Page 1: contoh karangan worst experience

Name/NIM : Zeby Ukri Zatta Pelawi/151144032 class : TPPG-1

Worst Experience

I was happy, when I was stated pass the test to continue my study in POLBAN

(Polieknik Negeri Bandung) in department of civil. I started my trip from Jakarta to

Bandung with public bus, and it took 3 hours from Jakarta to Bandung with tollroad.

In Bandung exactly in Panyeleukan, I was lived in my aunt house to prepare the

registration. When the time came, I went to POLBAN with train from Cimekar station

to Bandung station and continues with twice on Angkot. Angkot is a name of public

transportation. When I got in POLBAN, I finished my registration and walk encircled

POLBAN, in my mind Polban is so big and wide. After satisfied walk around POLBAN, I

came back to my aunt house.

To reach to the Bandung station, I must take Angkot two times. When arrived

in Bandung station I straight to buy the ticket to Cimekar station and waiting for the

train. Finally, the train came and I go up to the train. It takes 30 minutes to Cimekar

station frome Bandung station. I was very tired that time and I did not realize fall

asleep in train. When the day already dark, I woke up and paused for a moment. I

look out to the window with a sleepy and confused. view in outside is strange, look

like I never seen before. I started suspicious I already pass the Cimekar station.

Finally, the train stop and I go dawn and see what? I got to the wrong station. In

panic situation I went to the locket to bought the ticket, and it turns out the ticket

exhausted sold. I really confused that time. Next train has come and I encourage

myself to in. I was afraid if the officers came and ask for my ticket, I confused should

answered what. The train stop and I went out the train, there is no officer check for

the ticket. Maybe because already dark that time. Thank god I think. I just need walk

from Cimekar station to my aunt house.that was one of my worst experience.

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