Page 1: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got
Page 2: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Copyright 201� by Rob KIng

Copyright © 201� by Rob King. All rights reserved.

No part of this ebook may be reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part in any way by any means currently or as yet unknown without prior written permission from the author.

Photo Credits Under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0:On bottom of all pages, photos courtesy of petechons and Björn Söderqvist@Flickr

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of this program, while using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

Page 3: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Thank You.I love what I do and helping people become leaner, stronger, and happier is my passion in life.

Making a change in life is not an easy task.

There will always be obstacles, hardships, difficulties, it is not easy.



You can make a CHANGE.

You can become STRONGER.

You can become HAPPIER.

You can become LEANER.

You can become a better YOU.

I am proud to share with you the stories of our Heavyweights members who are just like you and transformed their bodies and their lives.

I hope this motivates and helps you take steps in starting your own transformation and your own success story.

You can do this.

Coach Rob

Page 4: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Heather King

I have struggled with weight my entire life. If memory serves me correct, my first trip to Weight Watchers was at the age of 10! I have been on every diet and weight loss program known to mankind! I could never seem to stick to any of them. In September 2012, I saw a friends' before and after pictures from her Yummy Mummy group and thought she looked amazing. My girlfriends and I decided to check out Heavy Weights in September 2012. When we pulled up there were people screaming and shouting and hanging from bars and we almost didn't go in, thinking that it wasn't for us! We decided to have an "out of body experience" and walked in the door. It was one of the best things I have done for myself in years!!! I am about to start my 5th Program and I feel great! The team at Heavy Weights has been so supportive and I have made so many friends there. My husband joined with me for Built in 42 in March and is absolutely addicted to the place! Heavy Weights has given me the tools and support that I desperately needed to transform ME inside and out! Thank you Heavy Weights!

Page 5: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Hi, my name is Tyler. I am 22 years old, a student and a part of the HW family. Before I became a part of the HW family I was going through life like many other people out there, hamster on a wheel, same sh*t different day. Don’t get me wrong, my life was good, I had awesome friends, decent job and I was waiting to go back to school. However, there was always that feeling in the back of my head telling me that there was more out there. I just had to find it.

Flash back to 2010; I’m the biggest I had EVER been. I had been working at a fast food restaurant for 4 years and had gained about 50 pounds. Then, one morning, out of no where I had a moment. “Dude, you’re fat!” There it was. It was out. I was no longer living the lie that I was “blocky” I officially had become fat and I was not happy about it. Enter Heavyweights!

Tyler Kearney

Page 6: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

One of my best friends, Josh, had recently started working at Heavyweights Supplements Churchill Square (he had made some pretty big changes to his physique since high school) so I went in for a chat. I, like many others, wanted results YESTERDAY so immediately I told him my issue and asked for the best fat burner. He talked me off the ledge, gave me some little nutrition tips to start me off easy and sent me on my way. I bumped up my workouts, took Josh’s advice and before I knew it I was down 15lbs. With the help of Josh and Jon at Churchill Square I made some steady progress for 6 months and lost 50 pounds. I was starting to become more satisfied with how I looked when I got an offer to go work with my uncle in Labrador, working 3 weeks on 1 week off. I gained some very valuable knowledge and experiences from my 3 months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym.

When I got back from Labrador Heavyweights Training Center was up and running. My mom had already done the “21 Day Rapid Fat Loss” program a few months before at the old location and she brought “Ripped in 42’ to my attention. I thought it was an awesome idea, I couldn’t think of anywhere I had gotten better service than HW Churchill Square so I figured if it’s Rob King’s gym its probably going to be better then the others. I was right. My mom and I went through the 21 Day program twice and then Ripped and before I knew it 12 weeks was up I had lost 60lbs since joining HWTC and 100lbs in total and I had become a part of HW’s team of AMAZING people! However, as big of an accomplishment as it was, the weight loss wasn’t the thing I was most proud of. The changes I had gone through mentally over the 12 weeks of training at HWTC were astonishing. My self-confidence had hit peak levels, my attitude towards life was more positive; I got up everyday excited for what’s going to happen rather than jumping on the wheel. I no longer sat down and let things go by. If I wanted it, I found a way to get it.

It’s been a few months since I finished Ripped but the effects the program had on my life remain. I’m in school full time getting the best grades I’ve ever gotten and have a thirst to learn that I have never experienced. I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for Heavyweights I wouldn’t be able to say that.

Tyler Kearney

Page 7: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

One thing I have learned since becoming a member of HW, is that there are times you will be outside your comfort zone, and putting my story to paper is one of those times. Some time ago, I told Rob I would write "my story", which through much emotion and many tears, I have written. So here goes...

As a child, I was always overweight. Always the fat kid in school. Coming up through elementary school, there was me and one boy, who fit into that category. There were always self-esteem issues, and food was a comfort. I never wanted to go to gym, because I just couldn't keep up, and felt self-conscious about having to wear shorts and showing off my fat legs . I remember one nice day, the gym teacher took us outside to run races around the school yard. She paired us up, and much to my chagrin, she put me up against the tallest, most thin and fastest person in my class. I was horrified. I just couldn't keep up, and I think the teacher did it just to be cruel, just like all the other people who took pleasure in taunting the under dog.

Janet Martin

Page 8: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

I remember, my mother, not knowing any better, doing things I would never dream of putting a child through, to try to make me lose weight. When I was in grade 4 or 5, I remember her giving me "eggnog" as a meal. When I say eggnog, I mean a raw egg mixed with orange juice, and me urging while trying to get it down. It's a wonder I eat eggs at all. Lol! Needles to say, that did not last long. At one time, I wore a girdle under my school uniform to trim my tummy, and it hurt like hell as it stuck into my waist. There were times mom restricted my intake. Made me eat dry toast for breakfast and silly things like that. When I went on to junior high school, I had friends, but my weight continued to be a battle and an embarrassment to me. At one point, between my mother and our family doctor, they decided diet pills was the way to go. Well, you want to talk about being "wired"! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate in school, I was jittery and grinding my teeth. Then there was Aydes. They were little caramel type things that you could buy by the box at the drug store. To curb your appetite, you had to eat one or two of these, and drink a cup of tea. So this battle went on all through school.

Not long after I got out of high school, I met my life partner and married him in 1979. Now, I still battled with my weight, but he accepted me the way I was, and supported everything I did in life, including all the things I did to try to lose weight. There were lots of things we were invited to that I just didn't want to go to, because I felt I couldn't measure up to all the skinny girls, and I was very insecure. I guess, because of those feelings, sometimes people thought I was anti-social. I had to force myself to go to things. Always thinking I never looked good enough. Then 17 years ago, I got pregnant on my son, got to my heaviest weight ever, and stayed there.

I was adopted at the age of 6 weeks. Because my biological mother boarded with the family I was adopted by while she was pregnant on me, we knew some of her family. She had an aunt and uncle who kind of kept in touch as I grew up. My husband and I actually visited them, with our kids, in Lewisporte, and kept in touch with them over the years. Well, about 19 years ago, my aunt called me to tell me that my biological mother, at the age of 54, died of a massive coronary. That put the fear of god in me. With that news in the back of my mind, I desperately tried, literally everything, to get in shape. All the while, I was secretly counting the years I had left to live. At one time, I joined Nutri System and lost all my weight. I got down to about 135-140 lbs, and my only form of exercise was walking and an aerobics video. I became a smaller of myself, with no real muscle definition or strength. Of course, after I stopped eating the food they provided, the weight started to come back on. There was no learning curve. You weren't taught how to maintain your weight loss.

Janet Martin

Page 9: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

For years, I have donated to Weight Watchers, I would say to the tune of thousands of dollars. I would get motivated for a short time and fall off the wagon. I was member of other gyms and just didn't know what to be doing or really how to change my eating habits, so I continued to pay a membership and just didn't go. While I did eat fairly healthy, I just didn't know how to fine tune it to make it work. I did boot camps with no real results, and I even trained and did my one and only Tely 10 at 51. When my daughter Allison got involved with Heavy Weights, I was the crab in her bucket. I didn't understand what she was doing, and I thought it was crazy. By now it is 2012, I am 53, and I am going to die next year, is what I kept thinking! So, in November of 2012, I walked through the doors of Heavy Weights for the first time, thanks to Allison. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. I am so passionate about it. I started the Ripped in 42 program, wondering if I would make it through the 6 weeks. I made friends that will last a lifetime and the atmosphere at HW, is like no other. I walk in through the door, I am made feel welcome, I am not shy or uncomfortable there, and the classes are amazing. I am so comfortable there. I am thrilled with my results. I have done things I never thought I could do. If you had to get me to do 100 jumping jacks last year, I would have died trying. If last year you told me I could do a trap dead lift of 255 lbs, I would have laughed in your face. But I did do it, and much more. I am now doing Strongher in 42, and looking forward to lifting more weights and just becoming a better version of me.

Heavy Weights has changed my life, and saved my life. I now know what I need to do to be strong and healthy. Thanks to Rob and Danielle for making this possible, and the trainers and staff for all the encouragement. A big thank you to all my workout buddies, especially Marie and Mary-Jo.

The Grimm Reaper ain't getting me yet!!

Janet Martin

Page 10: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

My journey with weight loss is not a new one. I’ve always been called “big boned or broad” but the truth is I was overweight! I’m not new to gym memberships however I’m guessing that with paying for a membership I was actually supposed to go there. I never had the energy nor the drive to go to a so called “fitness center” and spin on a machine like a hamster on a wheel and getting no results. The thoughts of having to go were as torturous as going. Working alone in a crowd of people with ear buds in their ears and no one speaking. I wished there was something better.

My wife Bonnie Abbott started going to Heavy Weights Training Center. She’d come home sweating and beat, but with a glow about her as if to say “That was freaking awesome”. My first impression was that a person my size could never keep up with that intensity level. She encouraged me to go meet Rob King to see what he had to say. My first thought was another gym, another hamster wheel.

Derek Abbott

Page 11: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Man was I wrong! I was immediately welcomed by Rob into a family and friends environment. I was asked point blank what my goals were. Of course I said to “tone up” and lose weight. (Big Mistake #1)!!lol! “Tone up” is not in the Heavy Weights vocabulary I learned very quickly!!

I lost 16lbs in the first program, and along with that, I gained something new! Strength, agility, Energy, Positivity, Drive, and a whole new outlook! Instead of dreading the gym I was actually counting down the minutes to when I could go and meet up with all the coaches and a whole new group of friends and workout partners.

I’ve been a member for a year and still look forward every day to either attending a program or working out with my work out buddies. I have lost 50 pounds, now weighing less than I have in 20 years, and am much stronger and more fit, more agile, more energetic, more focused. This immediately affects my mental focus at the gym, work, and personal life. I found a whole new beginning at HWTC!

Derek Abbott

Page 12: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

In 2005 things got turned upside down without warning my husband hurt his back and after surgery and years of therapy he was told he was going to be permanently disabled, then as many of us do life took over its grip on me and I lost. At my max weight I was 307 pounds and to say the least very unhappy, suffering from depression of course then would not admit that to myself, I would cry all the time, even crying myself to sleep every night trying to understand why this has happened. I started eating the things that comforted me, thinking that this will make me feel better. I would make the excuses day after day, that tomorrow will be the day I become healthy and loose the weight. After a while I stopped playing with my kids, going out in public and in a new city would not attempt to make friends I wouldn't even get a picture with my kids, thinking how will they ever know who I was, there would be no memories for them to hold on to if I were to leave them tomorrow because I was so sad and unhappy

Synika Gee

Page 13: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

In February 2011 I woke up and after not being able to climb a flight of stairs said "no more" who will be there for my kids at this rate I was killing myself, this was my breaking point, as we all do I started to go to the gym "going through the motions" but still crying all the time and seeing minimal results. And kept saying well at least I am still going to the gym and making an effort. Then after considerable about of time had passed I had hit the preverbal brick wall then felt myself slipping down that dark hole again then a friend told me about Heavyweights I made the hardest decision of my life, I walked through the doors of Heavyweights embarrassed and holding my head down scared as hell and signed up for Ripped in 42. How many times did I want to quit and walk away, but with Rob King always being a positive force and motivating if someone that does not even know you give that much energy and focus into your success how could I quit, so I said to myself I will not quit on myself or my kids I wanted to be that person that my kids can say "that's my MOM".

In 42 days I finished feeling healthier and happier I no longer cried myself to sleep at night and was able to put everything in order and perspective, and was given a new look on life and learned to be a positive role model for my children. But I couldn't stop there I still struggled with how people saw me and again how I saw myself, went on and did Built in 42, StrongHER 42 and now a member of the best most amazing group of strong women Cardio Elite who inspire me every time we train, also because of the amazing staff I have accomplished something that honestly never thought possible like in the next six weeks I will be competing in a Power lifting competition who knew I had that in me, not me for sure. People say that Heavyweights is there "happy place" I can honestly say that for me that is 100% true, not being from Newfoundland I can say this is my Home and these are not my friends they are my Family.

Synika Gee

Page 14: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Since I was thirteen years old I have struggled with weight loss. My parents have signed me up for program after program and none of them worked due to either my lack of motivation or hatred of going to the gym. My dad started Ripped in 42 in November of 2012 and I watched as he seen great results. At this point of my life I was the heaviest I had ever been and I was unhappy. I knew I needed to lose weight so I asked my parents if I could join Heavyweights. In January past my dad and I signed up for Ripped in 42 and I began my first successful weight loss journey. After completing the program I was 18lbs lighter and 8 inches smaller. I loved going to the gym and working out which I never though would happen! I recently finished my second program Built in 42 and am now 30lbs lighter, 23 inches smaller and a gazillion times happier. Without the help of the amazing coaches and people at Heavyweights and the everlasting support of my family, I would never be where I am today.Since joining Heavyweights my life has completely changed. I am doing better at university and I am a happier, more energetic person. I am forever grateful to the amazing people at Heavyweights and I am excited to continue the journey of reaching my goals.

Julie Dinn

Picture coming soon!

Page 15: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

My name is Kevin Farrell. In March of 2012, I stepped on the scale for the first time in over a year, and it read 260 lbs. I was out of shape, overweight and frustrated with how I looked, felt and ate. I decided then and there to do something about it. I signed up for ’21-Day Fat Loss’ program at Heavyweights Training Center. When I first entered the gym, I was scared silly. There were lots of people with lots energy making lots of noise. As I stepped onto the mats for the very first time, I knew this would be an exciting yet challenging uphill battle. Now don’t get me wrong, I had been physically active in the past, however at this point in my life I actually broke a sweat tying my shoes.

As the weeks went by, the program was difficult, yet more rewarding than I would have ever imagined. The weight was going, slowly, but it was still going, and I was getting stronger both mentally and physically. By the end of the program, I had lost a total of 21.5 lbs and 6.5 inches, I was ecstatic. In losing the weight, I had now gained more friends than I could ever count, and suddenly found myself as part of the Heavyweights family. I’ve been to many gyms before, but never like this! I was hooked!

Kevin Farrell

Page 16: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

I then went on to complete another session of ’21-Day Rapid Fat Loss,’ where I had similar success, yet I developed so much more mentally than I could ever imagine. I was getting more creative in the kitchen, and it was healthy. By the end, I had lost an additional 10 lbs, and was ready to sign up for ‘Built in 42.’

During ‘Built in 42′ I trained and pretty much lived at Heavyweights Training Center; from BBQ’s on Friday nights, to ‘Strongman’ on Sunday. By the time Built in 42 was through, I had developed friendships that will last a lifetime, and a family that will always be a big part of my life. I was eating healthier, sleeping better, mentally focused and happier than I had ever been. On top of all this, I was approached and asked if I would be interested in competing in a bodybuilding competition. “Me?” I thought, “in a bodybuilding competition?”. Six months prior, I couldn’t tie my shoes without breaking a sweat, bodybuilding was the furthest thing from my mind!

Thanks to the ‘Built in 42′ program, the diet, training, and especially the help of my HWTC coaches, I had lost a total of 61 lbs in 8 months, and competed in my first ever bodybuilding competition. In May of 2013, I, along with Rob, travelled to Vancouver, British Columbia to do the ‘Intervention and Correctives’ seminar under Coach Dan John. Here, I learned a lot of new principles to better serve my clients. Also in May, I completed the Heavyweights Training Center Certification under Rob King.

I now get to share my experience and my addiction to healthy eating, training properly, and overall healthy living with others at Heavyweights Training Center as a coach and trainer. Today I am currently one of the main coaches for the Built in 42 program, Strongman Sunday and as well have numerous personal training clients.

Kevin Farrell

Page 17: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

It is very hard to express in words the way HWTC has changed my life!

I have worked in the Offshore Oil & Gas field for the last 7 years and doing so I have made excuses as to why I couldn’t go to the gym and stay fit and healthy. When I first got my job I weighed in at 190lbs, but in January 2013 I weighed in at 230lbs. It made me sick, not to mention the fact I hated the way I felt and looked. I have always had low self-esteem and have been struggling with depression for a while and when I saw 230lbs, it took the wind right out of me. I was sick of feeling down all the time, sick, depressed, looking at my ever growing stomach. My extra weight didn’t help with the back injury I had suffered in high school either causing me to lie in bed for days at a time. As a former athlete, this killed me on the inside! How could I have let myself fall so far?

I decided it was time…I am in charge of my fate and I made the decision to join the HWTC. In January 2013, I enrolled in my first 42 day program.

John Smart

Page 18: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

It was tough, but I was determined to be the best and I made a vow that I wouldn’t give 100%, I was giving it everything I had in me. The program and coaches changed my life, opened my eyes to see how unhappy I truly was, how depressed I had become, it still amazes me. I had heard all about “The Cult” that I had joined, but this is just people who are in denial and don’t understand. I have tried to explain…we are not just a gym, we are all a TEAM…a FAMILY! The people there love and respect each other so much. They want nothing but the best for each other and make sure that if they can help, they do! Upon finishing Ripped, I had dropped 33lbs and lost 10.25” off my waist. I was a whole new person, with a new outlook on my life.

While making the decision to do another program, I continued to train for the next 3 weeks. I then decided to keep training and continue with my coaches and training partners and joined the Built in 42 program. The results that I had achieved in the Ripped program only fueled my desire to be the best. I stuck with my goals and helped push my training partner’s every day. We work harder and harder, get labeled as the “freaks” of the Ripped class. We laughed and continued training together for the next 42 days. At the end I was again leaner, healthier and happier than I had ever been in the last 7 years. I lost another 21lbs and 5.5”. I was beyond happy with my success.

Then my life changed again… I had been in a place in my life where things were always made me more and more depressed. HWTC was the only place where I could go and feel alive again, feel happy and where my work was appreciated and respected. I had met a special person at HWTC, a person that helped me to see that I am capable of great things. She means the world to me and I am so grateful to have her in my life. With her wisdom and encouragement along with my coaches, I destroyed the next intersession between classes and dialed in my nutrition and training. At 36 years old with a bad back and some old injuries, I managed to become this…

I didn’t see it while training and I was told “One of these days you will get out of the shower and look in the mirror and be like…WHO IS THAT???”, guess what…IT DID!

I value all the time and experiences I have had thus far with HWTC. I have continued with my second Built in 42 program and will graduate on August 17th, 2013. Rob and his team gave me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone and enroll and successfully complete Training For Warriors, Level 1. It helped me with my self-esteem issues, Martin Rooney was unbelievable! I was able to use this and all I had learned from my coaches and I helped coach a Built class, I was on top of the word.

My journey continues…and I can honestly say I have no intent on leaving…thank you for everything!

John Smart

Page 19: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

On November 16th I competed in the NLABBA show.I did masters bikini 35 above and bikini open.This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time. At the age of 49 I decided it was time to go for it!

It was quite a journey I learned a lot about myself how much I could push myself and how hard I could work. I have to give a big thank you to my loving husband Darren Hann who stood by me through the tears , bad moods,and laughter I love you very much. As well to my fantastic coach Danielle Rideout who was there for me every steps of the way. There are no words to express my gratitude for everything you did for me thank you so much.

To the great team of girls I worked out with every Saturday this I will miss the most.They were very supportive to my being the oldest committee of the team.A large thank you to Rob King for having a great gym and the best coaches in town.To my family and friends for believing in me that I could do this thank you very much, I can’t wait for next year.

Karen Hann

Page 20: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Please forgive the fact that this recount of the weekend has a lot of blah blah blah about my life in it. (It’s stuff a lot of you probably already know.) I was invited to do a write-up about my bikini competition experience by Rob King, Owner and head coach at Heavyweights. Since most of the readers would know nothing about my background, I wanted to make it clear that I wasn’t always super-into fitness.

Still, I am happy to share this with all of you. I think the perspective of how I started adds something here, and I hope this piece demonstrates the profound effect that all of this insane experience has had on me.


What is it to be a bikini competitor?

Jenn Martin

Page 21: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Sure, on the surface it seems simple. It’s sparkling earrings. A spray tan. A pair of heels that reach for the sky. It’s your hair and make-up at their biggest and best, and eyelashes glued on tight. It’s lights, posing, and action, with a smile that just won’t quit.

It’s more than that though. Way more. It’s a performance and a celebration. It’s you, being forced to be unashamed to strut your stuff. It’s telling the world that you aren’t afraid. It’s an escape from, and a reward for, all of your hard work. It’s also permission; permission to live your dreams, to think of yourself as special, and permission to take a nerdy girl like me, and turn her into a beauty queen.

This past weekend, I took to the stage in my first bikini competition. To understand what this experience has meant to me, you must first understand a little about who I am, and where I started my journey from.

All of my life, I have seen the world as divided between beautiful women and girls like me. In my mind, there has always been a huge separation. I grew up uncool, awkward, and unpopular. I was considered more “weird” than pretty. By high school, I was approaching 200lbs, and was regularly called “fat” and a “loser.” I definitely wasn’t considered attractive, and I just plain did not think of myself in those terms.

Like so many kids who were bullied and outcast, I carried these scars of my youth with me into adulthood. I have always struggled with my body image and self-esteem. For a very long time, I simply saw myself as “ugly.” Oddly, I would have to say that it has been my journey into fitness, and bettering my body that has finally fixed what was going on in my head. Once I started lifting weights, things began to really change.

It started with my sister. Alli Martin, (now a Heavyweights coach) let me tag along with her as she trained for her own bikini competition. I was curious, but at first I was also very judgmental! I wondered why she felt compelled to do this. I accused her of needing outside validation, and succumbing to unfair and unrealistic beauty standards. Yet, even though I was a giant pain in the butt, my sister graciously let me stick around.

At first, I hardly knew a dumbbell from a barbell. I was nervous and very out of my element. I did not know anything about exercises divided into ‘reps’ and ‘sets,’ and had always been kind of terrified around the jocks who did. At first, I depended on my sister. There was no way I would have been lifting those weights on my own! Thankfully, she was patient and encouraging. It was also my sister who led me to do my first Heavyweights program. Rippedin42″ blew me away. It changed how I thought about fitness.

Jenn Martin

Page 22: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

The people were amazing, the workouts were fun, and I learned a lot of new and interesting ways to work up a sweat! (In fact, I have to say, Heavyweights appeals to my inner nerd, because they always encourage you to push your knowledge, grow, explore, and learn more about the art of fitness.) Everyone there was very accepting, and I found myself wanting to do my best. The atmosphere prompted a real change in me. I began to question the assumption that I somehow wasn’t good enough or fit enough. Heavyweights advocates not making excuses, and they always say to “Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.” Their emphasis on making and achieving goals has helped me to begin a deeper exploration of myself and what it is that I really want to get out of life. From there, I continued to log my workouts, eat well, and to grow more accepting of myself. As my confidence has risen, I have been able to take definitive positive action. I even attribute my recent decision to go back to school to do education to my involvement with the gym!

As I made changes, lifted weights, and cleaned up my eating, I guess the physical effects started to show. All of a sudden I could see muscles, and could feel the difference if I needed to carry something. I was even being described as “athletic,” and pretty soon, people were actually asking me for health and fitness advice! I know that then I was beginning to feel more confident, but what happened next was truly the icing on the cake…

The provincial body-building competition was announced. Heavyweights was looking to put together a team. Once again, it was my sister who gave me the push that I needed. She went ahead and announced to everyone that I would participate in the bikini division of the competition!

Wow. Me? On stage? In that? I was terrified. I figured that I was the last person anyone wanted to see in a bikini. In fact, I don’t even think that I fully believed it was possible as I started out on my 12-week training program. I recall that I immediately thought all of the other women enrolled in the prep group were stunning, and that I stuck out badly. In fact, the whole process forced my lifelong self-esteem issues to a head. I was still so insecure, and I needed lots of encouragement. I secretly thought that people would think I didn’t belong up on that stage.

I’ll be honest. While I was now pretty comfortable lifting weights, those first few posing practice sessions were brutal! The bikini competition isn’t just about your physique, but also incorporates your on-stage presentation. I had a hard time adopting the right attitude, and wearing so little in front of people for the first few times was really difficult. There is no way to hide the parts you don’t like in such a tiny outfit!

Jenn Martin

Page 23: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

The patience of the other girls and all of the trainers and the relentless belief of everyone who supported me…well, it makes me cry just thinking about it! When even I thought I was “hopeless,” they never ever gave up.

As the weeks passed, things started to come together. I got my suit, my heels, and booked my spray tan. I followed my program, and did my best to listen to my coaches. I got into a real routine. I started getting up early to get in the workouts, and packing up all of my meals for the day ahead of time. (Organization was key for me!) I put in the time, and I was pleased to see steady improvement. (In fact, it wasn’t long before most of my clothes were too big!)

Soon, the competition was practically here. I was pushing harder than ever before, training more than I had ever trained, and, even though I was tired, I was thriving on the love and positive feedback I was getting from everyone at Heavyweights. Yes, I still felt naked during posing sessions, and I still had my doubts. I have to say though, the more that I wore my suit and heels in practice, the easier it got.

Finally, the big weekend arrived. Friday was a weird day for me! It was completely devoted to all of the last-minute things that come before a competition. My hair was cut and coloured, my nails were taken care of, I got my spray tan, picked up some last-minute jewelry and tried to rest up. I found myself really enjoying all of this pampering, and I was able to take some time to breathe and appreciate what I had accomplished.

The next morning, I awoke early. I got primped and ready. Heart pounding, I drove to the event. My stomach was doing flip-flops. Yes, I was actually going to do it. This person. Me. A girl who had at one point been over 200lbs, and who had thought of herself as “ugly” and a “loser.”

The morning pre-judging passed in a flurry of touch-ups, bikini glue, and last-minute rehearsing. There were beautiful, fit women everywhere. I was so pleased to realize that I no longer felt like I stuck out badly. I was grateful for everyone in our prep group, and most especially for Alli, my sister and coach. Team Heavyweights was consistently there to encourage each other. What a great bunch of gals!

Soon enough we were all lined up and it was my turn. They called my number to the stage. The adrenaline hit. It was now or never! I decided right before I walked out that I absolutely refused to let my nerves get the better of me. I was here! I had worked as hard as anyone else there, and I had made it! I know that I beamed from ear-to-ear as I hit my poses and made my turns. I really feel that I left nothing behind. I wasn’t perfect, but when I was out there I thought about how far I had come. I finally felt that I had no reason to be ashamed of my body. I was so proud!

Jenn Martin

Page 24: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

The high from the stage was like nothing else. That, combined with the encouragement of my friends and coaches kept me going all day long. There were high-fives, hugs and happy tears. Then, after what seemed like the blink of an eye, it was time for the night show.

Now this was the time for glamour and glitz! All of the girls backstage piled on sparkly rings, bracelets, and huge earrings. I hardly recognized the person I saw in the mirror, and I was smiling so hard my face was aching. The pressure of judging was behind us, and we could really loosen up out there. This time I walked back out on stage with no hesitation. (In fact, backstage I was dancing around, and encouraging the other competitors!) As I made my entrance the second time, I tried to channel my inner rock star, and to remember that I was there to have fun!

What is it to be a bikini competitor? I can tell you that it’s way more than the jewelry, the suit and the tan. In all honesty, this whole experience has been a dream come true for me. I never could have imagined the feeling of freedom that comes from standing on stage in a competition suit, with your insecurities behind you. You absolutely have to be at your bravest, and most fierce. With everyone cheering for me, I felt like a beauty queen!

Please don’t think it’s impossible. Please believe me when I say that setting goals, challenging yourself and hard work do pay off. Even if I never do this again, I will always carry this experience with me.

My name is Jenn Martin, and I will never allow myself to believe that I am “ugly” again.

Jenn Martin

Page 25: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Hi everyone, my name is Danielle Glynn and Rob has asked me to share my story and journey at Heavyweights Training Center.

I’ll first start with a back round about myself. I am currently 20 years old, and working as an office assistant at the Health Sciences Center. I have always been fairly active growing up, involved with a lot of sports during my school years, and continued to stay fairly active afterwards as well. With this being said, staying “fairly active” wasn’t good enough for me. I got to witness my sister going through the RNC training at Memorial University and she was in the best shape of her life. She definitely inspired me to be in the best shape I could be.

Before joining Heavyweights, I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week, running and running, and wasn’t seeing any results, at this point I started to become very uncomfortable with my body..

Danielle Glynn

Page 26: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

To the point where I wouldn’t go swimming because I was too afraid to wear a bikini, I would wear all baggy clothes, and just overall have a low self-esteem. Not only did this affect me, but it also affected a lot of people around me. I just wasn’t myself and I was desperate to fix that .

Then I seen Samm Taylor on my Facebook and saw all the fun she was having, and the awesome results she was getting from being at Heavyweights and said I must give this a try. So I dragged a friend with me and we tried the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program with Carla Ramsay. Bright and early 6AM. It was the most fun I ever had while working out and sweating my A$$ off. From that point on I was addicted!!!!

Carla made it so fun for all of us; I joined the very next 21 day program, same time and same coach. I was so proud of myself for sticking with the program, because before these programs I couldn’t even drag myself out of bed to go to work, let alone drag myself out of bed to do a 6AM workout but Carla made it so fun and rewarding that I couldn’t wait for Tuesday and Thursday to walk in that gym and walk out feeling like a million bucks.

After seeing the results that the 21 day programs were giving me Carla recommended that I do the 42 day program. At first I was really hesitant because I wasn’t quite confident enough to start lifting weights but I said the hell with it and tried the StrongHer program. It was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. It was the best 42 days, and I met such great people. Steph, Sam, and Danielle (the coaches) were absolutely amazing. They were always there to cheer us on and made sure we were doing the best we could. I was just so happy at the gym, it was definitely my getaway.. my “happy place” as I like to call it. At one point Danielle had to sit me down and have a serious conversation with me about smiling and laughing while lifting weights because it was dangerous and always meant that I could lift more if I was smiling. After this conversation I went back to my dumbbell press, wiped the smile off my face and got in focus… I lifted an extra 20lbs more than I thought I could. So this goes to show the coaches are always looking out for us, pushing us to do the very best we can do.

Another great thing I loved about the StrongHer program was the confidence and happiness you could see in all the girls faces. The energy in the gym from everyone cheering each other on is just something I could never put into words. I would seriously get goosebumps when I would see another one of the girls beat the PB or accomplish something they thought they couldn’t do. We were all in it together and I loved that. When I went to Grad Day after the StrongHer program was over, I got on the scale and I had officially lost 20lbs since joining Heavyweights! I was SO happy and rewarded myself with an ice cold beer from Rob. =)

Danielle Glynn

Page 27: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

So, as you can tell my journey at Heavyweights has been absolutely amazing. I am gaining more and more confidence after every program I do at Heavyweights and doing things I never thought I was able to do. I no longer have to drag myself out of bed or have to feel afraid to put on a bikini.

Now I am happy and more confident than I ever was and definitely wouldn’t have been able to do this without the help from everyone at Heavyweights. I would highly recommend ANYONE who wants to feel better about themselves, get stronger, have more confidence, and be in the best shape of their lives to join this gym!! I promise you won’t regret it!

Thank you for everything you do Rob, you are changing more and more lives everyday, and in every aspect of their life.

Danielle Glynn

Page 28: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

The Fall of 2011 I was working in a toxic environment that had me on the run so often that I was not eating healthy or exercising. I volunteered endless hours with the belief that this is what you should do. Placing other peoples’ priorities ahead of my own was natural. I reached a point where I hardly saw my friends or family in order to make others’ lives easier.

December 9, 2011 my mother passed away after twenty-five years of battling cancer and associated health problems at the Palliative Care Centre in St. John’s, NL. The following day I received a call to go into oncology where I was told that I had a malignant tumor and would have to go into chemo treatment to treat it.

When I started to encounter health problems, I was unable to continue doing everything. I soon realized that not all people had the same belief system as me and that once I was not of “value” I would be cast aside and persecuted for not being able to keep it up.

Gerry Sullivan

Page 29: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Disconnected from society as I was, while sick I did not want to call on the support structure that I had as I had lost touch with many of them and faced battles while sick on my own so as not to bother anyone along the way.

Over the next few months I had to battle with this new information being presented to me as well as having the person that I would normally talk about anything like this with no longer here.

Stepping back twenty-five years in my mother’s life she had been faced with the same circumstances that I currently was. So, after a few months of not going out of my house and giving up on everything,

“I came to the realization that I have two options to choose from: the first being to just go through the motions or the second to work like a dog and prove to everyone that I can overcome this adversity and figure out how to beat this.”

After this point I went to the doctor for tests to see what could be done. Once they were complete the first thing that he identified is that I needed to loose weight and change my lifestyle. To this point I did not associate cancer and being unwell with my weight and lifestyle. So at 356lbs and working 16 hour days between two jobs I needed to change how I lived in order to live long enough to raise a family.

I started working with Carl George through Healthy Living NL to transition to a healthier lifestyle. It was a very gradual transition. I was unsuccessful at first but failure in life is guaranteed. I fail at things 100 times a day. At that 101st attempt when I succeed, it makes the failures part of the “Trial and Error Process”. The key is not to get hung up on the failures, rather, celebrate successes.

In identifying my health issues I have been forced to take a look at my lifestyle and to assess all aspects of it. Removing the negativity was the first part and one of the hardest. Disconnecting from people you have been linked to for many years, breaking ties was something that I had to do and, instead surround myself with people who support you along the way.

I began focusing on fitness and nutrition. After the first year of hating it, I really came to embrace and enjoy it and have lost over 150lbs. There were days I should not have been at the gym as I was too sick to keep going but I would push and lie on the mat for a few minutes then start again.

Gerry Sullivan

Page 30: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

After coming back from chaperoning a youth conference in Montreal, I was talking about my idea and plan for creating active youth in NL with one of the participants, Michael Halleran, and we decided to go for it and create something. We had no idea at that point what it would be or where it would take us but it needed to be done sooner then later. I had developed a strong foundation from what I learned and joined Heavyweights Training Centre to continue on my journey in health and fitness. This again was a game changer. The support of the centre and staff is amazing.

It is a family.

I started lifting weights and continuing to reach new goals in my fitness and life journey but more importantly it gave me a chance to push myself and on the wall I saw something that resonated with me. “Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable”. Throughout my life I had found something I was good at so I never strayed too far from it. I never really pushed the limits to see where it could take me. These past few months I have gotten comfortable being uncomfortable. This is something I will instill in everyone I meet. For the first time since grade school I am able to do a push up. This may not sound like a big deal, but to me it was a turning point.

Through Heavyweights I completed the Training for Warriors Level 1 Instructor Certification. I pushed myself further and harder than I ever have in my life. Martin Rooney said: “You can’t burn something unless you, yourself are first on fire.” I wrote this down on the inside cover of my book as it hit me as the answer to all my questions. If you haven’t experienced it how can you understand it? From my experience at Heavyweights and through the knowledge of Training For Warriors, Pro Fit NL has transformed to Pro Fit TFW. The Warrior in Training Program is created to help youth focus on battling the fight of healthy living but not in a traditional way. It is about creating an experience, developing youth as mentors and leaders in wellness and fitness to coach and support their peers.

I was always competitive and even more stubborn. When something is set in my mind I will find a way to get it done and reach my goals despite anyone telling me different. Still training at Heavyweights (sometimes despite doctor’s advice), this is where I am able to push my limits and challenge myself. I went from never lifting a weight to being able to deadlift 335lbs, having trouble getting up stairs to doing a 32” static box jump; Trouble sitting down to squatting 6” from the ground, and my biggest so far is from a personal weigh of 356 lbs to present time at 184lbs while still setting new challenges and goals daily. Current goal is to reach 15% body fat.I am still battling with my health and every day is a challenge but on my arm I wear my Training for Warriors Band says the “Warrior Within.” As we battle life’s obstacles it is this warrior within that helps you win the battle and will have me reach my goals in health and life.

Gerry Sullivan

Page 31: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

People see the happy me now, but the truth is I was not always this way!

Growing up I was very athletic and was great at sports, in particular basketball. In grade 7, I was picked for a developmental basketball team and my love of the game progressed from there. A year later, I was playing basketball for Newfoundland. This continued every year until grade 11. Outside of basketball I didn’t have much of a life. I was not well-liked in high school, and was bullied from grade 9 until I graduated

Because of this social pressure, I started to become very insecure, and I skipped school as much as possible to get away from the people who would hurt me. I spent many of my days in tears at home. It hurt my parents, because they had a hard time getting me to go, and my grades dropped horribly. Basically, the only reason I didn’t drop out was because of basketball. Being able to play kept me going. It was all I had.

Sheena Vickers

Page 32: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Upon graduation, I had several scholarships for universities to play basketball, but unfortunately, I didn’t have the grades. This has haunted me to this day. Thankfully, my mother, the rock of my family, got me through these rough times and back into school.

For a while, it felt like everything was going to be ok. That is until my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Her condition deteriorated quickly, and before I knew it, my best friend in the world was gone. I clung to the only thing I felt, which was anger. I slowly started eating myself to death.

I wondered what I had done in this life to deserve the hand I was dealt, and I wanted a way out. Depressed, I slowly stopped doing everything that I loved, and turned to food as comfort. I slowly started to gain weight. Before I knew it, I was so overweight that I just did not care anymore. I tried to go on with my life the best I could, while still gaining weight and not feeling good about myself.

My weight eventually got out of control, and I was so unhappy and depressed that I didn’t want to go out in public. I was in denial about how big I was, and just would not do anything about it. I looked at success stories from Heavyweights on a regular basis, and I contemplated joining for a very long time until I finally decided to make the leap and at least try something.

In September 2012, I started with the Rippedin42 program and I haven’t looked back since.

I met Rob King and his team and I was inspired. I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy working out at a gym. At first you have a struggle with yourself, you tell yourself you can’t, and you play games with yourself. You can’t give in. You have to tell yourself you want it and you need it. I decided that it was my time, and that I needed to change my life for me!

When I started to see the scale move, I was hooked. In 6 weeks I was 22 lbs. lighter, and had lost 12 inches. I was happy, but I was still not satisfied. I was so determined to get back to the person I used to be, I continued on and did “Ripped” for a second time. Every day I felt better, stronger, faster, and healthier. The second 6 weeks marked another milestone, as I had dropped another 23 lbs. and 13 inches.

I remember the feeling of going through my closet and not having a single item of clothing to fit.

Sheena Vickers

Page 33: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

It felt absolutely amazing. I honestly couldn’t believe it was me. I didn’t think it was ever possible to lose the weight. I thought I would always be stuck in a body that I absolutely hated.

I decided to keep going. I next did “StrongHER.” Danielle Rideout taught me to lift and made me stronger.

Now I am in the “Women’s Cardio Strength Elite” program, coached by Rob. He makes me better every single day! I am stronger then I have ever been and I owe a lot of this to him for helping me and pushing me to improve.

10 months after starting I am a new person. This applies not just to the outside, but to the inside as well. I am happy, I smile more, and I am more confident in myself. I no longer dress in clothing that hides my body. I am 70 pounds lighter, and am still moving towards my own goals. I aim to get my body into the best shape possible, and I now have friends like Stephanie Morrisey who motivate me all the time. I can’t thank the Heavyweights team enough for how they have changed me and made me better.

People ask me every day how I did it. Honestly, all I can say is determination and Heavyweights Training Center! This is not just a gym, it really is a family. I have met some of my best friends here, and my love for this gym continues to grow every day. I now work at the gym and I am determined to help people start their own transformations. I want to help change lives the same way Rob has changed mine. It is never too late to start your own journey, you just have to tell yourself it’s possible.

You’ve only got three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got…. I made my choice.

What do you choose?

Sheena Vickers

Page 34: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

“Rob you just inspired me to share as well, hope no one minds. I have battled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Last year I got a severe wake up call at a doctors appointment when I was told I was borderline diabetic on top of struggling with Chrohns disease, severe post traumatic stress, asthma and arthritis.

I am a single mother of a beautiful six year old daughter, at the time she had turned 5 and the doctor said if you want to be around to see her grow up you had better do something about it. I thank god for that trip to the emergency room everyday. My work, my life was affected every day by my health, days I couldn’t get out of bed little lone properly care for my daughter.

Suzanne Dollimont

Page 35: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Suzanne Dollimont

So from September to December of 2011 managed to loose 10 lbs and I thought that was hard. Then my new years resolution for 2012 was to just do it no more excuses. I always tried all the diets and when things were going good I would do the good ole binge eating.

So I studied and studied every article I could find about diet and exercise and got started. Lost 84 lbs on my own then in September I stalled there for 2 months. Then at that point I discovered Heavy Weights, thank god I did. I am stronger now then I have ever been with the coaching from Leanne Badcock, Jeff Thistle, Rob King and Gill Whelan.

Happy to update since November I am now at 108.6 lbs gone and waiting for that weight in tomorrow morning. I am absolutely addicted to my fitness and loving being so healthy. No longer at risk for developing full blown diabetes, chrohns is under control, asthma hasn’t flared up in a long time and not one bit of joint pain.

Thanks to all of you that are in the gym such a great environment.”

Page 36: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Hi, my name is Keith Budden, and I want to tell you about the journey I am on to become stronger, lighter, and in turn healthier.

I am 42 years old, and up to March 2013 I was on the fast road to nowhere. Don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful loving wife, 2 amazing young children, 3 dogs, and a cat. We live in a nice house, in a great location. I have a fulfilling job that I enjoy. Everything was great except for one thing; I had let myself go to the point where when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize the person looking back at me. I found it hard to keep up with my children, my knees where shot, and one hour of anything physical, would result in my joints stiffening up and paining for days.It was around Christmas that it hit me that I had to change my lifestyle. Watching my children playing, I realized two things: the first was that if I didn’t change I would never live long enough to see them grow up, and have kids of their own. The second thing was that my unhealthy lifestyle was having a direct impact on them. They were watching what I was eating, and my level of physical activity, and starting to emulate it. I had to eat better foods, and try and get back to some sort of physical activity.

Keith Budden

Page 37: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

My wife is the person who pointed me in the direction of the Heavyweights Training Center. She did Transform in 42 starting in January, and the results were impressive. She couldn’t stop telling me about the amazing energy and support she was getting every time she walked through the doors of HWTC. I was sceptical, but tried to support her as best I could. I was always thinking to myself that there was no way a gym could do all that. Any gym I had been to always left me feeling isolated, and beat down

So in March, knowing I had to change my lifestyle, and after seeing the amazing results my wife had obtained while doing Transform in 42, I took the first steps on my journey, and we both signed up to do Transform in 42. Right from the start I realized that HWTC was not like any other gym I had ever been to. The coaches really seemed to care about their clients, taking the time to not only provide instructions on the proper way to do an exercise, but also provide the right level of support to help their clients get to the next level. If they noticed someone having a hard time and starting to get down on themselves, they took the time to sit down with that person and have a chat to try and raise that person back up. At the end of the Transform in 42 program I was close to 30 pounds lighter, starting to get stronger, and had discovered the many benefits of Omega 3 oils. Gone were the painful joints, I could participate in physical activity again and not have to pay for in with days of stiff, painful joints.

Next up for me was the Ripped in 42 program, building on the solid foundation put in place with the Transform program. I continued to get stronger, feel better, and have so much more energy. By the end of Ripped I had another 25 pounds gone, and more importantly I was really starting to feel stronger. Not wanting to give up the support and energy I was receiving from the HWTC and my coaches, I signed up for the Built in 42 program. As much as I really enjoyed the first 2 programs I did, I found my happy place with the Built program. I got to lift some heavy sh*t, and really push my limits. I dropped another 20 pounds, but for the first time I started to gain inches in some body parts while still losing fat. By the end of the program I had gained 3.5 inches on my quads while losing 4 inches on my waist.

Since March 2013, I have lost a total of 75lbs, I am a lot stronger, and now have energy to burn. My four-year-old little boy realizes that he can’t live on bread and cookies. We now all eat the same thing for supper. He still has a cookie or something sweet every now and then, but nowhere close to what he use to eat. It is great to hear him say “dad your losing your jiggly belly.” I am not close to finishing my journey yet, and I am sure there will be many bumps along the way, but it is great to know that I can depend on the amazing coaches and staff at HWTC to help guide me along, and provide me with the support to finish my journey……

Keith Budden

Page 38: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Being overweight at 16 is bad enough, being 300lbs at age 16 is embarrassing, unhealthy and shameful. I have been overweight my whole life. I was always the fat chubby kid who was made fun of. I had different clothes and shoes, I was wearing adult clothes in elementary school. I could never get a uniform in the right size, and I felt judged. I could tell by the look in people eyes when they saw me. I was very uncomfortable in my own skin. I have been called ‘fat’ many times.

At age 13, I tried to change all this by hardly eating anything; practically starving myself. No one knew. I would throw out my school lunches without anyone noticing, and skipped many meals. Somehow I thought this would help. I started to realize this was not a solution to my problem, and I did a complete 180 degree turn and started to eat everything, only making things worse. I could never borrow my friends clothes, when we went shopping in the mall I could never find anything that fit. I would fake being sick so I could stay home to avoid the way I felt in school. I was uncomfortable walking down the hallway. I covered everything up, didn’t tell a soul.

Janessa Ward

Page 39: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

In May 2011, my world came crashing down. I was in the middle of a basketball game, made one wrong move and that was it. I had torn my ACL and meniscus at age 14. I was on crutches for a month, gaining weight each day. I could no longer do something I loved, I always turned to sports when I was feeling down. But that was all gone, in a matter of seconds. I pushed through physiotherapy and returned to sports, only finding myself to come home and cry almost every night trying to deal with the pain and mental state I was experiencing. I was afraid to tell anyone what was going on, I kept everything balled up inside.

One day something happened. I was on a cheerleading trip to Halifax and everything went wrong. My knee got suddenly worse to the point where it hurt to walk. I returned home and my doctors said surgery had to be done, I spent to much time putting it off and it was only getting worse. In June 2012 it all started again: bedrest, crutches, rehab and the weight gaining. I was told after surgery that I might never play again. My knee was a mess and I am continuously to this day still chipping my cartilage on a regular basis. I made an astonishing recovery and returned to sports in just three months. I didn’t tell anyone, and as far as my coaches knew I was allowed. It was hard, I was out of shape and struggled with excruciating pain.

In December 2012, something clicked. The scales were reading over 300lbs and I decided I wanted to change. I had struggled with being overweight long enough. Then I discovered HWTC. Being afraid to join and not having the money to pay for the program I held myself back, reading the weekly emails over and over again. I filled out the application multiple times but wouldn’t send it in. I didn’t have the money and my parents were paying for multiple different things and decided this would not be one of them.

They told me it wouldn’t work and that it was a waste. In spite I sent my application in, not knowing how I was going to pay for it but I was going to find a way. I figured out they were giving away a free program. Being to afraid to post my story and weight online I just emailed and hoped I could qualify. The next day in school I found out that I won and I started to cry. I was so happy to be picked, I didn’t know what I was in for but I couldn’t wait to get started.

Janessa Ward

Page 40: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

I was shy, I wouldn’t speak up, I was even afraid to ask a question to all of the staff face-to-face. Within a week everything changed, 10lbs lighter in the first 7 days, but not only that. I started to come out of my shell and I realized how great Heavyweights really is, and what I could accomplish with their help. I decided I would work my ass off for the staff who gave me the free program and for the people who couldn’t afford it yet. I started to get comfortable being uncomfortable, I posted my story and weight in my group, started wearing tank tops to workouts, made new friends and even became less shy around the gym. I found a side of me that I have never seen. I wasn’t afraid to talk to people and became more comfortable with every step I took throughout my journey. Reaching milestones along the way, I started buying clothes into the regular stores, bought my first size medium hoodie and dropped 3-4 jean sizes. I found the courage to write my public speaking speech about eating healthy and exercising with my main focus on HWTC. This was something I wanted to do but felt I would be judged because of my weight, but I learned to stop caring so much about what other people thought. I spoke in front of more than 100 people. I was excited for what I was saying and to be able to say that I was a part of something so great. In the end of my first 42 days I broke the female fat loss record. I became 41lbs lighter and 16.5 inches smaller. That was one of the most rewarding days I will ever experience. Then I completed my second program with amazing results again. Everyone congratulates me on how good I look and what a great job I did. But that’s not what I am most proud of, I am proud of myself for what I learned and the person I have become. I know I still have along ways to go but having the support of the staff and clients at Heavyweights makes me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to in the future. Nothing is ever impossible! I met the best workout buddies that I will be friends with for many years to come. I have found a new home, somewhere where I am always supported, always welcomed, where I enjoy going and look forward to volunteering. For the first time ever I am starting to turn down unhealthy foods because I wanted to, not because I should. My lifestyle has done a complete twist and I plan to keep it this way.

I have never experienced something so amazing, this is by far the best thing that has ever happened to my life. The training center is a life changing experience that I am so excited to be apart of! I am going to continue with my training to reach new goals and see what else I can accomplish with a little bit of help from some amazing people!

People on the outside of HWTC only see the physical results, but it’s the mental results that make the biggest difference. Knowing that you have inspired other people to make a change and seeing other people reach their goals is the most rewarding thing of all.

Janessa Ward

Page 41: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Before Heavyweights I was your typical athlete.

Soccer player, track athlete, pretty much any offer to play a sport I was there ready to go!

Then I found excuses. I stopped going to practice, stopped trying out for teams saying was “too busy”. I gave up what I loved most for what? Apparently it was all for an extra 40 lbs on my mid section. Then one day I said F this and joined Heavyweights!

Best decision ever.

Brought my best friend (who is also a heavyweights superstar!) and we worked our butts off. We met a lot of like minded people. People who didn’t come here to half ass it, rather came to get their ass handed to them. Which was a breathe of fresh air.

Erikka Kimberly

Page 42: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Erikka Kimberly

I went a different route with my goals, I wasn’t bothered by the number on the scale I was bothered by the number on the bar! I just kept pushing myself to lift heavy and sweat my ass off and the rest just fell in place! It also help have a coach look at you and say “go get something heavier, that is way to light”.

Heavyweight reminded me why I was an athlete in the first place.

They gave me back the best feeling in the world, which to me in being my best and beating it!

My transformation is still in progress I have blown my goals out of the water and they keep getting higher and higher!

If I can inspire one other person to not give up, and not worry about the scale then I will have reached another goal of my mine, which is to work so hard with my own training and have a person say “because of you I didn’t give up”. Don’t give up and when you are in a slump get you gym partner and go anyways you won’t regret it!

Thanks everyone for being so awesome you inspire me everyday when you add that extra 5 lbs on you pb!


Page 43: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

Laura started training with me a few months ago at my gym Heavyweights Training Center. When Laura started, she could barely do a push-up from her knees.

She was not highly athletic. She didn’t have great genetics. She had to fight to learn a push-up.

I’m sure many times she wanted to quit But she didn’t. She lifted weights.

She trained with her team (Great job Butterflies!).She kept sprinting, doing sled work, doing jumps, lifting weights. Doing all the thing that work but are damn hard.

She trained like an athlete and lifted heavy weights. She eats right, but she can have a normal life. She doesn’t live off chicken and rice (neither should you).

This is what can be done in 6 months with the right combo of training, nutrition, supplements and good ‘ol hard-work with your team.

Laura Roswell

Page 44: Copyright 201 by Rob KIng · months up there, along with 30 lbs. I decided it was time to quit my job in lab city (say goodbye to the $$$$) and get my ass back in a gym. When I got

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