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Consumer Perception Survey in Montenegro

and neighboring countries

- Qualitative research in Montenegro, report

FAO/EBRD – Upgrade of Meat Quality Standards & Exchange of Lessons in

Western Balkans Project

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+Sample and Methodology

Target group Sample

Hotels with 5* 4

Hotels with 4* 16

Hotels with 3* 10

Restaurants with national

cuisine mark10

Largest retail chains 5

Methodology: Qualitative research, in-depth interviews

Number of respondents: 45 from all three geographic regions

Time: approx. 45 min

• In-depth interviews with

owners, managers and

main chiefs in restaurants

/ hotels in which MNE

meat products are

served + Retail chain


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Based on In-depth


Conclusions and


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General conclusions - Hotels:

o Hotels in Montenegro pay the most attention to requests and expectations of tourists, based on

which they define their menues.

o Types of fresh meat served mostly depend on the hotel category and region where the hotels

are located. All hotels offer lamb, veal, pork and beef, for hotels at the seaside is characteristic

to offer fish specialties, while 5* hotels offer game as well.

o All 4* and 5* hotels have wide range of meat preparations originating mostly from

Montenegro, while 3* hotels’ offer of meat preparations is slightly poorer due to smaller

capacities and structure of guests.

o Purchase of fresh meat in 4* and 5* hotels is usually carried out on daily basis through

registered producers/suppliers. On the other hand, 3* hotels procure fresh meat one or twice a

week, from registered producers/suppliers, in butcher stores or markets or from small-scale local


o 5* Hotels purchase meat preparations on daily basis, while 4* and 3* hotels carry out this activity

from 2-3 times a week to once a week. All hotels purchase meat preparations either from

registered producers/suppliers or in markets.

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General conclusions - Hotels:

o Guests in hotels rarely ask about geographic origin of the product, so the hotels don’t

find this item crucially important, and dedicate more attention to quality and necessary


o Traditional products are not hard to find, but it is hard to find companies that

legally produce such products with all necessary certificates. In majority, they are

small-scale producers who have quality, but are unable to either meet demand or own

relevant certificates.

o Almost none of hotels promotes/advertizes Montenegrin products. There are no

written information on country of origin and method of production. However, if the

guest is interested, the hotel staff is ready to provide all necessary information.

o In all hotels, Njeguši prosciutto is rated as premium quality product, with specific

smell, taste and is served on daily basis. In order for this product to become a brand, in

addition to specific method of processing and preparation, respondents think that it is

necesary that raw materials originate from Njegusi or Montenegro as well.

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General conclusions - Restaurants:

o Restaurants build their image on Montenegrin dishes prepared in traditional way, and

guests choose them due to their specificity.

o Types of fresh meat offered by restaurants vary. Restaurants in mountain areas offer

lamb, veal, pork and beef, restaurants in coastal and central region offer dishes from

chicken and fish specialties, restaurants in areas inhabited with muslim population do

not offer meals from pork, while only small number of restaurants offer meals from

turkey and goat meat.

o All restaurants have wide range of meat peparations in their offer, which they usually

purchase from producers/meat industry from Montenegro.

o Purchase of fresh meat is carried out on daily basis, or 2-3 times a week, while meat

preparations are purchased from 2-3 times a week to once a week, depending on the

season. Fresh meat is usually procured from small-scale local producers or in butcher

stores, while meat preparations from registered producers/suppliers or in markets.

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General conclusions - Restaurants:

o Geographic origin of products is very important, because there is significant difference in

quality and method of preparation between products from mountain and lower regions of


o It is very important that products have quality mark/certificate, because it guarantees

quality, while products purchased from small-scale producers (mostly fresh meat) must have

safety certificate.

o Restaurants do not have clear notification that certain products originate from

Montenegro. Considering that these restaurants are national, it is implied that they offer

exclusivelly Montenegrin products, and the staff is trained to present requested information

on geographic origin and method of preparation.

o Njeguški prosciutto is rated as products of premium quality, specific smell, taste and

colour. It is offered in restaurants on daily basis. According to respondents, it is very important

that in addition to specific processing method, raw materials too originate from Njeguši region

or at least from Montenegro.

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General conclusions - Retail chains:

o All types of fresh meat can be found in retail stores in Montenegro, from pork, veal,

baby beef, lamb, to beef and chicken.

o The best-selling type of fresh meat is pork, while buyers in retail stores are ready to

pay more money to buy fresh veal.

o Njeguški prosciutto is the most demanded meat preparation in retail stores.

o When choosing meat preparations, the most important elements for buyers are

quality, price, vacuum packing and expiry date.

o Fresh meat is purchased on daily basis, while meat preparations are procured

depending on offer, but usually two-three times a week.

o Meat preparations are mostly imported from: Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia.

o In all retail stores, “quality mark/certificate“ is critical when choosing meat


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General conclusions - Retail chains:

o They do not cooperate with local small suppliers (individual farmers) because they are not

registered and their products must not be in their offer, according to legal regulations.

o They think that there is a lack of suppliers and producers of meat products to meet needs of retail

stores in Montenegro.

o They are willing to allocate more money for purchase of premium prosciutto from Njeguši under

condition that it is prepared by certain standards and that raw material is from Montenegro.

o Meat preparations from Montenegro and imports are not advertized separately, but in certain retail

stores are physically separated in separate reefer display cases.

o Advertising of specific brand is mostly done through actions on product.

o It is not ggeographic origin that is decisive when choosing Njeguški prosciutto, but quality and


o Respondents think that products of some producers in Montenegro do not have constant quality.

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o Although Montenegro has good offer of meat products in general, it is necessary to invest into

expansion of livestock, so that developed meat industry could use domestic raw material.

o More funds need to be invested into new technologies for meat processing.

o Particular attention must be paid to advertising brands originating from Montenegro. All

restaurants and hotels need to be motivated to better promote Montenegrin products. It should

be clearly stated which products are Montenegrin, method of their processing, etc.

o Preservation of autochthonous types is prerequisite for preservation of taste of traditional


o Montenegrin market has limited offer of fish products (only 1 registered fish store at the

seaside), so the offer of fish and fish specialties in all regions of Montenegro is limited as well,

while the demand of consumers grows.

o Given that Montenegro is touristic country, there is a growing demand for game, but the offer

is very limited. It is necessary to encourage meat producers to enrich and develop their offer

in this direction.

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o Restaurant and hotel staff needs to regularly attend trainings, visit producers, etc., so that they, in

case the guest asks, would be ready to provide as much information as possible on the product itself, as

well as method of its production.This could influence the guest’s choice to great extent.

o The potential for development of meat industry in Montenegro also lies in the offer of trip tours, which

would enable tourists to visit local producers and taste meat products prepared in traditional way on

the agricultural holding.

o The chance for small-scale meat producers lies in associations, and introducing geographic

indication of origin. In that way, small quantities produced would obtain premium quality. Through

associations, producers would be able to meet demands for larger quantities of certain buyers (tourist

and hospitality industry).

o Small-scale producers should be allowed to shorten the way to end consumer through opening local

green markets, where they would offer their products with obligatory meeting of quality standards.

o In order to declare the product as “domestic product”, it is very important that raw material are

not imported, but that livestock is locally reared.

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o According to respondents, Njeguški prosciutto, due to its method of processing and specific

climate has better taste and smell if it is produced in Njeguši. Respondents think that raw

material used for the production should be from Njeguši or at least from Montenegro.

o Improve written informing on meat preparations. Producers must spend more money on

analysis of their products, so that decalarations contain all necessary information, starting from

gluten-free information to other positive aspects.

o Support measures for expansion of livestock are justified considering that the demand for fresh

meat and meat preparations is higher than domestic supply.

o Taking into account that none of retail stores can meet demand for turkey meat from local

producers, there is space for action of local producers to register their products if they have

them and/or invest more into production of turkey.

o It is necessary to encourage traditional method of preparation of Njeguški prosciutto and

compliance with food safety standards.

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Based on In-depth


Hotels 5*

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (1)

Fresh meat meals

o Offer of fresh meat products makes 60% of total

offer in 5* hotels. All 5* hotels have their own

meat specialties based on which the hotel

built its reputation.

o The offer of fresh meat meals is very rich. 5*

hotels offer meals from lamb, pork, veal,

baby beef, chicken, turkey, fish specialties

and game.

Meat preparations

o 5* hotels offer almost all meat preparations

available at Montenegrin market. The most

present products are: pork and beef

proscuitto, bacon, various types of ham,

beef and pork loin, smoked neck.

o Apart from being on daily menu (breakfast,

cold appetizers, etc.), meat preparations

make a significant part of buffet.

o All 5*hotels organize different types of celebrations and events, and clients are usually rich foreign

guests. Special menues are prepared for such events and are defined based on Client’s requests.

o In all 5* hotels decision on what type of meat preparations/fresh meat meal will be offered is made by

F&B managers and chefs.

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (2)

Purchase of fresh meat and meat preparations

o All 5* hotels purchase fresh meat on daily basis, which ensures its

freshness and quality. Meat preparations are also procured every day.

This type of purchase is facilitated by well organized procurement


o A very small quantity of meat is kept frozen. Usually, they are

imported products, such as Irish lamb.

o Purchase of fresh meat and meat preparations is usually done through

official distributors – suppliers. Such purchase ensures reliable

delivery, regular supply and meets quality standards.

o Majority if 5* hotels have more than one supplier of fresh meat and meat

preparations. The schoose suppliers depending on type of products they

supply, quality and price.

o If fresh meat is ordered for special occasions, the purchase is made one

day earlier.

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+Local vs. Imported brands

o Major part of offer of fresh meat and meat preparations in 5* hotels make Montenegrin

products (about 80%).

Domestic brands


Mesopromet Franca


ExYU brands

Pik Vrbovac





Other countries from fich fresh

meat and meat preparations are







o Imported brands from ExYU countries are

used for products which do not exist in

Montenegrin offer.

o Products from other countries are ordered

because foreign guests request them. These

products are known on world market and

offered in majority of 5* hotels in the world.

o Difference in quality exists, because world known products of best

quality are purchased from abroad. However, respondents agreed

that Montenegrin products have good quality and affordable prices.

o Regardless of whether the product is imported or local, it must

have “quality mark/certificate“.

o All 5* hotels said that good traditional products are not hard to find,

but that it is hard to find companies that legally produce

traditional products with necessary certificates.

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+Perception of products and brands

from Montenegroo In general, meat preparations form Montenegro are rated as products of

very good quality. Oscilations in terms of quality are rare. If it happnes,

5* hotels usually terminate cooperation.

o None of 5* hotels purchase products from small of medium sized

producers, because, most often, they do not own necessary certificates,

even though they agreed that their products are of good quality.

o Respondents stated that georaphical indication of origin is not crucial

when it comes to Montenegrin products, because gests appreciate quality

much more.

o Guests ask to taste traditional Montenegrin cuisine and most often are

satisfied with the quality, which is particularly characteristic for guests from

abroad. However, none of 5* hotels has written information on the origin

and method of preparation presented in their menues. If guests are

interested, hotel staff provides requested information.

Brands from Montenegro present in 5* hotels



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+Njeguši prosciutto – awareness,

offer, quality, price

The best/most


prominent/most wanted

Montenegrin cured-meat




o Respondents agreed that it is very important to have Njeguški

prosciutto in their offer. While one purchase Njeguški prosciutto

exclusively from Njeguši, others don’t find that important, because

the difference in comparison to prosciutto from other parts of

Montenegro is minor and guests do not notice it.

o Njeguški prosciutto in 5* hotels is served on daily basis, and there is

readiness to pay higher price for this product under condition that

raw material is from Njeguši.

“In order to declare one

product as genuine Njeguški

proscuitto, it must meet certain

requirements such as: that raw

material comes from Njeguši,

that it has precise salinity, that

is dires in natural conditions,

tahnks to climate and air flow.

Nevertheless, Njeguški

prosciutto today has become

just a brand and is usually

produced in artificial way (in

factories, etc..).”

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Based on In-depth


Hotels 4*

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (1)

In 4* hotels the most present types of fresh meat are lamb, baby beef, veal, pork,

chicken and turkey, while duck, game, fish and sea food are less present.

o Specialties by which 4* hotels are known are: njeguški stake, veal medallions, pork

chops, etc.

Meat preparations offered include pork and beef prosciutto, bacon, loin, sudžuk,

kulen, mortadela, saussages, wurst, kastradina and stelja, while ramsteak, dried

lamb and pork ribs, barbeque saussages, patte and dried ship ham are rarely


o Meat preparations ate usually served in the form of buffet in the morning and evening.

All hotels offer organization of celebartions and on that

occasions use the same types of meat as in daily menues,

although, upj client’s request, other meat products not include

din standard menu are provided.

Decisions on what types of meals will be served at the hotel is

are usually made by chef in agreement with hotel


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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (2)

o 4* hotels usually purchase fresh meat on

daily basis in the season period, while

outside season 2-3 times a week.

o Purchase is exclusively made from

registered producers/suppliers, and

rarely in markets. None of 4* hotels

neither confirmed nor denied cooperation

with small-scale producers or small

butcher stores.

o In 4* hotels, meat preparations are

purchased 2-3 times a week during

season,while outside season the purchase

is made once a week.

o Purchase of meat preparations is usually

made in large markets, while rarely

through registered producers/suppliers.

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+Local vs. Imported brands

Montenegrin brands

• Goranović• Martex

• Mesopromet Franca

• Martinović• Turo

• Gradina

• Miljanić

Imported brands

• Carnex

• Pik Vrbovac

• Pekabrsko

• Dimes

• Gornič

o Majoroty of 4* hotels use fresh meat

and meat preparations exclusively

from Montenegro.

o Products that are most often imported

are the following: patte, wurst, ham

and kulen, due to their better

quality, while tuna fish, losos, squid

and sea food are imported because

there are not domestic producers.

o When choosing products and brand, great attention is

paid that they have quality mark/certificate (HACCP,

ISO standard 22000, etc.)

o All hotels are willing to pay higher price for products

from Montenegro against those imported.

“A prerequisite for the hotel to buy

certain meat products is that they

must have quality certificate

(HACCP standards) and that meat

has all necessary supporting

documents, which guarantees

security and quality.”

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+Perception of products and brands

from Montenegro

o Fresh meat and meat preparations

from Montenegro are rated as

products of premium quality,

specific taste and smell.

o Respondents think that good products prepared in traditional way are not hard to find in

general (agricultural holdings with small production, livestock markets, etc.). The problem is that

majority of producers do not own quality mark/certificate, which prevents them to buy their


o Foreign guests ask about the country of origin and are more interested in the way of

preparation of products than domestic ones. Only one hotel promotes traditional Montenegrin

products. Other 4* hotels neither have written information on the product not promote them in

any particular way (other than information listed in the menu), but hotel staff is rady to provide

such information to guests.

Montenegrin brands offered in 4* hotels

Goranović; Martex; Mesopromet Franca; Martinović; Miljanić

“We promote Montenegrin traditional products

through organization of coctails and presentations

in hotel premises, every 6-7 months. In addition,

we print flyers with Montenegrin traditional

products presented. Such way of promotion

largely contributes to hotel operating.”

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+Njeguški prosciutto – awareness, offer,

quality, price

o Almost all 4* hotels said that the most wanted and the best known Montenegrin product is

Njeguški prosciutto, which is in great demand and it is daily served in hotels.

o Majority of respondents think that Njeguški prosciutto from Njeguši is very similar to

prosciutto from Cetinje or nearby area, so it is not crucial to procure it exclusively from

Njeguši. Therefore, they are not ready to pay higher price for such product.

o On the other hand, a small number of interviewed 4* hotels think that it is very important that

Njeguški prosciutto is from Njeguši due to climate and way of drying, so they would be

ready to pay more for Njeguški prosciutto of premium quality under condition that raw material

is from Njeguši instead imported.

The best/most prestigious/most prominent/most

wanted Montenegrin cured-meat product


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Based on In-depth


Hotels 3*

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (1)

Fresh meat usually offered in 3* hotels: lamb,

veal, baby beef, pork, chicken and fish


o None of 3* hotels has game in their offer, and

turkey is also rarely present.

o All 3* hotels prepare fresh meat meal in

traditional way, and specialties are: beef

ramsteak with fruits in honey brandy; beef

ramsteak with grilled vegetables and

honey brandy; lamb in marinade, etc.

o Types of meat preparations offered in 3* hotels

most often depend on accomodation capacity

of the hotel. Hotels with smaller capacities

usually have pork and/or beef prosciutto,

pork and/or beef loin, bacon, saussages,

wurst and hams, while hotels with larger

capacities, in addition to mentioned products,

offer also sudžuk, stelja, kastradina, dried

sheep ham, dried lamb ribs, chicken

breasts and kulen.

Every second hotel does not offer service of

organizing celebrations due to small capacity of

restaurants while those who organize such events

offer meat preparations from standard menu,

while the offer of fresh meat depends on clinet’s


Decisions on which meat meals and brands of

meat preparations will be served are usually

made by owners in agreement with chefs

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (2)

o Purchase of fresh meat in 3* hotels is

usually made once or twice a week. The

method of purchase varies among hotels.

Some of them purchase fresh meat

directly from registered

prducers/suppliers, others in butcher

stores or markets, and there are those

who purchase fresh meat from small-

scale producers.

o 3* hotels purchase meat preparatons

usually once a week, in markets or

directly from registered producers. About

10% respondents said that they produce

certain meat preparations (prosciutto,

saussage, bacon) by themselves and offer

them in their hotels.

“We buy meat and meat preparations

from different suppliers. We often

purchase meat from local, small

producers (farmers), while meat

preparations are bought from meat

industries.We opted for this type of

purchase because we are satisfied with

both meat industries and traditional

method pf production of fresh meat.”

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+Local vs. Imported brands

Montenegrin brands



Niksen Trade


Imported brands




o About 50% 3* hotels use meat preparations exclusively

made in Montenegro, while the rest procure two-three

products from import in addition to local ones.

o Products that are usually imported are: wurst, ham, tea

saussage, kulen and barbeque saussage.

o None of 3* hotels offers the same product from imports and

local producer.

o Respondents agreed that there is a difference in

preparation, smell and taste between local and imported

products, but this difference is not that visible.

o In regard to “quality mark/certificate“, the opinion

is divided. For one, quality indication is of crucial

importance when choosing brand of meat preparations,

while others think that quality indication doe snot

have particular advantage because large plants do

not follow traditonal method of preparation.

o Majority of 3* hotels are willing to pay higher price for

products from Montenegro in comparison to imported

or premium products.

“The indication such as

‘Good from Montenegro’

does not represent any

particular advantage for

purchase of specific type

fo product. E.g. Meat plants

dry saussage/tea saussage

in electric chamber, which

deviates from traditional

way of preparation and

therefore the product gets

different taste.”

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+Perception of Montenegrin products

and brands

o Montenegrin cured-meat products are of good and verified quality, good

taste and specific smell. Variations in quality exist, but they are

minor/insignificant. Nevertheless, this could have negatove impact on


o All 3* hotels agreed that traditional products are not hard ot find, but large

problem is the fact that. Svi hoteli sa 3* slažu se da do tradicionalnthe best

traditional products are made by small-scale producers who do not

have possibility to sell them to hotels and restaurants due to lack of


o Respondents agreed that the role of geographic origin is very important

for hotels, but guests rarely ask about it.

o While local guests do not matter whether meat preparations are local or

imported, foreign guests are very intersted in tasting local specialties.

o None of 3 + hotels has written information on country of origin and

processing method, or special advertizing for products of Montenegro.

However, the hotel staff is trained to provide necessary information and offer

domestic couisine.

The most present

Montenegrin brands

in 3* hotels

GoranovićMesopromet Franca

Niksen Trade





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+Njeguški prosciutto – awareness, offer,

quality, price

o It is very important for all 3* hotels to have Njeguški

prosciutto in their offer, since there is great demand for this


o Njeguški prosciutto from Njeguši os traditionally processed

and dried, which makes it direr, with stronger, darker colour

and specific smell than prosciutto from other parts of

Montenegro. Exactly for these reasons, majority of 3* hotels

procured this product from Njeguši or from Cetinje and

hearby area, because the difference is minor.

The best/most prestigious/most

prominent/most wanted

Montenegrin cured-meat product



o Njeguški prosciutto is served on daily basis in all 3* hotels and

they are ready to pay higher price for Njeguški prosciutto of

premium quality, under condition that raw material is from

Njeguši instead of other parts of Montenegro or imports.

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Based on In-depth



with national

cuisine mark

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations(1)

Fresh meat meals:

o Fresh meat used for preparation of meals in national restaurants in Montenegro usually include lamb,

pork, veal, baby beef and chicken.

o For preparation of fresh meat meals the least used meat is pork, and small number of restaurants

in their offer have goat meat, turkey and fish.

o None of interviewed national cuisine restaurants have game in their offer.

Meat preparations:

o Meat preparations most present in restaurants with traditional national cuisine are: pork and beef

prosciutto, pork and beef loin, domestic saussage, bacon/pancetta, dried sheep ham, dried

beef and goat ribs, pork shank, sudžuk, stelja, kastradina (in winter period), kulen, ham,


All national cuisine restaurants organize different types of celebrations (depending on capacity).

On that occasion they offer standard menu. However, if the client asks something different, the

restaurants are ready to meet that request.

Owners in agreement with chefs usually make decision on what fresh meat meals and meat

preparations will be served at the restaurants. Naturally, these decisions depend greatly on demand.

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+Consumption and purchase habits related to

fresh meat and meat preparations (2)

o Meat preparations are purchased 2-3 times a week

during the season, while outside the season they are

procured once a week due to longer expiry date of

products. Meat preparations are most often purchased

from registered producers/suppliers or in markets,

while small number of restaurant owners has own

production of these products (usually saussage and


o Purchase of fresh meat in national cuisine

restaurants is done on daily basis during

season, while outside season it is done 2-3

times a week. Fresh meat is usually

purchased from small local producers or

in butcher stores, while smaller percentage

of purchase comes from own production or

trade chains.

“We are beneficiaries of Katun

project, which is aimed to

valorization of catoons and survival

of local/ rural products. We take all

products from holdings, i.e. Small

producers (dairy products and

fresh meat).”

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+Local vs. Imported brands

Local brands

• Goranović• Mesopromet Franca• Niksen Trade• Martex• Gradina• Korać• Brača Musić

Imported brands

• Carnex• Gavrilović

o Only 2 respondents said that they offer both domestic and imported meat preparations,

which make less than 10% of total offer, while other have products exclusively from


o Producs usually prcured from imports are wurst, kulen and hams, while other meat

preparations originate from Montenegro.

o None of national cuisine restaurants purchase the same product from Montenegro and

import at the same time.

o All restaurants are ready to pay more for products from Montenegro in comparison to

imported premium products, because they prefer Montenegrin food.

o They find very important

that products have quality

mark/certificate, because

it guarantees the quality of


o If they buy meat from small

producers who do not have

certificates, it is very

important that it is

inspected by vets and to

have safety certificate.

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+Perception of products and brands

from Montenegro

o According to interviewed, Montenegrin products have stable quality. Producers paygreat attention to be competitive, which reflects on good cooperation among meatproducers and restaurants.

o The role of geographic origin is very important for owners of national cuisinerestaurants, because they think there is a great difference in quality, processingmethod, taste and smell of fresh meat and meat preparations from mountain and lowerregions of Montenegro.

o The restaurants with traditional cuisine think that good traditional products arerelatively hard to find, because the netwrok of smal, producers who have the besttraditional products is not well developed, they have no brand, and majority of them donot own necessary certificates.

“For example, veal and baby beef from the North is very

good, while the best kastradina comes from

katunska nahija. The best prosciutto is from Njeguši, due to terrain where it is

processed, dried and kept.”



MartinovićNiksen trade



Aka tradeo All restaurants with national cuisine have

menues on several languages, with

ingredients of each meal listed. If guests ask for

more detail explanation, the staff is trained to

provide such information.

o Small number of restaurants said that they

have their won web sites with all information on

meals they serve presented.

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+Njeguški pršut – awareness, offer,

quality, price

o A number of restaurants have no Njeguši prosciutto in their

offer because the raw material is from imports or they have

no pork meat preparations in the offer (due to religious

tradition). The other respondents state that it is very important

to have Njeguši prosciutto in their offer because it is

demanded every day in their restaurants.

o It is essential that Njeguši prosciutto is prepared in Njeguši

due to specific climate. However, the respondents consider that

Lovćenski and Cetinjski prosciutto is identical to Njeguški

because the way of preparation, drying and storage is the same.

The best/most prestigious/most

prominent/most wanted

Montenegrin cured-meat product



o A small number of restaurants with national

cuisine pointed out that they are willing to pay

more for Njeguši prosciutto from Njeguši,

because the current price corresponds to the current

quality, and there is a small difference compared to

the prosciutto from other parts of Montenegro, which

quests could hardly notice.

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Based on In-depth


Retail chains

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+The offer of meat preparations

The largest retail chains in



Hard diskont Laković Domaća trgovina (Aroma)


Mercator (Roda)

In of the offer of the fresh meat in retail chains, the

following could be found: pork, baby beef, lamb,

veal, beef, chicken.

There is no game meat in their offer.

The retail chain stores offer a variety of meat

preparations, but the following could not be found:

grgorice, mušnice and dried lamb ribs.

The reason for is insufficient demand by


The interviewed retail chains

have in their offer more than 100


rkets throughout Montenegro

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+Habits in shopping

‘It is very important how the

showcase looks like, whether

it is clean and tidy and how

the meat is arranged. The

efficiency of butchers has an

important role in retail chain

store and they could greatly

influence on the sale’.

o When it is about the fresh meat, the highest

demand is for pork meat.

o While choosing fresh meat, the consumers find the

most important: freshness, quality, color and


o When it is about meat preparations, the highest

demand is for Njeguški prosciutto.

o While choosing meat preparations, the consumers

find the most important: quality, price, vacuum

package, expiry date.

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+Purchase of the fresh meat and meat


o The purchase of the fresh meat is done every

day due to freshness, price and demand.

o The purchase of fresh meat is done through

suppliers and directly from the meat

producers who are suppliers at the same time.

o In all retail chain stores in Montenegro, there is a

great offer of meat preparations, which are

purchased every day and/or two-three times

during the week depending on the demand.

‘Satisfied customer is the

best recommendation for

a product which has

guaranteed place in our


o The retail chain stores cooperate with more than 100

100 suppliers and producers of local/imported

meat preparations.

o In retail chain stores, team of category

management in cooperation with seniors makes

decision on which meat preparations will be

presented in the stores.

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+Mostly represented local and imported brands of

meat preparations in retail chains in Montenegro (1)

Local brands

• Goranović• Mesopromet Franca• Niksen Trade• Martex• Gradina• Panto diskont• Interproduct• Gornič• Turo etc.

Imported brands

• Carnex• Gavrilović• Zlatiborac• Perutnina Ptuj• Pik Vrbovac• Neoplanta• Pakabesko• Matijević• Yuhor etc.

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+Local and imported brands of meat preparations (2)

Meat preparations have been mostlyimported from the countries from theregion: Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, aswell as from Italy and Spain.

In retail chain stores, turkey meat hasbeen supplied from Italy because thereis no producers and suppliers for it inMontenegro or the offer is very limited.

Winter salami could not be found indomestic/local offer, so they areimported.

For retail chain stores, it is very important

that meat preparations from Montenegro

possess the ‘quality mark/certificate’.

The majority of retail chain stores is willing

to pay even higher price for preparations

from Montenegro compared to the imported

ones. Their common attitude is:

domestic/local products are of higher

quality and domestic/local production

should be encouraged.

One of the interviewed retail chain

stores is not ready to pay even higher

price for Montenegrin products in

relation to the premium imported

preparations because the imported

preparations have higher quality,

starting from the production

process to the packaging.

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+Domestic/local and imported brands of meat

preparations (3)

o Cured meat preparations from Montenegro are characterized by

traditional way of production, distinctive for Montenegrin region,

smell and taste.

o Producers of certain preparations from Montenegro have no stable

quality. Sometimes, there are variations in the quality, for instance: too

much dried or insufficiently dried prosciutto.

o In retail chain stores, the preparations are not supplied from small local

producers/suppliers because they are no registered for the

operations and have no certificate of quality.

Meat preparations from Montenegro are notadvertised separately from the imported ones. Theyare mainly displayed at the same refrigeratingshowcases, classified by preparation type.

In retail chain stores, there are shelves for certainproducers of meat preparations, mainly forleaders at the market, where they advertise thepreparations. The retail chain stores charge thisservice or compensate it depending on theiragreement.

The employees in retail chain stores are familiarsufficiently with meat preparations and are able toexplain to customers in case they have questions.

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+Brands of retail chain stores



K plus

Naša kuća





o In several retail chain stores, brands are supplieddirectly from the meat producer who is supplier at thesame time. In other retail chain stores, the rawmaterials are imported, or are supplied from theirown households and from domestic/local meatproducers.

o Retail chain stores, which produce brands independently,possess special meat processing plant, slaughter,package, as well as trained staff for meat procession.

There are no special refrigerating showcases forbrands at retail chain stores.

The advertising of brands has been done mainlythrough the media, billboards, and discounts on aspecified preparation.

‘Brand is the wanted

product of high quality

and affordable price’

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+Njeguški prosciutto

When it is about meat preparations in retail chain stores, there is the highest demand is for

Njeguški prosciutto. In addition, there is a high demand for Njeguška sausage and loin.

The most prominent brands in case of Njeguški prosciutto are the following: Interproduct,

Martex, Gornič.

‘We are willing to pay even higher price for

Njeguši prosciutto of the premium quality from

Njeguši on condition that it has been prepared in

traditional way and that all raw materials are of

Montenegrin origin, not from the imports’.

The geographical origin has no

important role while choosing the

prosciutto. The quality is the most

important characteristic.

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Prepared by:

CEED Consulting LtdMontenegro

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