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Let go of what you think you know

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Page 1:  · Web viewDon Lauro. I was called, given powers or gifts and a sense of "knowing" (Shakti Pat) that have to be used for the good of mankind

 Let go of what you think you know   

Page 2:  · Web viewDon Lauro. I was called, given powers or gifts and a sense of "knowing" (Shakti Pat) that have to be used for the good of mankind

Sr. Ron


MAN I became a medicine man, student and disciple of Don Lauro de la Cruz (Tibetan monk, Shaolin Kung fu Master and Mayan priest) ten years ago.

 I have lived and worked with this master since then – every day learning something extraordinary.

Don Lauro

I was called, given powers or gifts and a sense of "knowing" (Shakti Pat) that have to be used for the good of mankind.

This sense of "knowing" is a feeling of rightness – where you no longer have to question whether it is right and you just know.

Page 3:  · Web viewDon Lauro. I was called, given powers or gifts and a sense of "knowing" (Shakti Pat) that have to be used for the good of mankind

When this "knowing" is developed you become a person "who knows" a shaman and a complete human (Hu = God). 

The world has lost the connection to nature and the "knowing" that everything is connected and that there is plenty for all.

Another reversal of belief is that we are more awake when we are asleep than in vigilant daily life.

Thus dream interpretation can be of enormous benefit in the awakening process. It's time to wake up and dream. You have to believe it to see it (not see it to believe

it).Faith is the most important aspect because you can only do what you believe,

until you change what you believe, and that is the causal problem in your life and manifests everything in your Maya


Initially I was given the Egyptian staff of life (WAB), the "ROD OF MOSES" or Nehushtan, “renamed as Chan Bataan”

it is one of the four original authority and healing staffs on the planet.

Then I received a replicate of the golden Rinponche scepter found in the Potala, Lhasa,

Tibet that has been connected to the original for my use.

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I also received a connection with Mahatma Gandhi’s


Later a Mayan Cosmic staff (shared with 4 other shaman)

used for larger healings, mass healings and planetary healings.

Finally I received a Bon staff from Cerro Rabon – connecting the

Egyptian Ra with the Tibetan Bon Shamanism.

I have been studying how to use these staffs for 10 years and have

advanced 3 levels

into golden frequencies and double winged eagle status.

I work them with respect to the sky and the earth and then throw them to where I want them to work.

 I use my intention to find the way to heal and leave the details to my intuition and higher self and the masters.

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 They are full authority staffs and have the power to heal, to move earth, wind, air and water.

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Every person has a mission in life and Numerology and the Mayan Calendar can reveal the relevant aspects.

Your higher self put you on this mission automatically matching your energy to the genetic

trials that you require for your samsaric return to earth and your evolution as a human being.

I completed a 58/13 cycle in my youth, a 43/7 cycle bringing power into my middle age. At age 54, I completed my 53/8 mission to have a family and control large amounts of

money and started a 39/3 crusade with a dramatic re-birth.

I experienced a bleeding wound in Kung Fu practice that drained a clot and saved me from a pending stroke.

This was a planned practice under the supervision of Don Laurowhere I was kicked in the hand and my finger exploded.

I had to continue for another hour with the blood and pain – then I went to the hospital for 7 stitches and the Doctor was amazed saying that he had never seen a similar

wound in his life. The stroke had been foreseen by a clairvoyant 15 years beforehand,

Which had caused a pre-programming of the fact. Therefore this was a change that kept me alive for some reason.

I now have an open book on life. This was a new beginning.I AM completing the trials of the 13 heavens and the 12 initiations of Buddha.

I AM completing a geographical life mission to experience the

energies of the 12 sacred sun sites in the world.

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Maps of these sites have been channeled to me, by masters, in visions and dreams and continue unveiling.

I AM following the Blue Ray from Hermes (3 times grand) through Moses, the Templar Knights,

and Pythagoras to bring Tibetan Shamanism and Eastern science to the civilized western world,

following the master Jesus Christ (Sananda) in the form of Maitreya into his 3rd millennium and the golden era predicted by the Maya.

I can only remain humble and offer my services.

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C.V.Present Life:

Eagle level Medicine Man (Jaguar, Dragon and Bear), 2009

Acupuncture studies, 2005Reiki Master, 2003 Mayan priest, 2002

Medicine Man with staff, 2001. Initiated in 12D Shamballa, 2001

Initiated as a priest of Melquiseldec, 2001Lived and studied in the Mexican deserts, beaches and mountains since 1979.

Master of Science, Minex, London, 1978Egyptian Astrology studies, Africa, 1976

Palmistry, Numerology and Astrology Studies, Agra and Bodh Gaya, India  1975Master of Science, Geophysics, Sydney, 1974 

BSc. Quantum Physics and BSc. Geology, Sydney, 1972

I have studied astrology, numerology and the tarot for 35 years. I have travelled with my shaman teacher throughout Mexico and the world for the last

10 yearsvisiting many teachers and undergoing many initiations.

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Visited the initiation school of Jesus Christ, Moses, Confucius, Gautama Buddha.

Met the heir to the legendary  Don Juan Matus (Carlos Castaneda fame), a Yaqui Indian.

 Worked, trained and studied with an ascended master Don Francisco (Chapito) Barnet, a Seri Indian.

Worked with Australian aborigines. Worked with Jose Luis a Huichol Maricarman.

Initiations in Egypt, Tibet, Peru and Mexico, the four shamanic pillars of the world.

 Found the ancient library of Alexandria.

 Past lives: My past lives show that I have done the healings, numerology and tarot

and I AM remembering them again in this lifetime. They show that I had a high frequency before as a king and priest

and that I had this "knowing". Somehow I had lost this high frequency (in a life transition) and NOW I AM recovering

and breaking the automatic samsara cycle.Initial visit as Red root race - oldest human race on earth

A crystal person (son of Belial) in Lemuria

Pharaoh in Egypt – Narmer

the striker united Upper and Lower Egypt.

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Maharaja in Rajasthan, India - Jalor Palace with a summer palace in Mt. Abu.

Priest in Mayan Palenque, Chiapas

Archer in Aztec times, Tenochtitlan, Mexico.

Celtic priest, druid, Ireland.

Templar Knight, Jerusalem digging out Solomon's temple.

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English sailor that crossed the Atlantic 3 times in Columbus times.

Trail guide on wagon trains to the west in the forming USA.

Black slave in South Carolina escaped 17 times to the north.

I can see your past lives by meditating and concentrating on your face and body,

I see your aura and then it just changes.

I have seen my past life images in a mirror,

in visions, in dreams, in soul journeys, in fasting, with sacred plants and with regression analysis.

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The opening and connecting of the energy system, the chakras or harmonic energy centers in

the eutheric body, it is basically healing with the

hands. It is not however as massage as there is no physical contact.

CHINESE PULSINGThis method feels the 12 main pulses of the meridian system of energy flowing through

your body and can tell which organs are not functioning well.

ACUPUNCTURE Is maintenance medicine as it can show problems when they are only 10-15%

advanced while normal medicine only treats the symptoms which are recognizable when the

disease is 60-75% in advancement. I use the Japanese Ryodoraku method, from Master Takata, using only a few necessary

points to balance the five elements.

ACUPRESSUREHealing done through the pressure points in your body, which 2000

yrs of Chinese science has found to be extremely effective.


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Healing of the energy and emotional bodies using an egg as an x-ray to detect blockages and the basil to remove and open the system.

HEALING WITH CANDLES & PRAYER Healing of disease and curses taught to me by Don Fausto de la Cruz. (Mayan Priest)

FASTING - LIVING ON PRANAA 21 day cleaning and aligning where your whole system shuts down and repairs itself.

I have done a 60 day fast with no food, and spent the first 7 days with no water.

My teacher Jasmuheen has lived for 14 years without eating.  Jasmuheen is an Australian who channeled the process to me and we modified it with

our guardians.

HEAL ALL DISEASESI put 50% of the cure, and show you what you need to do.

If you put your 50% by doing it and believing it, we should cure anything - but destiny and karma have the final say.

I have seen miraculous curing of Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Aids and many diseases. I heal with my staff.

LONG DISTANCE HEALINGIf I have to explain you won't understand, but everything is connected with everything.

DREAM INTERPRETATIONThese are messages sent to you to heal, guide and connect with your higher bodies.

Clear light dreams come when you astral body goes to work.

Premonition in dreams is common.

You need to remember your dreams and follow their advice.

Page 14:  · Web viewDon Lauro. I was called, given powers or gifts and a sense of "knowing" (Shakti Pat) that have to be used for the good of mankind

READINGS: Mayan Astrologist – Numerologist- TarotI have been studying astrology, tarot and numerology for 35 years,

since I spent nine months in India, in 1975, and 2 years in Africa 1976-7; however the true channeling came when I received the sense of “knowing” ten years


The Mayan calendar works on natural time or a 13:20 frequency and thus predicts accurately the cycles within cycles.

The Mayan Astrology uses the 13 tones and 20 seals of the calendar to explain everything from the DNA structure

of Carbon-Oxygen-Hydrogen-Nitrogen to the 13 monthly cycles of the planet and more.

It contains the Chinese Iching and the Jewish Kabala.

The Gregorian calendar does not feel right or fit with nature "time is money" is a 12:60 frequency that has caused most of the pain, illness and

failings of this civilized cycle. We need to re-connect with nature.


Calendar, oracle and enchanted wave

I channel from your calendar and tell you why you are here based on the 20 cycle

and what your mission is based on the 13 cycle.

Who is working with you in your mission in this life can be identified.

TAROTI use the ancient cards derived from Hermes Trismegistus, Egypt

and prefer the Celtic spread (combining two of my past lives). I use the Osho cards for spiritual readings.

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I see through the cards to explain what is happening to you now.

Answer your questions. Connection to everything is the “knowing”

NUMEROLOGYLife lessons, the real you and your outer personality become apparent.

I predict both a month ahead and a year ahead. I can show you details from the 78 numbers of the tarot cards related to your birth

date and name. I can see your turning points based on a 9 year cycle and your path of destiny.

Numerology can show the basis of your beliefs and reveal an underlying pattern that can be changed for your benefit.

Then the "knowing" becomes a channel medium where both parties can sense it and continue until it does feel right.

COMBINED READINGTarot and the Mayan Calendar can be interpreted at three levels

- the conscious level, the subconscious mind (parables and symbols)

and the super-conscious plane which affirms this high frequency "knowing".

I combine the Mayan Astrology with the Tarot cards that you were dealt in this life time.

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DISCLOSURE:My guides, teachers and masters do the work.

 I AM the channel nothing more.I can work with all religions and any doctors.

 These healings should and can be done with other alternative and/or traditional medical procedures.

   All fasting must be taken at your own risk.

  Shamanic cures often make you feel worse for a period before you recover.   Some illnesses have to be lived through as a cure drives the problem into the higher

bodies from where it is trying to escape.  Some cures cause death in this lifetime   but greatly benefit   your next lifetime.

  The final result depends on what is best for you as a whole being and this is decided at a higher level.

Energy does everything without drugs or stimulants. What you eat is not as important as what you think and do.  


To find out more about my services, e-mail me at

or [email protected] 

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I am giving free interpretations of your Mayan Calendar combined with Osho Tarot.

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