Download - Cowes High School

Page 1: Cowes High School
Page 2: Cowes High School
Page 3: Cowes High School

This photo represents the math's department because of all the rulers and pencils, which you associate with math’s. I think this photo uses leading lines quite well, because all the lines lead into each other.

Page 4: Cowes High School

This photo represents the English department because of the dictionaries. I think this shows the school as being old because of the tattered old dictionaries, which shows that the school is old. I think this picture shows balance, with the quite dark blue of the dictionaries being balanced out by light brown of the wood.

Page 5: Cowes High School

This picture once again shows the math's department, because it is a calculator which you associate with doing math’s also seeing the numbers makes you instantly think of math’s. I think this picture clearly shows simplicity.

Page 6: Cowes High School

This photo shows art because of the balance of the colours and the detail of the artwork in the photo. I think this photo shows balance well because of the colours in the photo are balanced the reds and whites, are balanced out by the dark greys and blacks. Also it shows rule of thirds well because the image of the girl is in the left third it isn't in the centre which makes it more interesting.

Page 7: Cowes High School

I think this represents art because of all the colours in the photo. The rule I think it follows is balance because there is a lot of light and dark colours.

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Page 9: Cowes High School

I think this represents students well because it shoes friendship in it. Also I think it follows the rule of thirds

Page 10: Cowes High School

This represents students well because it shows a student being creative. I this photo represents leading lines.

Page 11: Cowes High School

This picture represents students because the students look happy in the photo, I think it uses balance because of the 2 people in the background

Page 12: Cowes High School

This photo represents students, and shows Simplicity because it is clear what the subject is

Page 13: Cowes High School

This photo represents students, and the rule of thirds because the subject isn't in the centre third but is on the line to the left.

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Page 15: Cowes High School

This photo represents the building because it shows the age of it, and it shows leading lines because the two buildings lead you into the entrance.

Page 16: Cowes High School

This photo represents the building because it shows the age of it, and it shows leading lines as the lines from the building make you look at the whole building

Page 17: Cowes High School

This photo represents the building because it shows the age of it, and it shows leading lines because all the lines lead you into different parts of the building.

Page 18: Cowes High School

This photo represents the building because it shows the age of it, and it shows leading lines because the lines of the building lead you into the entrance of the building.

Page 19: Cowes High School

This photo represents the building because it shows the age of it, and it shows leading lines because the lines on the building lead you along the building.

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Page 21: Cowes High School

This photo represents the location because there are many trees on and around the site. This photo shows the rule of thirds because the tree trunk is to the left of the centre

Page 22: Cowes High School

I think this represents the location because it shows the things that have been put into the school to make the surroundings look picturesque. I think this picture shows balance because of the light green of the leaves being balanced out by the dark grey of the rock

Page 23: Cowes High School

This represents the location around the school. I think this shows simplicity because it is clear that you are supposed to look at the rock because there isn't anything in the background

Page 24: Cowes High School

This represents the location around the school. I think this shows simplicity because it is clear what the subject is

Page 25: Cowes High School

This represents the location around the school. I think this shows balance because the yellow moss balances out the grey and brown of the bark.

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