Page 1: December 1, 2019 · 1 Vol. 7 No. 6 • The Monthly Newsletter of St Paul’s ouncil 15001—Knights of olumbus December 1, 2019 Remember—One new member, per ouncil, per month


Vol. 7 No. 6 • The Monthly Newsletter of St Paul’s Council 15001—Knights of Columbus

December 1, 2019

Remember—One new member, per Council, per month.

This is the desire of the Supreme Knight. Can you help us make it happen?

Council 15001

Your Officers for 2019-2020

Grand Knight…Richard “Dief” Diefendorf

Chaplain………...Fr. Dindo “Bruno” Cuario

Asst. Chaplain..………….Fr. Ishaya Samaila

Deputy Grand Knight………..Kirk LaPlante

Chancellor……..………...……Bob Benincasa

Financial Secretary………Jack Swartz, PGK

Trustee 3 yr…………...……Tom Russell, PGK

Trustee 2 yr.…………………...Tom Nash, PGK

Trustee 1 yr………….…………….Al Gillis, PGK

Recorder……..…………….…Anthony Kinyon

Advocate………………..…………..Butch Cook

Treasurer……….…………Francis Abijaoude

Warden…………………………...James Wayne

Inside Guard………………………….David Earl

Outside Guard (1)……..……..……Bill Miller

Outside Guard (2)……………..Mike Murphy

Lecturer…………………...…………...Tom Long

Appointed Officers Communications……….………..Jim Gentner Newsletter Editor……………………..Tom Karl Editorial Staff………...…….Jack Swartz, PGK Knights Website…………..John Blome, PGK

“Dashing through the snow…”. Does that not make you want to think of Winter and Thanksgiving followed by Christmas? Yes, we have entered into the cooler time of year with the weather, but a hot time for all of our Knights in Council 15001. We already had a big Mexican Dinner in early November and then on December 7th our annual Christmas Pizza Party!

Again, we have had a banner year since the last parish picnic, Corporate Mass, Nun Run, visit to the Nuns in Tonopah, etc., etc. Yes, our group is always proactive and gets the job done. But, can we rest on our laurels? I truly hope not. Like exercise, dieting or praying—it all takes practice and perseverance to continue to be the best. It is a well known fact that if you want to get something done, then go to Council 15001. Yes, there may be other Councils who also do things quite well, but are they doing it all so consistently well? That is the key question.

Being consistent means that you have to continue to reinvent what you have been doing and continue to do. Having a great dinner can only be better if one makes it equal or a step up from the last one. The same goes for praying the rosary at the abortion clinic. We can’t just have a few of our people going—we need everyone who can go to go.

So, as you are once again thinking about Winter and the sports that are available at Flagstaff in the snow, think about things closer to home that also need your attention. Christmas is coming and gifts will be given. Are you going to help those in need to have a better Christmas with shoes and socks on their feet and some warm food in their bellies? Giving doesn’t just mean money, it also means giving from the heart and giving oneself to help others. Again, a donation of your time, talent and treasures to help others will pay itself manifold in self satisfaction and fulfilling a need.


Insurance Field Agent Wes Casaus [email protected]


For Fraternal Year 2019-2020 The State Theme is:

Faith in Action – Knights Serving God, Serving the Community

This is who we are—This is what we do

Email: [email protected] Visit us at:

Page 2: December 1, 2019 · 1 Vol. 7 No. 6 • The Monthly Newsletter of St Paul’s ouncil 15001—Knights of olumbus December 1, 2019 Remember—One new member, per ouncil, per month


Grand Knight’s Column

Brother Knights, I would like to wish all my fellow Brother Knights and their families a very Merry Christmas. I know we all have many things of which to be thankful. I hope we all take the time to thank all the people in our lives who make all the days of the year worthwhile, productive and special.

I shared the following Christmas poem with you the last time I was Grand Knight of Council 15001. It is a prayer that is very special to me and our family. I think of you guys as part of my extended family

and would like to share it with you again.

This prayer was written on Christmas Eve during the Battle of the Bulge by my Uncle John Edward Diefendorf, Captain, U.S. Army. The outcome of this battle was still uncertain when he wrote:


Lord God, our heavenly father.

For wondrous life which Thou hast made, For blessings great and small, For earth and sun and countless things, We thank Thee for them all.

We hold Thee, Lord, deep in our hearts,

Our hands we've joined together,

A tie to bind us close to Thee,

Forever and forever.

For Thy great gifts of love and friends,

For every joy which comes our way,

For all that now sustains our lives,

Come grateful thanks from us today.

And for Thy son we say again,

Our heartfelt thanks, dear Lord, Amen.

John Diefendorf

Our family, while holding hands, read this prayer before we sat together at the Christmas table, fully realizing how lucky we are to live in America, and to have religious freedom ourselves and for our families.

God bless you and your families!

Merry Christmas

Richard “Dief” Diefendorf, GK Council 15001 Email: [email protected]

Happy Birthday Lord Jesus and thank You for Your Love!

Grand Knight Richard Diefendorf

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With 405 tickets being sold for the Council’s annual fund-raiser Mexican Dinner (and 302 meals being served), this was the largest “paid” event attendance of any project

since the chartering of Council 15001 on March 17, 2010; the only events with larger attendance were “free” Parish Picnics. Credit for the large ticket sales must go to Event Chairmen Mike Aguilar and Joe Gray, as well as the many Knights who bought and sold their allotment of tickets. A truly grand evening was enjoyed by all in attendance, which included 53 Knights, as follows: Overall Chairman – Mike Aguilar who handled the Ticket Taking, assisted by Francis Abijaoude (Treasurer); Prayers of Invocation and Closing by Frs. Bruno and Ishaya (Chaplain and Asst. Chaplain, respectively); Photography by Larry Mackin (also thanks to a Knight’s wife Mary Hauer for photos); 50/50 Raffle –(Advocate) Butch Cook and (Outside Guard #1) Bill Miller; The Dining Room Captain Jack Swartz (PGK/Financial Secretary); Beverage Tables – Chris Theut , Joe Gray, Jim Cairo, and Shawn Swartz; Food Servers – Greg Huelskamp, Jim Gentner, Bill Castellarin, Artie Hauer, Tom Nash (PGK/T), Gary Schulte(PGK), Kirk LaPlante (Deputy GK), David Earl (Inside Guard), Don Kolb, Steve Pettit, Ed Cunningham, and Jim Doorley (PGK); Table Waiters – Ernie Weege, Bill Hintze, Tom Long (Lecturer), Mike Wagner, Steve Alonge, Mike Hobaica, Roel Zamora, Mike Robinson, Al Sindorf, Ken Long, Chuck Kime, Larry O’Brien, and Tony Vechiola; Kitchen Crew Captain “Dief” Diefendorf (GK), Al Gillis (PGK/T), Scott Ziebarth, Nelson Mayo, Frank Dzielak, Tom Russell (PGK/T), Mike Murphy (Outside Guard #2), and Norm Cellini; other Knights in attendance included: Bob Waugh, James Wayne (Warden); Wayne Granger, Andre Cerna, Brian Laspisa, and Gary Parsons. Our Grand Knight “Dief” opened the evening, following prayer by Chaplain Fr. Bruno, by thanking all those present for supporting our fundraising efforts and thanked the Knights for all the work put into the event. He went on to inform the crowd of how the funds raised would be distributed to the numerous charitable entities that our Council supports. The 50/50 Raffle took in $850.00, with $425.00 going to the winning ticket drawn; then that anonymous winner graciously donated $100.00 back to Council 15001. Two other lucky attendees won $25.00 gift certificates to the caterer’s restaurant, Valle Luna. The evening ended with a singalong led by Lauri Hofstrom and Chairman Mike Aguilar. St. Paul’s Boy Scout Troop #916 was in attendance and did a great deal of work and helped with assisting the Waiters, as well as with the cleanup detail, following dinner. Also a number of Council wives and parish women helped greatly with the set up ahead of the dinner including Mac Diefendorf, Nadine Swartz, Irene Gramza, Paulette Aguilar.

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Looking Into The Future and Things To Mark On Your Calendar

Safe Environment. All members should go online as soon as possible to renew their Safe Environment credentials,

and to be sure John Van Cuyk gets a copy of each renewal. If you share an email with your wife, you may find one of

you will be able to complete the training and the other person will be locked out.

Wreaths Across America

Wreath laying at the National Cemetery in North Phoenix is traditionally

done on the second Saturday in December (12/14/2019).

More information should be available soon, after our group is contacted.

Remember. Honor. Teach. This is the ultimate mission of Wreaths Across

America. By coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National

Cemetery and other veterans cemeteries around the country, Wreaths

Across America strives to remember our fallen heroes, honor those who serve and teach our children about the

sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms.

7th Annual Council Christmas Pizza Party

The Council 15001’s Annual Christmas Pizza Party will be held on Saturday evening, December 7th, following the 5:00 p.m. Mass. “ There will be a nominal $10.00 charge per person or $25.00 per family of 3 or more”.

Invocation/prayer should be around 6:15 p.m. to be followed by our Grand Knight’s announcement and then a mild stampede to the pizza tables.

Once again, we will have many choices of pizzas, salads with dressings and wings and then, after supper, desserts of cake, ice cream and pies.

There will be entertainment following the meal with two short exercises involving everyone present. Then we will have dessert. We are all looking forward to making this 7th annual party in the conference room and the 10th year of the Council having a Christmas Social a truly fun time for all.

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More Looking Into The Future and Things To Mark On Your Calendar

Many of us have been aware of the fact that the People With Intellectual Disabilities (PWID) as well as AZ Special Olympics and other KofC Charities, did not benefit from the annual Tootsie Roll event due to local stores objecting to the presence of groups asking for money.

So, to overcome that huge deficit, one which this Council has supported for many years, it was decided that a new event would be created to provide the necessary funding for PID. Most of us know that when we speak about PID, we are talking about the Sunshine Soccer League here in Phoenix. This is the group that Council 15001 has taken under its wings to help provide the funds that they need to buy equipment and rent space for these worthy children and some adults as well.

OK! What did we decide to do that is different and would provide some funds? The idea was to have a special date for a Bingo and Dinner Fundraiser, to be held on Saturday, January 25th at 6:00 PM, after the 5:00 PM Mass in O'Carroll Hall. Unfortunately, we will not be gathering funds from the local community in general; however, we will make the space and dinner available to anyone who wishes to come to eat as well as support this activity. This is another of our “Works” of Charity. This will also fulfill one of the Faith In Action activities for the Council for this Fraternal Year. What’s there not to like: help a group in need, provide a dinner, support an act of Charity and fulfill one of the many Faith In Action program requirements!

This is just to let members know that the Bingo Event being organized is to replace the PID Drive and is to raise funds for the Sunshine Soccer Club, AZ Special Olympics and other KofC Charities. More details will follow in December and the final announcement will be in the January edition of your newsletter.

In the words of Jill Oliver, founder of the Sunshine Soccer League:

AZ Sunshine League, Inc. was started 16 years ago by the Oliver family to provide a place for children with special needs to play soccer and socialize with others.

The program has grown to include over 80 players and monetary and equipment donations have been received allowing us to offer additional activities that promote cooperation, hand-eye coordination, balance and flexibility. We meet at least 40 weeks per year. Our players have been diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, developmental delays, visual and hearing impairments and other disabilities. We try to adapt as necessary to include every child. We continue to include children with walkers, braces and wheelchairs. We have two players who have been with us since the beginning and several others players who have been participating for over 10 years.

We allow the siblings of our participants to play. We do not want our players to feel different. We want to show them they can do anything. Some of our players have joined other "traditional" youth soccer programs while others now have friends for the first time in their lives.

Parents are invited to join us on the field or they can sit on the sidelines and watch their children play and participate for an hour. This is something they do not get to do very often. Our only income is through donations. We have received donations from the Thunderbirds, the St. Paul and State Councils of the Knights of Columbus, the Arizona Sports Complex and other community organizations and businesses. We provide all the equipment for our program. We do not charge our participants. We are here for the kids and their families. The AZ Sunshine League, Inc. continues to grow and serve our community through the efforts of our volunteers and donations from the business community. All donations go to further our program and help local children with special needs. For additional information, please feel free to contact me at 602-670-5003 or [email protected].

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St. Paul’s Boy Scout Troop had a Flag Retirement Ceremony at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday evening, November 12th. For future retirements, if you have old American flags that have seen their better days and need to be properly “retired” please leave them in the church office or bring them early to the next ceremony when it is advertised.

K of C booth at Ministry Fair

Saturday November 16 and

Sunday November 17th.

New Closing Prayer after a Meeting

In the Name of the Father…

Lord of day and night, of beginnings and endings, as we prepare to conclude this meeting,

we once again lift up our hearts to You, the Divine Source of All Life.

We thank You for the gifts that have been present within the act of service to the community, for the gifts of fellowship and

understanding, of mutual respect and shared vision.

We are grateful for the gifts of perseverance and insight into the common concerns we share. For these and all other graces,

we are thankful. As You have blessed our coming together, now bless our departure and journeys homeward.

May Your blessings be upon us + In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Planned Parenthood Rosary

Planned Parenthood Rosary. Mike Aguilar reported that last month that some of our parishioners were praying outside the facility. It is heartwarming to see the number of those attending and praying the rosary.

Remember that the more who come, the greater the message and the potential to lessen the aggressive behavior of others may be more tempered during that one hour we spend saving future leaders of our state and country.

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Knight of the Month

Joe Schumacher September 2019 Daniel McGinn October 2019

Parish Appreciation Dinner

The Knights honored at the Dinner included: GK Dief Diefendorf, Bill Hintze, Don Kolb, Ken Long, Joe Gray, Mike Aguilar, Bob Waugh.


Vigil Celebrated the Anniversary of the 3rd Year of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel

First of all let me thank those Brothers who were able to give an hour of their time to pro-vide additional security for the all night vigil. JS.

As you know, this was a parish-wide celebration of the Perpetual Adoration's three-year anniversary at St Paul’s.

Knights positioned themselves inside the conference room, sitting /kneeling in the back row next to the doors.

The Chairman for this event was our DGK D. Kirk LaPlante. The Knights who volunteered during the night:

9 PM Al and Donna Gillis 11 PM Jim Sonderlund and Chris Theut 12 AM Thomas Long, Andre Cerna and Brian Laspisa 1 AM Jack Swartz and Nadine Swartz and Don Kolb 2 AM Scott Ziebarth 3 AM Tom Nash 4 AM Kirk LaPlante 5 AM Kirk LaPlante 6 AM Roel Zamora and Michael Aguilar 7 AM Steve Alonge

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Phoenix, AZ - November 1, 2019 - Wes Casaus, Field Agent, Knights of Columbus Insurance has earned the Financial Services Certified Professional® (FSCP®) designation from The American College of Financial Services. The FSCP® program provides product and skills training as the foundation for career-long learning that helps advisors and agents succeed in their careers. Candidates for the FSCP® designation must complete a designation exam as well as a series of individual course exams to earn the right to use this mark. Designees must also agree to adhere to The College’s continuing education and ethics requirements. The curriculum addresses such topics as product solutions for meeting client needs, ethics and practice standards, available government programs, retirement planning, practice management, financial and estate planning, long-term care, business insurance, healthcare and much more. Students completing the FSCP® designation are well prepared to offer practical guidance to help their clients navigate the intricacies of insurance and financial planning. Wes Casaus has been a member of the Knights of Columbus since 2005 and has served in a variety of roles with the Order which includes his service as a member of the 1st Degree Team, Past Grand Knight, Charter Faithful Navigator, and Former District Deputy. Wes joined the Raso Agency in the role of Field Agent in January of 2016. He achieved his first designation as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor (FIC) in May of 2016, and his Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow (FICF) designation in May of 2017. Wes also became a Qualifying Member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) in 2018. The Million Dollar Round Table is an international organization that recognizes the top 1 percent of financial professionals in the world. Wes has also been a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) since 2016. “I attribute my continuing success as a Field Agent of the Knights of Columbus to the ability to live my Catholic faith in my work and to the professional continuing education programs provided by the Knights of Columbus and organizations like NAIFA. The Financial Services Certified Professional (FSCP) designation is an honor to achieve and I look forward to applying the advanced training learned with this designation in my practice to be of better service to my brother Knights and their families.” said Wes. About The American College of Financial Services The American College of Financial Services was founded in 1927 and is the nation’s largest nonprofit educational institution devoted to financial services. Holding the highest level of academic accreditation, The College has educated one in five financial advisors across the United States and offers prestigious financial planning designations such as the Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), Wealth Management Certified Professional® (WMCP®), and education leading to the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) certification. The College’s faculty represents some of the foremost thought leaders of the financial services profession. For more information, visit Thanks for taking the time to view this. Please consider me as a resource for any financial questions you may have. I am always glad to offer guidance when I can. Sincerely, Wes Casaus

Life Insurance Goes Beyond Life

Wes Casaus Knights of Columbus 623-640-0436 [email protected] 3323 W Thoreau Lane Anthem, AZ 85086-1735

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Holiday Thoughts For A Brighter Future

As Brothers of this great Order, let’s be sure to remember our Brother Knights and their families during the holidays. Reach out to the Knight you haven’t seen in a while. A simple phone call could make a big difference in someone’s life during the holidays!

We’re here again! It’s that time of year. We seem to say it every year, “It’s almost Christmas, where has the year gone?” As we look back we measure the passing of the seasons, from one holiday to the next, and see how our lives have changed over that time. Christmas and the end of the year mark a milestone for most of us. The season gives us pause to thank God for sending his only-begotten Son to redeem us and it is a time to reflect on all the gifts we’ve received from him. God’s gift to us inspires the gift-giving so many of us enjoy at Christmastime. We certainly enjoy receiving those gifts, but reflect for a moment of what the giving of gifts does for the gift-giver.

Some gift-givers aren’t so good with words, so they use gifts: Remember “Say it with flowers,” the slogan of FTD. Some get a sense of satisfaction in seeing the happiness of the recipient, some feel appreciation that they are able to share what God has given them. It seems to fulfill the need to please, encourage or help someone. It makes us feel good to give.

As I look back at 2019, I can’t help but think of all of the selfless members of the Order who gave gifts to help others. As our Supreme Knight highlighted in his address at the Supreme Convention just a few months ago, we are “Knights of Charity.” We prove this every day with the many people who give of themselves; give of their time, their talent or their treasure, to help those less fortunate and those in need.

Supreme Knight Anderson spoke about the disaster relief provided by our Knights of Charity; $4.2 million supporting hurricane victims alone. The one thousandth ultrasound machine has been placed in service to help save more unborn children. He talked about our mission of Charity to the Middle East and the Christian community there that faces extinction. More than $20 million has provided food, shelter, clothing and a new 140 unit apartment building for Christians and those of other religions who need our help. Knights of Charity helped provide coats for more than 105,000 kids who will now stay warm this winter. Knights are known for their generosity. We are indeed, Knights of Charity.

All of these important initiatives help many others, but don’t forget about your own family…and I’m not talking about gifts that you’ll put under the tree. This holiday season as we think of giving and receiving, when we think of all the good gifts we have been given and all we are able to give, make sure you give your family the gift of peace of mind. Secure in the knowledge that whatever challenges they may face, you have protected them.

The Knights of Columbus has the products that will do just that: Provide financially for your family if you aren’t here, make sure you have enough for a comfortable retirement, give the care needed if you can’t care for yourself and make sure all of this comes to pass if you are sick or hurt and can’t work. It’s painless to sit down with me to analyze your particular situation.

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us be thankful for all the graces God has showered on us, especially the gift of his Son, our Savior! As Isaiah 9:5 says: “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace”. (New American Bible, Revised Edition)

Vivat Jesus!

God Bless, Sincerely, Wes Casaus

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NOTE: Wives’ birthday list was taken from the Council Membership Survey which was turned in by members of the Council. We would really like every member to complete this survey so that we can have the most complete and accurate birthday listing available.

Our Knights In Action During the 2018 Fraternal Year, PGK Richard Diefendorf sent a full year listing of the types of volunteer service hours, in a usable format, to each member. We will try to continue that by providing a two-month list for you to fill out and give to the Financial Secretary. You may also include any ministries that your wife and family participate in. This means that you may include time for any and all parish ministries: EM, Adorer, Usher, Lector, Altar Server, Dusting Angels, RCIA, teaching or assisting at Catechesis, prayer shawls, decorating the Church at Christmas and Easter, attending Degree ceremonies, and of course the picnic and Campus cleanup. These are only a few of the things we and our Families do.

Birthdays—December 2019

Monthly Record of Volunteer Service Hours for Council 15001


3 Dec Thomas Smith 2 Dec Jackie Gentner

5 Dec Joe Schumacher 7 Dec Kim Doorley

10 Dec Joel Glynn 15 Dec Bernie Hintze

14 Dec Raymond Rossetti 31 Dec Wilma Mayo

18 Dec William Miller

19 Dec Thomas Long

23 Dec Larry O’Brien

26 Dec Peter Nguyen 28 Dec Charles Kime


2nd Sunday P.P. Rosary ________________________

Donut Sunday ________________________

Mexican Meal ________________________

Servers ________________________

EM ________________________

Lector ________________________

Adoration ________________________

Other: ________________________


Campus Lighting Setup ________________________

Christmas Altar/Church Decorating ________________

Annual Pizza Party ________________________

Bishop’s Good Friday Rosary _____________________

2nd Sunday P.P. Rosary ________________________

Donut Sunday ________________________

Servers ________________________

EM ________________________

Lector ________________________

Adoration ________________________

Other: ________________________

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Upcoming Events For December 2019 Dec 04 General Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Center Dec 07 Christmas Lights & Banner setup and the Annual Knights Pizza Party Dec 08 Rosary at Planned Parenthood Dec 09 Officers’ Meeting room 8 Dec 12 Gifting Committee meets Dec 14 Campus Cleanup Dec 14 Wreaths Across American—Wreath Laying at Veterans Cemetery North Phoenix Dec 15 Dues notices to be mailed; Donut Sunday Dec 19 Fourth Degree meets at St. Joseph’s 40th Street Dec 23 Decorate Church Dec 25 Christmas Day Dec 31 New Year’s Eve

Upcoming Events For January 2020 Jan 01 Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day) Jan 05 Donut Sunday/PGKS Meeting Jan 08 General Meeting 7 p.m. Jan 10 State Meeting Jan 11 Mid Year Meeting w/D GK/DGK/Chancellor/FS Jan 12 Planned Parenthood Rosary Jan 13 Remove Church decorations and lights Jan 19 Donut Sunday Jan 20 Martin Luther King Day Jan 21 Officers’ Meeting/Moved from MLK Day Jan 24 Parish Priest Appreciation Dinner Jan 26 Donut Sunday Jan 28 Semi Annual Audit Jan 31 Annual report due to Supreme for Service Hours

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

3 4 General

Membership Meeting 7:00 Conference Room

5 6 7 Campus Lights and

Knights Christmas Pizza Party in

Conference Room

8 Rosary at Planned Parenthood

9 Officers’

Meeting Rm 8 7:00 p.m.

10 11

12 Gifting

Committee meets

13 14 Campus Cleanup

Wreaths Across America

15 Donut Sunday

Dues notice mailed to members $$


17 18 19

4th Deg Mtg at St. Joseph on 40th St.

20 21


23 Decorate the



25 26

27 28


30 31 Happy New Year 2020

December 2019

All Knights are urged to wear their K of C

badges to every Mass they attend.

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Prayer to End Abortion We often discuss in the newsletters and during General Meetings the need to have Rosary Sunday, which is the second Sunday of each month. While many of you are able to take some time out of your valuable day, it would be a great example to yourselves, your family and your parish to make an appearance as often as possible. Every prayer is valuable to you and to our Blessed Mother Mary. It is through Her that we ask for God’s intercession to stop the needless

killing of convenience that is occurring. So once again, we ask you to try to come to as many of the Rosary Sundays as possible during each year.

Newsletter Approved by: Newsletter Editor: Tom Karl Assistant Editor: PGK Jack Swartz GK Richard “Dief” Diefendorf Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Submission of newsletter articles should be sent to your Newsletter Editor not later than the 25th of the month.

For Those Who Are Sick & Distressed Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach

us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick Brothers or their relatives: Larry Mackin, Francis Abijaoude, Gary Schulte and his father-in-law,

Gary Parsons, Joe Gray and Mike Murphy.

May all who suffer pain, illness or disease realize that they are chosen to be saints and know

that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, Always keep in mind the unborn who were never given a chance of life.

Attention All Event Chairmen: After your event, please ensure that photos are sent to your Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the next newsletter.

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself Never to be silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn.

I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, And never to stop defending life Until all my brothers and sisters are protected, And our nation once again becomes A nation with liberty and justice Not just for some, but for all.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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