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In 2012, Advertisers spent over $39-billion dollars on ads in the

U.S. alone

In 2013, total global advertising on the

world-wide-web will top $1.25 trillion!

45% of Americans watch video ads online

The percentage of online spending attributed to digital


…only 5%!

My name is Gene Catrambone…and my brother and I are the founders of: is a new video-hosting website that turns online-video advertising…


The advertising industry is “ripe” for digital innovation…

and just like music and film before it, ready for…


We’re opening the door to a new way of earning “pay-per-view” income with digital video that is both fun and simple to do!

Our users can mix and “mash” paying ads with content-owned video without agents or middlemen!

We’ll provide the ad inventory and all the editing and sharing tools you’ll need to get your $$ earning video in front of your viewers in just a few clicks of the mouse or swipes of the finger.

Our “patent-pending” technology represents a “paradigm shift” in online advertising. . .turning online performances into a real source of income for “original-video” content creators!

The Internet contains a wealth of useful websites that organize, entertain and enlighten us, and most of what it offers is free for the taking…

“Free” is GOOD!

getting “PAID” is…


We hope you will join us in bringing a truly “open-platform” to the world of online advertising.

Thank You…

© MashDrop 2013

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