Page 1: · Web viewDon Juanillo was a _____ Indian who was next in line to be chief of the tribe. One of the Spanish _____ declared that Juanillo was unfit to be Chief

Name____________________________________ Block _________ Date _________

Exploration Story Guide 1. ________________________ was the first European in the New World.

2. Artifacts from his voyage have been found in ___________________________.

3. Europeans had been trading with the __________________ for hundreds of years on the


Spain comes to the New World:

4. The 3 Gs of Exploration: ____________________________________

5. Columbus was looking for a trade route to the ____________________.

6. When Columbus landed in the ____________________________ in 1492, he thought he was in the


7. Hernando DeSoto wanted riches too and traveled to _______________ with

_______ men, ______ priests to document his journey, and animals such as


8. De Soto’s main goal was ______________________________!

9. He failed in his search and died after discovering the _______________________

after being chased by Indians.

10. DeSoto’s Impact on the Natives:



The French Arrive:11. The primary focus on French exploration was the _______________________.

12. _________________________ built the very first European fort in North America named ___________________

in the _________________ in 1562.

13. After abandoning Charles Fort, Ribault built __________________________.

14. Ribault became good friends with the Natives & converted many to the ______________ faith!

15. Huguenots – _______________________________________________________

16. In 1565, _______________________ and his soldiers were ordered to drive the ___________ out!

17. Menendez proceeded to capture French-held ____________________ and _______________ its defenders.

Page 2: · Web viewDon Juanillo was a _____ Indian who was next in line to be chief of the tribe. One of the Spanish _____ declared that Juanillo was unfit to be Chief

18. Menendez executed __________________by hanging him from a tree!

19. In 1565, he founded ______________________________________ (Spain’s

first Settlement in North America).

20. Missions ________________________________________, built on Georgia’s


21. ______________________ were church missionaries sent to convert the

Indians to the Catholic faith.

22. Missions were protected by a unit of soldiers is called a


23. Don Juanillo was a ________________ Indian who was next in line to be

chief of the tribe. One of the Spanish ______________ declared that Juanillo

was unfit to be Chief.

24. Juanillo __________________the friar and began a series of attacks on ________________________________.

The Redcoats are coming:

25. Contributions by Europeans to the New World included _________________________________________.

26. Why did England want to colonize the New World?

27. Mercantilism:

28. How does it work?:

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