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Ed’s Strategic Mind

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Brand Brief

BACKGROUND Performance Mizuno had the number one irons on the PGA tour for 8 straight years (’94-’01) until athlete sponsorships carved a different landscape.

Perfection/Quality Rihachi Mizuno created Mizuno Inc over 100 years ago. Obsessed with every aspect of performance, Rihachi established a high standard of excellence early in Mizuno’s foundation. When thrown down, baseballs had to bounce back up to his eye-level, if they didn’t, his engineers had to find a way to make them.

Excellence Mizuno’s product innovations have continued to raise the bar for what an athletics company should be. They pay special attention to solving very detailed problems. The problems people didn’t even think a company would bother spending time trying to fix. (i.e. to keep athletes warm, Mizuno created a fabric that heats up when it comes in contact with moisture.)

Integrity Since their humble beginning, Mizuno has always allowed people to discover their better-engineered products pretty much on their own. Mizuno has sponsored events and athletes, opened new plants in various countries, and continued to evolve the athletic equipment and attire market. Mizuno has always trusted their products to speak for themselves. Mizuno is the best brand that few people know about. This is our opportunity to change that. THE ASSIGNMENT Develop a brand campaign that works across all of Mizuno’s product categories and captures the humility that is at the core of the brand. They currently manufacture products for: Golf, baseball, running, volleyball and softball. The new campaign should provide Mizuno with a new identity and a new reason for current customers and those who haven’t yet made the leap to come and join the brand. The new identity should help to make the Mizuno logo a badge of pride. The campaign will be implemented across all touch-points (in-store, collateral, web, print, radio and TV). THE OBJECTIVES

1. Energize and unify the brand. 2. Activate the Mizuno tribe. Get non-users to join the brand, and provide a rally cry for those who already subscribe.

AUDIENCE INSIGHT Performance Junkies don’t just identify with their sport, they are their sport. This is their morning coffee. Sport controls what they eat and how they breathe. This is their air. They enter competitions looking to not only compete against other people but also themselves. They relentlessly pursue better times, better scores, better nutrition, better equipment, better better. They want products that allow them to focus on their whole game and nothing but the game. They want products that can help take them to the next level. These are the Performance Junkies.

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The brief on what we will make happen.


MIZUNO POSITIONING Mizuno arms Performance Junkies with products that are biomechanically engineered to work in harmony with your body to enhance and improve your natural ability. THE BRAND IDEA Mizuno: brings out the best in you. THE BENEFITS Rational Benefit: Mizuno products are deliberately designed to work in harmony with your body. Emotional Benefit: “Mizuno gives me the confidence to perform at my best because I don’t have to fit my game to the equipment, they provide me equipment that fits my game.” REASONS TO BELIEVE: History of Success Athletes have been winning competitions using Mizuno for over 100 years. Technical Innovations Running

• Wave (Running): Mesh that constricts with the skin • Breath Thermo (Apparel): Body Warming Technology works with the body to warm you

for better performance Team

• Classic Pro Soft Ball Glove (Baseball): intro Fall 2010 o Professional, position specific patterns (collected data on how each position catches

the ball to determine the glove pattern that best fits that position) • Frenzy Fast Pitch Bat (Softball): Fall 2010 (need specs) • Shoes/Custom Apparel (Volleyball): Need specs

Golf • Shaft Optimizer (Golf): This system quickly records five data points that make up one's

swing DNA: clubhead speed, swing tempo, release factor, shaft toe down and shaft kick angle. The Shaft Optimizer lowers your score without changing your swing.

• JPX(Golf): fall and early spring launch o JPX-800; Shockingly Long and Fantastically Forgiving! o JPX-800 Pro: Distance and Forgiveness you can FEEL!

Attention to Detail

• Need to add based on the actual product we’re marketing. Divisions sending specs. BRAND TONALITY Humble. Trustworthy. Aspirational. Likable.

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Runner I’m a Runner (Running Super Enthusiast) I run. I run to question who I am and who I am not. I run to get lost. Lost in my thoughts. Away from the distractions of life and daily stress. Running allows me to escape. It acts as meditation. I want to be a better person, I want to be a better runner. Running allows me to achieve both. Running is a passion. Running is a part of who I am. Not running simply is not an option. Running sets the rhythm and cadence of my day, my week and everything around it. My mind and body operate at a higher level when I run. I take my running shoes with me everywhere- business trips, vacations, you name it. I know I will always have time to get out for a run, a release, a getaway. Even if it’s quick, I will find a way to run. I want others to enjoy the Running Light, so I started a local running club where we can share our passion. I don’t care if someone is a beginner or a vet, being part of a running community helps to motivate, teach, learn and inspire. My Focus/Drivers Running is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. I’ve put in my miles, so I know my endurance is there, but I have to fight off what’s in my head and what my body’s feeling that day. Many days I head out the door knowing that I have at least 45 minutes of pain and discomfort ahead of me. But running is all about embracing the challenge, embracing the pain, digging deep inside your soul, and pushing yourself to places you never thought possible. It’s about reaching that “runners high”, a place that only you can understand. Running is about taking pain and discomfort and turning it in to a positive. If I can handle the pain of a hard training run, I can handle anything that life throws at me. That’s the big reward runners get and the thing that other non-runners will never understand. Races are my report card, my way to calibrate how I’m doing. I want to run faster every time I race because it shows me I’m doing things right. And I like the camaraderie that comes from a shared feeling at the end of the race that we’ve all done something special. I like to run races, but I don’t train to race. I’m always training, so I should always be race ready. Running is a competitive adventure for me. When I’m in a race, I will feed off adrenaline and others around me to push myself, but I’m not there to beat them, I’m there to beat myself and to reach my goals. I Hate Recovery can make me stronger, so there are days when I choose not to run. But not running because I’m tired, not motivated or because I let life’s obstacles get in the way feels like I’m letting myself down. I feel guilty. I feel like my training takes a step backwards. I hate that feeling. It’s Interesting to Me I feel like I’m part of a community. I see a lot of the same people out on the roads, trails, or at races. When I pass other runners out on the road, or when I’m running with friends, it feels like we all share something special and different. There is a quiet head-nod you give other runners you pass that shows you know. You know that you are part of something bigger and that all those people sitting in front of their televisions, taking escalators, or taking other physical shortcuts will never get it.

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Me and My Equipment My shoes and clothes are a part of me and a reflection of my running. They are the secret to getting me out the door – my secret advantage. When I slip on my favorite pair of shoes or my favorite shirt it’s like I’ve flipped a mental switch that gets me ready to go. Some days I want the familiar fit and comfort of my every-day trainers. Other days, I want to wear something light, fast and bold. It all depends on how I’m feeling. The right gear frees my mind and allows me to focus on just my run. It gives me the confidence that today I just might do something special. And the brand matters. I want to wear stuff from a company that is as passionate about running as I am.

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Golfer I’m a Golfer There is nothing better than the feeling of stepping out onto the golf course early in the morning, dew still on the ground, and a beautiful green fairway and day of golf ahead of me. Golf is one of the few things I can do where I get the chance to simultaneously relax and compete at the same time. It’s the most stressful stress-reliever imaginable, and I love it. There’s no better high than hitting a shot "pure", but I’m not just satisfied with that one shot- I want to hit more shots pure each time I step on the course. And in true addict form, it keeps me coming back for more. I love competing against my buddies, having something on the line and knowing that every shot matters. At the end of the day and with the round on the line, I love stepping up to a shot that I’ve just crushed into the fairway, eyeing the green in the distance and then nestling the ball up to the hole and ultimately winning the round. It’s a shot that I’ll never forget. That I’ll relive in my head for years to come. Golf is who I am. It’s more than just an activity, a sport. It’s a passion. My Focus/Drivers While I think about the great shots, I also think about the bad ones. I think about why I made those mistakes and how I can continue improving. I watch the pros on tour, shows on TGC, and research the golf websites, blogs, and magazines, looking for tips and equipment that will help my game. I’m always thinking about how I can be better because I want to win every time I’m on the course. Whether it’s a club tournament, a bet with friends, or it’s just me vs. the course, I want to perform and win. I Hate I hate when there’s nothing on the line. Sure, I want to have fun. But I’m competitive natured, and golf is a game that I thrive on when something’s at stake. It takes the game to a whole new level. It gives me something to fight for, a goal beyond just a good round. It gives my good round even more meaning. It’s Interesting to Me Golf is the one sport where I can actually play the same courses that the pros do. And I will also face many of the same situations. I can drain a 4 foot putt to seal the victory or stick one tight from 90 yards out to unnerve my opponent. I love coming down to that one shot. It’s all about who can perform under pressure. Me and My Equipment I want to have confidence in my game and my equipment. When I’m under pressure, I want to know that I have the right weapon in hand. An iron I trust. An iron I know will perform the way I think it should every time. I want equipment that gives me a feeling that I’m in the know, that I have an advantage over those I’m playing against. MP Player - expecting the club to give me the result that I expect MX Player - looking for help from the equipment

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Team Player I’m a Baseball Player I love crossing the chalk and stepping onto the diamond. I know that the unexpected will happen. My senses feel more awake. An inner fire explodes. I know I'm going to war with the guys that have walked through hell right beside me. I’m focused on winning. I don’t see or hear the crowd. I’m only thinking about the game, the opponent, making the next play. I want the ball hit to me. I want to step into the box when we’re down 3-2 with two men on. I want to be there when the game is on the line. I go after every play with an aggression, with a will that nothing is going to stop me. The outfielder better call me off if he has it because I’m coming after that ball with a vengeance. That ball will be mine. I don’t care if I’m going to slam into a fence or layout and dive. I want the ball in my hands. I know I can gun down anyone going home. And when I step to the plate, I’m focused on crushing a line drive- bringing runners around to score. I’m doing whatever it takes to get around those bases- whether that’s clawing and fighting for each base or legging it out to beat a throw. And the catcher better hold on. I’m scoring that run. Our team will win. My Focus/Drivers Focus is the key in me succeeding. I must be mentally and physically prepared. I need to react on a shot up the middle, get a good jump on a hard hit ball, sit back when I see a curveball or turn on a 90 mph fastball. The game happens at such speed, that I must be ready for anything. I need confidence to relax, and I need to relax in order to concentrate. I can’t let anything cloud my focus. I know the sweat, the blood, and the blisters are all proof that I’m ready. I put in hours in the cage and taking grounders. I hit the weight room and gut out the sprints. I work hard at practice- but I also stay after everyone leaves to take more grounders, more reps in the cage. I’m determined to succeed. There is no such thing as luck. Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet. I make great plays because of my preparation and focus. I know and memorize the competition. I know when to shade over. I know what to anticipate from the pitcher. I don’t just want the team to have confidence in me when I step onto the field or in the box, I want them to believe that I’m about to do something great. My other focus is the rivalry. Two teams, cross-town rivals, competing head-to-head ever year. Bragging rights, sell outs, the conference championship on the line. This is what we compete for. This is what we prepare for. I Hate I hate when some of my teammates show a lack of effort in a game or at practice. I want to have fun. But more than that, I want to win. I don’t want to see a ball drop in front of an outfielder. I don’t want to see someone not giving it their all. I want to see a hunger, an aggression, a mental toughness. I want to see sacrifice. But I also hate when I make a mistake- mental or fielding. It will haunt me. But it also makes me want to make the next play that much more. It’s Interesting to Me Of course I want our team to win. But at the end of a game, I want the other team to say “Good game Short.” That nod from an opponent is a huge compliment. My name’s not on the back of my jersey. That shows they noticed my game, my plays, my bat. That’s how much I want to dominate.

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The brief on what we will make happen.


Me and My Equipment My glove and bat are my weapons. I want to feel confident in the equipment that I’m using. There can be no excuses. One missed grounder, one mishit ball, one mistake can be the difference in the game. Statistically, the pitcher will beat me 65% of the time, but knowing I have an ace up my sleeve, I know I'm the one with the advantage. I know I will make them pay when it matters most.

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The JPX-800TM Hot MetalTM Design and ultra-thin clubface deliver unbelievable distance and forgiveness to outperform anything

you’re playing now. Compare the JPX-800 to your current irons at a golf shop that has the Mizuno Performance Fitting System, and find the extra yards your game’s been missing. Find the nearest location at

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Digital Brief General Public

CHALLENGE: Inform and motivate active women on: - What NB is - Why they need it - How they can get it. TARGET: Active women aged 16-35. WE KNOW: While this audience may not be tech savvy, they are using social media. We know they stay connected using facebook and twitter. With NBʼs limited budget, these are great intersection points to communicate with them. GOALS: Increase overall brand awareness and engagement. Produce more sales and brand evangelists. DIGITAL TACTICS: 1. Twitter.

a) Tweet out “day-long” and team/dance company promotions b) “Bring a friend” promotions c) “Find Erin” promotions d) Personal shout outs to loyal/interested followers

Give a 25% discount to the dance companies that follow on Twitter. 2. Facebook Fan Page.

a) Communication with fans b) Pass relevant brand information and developments

3. NB Blog.

a) Post on category topics (ie. trends in fitness, category developments/findings

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b) Style recommendations IMMEDIATE NEXT STEPS:

a) Place Social Media icons on all communications. (business cards, websites, packaging, etc.

b) Send personal fb message/email to most social and relevant friends and contacts inviting them to follow and stay up to date on these sites

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CHALLENGE: Inform and motivate team/ dance company decision makers on: - What NB is - How it provides the nude look they desire - Why they need us TARGET:

a) Coaches b) Athletic Directors c) Teachers d) Parents e) Alums

*OPPORTUNITY: Investigate HBCU cheer, dance and performance programs. This may be a perfect place to intersect with our target audience. Building repoir with the decision makers here can help spread the word on NB. WE KNOW:

a) Our product answers a need for their performers. We just need to present them with the extra motivation to buy us. b) We know a reason they might hesitate to buy is ____________. c) We can answer this problem by offering ______________.


a) Increase overall brand awareness b) Be added to decision makersʼ consideration set c) Sign sponsorship contracts with NB


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a) Seek and follow as many coaches and dancers as possible b) Monitor their accounts for activity, reach out accordingly, send samples accordingly c) Post relevant tweets (upcoming classes, shows your excited about, new follows, etc.) 2. Linkedin: a) Connect with and ask clients for recommendations b) Join company pages for pro teams and dance schools c) Search people for folks with dance backgrounds— reach out to them 3. Facebook: Join fan pages for pro teams and dance schools Above all, no more blanket posts on facebook. Now we will focus on seeking and engaging fans (that need your product) rather than annoying friends and family. IMMEDIATE NEXT STEPS: a) Write down 15 teams youʼd like to speak to. b) Search sites to find contact people with these organizations

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