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Contact Information

* First Name Dottie

* Last Name Noel

* Title Library Media Specialist

* Address 203 MAIN STREET


* State Kentucky

•Zip 42211 9157

Telephone 270-522-2200

Fax 270-522-2224

E-mail Address [email protected]

Organization Information

* Legal Name Trigg County High School

AKA Name

* Address 203 Main St.

* City Cadiz

* state Kentucky

•Zip 42211

County Trigg

Telephone 270-522-2200

Fax 270-522-2224

* Nearest Dollar General Store 1

IRS 501 (c)3 Determination Letter

* How long has your organization been in prior to 1940existence?

* Type of School Public

* Ages of Youth Served Ninth GradeTenth GradeEleventh GradeTwelveth Grade

• Principal Services We are a small high school (9-12 grades) with approximately 650 students. We educate avariety of students who are on a variety of literacy levels.


* Project Title Becoming College Ready in Reading

' Requested Cash Amount $4,000.00

* Number of individuals to be served by funding 650 4/6/2012

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from this Youth Literacy application

* Projected Ethnicity Served 87.00 African American4.00 Asian/Pacific Islander524.00 Caucasian10.00 Hispanic3.00 Native American1.00 Multi-Racial629.00 Total

* Program or Project Target Audience Below Grade Level ReadersReaders with Learning Disabilities

* Please select the category that best describes Helping individuals build a strong literacy and basic education foundationthe purpose of this initiative:

* Have you received previous funding from the YesDollar General Literacy Foundation?

If Yes, what was the grant amount and when did Literacy Grant $2500 00you receive it? Reading $2000.00

* Is this the first year of the project that you are Yesrequesting funding for?

If it is not the first year for this project, then howmany individuals were served by this Youth

Literacy project last year?

* Board Members Mike DavisJoAlyce HarperSharon SimmonsLaVern BakerDonnie Holland

Project Purpose and Outcomes

* Where is the specific geographical area to be Trigg County is a rural community located in Western Kentucky. It is a large farmingserved? community with a few manufacturing companies.

'What is the unemployment rate? As of December 2011, we have an unemployement rate of 9.6%. With the loss of industryin our community, the school district is the largest employer in our county. As a schooldistrict we have seen our free/reduced lunch rate increase by approximately 10%.

* What is the high school graduation rate? Trigg County High School's graduation rate is 76.8% for the 2010 school year

* What is the drop-out rate? Trigg County High School's drop-out rate is .83% for the 2010 school year.

* What is the poverty level in the geographical In Trigg County there is a poverty rate of 13% out of a population of 14,000.area served?

* If you are a school, what is the free/reduced 58%lunch rate?

* Project/Program Purpose Out of 155 seniors in our 2012 graduating class 79 did not reach the benchmark on theACT in reading. This is a huge concern for us as we are dedicated to preparing ourstudents to be college and career ready. While teaching reading takes place in the lowergrades we are getting students not prepared for high school, much less college or acareer. This year we were able to pilot a reading program that we have found to improveour student's reading skills as proven by ACT scores. This program, Reading Plus, willcost us $18,000 for 30 seats. It is something that our English department feels stronglyabout its being a tremendous way to teaching differential for individual students onvarious reading levels while increasing their ability to read fluently and comprehend. Inthe short term pilot, that was of no cost, we have seen students increase their reading upto 6 levels higher. With all the budget cuts coming this next school year we are desperateto find funding for this program. We are in hopes that we will receive your grant in orderto make the first steps towards student success.

Project Design and Evaluation

* Project/Program Design The ReadingPlus program is researched based and through our recent pilot program testover 90% of the students showed progress with most all improving at least 2 levels. Thisprogram will help students read more fluently and with a higher level of comprehension.We plan on targeting incoming freshmen, seniors who have not meant the ACT readingbenchmark, students in Tier 2, and special education students.

* Timeline Students will work on these lessons no fewer than 2 times per week and no less than 45minutes per setting. This will beginning in August and conclude in May.

* Measurable Results We expect students, appoximately 300, to progress through this program and raise theirreading levels a minimum of 2 levels.

* Assessment Methods Reading Plus provided data from each student and provides addition work for strugglingstudents. Teachers will monitor student's progress with each session.

* Available Technology We currently have 2 computers labs that we can utilize for this program with the internetbeing necessary. 4/6/2012

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* Computers and Software Reading Plus is an on-line program so no software will be needed. No more than 30computers will be used at one time.

Budget Information

* Budget Allocations $4,000.00 IM - DGLF Request$4,000.00 Total

* Budget Narrative All of the funding will go towards the purchase of Reading Plus.

* Audited Financial Statement • Dollar General Storeform 990.docxns.11 K. uploaded by Dottie Noel on 04/06/2012)

USA Patriot Act Counter-terrorism Compliance

* AGENCY/ORGANIZATION NAME: Trigg County High School

Check the appropriate box to indicate your compliance with each of the following:

* Patriot Act - Question 1Agree

* Patriot Act - Question 2Agree

* Patriot Act - Question 3Agree

* Patriot Act - Question 4Agree

* Patriot Act - Question 5Agree

* Patriot Act - Question 6Agree

* I certify on behalf of the organization listed above that the foregoing is true.I Agree

Approval of Board Chair. Executive Officer, or Principal

* Name of Board Chair, Executive Officer, or Shannon BurchamPrincipal

* Title of Approving Officer Principal

* I understand that all mailed correspondence, I Agreeincluding payment of an awarded grant proposal,

will be sent to the organization's address providedin the Organization Information section of this


* I understand if this proposal is selected for I Agreefunding and the grant check is not cashed within

ninety days of receipt of funding, the check will benull and void and the grant will be forfeited.

* Submission Approval I Agree

; Submf : Sav* Only,

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