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  • 7/29/2019 danielpink-



  • 7/29/2019 danielpink-


    Daniel H. Pink is the author ofseveral provocative,bestselling books about thechanging world of work.

    New York Times bestseller, AWhole New Mind; Free AgentNation; The Adventures of

    Johnny Bunko, and Drive: TheSurprising Truth About WhatMotivates Us.

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    Drive reached every national bestseller list in its firstmonth of publication and has spent 39 weeks onthe New York Times lists. The book has beentranslated into Japanese, German, Spanish,Chinese, Hungarian, Polish, Dutch, Brazilian

    Portuguese, Italian, and Swedish and will soonappear in 19 other languages.

    Pink also speaks to corporations, associations,universities, and education conferences about

    such topics as the shift from the Information age with its premium on logical, linear, computer-likeabilities to what he calls "the Conceptual age",where right-brain qualities like empathy,inventiveness, and meaning predominate.

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    Daniel Pink comes with a paradigm-shattering look at what truly motivates us and how we can usethat knowledge to work smarter and live better.

    Most of us believe that the best way to motivateourselves and others is with external rewards likemoney the carrot-and-stick approach.

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    Motivation 1.0 was all about SurvivalMotivation 2.0 was all about rewards

    and punishments.These cannot work in the 21 st century.This is incompatible with how we

    organize what we do , how we think about what we do, and how we dowhat we do

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    Most of us believe that the best way tomotivate ourselves and others is with

    external rewards like money the carrot-and-stick approach

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    candle experiment devised by Karl Duncker in 1945In the original experiment, given a box with somethumbtacks, matches and a candle, you have tofigure out how to attach the candle to the wall.Thesolution is to tack the empty thumbtack box to the

    wall and use it as a standPeople find it difficult because they have toovercome functional fixedness: seeing the box onlyas container of tacks which blinds them to its use asa potential candleholder. I suspect, even when youdo see the possibility, you might hesitate out ofundue deference to authority and the idea that youarent allowed to use the box that way. Subjectssolve the problem much faster if presented with thesame raw material, but with the tacks outside thebox.

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    The point in Drive is made by further experiments bySam Glucksberg of Princeton, on what motivationalschemes do to solution times. The unambiguous resultis this: adding cash incentives results in the subjects

    taking, on average, three and a half minutes longer to see the solution. This perverse effect goes awayif you redesign the problem to beroutine/mechanical instead of requiring creativity (bytaking the tacks out of the box).

    Pink cites dozens of other experiments and variationsthat validate and build on the same basic point:creativity is killed by carrots and sticks.

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    Carrots and sticks do work for moremechanical tasks.They can extinguish intrinsic motivationThey can diminish performanceThey can crush creativityThey can crowd out good behavior

    They can encourage cheating, shortcuts,and unethical behavior They can become addictiveThey can foster short-term thinking

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    For rule based routine tasks- Becausethere is little intrinsic motivation to

    undermine but not much creativityneeded.Those who give the tasks , tell why is itnecessary, acknowledge that it is boring,and allow the people their autonomy

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    Motivation 2.0 fostered Type X behavior Fueled by extrinsic desires than intrinsic

    ones and concerened less with theinherent satisfaction of an activity andmore with external rewards to which anactivity leads.

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    Motivation 3.0 the upgrade thatsnecessary for smooth functioning of

    twenty first century businessDeals less external awards an activitybrings and more with inherentsatisfaction of the activity itself

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    Type X

    Type IType I behavior leads to stronger performance,greater health and higher overall well being.

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    ROWE (results-only work environment): just have to get their work done. How

    they do it, when they do it, and wherethey do it is up to them. This era doesntcall for better management. It calls for arenaissance of self-direction. Type Ibehavior emerges when people haveautonomy over the 4 Ts: their task, time,technique, and team.

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    Mastery: the desire to get better andbetter at something that matters

    The highest, most satisfying experiencesin peoples lives were when they are inflow. The challenge wasnt too easy nor too difficult

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    3 laws of mastery:Mastery is mindset: use learning goals insteadof performance goals, e.g. getting an A.

    Mastery is a pain: it hurts and not much fun intense practice of more than 10 years mundanity of excellence. Being aprofessional is doing the things you love to do,on the days you dont feel like doing them

    Juilus Erving (Dr. J),Master is an asymptote: You can approach it,home in on it but youll never touch it. The joy isin the pursuit more than the realization.

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    Purpose provides activation energy for living. Motivation 3.0 places emphasis onpurpose maximization in 3 realms oforganization life goals (to pursue purpose

    and use profit as the catalyst rather thanthe objective), words (they vs. we), andpolicies (handing employees control over how the organization gives back to thecommunity). People whod had purposegoals felt they were attaining themreported higher leves of satisfaction.

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    We can use this with how treatment is plannedand implemented. Once dreaded and viewedas boring, routine, and pointless, trying to makethe exercise and treatment becoming more

    creative, collaborative, and appealing to thepatients interests. There will be many patients to admit that theywould be motivated by the number of sessionsleft. The possibility of getting the exercise donewas more often the goal than mastering theway to do it. Patients are in danger of fallingunder some of Pink's Seven Deadly Flaws ofusing Carrots and Sticks

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    Offer a rationale - I would often explain why thepatient would be performing an exercise or takingthe treatment.Acknowledge when a task is boring - I won't pretendthat all the tasks given to them would be interestingso I would try to warn patient in advance, often tyingin the rationale whenever possible.Allow for patients autonomy - I would tell mypatients that there were often many different

    solutions to similar problems, and as long as thepatient could explain that they did the exerciseeven when do the same exercise while doing it Iwould likely accept and reward the effort.

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    Mastery-based learning Daniel found that when we master askill, explore a talent, or grasp a concept, the reward ofaccomplishment is far more compelling and gratifying thanreceiving an outer reward. He also cites the work of Professor Carole Dweck, of Stanford, who states that what children

    believe, they achieve. They can set their own boundariesregarding what can be accomplished.

    Personalization Daniel believes that the task to be performed,the challenge to be overcome, and the material to be learned,must be personalized to meet the learning style of the individual.

    Autonomy When individuals are free to explore a new realm,idea, or skill, they tend to demonstrate enhanced motivation.When it becomes my idea, my job, my program, it makes itfar more exciting than a dictated task. Control leads tocompliance, autonomy leads to engagement.

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    We focus on high levels of patientsengagement, exploration, and

    achievement via Personalization. Wehelp patients and relatives tounderstand their childs learning styleand embed learning style opportunitiesthroughout the treatment, oftenmodifying the lessons to meet eachpatients needs.

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    In practicing Mastery-based learning, we focusprimarily on process rather than solely on theproduct. This gives the patient the opportunity to trulylearn the materials for the joy of learning rather than

    simply focusing on getting the work done in order tomove on to the next exercise.

    Allowing to move at the pace most comfortable for them, where real learning takes place, gives them a

    sense of autonomy of self-direction. When patientfeel they are participants in decisions surroundingtheir treatment, their performance is remarkablyhigher than when they feel theyre being forced intoan uncomfortable structure that doesnt resonatewith who they feel they are.

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    There is so much more Id love to sharewith you: such as the importance ofwhat the author calls flow, how effortenhances mastery, and the joy of thepursuit. Instead, I highly recommend thatyou read Drive. It will give you a newappreciation for how to motivate peopleto take charge of their lives and give aroadmap to your patient to followexperience a great sense of mastery.

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