Page 1: Early Termination Procedure

We need to defend any good office departures and will do what is fair to all and reasonable to keep them.

We should not proactively offer ANY modifications to agreements.  We should reactively deal with

this…otherwise it will get away from us and create a situation that lowers our revenues and is not fair to

UC. Here is the procedure for early termination;


1. Get all necessary background from the franchisee.• Second office   Y or N• YTD Royalties and GCI• Story of cause of issue• Temperament of broker• Use of UC tools and engagement in the past• Plans post departing (e.g., exiting real estate business, staying in, etc.)• Prior issues with office

2. Check CRM to determine outstanding royalties and fee status.

3. AVP should come up with a recommendation.

4. Review it with Richard.  Get to an agreed approach.

5. Both AVP / Richard should review their recommendation with Mike for approval.

6. AVP proposes / presents agreed approach to franchisee.

7. Any escalation after the AVP presents the approach should be made to Richard then to Mike. 

*  Note:  Do not discuss proposal directly with the franchisee until AVP, Richard and Mike are in agreement.

Early Termination Procedure

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