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Charles De Gaulles was born on 22thNovember of 1890 in Lille.When he was young, he lived in Paris with his mother, Jeanne Maillot, and his father, Henri. He had three brothers and one sisters.

He was president of republic from 1958 to 1969. During the first world war, he was officer. Between the two war, he teach at war school and defend the strategy of movement war.

He was elected president of the V republic on 21thdecember of 1958, and reelected the 1965 by universal suffrage. He resigned the 27thApril of 1969 because of the failure of the referendum about the regionalization and Senat reform.

After his political career, he has wrote his war's memory.

He is death on 9thNovember of 1970.

Charles De Gaulles

Charles De Gaulles was an amazing soldier, and he made a lot of specialy event in the world and for the France during the differents war.Everybody know his famous call from London at the BBC the 18thJune of 1940, for the French people to join the free French forces. In march 1940, he refused the armistice with the Nazie Germany, asked by the General Petain. He was determined that the liberation of France was possible again. It was a success for De Gaulles, he had liberate France!In 1958, he wrote a new constitution and create the V republic.Also, in 1962, he changed the constitution to allow election by universal suffrage. During this years also, Charles De Gaulles ends the Algerie war in march.

Heroic events

For us, Charles De Gaulle is a hero because without him, maybe we were german today. He had liberate the France and just for this, it's a hero.He believed in the free French forces, and French people.He has allowed progress with the new constitution when he was president.So yes, you can say it was a hero.

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