types andsizes.

    To select a specific conduit type, enterthe corresponding number of the con-duit and then press [Set] [CondSz]. Thenumbers and types are:

    1) EMT 2) ENT 3) FMC 4) IMC5) LFNB 6) LFNA 7) LFMC 8) RMC9) P-80 10) P-40 11) P-A 12) P-EB

    When you enter a new conduit type orscroll through the types, you will seethe updated conduit size (if you haveentered the wire type and quantity).

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 53

    Finding Motor Branch-CircuitWire Size & Conduit Size

    Same Wire Type & SizeWhat size THHN copper wire & RMCconduit are needed to connect a 10 HP1 induction motor to a 115 volt source?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Reset calculator [Set] [x] [On/C] 0.Set to 1-phase [Set] 1 1 PHEnter volts 115 [Volts] 115. VOLTEnter horsepower 10 [HPmotor] 10. HP INDEnter cond. type 8 [Set] [CondSz] nonE

    RMCDisplay full load

    amps [Amps] 100. FLC AFind wire size [Set] [WireSz] 0 CUAWG WIRE SIZE 125%

    Find wire ampacity [WireSz] 0 125.0*WIRE A125%

    Find conduit size [CondSz] 1.25 inRMC COND SIZE

    Find total # wires [CondSz] 2. TTL WIRESFind conduit fill % [CondSz] 24.3

    FILL COND %Find act. fill area [CondSz] 0.3710

    FILL TTL WIRE AREAFind rem. area [CondSz] 0.1021


    NOTE: Display will also show wire size in upper left when displaying maximum ampacity rating.

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    54 ElectriCalc Pro

    NOTE: If a wire size has been calculated or stored, and the wire type/quantity is not defined,

    the calculator will assume 2 THHN wires for 1 and 3 THHN wires for 3 when calculatingconduit size.

    Finding Conduit Sizes for Multi-ple Conductors Same WireType & Size

    Find the minimum IMC conduit size for

    eleven #6 THHN copper wires.

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Enter cond. type 4 [Set] [CondSz] nonE

    IMCEnter wire size 6 [WireSz] 6 CU

    AWG WIRE SIZEEnter # THHN 11 [#THHN] 11.

    THHN WIRESFind conduit size [CondSz] 1.25 inIMC COND SIZE

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 55

    Finding Number of Wires in Ex-isting Conduit Same Size,

    Various TypesFind the maximum number of #10THHN copper wires that can be pulledthrough an existing 3 EMT conduit.How many XHHW wires? How manyTHW wires?

    Steps Keystrokes Display

    Clear calculator [On/C] [On/C] 0.Enter cond. type 1 [Set] [CondSz] EMT

    nonE CONDEnter wire size 10 [WireSz] 10 CU


    Enter conduit size 3 [CondSz] 3.00 inEMT COND SIZEFind max THHN # [#THHN] 167.

    THHN TTL WIRESFind max XHHW# [#XHHW] 145.

    XHHW TTL WIRESFind max THW # [#THW] 145.


    Finding Conduit Size - MultipleConductors Different Wire Sizes& Types

    Three 1/0 THWN 75C conductors andone #2 XHHW 75C copper conductorare to connect to a panel board using asingle conduit. What is the cross-

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 57

    Error CodesThe error codes for the ElectriCalc Pro are listed below (Note: To clear anerror, simply press any key):

    Error Description1 Display register overflow

    (Answer too large to fit display) 2 Invalid or out-of-scale entry

    3 PF or EFF calculated above 100%

    4 Conduit Size beyond limits of table5 Unable to calculate VDWire Size

    (Amps/Length too high)

    8 Invalid HP entry per NEC table

    9 Entered or calculated more than 15different wires sizes

    11 Temperature setting out of range forwire computation.

    Battery InformationThe calculator is powered by a single 3-Volt Lithium CR-2032 battery. Thisshould last upwards of 800 hours ofactual use (1 year plus for most peo-ple). If the display becomes very dim orerratic, replace the battery.

    NOTE: Please use caution when dis- pos-ing of your old batteries as theycontain hazardous chemicals.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    58 ElectriCalc Pro

    2002 NEC ReferencesTable 250-66Table 250-122Table 310-15(b)(2)(a)Table 310-16Table 310-17

    Chapter 9, Table 1, 4, 5 and 8Section 430-32Table 430-148Table 430-150Table 430-152Appendix C

    Updating Future Code

    RevisionsThis model is updateable for futureNEC Editions. For information on 2005and 2008 Codes, contact the dealer

    where this calculator was purchased oryou may contact Calculated Industries,Inc. in the fall of the year prior.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 59


    Permanent Values/Settings

    Values and settings maintained in per-manent memory can only be changed(1) by pressing [Set] [x] (resets calcula-tor to default settings), or (2) by chang-ing each one or all of these settings.The following are permanent values:

    (1) Selectable (60C/75C/90C) insula-tion ratings and CU/AL wire type rat-ings

    (2) Phase setting (1/3)(3) The entered values for volts, volt-

    age drop %, power factor % andefficiency %

    Semi-Permanent Values

    The following semi-permanent valuesare cleared to default settings when thecalculator is shut off:

    (1) Independent User Memory(2) Free Air mode

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    60 ElectriCalc Pro


    Warranty Repair Service U.S.A.Calculated Industries, Inc. (CI) war-rants this product against defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period

    of one (1) year from the date of originalconsumer purchase in the U.S. If adefect exists during the warranty pe-riod, CI at its option will either repair(using new or remanufactured parts) orreplace (with a new or remanufacturedunit) the product at no charge.



    To obtain warranty service in the U.S.,

    ship the product postage paid to the CIAuthorized Service Provider listed onthe back page of the Users Guide.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 61

    Please provide an explanation of theservice requirement, your name, ad-

    dress, day phone number and datedproof of purchase (typically a salesreceipt). If the product is over 90 daysold, include payment of $6.95 for returnshipping and handling within the con-

    tiguous 48 states. (Outside the contigu-ous 48 states, please call CI for returnshipping costs.)

    A repaired or replacement product

    assumes the remaining warranty of theoriginal product or 90 days, whicheveris longer.

    Non-Warranty Repair Service U.S.A.Non-warranty repair covers servicebeyond the warranty period or servicerequested due to damage resulting

    from misuse or abuse.

    Contact the CI Authorized Service Pro-vider listed on the back page of theUsers Guide to obtain current productrepair information and charges. Repairsare guaranteed for 90 days.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    62 ElectriCalc Pro

    Repair Service Outside the U.S.A.

    Not all countries have CI AuthorizedService Providers or the same warrantyand service policies. To obtain warrantyor non-warranty repair service for goodspurchased outside the U.S., contact thedealer through which you initially pur-chased the product. If you cannot rea-sonably have the product repaired inyour area, you may contact CI to obtain

    current product repair information andcharges, including freight and duties.






  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    Users Guide 63


    The warranty, disclaimer, and remediesset forth above are exclusive and re-

    place all others, oral or written, ex-pressed or implied. No CI dealer,agent, or employee is authorized tomake any modification, extension, oraddition to this warranty.

    Some states do not allow the exclusionor limitation of implied warranties orliability for incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation orexclusion may not apply to you. Thiswarranty gives you specific rights, andyou may also have other rights, whichvary, from state to state.

    FCC Class BThis equipment has been certified tocomply with the limits for a Class B

    computing device, pursuant to SubpartJ of Part 15 of FCC rules.

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


    64 ElectriCalc Pro

    Legal NoticesSoftware copyrighted and licensed toCalculated Industries, Inc. by SpecialtyCalculator Technologies, LLC, 2002.

    Users Guide is copyrighted by Calcu-

    lated Industries, Inc., 2002.

    ElectriCalc and Calculated Industries are registered trademarks of CalculatedIndustries, Inc.


    Calculated Industries, Inc.4840 Hytech Drive

    Carson City, NV 89706 U.S.A775/885-4975 o Fax: 775/885-4949E-mail: [email protected]

    File: 5060-UG-B

  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


  • 8/12/2019 Electric Calc Pro


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