  • 7/31/2019 Cured in place




    Superyachttender puts firesafety firstSPECIALISING IN the supply of

    custom and semi-custom

    tenders to superyachts, UK

    company Superyacht Tenders

    produces a range of vessels

    that focus on fire protection,

    functionality and performance.

    SP, the marine business of

    Gurit, provided the composite

    materials to help create a new

    Lloyds tested superyachttender compliant with the

    requirements of the UK

    Maritime and Coastguard

    Agency (MCA).

    Working in partnership with SP,

    the team at Superyacht

    Tenders manufactured the hull

    using a combination of

    engineering materials which

    included SPs ST70FR and

    Ampreg 21 epoxy wet

    laminating system, polyvinyl

    chloride (PVC) core, and glass


    ST70FR, a fire retardant hot melt

    SPRINT, is ideally suited to the

    manufacture of laminates

    requiring fire protection. SPRINT

    materials consist of a layer of fibre

    reinforcement either side of a

    precast, precatalysed resin film,

    with a light tack film on one face.

    ST70FR is reported to be capable

    of producing high quality, low

    void-content components from a

    low cost vacuum bag/oven

    curing process. It was selected as

    being the most fire retardant of

    SPs structural epoxy systems

    with the most external fire

    testing certification.

    The SPRINT format has low

    smoke toxicity, is self extin-guishing and halogen-free.

    To achieve Lloyds and MCA

    compliance the craft had to

    successfully withstand a series of

    demanding tests, including fire

    testing, being swung against a

    dock, drop tested from 3 m, and

    swamp tested.

    The handling and processing

    qualities of ST70FR made it ideal

    for the manufacture of the MCA

    Compliant Superyacht tender,while using Ampreg 21 delivered

    significant benefits in our

    production with reduced build

    times and good health & safety

    characteristics, says Paul Jennings,

    MD of Superyacht Tenders Ltd.

    Superyacht Tenders Ltd;


    Superyacht Tenders craft is MCA compliant.

    Cured in placepipe lining systemA CURED in place composite pipe

    lining system (CIPP) has been

    used for a major sewer repair

    project in Reno, Nevada, USA.

    The project was carried out by

    pipelining specialist Pipenology

    Inc and involved lining a total

    7.7 km of 20-183 cm diameter

    sewer pipes both in the busy

    downtown and rural areas of

    Reno. With the CIPP process the

    repairs were carried out via

    existing manhole access points.

    This approach was not only fasterthan more traditional pipe lining

    methods but also eliminated

    disruptive and potentially

    damaging excavation work.

    CIPP technology repairs ageing or

    damaged pipelines by

    constructing a new liner inside

    the existing host pipe. In the case

    of the Reno project liner

    construction began with a special

    felt tube of predetermined

    dimensions and length. The felt

    was impregnated AOCs Vipel

    corrosion-resistant resin and then

    inserted into the pipe via existing

    manholes in order to eliminate or

    minimise the need for excavation.

    Pressurised water was then intro-

    duced into the resin-impregnated

    tube to invert it and move it

    along and against the sides of the

    host pipe. When the entire length

    of tube was turned inside out, the

    water used during the insertion

    was heated to cure the resin.

    Pipenology Inc;


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