


Welcome to Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium – a non-competitive Matched Play event for anyone who wants to play fun games of

Warhammer 40,000 in it’s current setting. This event features a relaxed atmosphere where players can focus on rolling dice and

enjoying themselves. The most prestigious awards are based on sportsmanship, painting, gentlemanly conduct and having a good

old laugh with like minded people. It’s also the first Warhammer World single player event for the New Warhammer 40,000—a

great opportunity to give your armies their first run in the new game against a variety of different opponents.

EVENT ESSENTIALS Date: 2nd-3rd September

System: Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play

Army Size: 100 Power Level

Scenarios: Maelstrom Of War

Number of games: 5

Army Selection: Battle Forged with no maximum on the number of detachments. You are free to change your army roster

between games.

Publications in use: All current Warhammer 40,000 publications from Games Workshop including Black Library, White Dwarf

and Forgeworld.

Meals: Lunch is provided on both days.

A new epoch has begun. With Cadia fallen, Biel-Tan fractured and the Imperium under siege, the galaxy’s fragile structure has

been torn apart. The Cicatrix Maledictum – The Great Rift – has ripped a hole in reality. Tidal waves of unnatural energies have

spilled outwards, with warp storms cutting off a million planets of the Imperium from the light of the Emperor. Long-ranged

astrocommunications are impossible, Warp travel is a death warrant, enemies appear from nowhere, and all must survive alone.

Throne Of Skulls: Dark Imperium is set during this new age – the immediate aftermath of the Great Rift appearing. Your armies

are stranded and at the mercy of warp storms not seen since the Age Of Strife. In this time of confusion and terror, orders are

ever-changing, alliances are fleeting, and survival is all that’s left. Each game will be a Maelstrom Of War mission to represent the

confusing and unstable nature of this dark age. Your forces must dig-in and grind out victories to see it through this tumultuous

juncture. Look to your weapons, trust in your superiors and remember - the Emperor Protects.


MODEL REQUIREMENTS Playing exciting, atmospheric games with fully painted miniatures is a big

part of our events at Warhammer World. Therefore all miniatures in your

collection must be Games Workshop miniatures and be fully assembled,

painted and based. Each model must fully represent what you have

presented on your army roster (including all weapons and equipment).

Furthermore, you need to contact us to let us know about any conversions

or proxies you are planning on using, and provide us with photos of the

models in question where possible. Don’t worry, we fully appreciate

awesome hobby skills and cool models, but we just want to make sure

everything is super clear for your opponent and no confusion can arise

during games.

We will politely ask you to remove any models that don’t meet these above

standards to protect everyone’s experience.

THE GAMES Each game will be a random Maelstrom Of War mission found in Matched Play of the new Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. We

will roll for the mission before each round, and each mission will be played a maximum of once. Your opponent will be

randomly determined—when you arrive at your table, we recommend that you shake your opponent’s hand and/or introduce

yourself. Everyone is coming to enjoy themselves, and playing fun games against friendly people is what events at Warhammer

World are all about.

As Throne Of Skulls are non-competitive gaming events, the intention is for players to have close, enjoyable and well-matched

games. No-one wants to get mercilessly destroyed in the first 45 minutes, then spend the rest of the round licking their wounds

and lamenting the game. Furthermore, if you wipe out your opponent by turn 2, then the game ends with the victory points you

currently hold. This means you are missing out on a potential 5 turns to achieve victory points! Bear this in mind when playing

Maelstrom Of War missions.

We would ask that all players play their games to the very end. However, in the unlikely event that a player concedes before the

game has reached it’s natural conclusion, then they will automatically earn a loss and 0 victory points, whilst their opponent will

earn a win with 10 victory points. If the winning player has already scored more than this, then they record their current victory

points instead. Please speak to a member of the Events staff if you plan to finish your game early.

PAINTING COMPETITIONS During the weekend you can enter your models into the Legends Painting Competition. This is perfect for any particular

models in your army you are most proud of. It’s open entry, so enter a model of your choice from the army you’ve been using

into each of the categories for peer judging. The winning model from each category will win a Legend award. The categories are

as follows:

Hero of Legend includes any one model that doesn’t have the VEHICLE or MONSTER keyword.

Company of Legend includes any unit of 2-5 models, or 2-3 models on larger bases.

Engine of Legend includes any model with the VEHICLE keyword.

Beast of Legend includes any model with the MONSTER keyword, and any model that doesn’t fit into the above


The Events Team will nominate a shortlist of armies for the Best Army Competition. This is a prestigious award for hobbyists

who manage to achieve a truly excellent standard of hobby consistently across their whole force. Peer judging will take place

with the winner earning the Best Army award.

The Events Team may specify additional requirements during the event for any unusual or particularly large entries. If you have

any queries regarding the competitions, feel free to contact us before the event. Please note that to win any of our Painting

Competitions, you must have painted the models yourself.

SCORING At the end of each game you will need to record your results on your scorecard, then after the final round hand in your

scorecard in so we can determine the winners of our various awards. Throne Of Skulls is all about playing fun relaxed games

with like-minded people. Therefore the winners of our gaming awards are people that embody this ideal - all round exciting,

enthusiastic and pleasant people to play games of Warhammer 40,000 with. The player with the most Favourite Game Votes

for their relevant faction (see below) will earn an award. In the case of a tie, the most victories will be our secondary sorter,

with the most victory points our third sorter. Then, from these 5 winners the player with the most Favourite Game Votes

overall will be our Throne Of Skulls Champion. In the event of a tie, we will again use most victories, then most victory

points, as our sorters. Please note that only players who themselves cast a Favourite Game Vote will be eligible for these


Favourite Game Votes are simple - just pick the game you enjoyed playing the most. It might have been an exciting battle, a

close result, or you built a great rapport with your opponent. This is a big part of our Throne Of Skulls event, so we would ask

everyone to show their appreciation.

At Throne Of Skulls events we often do a grudge match in the final game. If two players would like to challenge each other,

simply let the event staff know and we will arrange for you to play in game 5. Please note, however, that your opponent from a

grudge match may not be chosen for your Favourite Game Vote.

AWARDS At the end of the event we will hold an award ceremony to celebrate particular feats of achievement over the weekend. The

awards available are:

The Throne Of Skulls - The event’s most prestigious award goes to

the player who displays excellent sportsmanship with an all around

competency and knowledge of the game. This award goes to the

player with the most Favourite Game Votes overall.

Angel Of Death - For the player from Index: Imperium 1 with the

most Favourite Game Votes.

Officer Of The Imperium - For the player from Index: Imperium 2

with the most Favourite Game Votes.

Eldritch Emissary - For the player from Index: Xenos 1 with the

most Favourite Game Votes.

Xenos Invader - For the player from Index: Xenos 2 with the most

Favourite Game Votes.

Favoured Of The Gods - For the player from Index: Chaos with

the most Favourite Game Votes.

Best Army - as voted by you, for the most impressive looking army.

Hero Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winner of the Hero

category as detailed above.

Company Of Legend- as voted by you, for the winner of the Company category as detailed above.

Engine Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winner of the Engine category as detailed above.

Beast Of Legend - as voted by you, for the winner of the Beast category as detailed above.

CONTACT US If you wish to ask any questions, discuss any conversions or to find out more about our events, please feel free to get in touch with us:

Phone: 0115 9004994 Email: [email protected]

Write: Warhammer World Events Team , Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS

Catch up on all the latest Warhammer World news by finding us on at Games Workshop: Warhammer World

SCHEDULE Saturday 2nd September 2017

9.00am-10.00am Registration in Bugmans

10.00am Events Hall and Stores open

10.20am Event brief

10.30am-1.00pm Game 1

1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Legends painting

competitions 2.00pm-4.30pm Game 2

4.30pm-5.00pm Break

5.00pm-7.30pm Game 3

8.00pm Warhammer World closes

Sunday 3rd September 2017

10.00am Warhammer World opens

10.30am-1.00pm Game 4

1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Best Army painting

competition 2.00pm-4.30pm Game 5

4.30pm-5.15pm Break

5.15pm Award ceremony

6.00pm Warhammer World closes

Difficult times are upon you soldier. You are cut off from the Imperium, Chaos

is in ascendance and Xenos enemies are everywhere. We’ve put together this

handy guide to get you through, so have a read and get back to the front line!

MATCHED PLAY In Matched Play, your armies must be Battle Forged. This means all units in your army must be part of a Detachment. There’s a large

variety of different Detachments allowing you to take a themed army that suites your taste. At this event there are no restrictions on the

maximum number of detachments you can take. In addition, all units in your army (with the exception of UNALIGNED) must have at

least 1 Faction keyword in common e.g. IMPERIUM or CHAOS. You can find more information on Matched Play, including Matched

Play Mission Rules, starting from page 212 of the new Warhammer 40,000 book.

COMMAND POINTS Each player will have Command Points to spend during their games. You will automatically earn 3 Command Points for being

Battle-Forged, and have access to more depending on the Detachments you take. Remember this when constructing your army roster.

POWER LEVEL At this event, each player will build an army roster with a Power Level of no more than 100. Power Levels are a great new way to build

armies in Warhammer 40,000. Not only are they quick to do, but they also allow you to take a big variety of exciting options and

wargear choices. Have you ever wanted to tool your sergeant up with a Plasma Pistol and a Thunder Hammer, but it didn’t quite fit

within the points limit? Get ready to make some more heroes on the battlefield!

MAELSTROM OF WAR At this event you will play five of the six Maelstrom Of War missions found in the new Warhammer 40,00 book (pages 230-235). For

these missions, you will need to adapt to varied and changing objectives. You might have orders to slay an enemy character, or to secure

an objective on the other side of the table. With the Great Rift appearing in the galaxy and the Imperium cut off, these missions fit the

bill perfectly. Think about a varied army when building your army roster as you will need to react and adapt to the tactical objectives.


Remember you must set aside Reinforcement Points for anything that allows you to add units to your army e.g. summoning. In this

instance, the points you set aside will be Power Level, and you will then of course use Power Levels when adding units to an army

during the battle.


At our Throne Of Skulls events, you are free to

change your army roster between games. This

means if you’ve taken a roster that didn’t

perform as well as you’d hoped, you want to try

something else, or you fancy playing a

completely different army, you are absolutely

allowed to do so at this event. All we ask is that

you do so for the right reason. After all, the event

is about playing great games and rewarding good

sportsmanship. It’s NOT appropriate to see what

your opponent has, then change your list to

counter them.


Any future releases will be in use at this event

unless their release falls on the weekend of the

event. We will use the most up-to-date rules,

Datasheets and Power Levels available. If you

have any questions or concerns when future

releases come out, feel free to get in contact with

us as mentioned at the end of this pack.



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