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Trafford Council

Housing Strategy


Consultation Feedback Report

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Trafford Housing Strategy 2018-2023 Consultation Feedback Report

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Consultation Feedback

Trafford Council have undertook are period of public consultation to obtain views, comments and feedback from a range of interested parties, organisations and individuals on the new Housing Strategy for the borough of Trafford. This report details the comments and feedback received throughout the consultation period. The consultation itself sought views on the emerging draft Housing Strategy for the borough (2018 – 2023) which in turn had been informed by a range of up-dated evidence including a revised State of the Market Report (2017) and the Trafford Vision 2031. Formal consultation began on the emerging draft Housing Strategy on 22nd February 2018 and ran for a period of 4 weeks. The consultation was open to all with an on-line questionnaire posted on to the Council’s web-site along with a copy of the emerging draft strategy document and appendices. The Council also directly notified stakeholders and welcomed direct comments and responses within this 4 week period. Approximately two thirds of the responses received were from local residents and local elected Members providing their own personal views and feedback on the draft strategy, with the remaining comments and feedback representing the views of organisations such as house builders / developers, land agents, planning consultants and service professionals. Where requested responses have been anonymised and so cannot be directly linked back to any one individual or organisation.

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On-line Questionnaire responses

This feedback report details the responses received through the on-line questionnaire only. 27 fully completed and 9 partially completed surveys were received during the consultation period. Analysis and these responses are detailed below.

Trafford’s emerging draft Housing Strategy (2018 – 2023)

Trafford’s proposed and draft Housing Strategy (2018 – 2023) sets out an ambitious vision for the borough. It recognises and plans for accelerated housing development that will support inclusive economic growth, but it very much focuses on people and our plans to reduce inequalities across the borough, building on improving opportunities, health and wellbeing. This draft Strategy underpins The Trafford Vision 2031, making sure that people are valued, and ‘nobody is held back, and nobody is left behind’. To help achieve this vision the draft Strategy is structured around seven housing priorities:

1. To accelerate housing growth.

2. To support inclusive economic growth.

3. To create neighbourhoods of choice through a better mix of homes and attractive,

accessible environments.

4. To reduce inequalities across the borough.

5. To improve residents’ health and wellbeing.

6. To increase the range of, and residents access to, opportunities.

7. To reduce homelessness.

Question 1: Do you agree with the proposed housing priorities for Trafford?

Yes 65%

No 23%

Don't know 12%

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Question 2: Of the seven housing priorities identified for Trafford, which are most important to you and why?

The three most important priorities were recorded as: 1. To improve residents’ health and wellbeing

2. To create neighbourhoods of choice through a better mix of homes and attractive,

accessible environments

3. To accelerate housing growth

The following qualifying comments were received: “Although most people say they agree with a mix of housing types, those living in areas dominated by detached and semi-detached strongly object to terraces”. “Mixed views on the positives and the negative impacts depending upon how these priorities will be achieved and whether they will be at the cost of current tenants/homeowners”. “Agree with priorities 2-7, but don't agree with priority 1. Housing growth should be judged against the other priorities listed and most of all is sustainable”. “Agree with all of the above but I would also prioritize the importance of building high density residential developments in close proximity to Metrolink stations across the borough.” “You are destroying the area by wanting to build on green belt when alternative sites and brown field should be your priority” “This is not about housing people on the whole; this is about the council making revenue” “Nowhere near enough Social Housing. The brakes need applying to housing prices or we won’t be able to afford to live in this country soon”

Response The Council welcome the overall positivity with the proposed strategic priorities. The Council agrees that affordable housing needs to increase across the borough to enable existing residents to continue to live in Trafford. Housing growth is a key priority for the Council, especially close to existing transport infrastructure. We acknowledge residents’ concerns regarding green belt and there will be a further opportunity for any comments or concerns relating to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) to be submitted during the Summer 2018 when the next draft is published.

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To support delivery of the Trafford Vision 2031, local communities will be invited to work in partnership with the Council to draw up ‘Place Plans’ that set out the aspirations for the places where they live. Place Plans will cover the whole of the borough and will incorporate the town centre plans, neighbourhood plans and masterplans.

Question 3: Is the approach of developing Place Plans appropriate for Trafford?

The majority of respondents (69%) agreed that developing Place Plans was appropriate for Trafford. The following qualifying responses were received: “It is vital that local communities are invited to work in partnership with Trafford Council but it is also vital that the providers of support services within the borough are also” “The approach of developing 'Place Plans' with local communities is appropriate and desirable. Ideally participation should be as wide as possible” “Aspirations are all well and good, however, you get the increasing feeling that the council decides first and asks second, I suspect this survey will be used in the same way” “So long as you listen to residents. You have a track record of doing what you want, irrespective” “They are all very well and good if they are from a cross section of the community and they are listened to and acted upon, rather than listened to and then the council do what they want to anyway as usually happens”.

Yes, 69%

No , 7%

Dont' Know, 24%

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“A Place Plan is not clearly defined here, I am not familiar with the term and there is no reference to previous uses of this scheme or the outcome. What is a place plan? What were the results when another local authority used this model?”

One of the key priorities for this Strategy is to deliver a better mix of homes in each place. This means developers and Registered Providers actively diversifying the mix of different types of new homes, as well as offering a wider range of housing products that enable people to rent and buy their home. Our aim is to create more balanced and diverse communities, making it possible for more people to live in homes they want and can afford in more of the areas within Trafford, and to even out the inequalities.

Question 4: Do you think that the housing market within Trafford needs re-balancing?

The majority of respondents (56%) agreed that the housing market within Trafford needs re-balancing.

Yes, 56% No, 19%

Don't Know, 25%

Response The Council are pleased that overall the concept of developing ‘Place Plans’ was accepted. Plan Plans will set the vision for creating great places to live in each area of the borough. These plans will also include what local people’s ambitions are for these areas. Resident involvement is key to ensuring that these Place Plans are a success and we have detailed this within the Strategy.

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The following qualifying responses were received: “Yes as we need to introduce more diversity and equality across the borough. It's clear in all development the accent is for the developers to ensure they firstly get a high return for their investment, meaning the affordable housing one will be limited and the dwellings will not reflect the same specification. This makes any development at first glance hierarchical, thus a barrier imaginary or not subconsciously divides over time”. “Affordable housing is not plentiful” “Getting the balance of equality and diversity will always remain a challenge, as developers will want a good return on their investments, balancing the needs of a truly diverse borough from religious places of worship to health and wellbeing, in existing communities the demographics are there to learn from where they work and also where they don't. Affordable housing on a new development will surely end up being less desirable as the often will be sited on the less favourable and un profitable parts of development sites, outdoor spaces should be available to all, if no gardens are available then balcony access should be a mandatory design spec”. “Lack of affordable” “There needs to be a greater provision for key workers and young people to get good housing. The pressure is that the house builders want to make the most profit out of the site. Can the Council do anything about designating some sites for this sort of housing?” “Properties for sale require a high deposit in relation to income” “There are too many high density developments of 1-2 bed flats that fail to take into account their impact on existing local communities and infrastructure. This kind of development often lacks provision for children and families, green space and leisure facilities, consequently they are often more attractive to investors and 'buy to let' owners than those looking for a home, somewhere to settle down” “I feel the borough is split in half between north and south, where the southern areas of Sale, Hale, Altrincham and Bowdon are desirable and wealthy whereas the northern part including Stretford and Old Trafford is regularly forgotten and there hasn't been enough emphasis on developing these areas in recent years. Trafford Council should be aiming towards a Manchester City Council-style approach of creating Spatial Development Frameworks for each key area of the north of the borough to try and accelerate high quality and cohesive development in these areas. Pomona Island, Cornbrook, Stretford and Old Trafford areas should all have SPDs and masterplans developed to help guide their development. These areas are currently very disjointed and ill-planned after years of piecemeal, low-quality development but now that central Manchester is expanding outwards and the Metrolink is being expanded, this area is starting to gain lots of interest from prospective investors and developers. It's vital that Trafford Council grasps this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop these areas into neighbourhoods of choice for the future”

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“Houses within Trafford are at a premium price, we need a balance of more affordable housing, younger residents cannot afford to buy properties in Trafford, this needs to be addressed” “It is difficult for people of lower incomes to rent or buy properties in certain areas due to costs. Housing benefit does not cover rent in some area which creates inequalities and narrowing of housing choice” “Need more affordable housing to buy for all generations, singles, families & those over 55” “Affordability is a key issue; the cost of housing is now splitting families and communities, stopping the growth of the community” “There needs to be more housing available for first time buyers. By the time people get on the housing ladder they will probably be in their 30s and will be looking to settle down, so I feel some of the new housing being made is not appropriate for this section of society. There is too much focus on building apartments e.g. in Altrincham. First time buyers are not necessarily looking to live in apartments. They are likely to have rented an apartment and are now looking for a house to set down roots and start a family. More 2/3 bed houses need to be made in Trafford” “Not enough one person properties or properties for the elderly who do not want to live in badly managed apartment blocks. There are too many properties to satisfy developer’s greed without thought for current or new residents and their needs”

Response: The Council is pleased that the majority of the respondents agreed that the housing market in the borough does need to be re-balanced and agreed that affordable housing needs to increase. The Council acknowledges that the provision of affordable housing needs to be a mixture of property types, including family homes and more emphasis has been made to this within the Strategy. The proposed Housing Propositions/Place Plans will be specific to the different areas within Trafford and will take account to the variations between the North and South of the borough. The Strategy highlights the need to undertake further research into the housing needs and aspirations of older people and the Council intends to develop a specific ‘Older People Housing Strategy’.

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The proportion of homes of different types, sizes, tenures and affordability in each place, and how that changes as new homes are built, is important because the nature of the housing and the housing products available will determine who lives there. The Council intends to develop a series of ‘Housing Propositions’ for each of Trafford’s places alongside each of Trafford’s Place Plans and Local Plan and in consultation with local residents. These will set out the type, size, tenure and affordability of new homes that are built and where, and how that will help to balance the profile of housing in each place. Each ‘Housing Proposition’ will set out: the current and future target mix of housing (type, size, tenure and affordability).the contribution that the future target mix for that place will make the number of new homes of each type, size, tenure and affordability that is required realistic but achievable density requirements to explain how this mix of new homes, the people who live in them and any other local development and infrastructure together will help to achieve the Trafford Vision 2031.

Question 5: Is the development of a series of locally specific ‘Housing Propositions’ the most appropriate way to seek to re-balance Trafford’s housing markets?

Just over half of all respondents (53%) agreed that the development of a series of locally specific housing propositions was an appropriate way to re-balance Trafford’s housing market.

Yes, 53%

No, 13%

Don't Know, 34%

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The following qualifying responses were received from respondents who disagreed: “Include additional schooling, GPs, HOSPITALS!!! and widen roads to take into account the thousands of additional people” “Trafford is a wealthy area, why would you devalue it by building cheap houses. Sometimes life is not fair, but you have to get on with it. What is the point in building cheap houses only for wealthier people from outside the area to come in and buy them and other properties just because they are desperate for grammar school places” “Fixing the roads. They are disgraceful”

Trafford has an affordability ratio of 8.35 (income to property price). This presents difficulties in terms of recruitment and retention for both businesses and public services because lower paid staff cannot afford to live in the borough. We have recognised that the affordability of housing is a problem for a significant proportion of Trafford’s households, including those in good paid work (sometimes referred to as the ‘squeezed middle’) as well as lower income households. To address these needs, we intend to promote growth in the private rented sector along with more new homes in the intermediate market, both for sale and for rent and with greater flexibility to move between the two tenures.

Response: The Council agree that wider partners and stakeholders need to be involved in the development of the Housing Propositions and have made this more explicit within the Strategy. It is vital that Health, Highways and Education are part of these discussions to ensure that the Housing Propositions are deliverable and sustainable.

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Question 6: Do you agree that affordable housing is a critical priority for Trafford?

Just over two thirds of respondents considered affordable housing to be a critical housing priority or Trafford, however just over one in five respondents thought affordable housing was not a critical priority. The following qualifying comments were received: “I strongly agree, being one of the Squeezed middle income, soon to find myself homeless, not having affordable quality rental accommodation in the borough where I live means I now will have to leave an area I have lived in for 40 plus years and was proud to live in, Trafford was IS the best run authority not only in the greater Manchester region but nationally too. Believe in people trusted in people, we all aspire to have security in our life, we shouldn't have to aspire to this, it should be available to all” “There is a lack of affordable housing in Trafford particularly for families and those who wish to live in a house rather than a 1-2 bed flat with limited on-site amenities” “I fail to believe that private rental properties will be affordable for the low paid workers you talk of. Instead of squeezing developments in to existing areas, why not be bold and build new social housing estates?” “Should consider using council land to build affordable housing and the council make a land charge each year. The home would thus be cheaper (as no land purchase needed) and the council will have a new revenue stream” “Ensuring the properties developed to seek the balancing of housing needs are not bought for the private rented sector will be important”

Yes, 69%

No, 21%

Don't Know, 10%

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“Affordable to BUY is paramount” “I feel that making more homes available for rent won’t necessarily make it cheaper to live in the area based on supply and demand as it will just be seen as a further opportunity for landlords to charge high prices, which won’t reduce the overall average cost of rent in the area. Many people cannot even afford to rent in Trafford based on current prices. What is needed is more truly affordable houses to buy. There is such a lack of affordable housing (e.g. £250k and under) for families and first time buyers in Trafford that they are being forced to rent and save for a deposit. The lack of housing only leads to bidding wars and prices many people out of the market - which in turn increases pressure on the rental market” “Not in the manner suggested rental properties simply put money in landlords' pockets with unreasonable rents charged. Affordable housing should be provided by the council. Also creating different types of housing for the elderly will free up three bedroom properties” “"To address these needs, we intend to promote growth in the private rented sector" The problem identified in the question is that people can't afford to purchase property””

Question 7: Do you think that the Council should focus its support for the delivery of particular types of affordable housing?

Less than half of all respondents thought that the Council should focus its support on a particular type of affordable housing product. Where respondents answered yes then they were asked to comment upon what products or what type of affordable housing should be the focus for Trafford (e.g. more social rented housing, or more homes which enable people to buy their own housing). The following qualifying comments were received: “My interests are services for those with enduring mental health problems. There should be a focus on increasing opportunities for this disadvantaged group in the south of the borough similar to those in the north and central areas”

Yes, 47%

No, 36%

Don't Know, 17%

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“Both with the emphasis on family accommodation” “Affordable rented properties are needed and also affordable houses for first time buyers” “A bit of both, social rented shared ownership and smaller affordable properties” “More affordable homes to buy rather than rented” “Social housing” “There should be more housing for first time buyers in Trafford. Not just apartments, but places for families as the average age of first time buyers is increasing” “Social rented” “More homes which enable people to buy their own housing e.g. young people and graduates”

We are serious about accelerating housing growth. As well as liaising with developers on a site-by-site basis, to speed up delivery we are putting in place new measures to deliver against our plans. We want to be a cutting-edge investor, working at the forefront of best practice and creating opportunities to maximise new housing delivery. We are therefore developing a ‘toolkit’ of interventions and investment opportunities to increase the delivery of new homes. These include:

More, better and improved partnering with the private sector and Registered Providers to

deliver new homes.

Utilising our assets and planning powers to bring sites forward and by directly in building

new homes.

Adopting and implementing a masterplan-led approach to create new sites and

opportunities to build new homes.

Identifying strategic sites for demolition / acquisition / partnership led development.

Using our CPO powers.

Acquiring stalled sites in order to speed up development.

Response: One of the Council’s priorities is to increase the provision of affordable housing across the borough and we are pleased that respondents agreed with this view. The Strategy has been amended to ensure that a range of different types of affordable housing is clearer and that there is a requirement to ensure a mix of different bedroom sizes.

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Reviewing our evidence base for the type and location of affordable housing required in


Taking a flexible approach to where new affordable homes should be built, extend the

range of products currently being delivered.

Packaging sites and programmes to deliver affordable housing.

Identifying sources of funding that might be drawn together to create a Trafford Housing


Proactively promoting the growth of the market rented sector including working with

investors to fund new build to rent schemes across the borough.

Supporting the delivery of housing through alternative models e.g. Community Land

Trusts and self-build.

Ensuring that the Council has the appropriate tools to maximise receipts in relation to

affordable housing S106 contributions. Developing new financial products, unique to

Trafford, to support local people to access homes to rent and buy.

Question 8: Do you agree that the ‘toolkit’ of interventions will help support the delivery of more new homes in Trafford?

61% of respondents agreed that the Council’s proposed “toolkit” of interventions will support the delivery of new homes.

Yes, 61% No, 23%

Don't Know, 16%

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The following qualifying responses were also received: “Tool boxes are great when opened, whilst developers are always looking for specific sites, resource availability is for most, not in the public domain, a strategic plan should incorporate sites of potential use for development, land availability may be reduced due to the river Mersey so can we provided defences to enable more land use ? Also there are small parcels of land that could be offered for long term lease, for the use of residential mobile homes for the over 50's these offer quality accommodation environmentally friendly” “Yes, this is all great stuff. I am especially in favour of the point about adopting and implementing a masterplan-led approach, especially towards the areas I mentioned previously. Using council CPO powers will speed up this process” “The measures mentioned seem to have measures which remove the resident’s interests. Short term privately rented homes will not solve the problem and will in all likelihood have a negative effect on any area they are placed. We need purpose built, low rent, long lease estates”. “Keeping away from all green belt land” “Listening to the voters. People don’t want golf courses built on but the council don’t seem to care. So what makes them think we will trust them going forward” “Keep the private sector out of social housing the sector pushes both rents and house prices up”

Response: The Council believe that the toolkit of delivery mechanisms will support the delivery of new homes, including affordable housing, across the borough and are pleased that the respondents agreed with this overall approach. The Council wants to increase housing supply and will look to use any available powers to accelerate housing growth on sites that have been granted planning permission but have not been brought forward.

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Question 9: Do you think that the Council should be doing more to support the delivery of more new homes in Trafford?

58% of respondents agreed that the Council’s should be doing more to support the delivery of more new homes in Trafford. The following qualifying responses were received: “Limit the time planning permission is given so developers don't bank the land until the prices increase” “We need to invest in more cloud-based equipment and TEC solutions that will harness the power of digital connectivity to underpin the delivery of cost effective and coordinated health and social care in peoples’ homes” “Identifying areas that are available, and expedite planning applications” “Expanding the provision of Supported Housing and introducing a supported lodgings scheme that isn't just for young people who have been Looked After by the Local Authority” “Ensuring that more bungalows are built so that downsizing may be achieved and younger people have available properties” “Free up more land to build on, stop contractors from land banking” “Reduce delays in planning permission being decided for new build sites” “Need to also plan for increased local infrastructure to support, roads specifically, schools, GP’s dentists etc.”

Yes, 58% No, 16%

Don't Know, 26%

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“Plan & fund better infrastructure for roads, locally & visiting. Trafford is gridlocked at the best of times, especially in & around Urmston. Plan & fund for increased school places, GP’s & dentists” “Look to explore Brownfield sites and integrate projects in areas that will embrace the designs, stay off green belt” “Building more 3 bedroom houses for first time buyers at an affordable price. All the new builds are apartments” “Infrastructure development is vital. No housing without vital services” “The council needs to take a stronger stance against developers who are not going to benefit the borough or the wider city of Manchester in the slightest, they are only here to make some quick cash and run away. Using CPO powers to acquire land and selling it on to another developer who cares more about the buildings and the environments they create will ensure that Trafford becomes somewhere that people want to live. I do hope that Trafford Council have learnt from the mistakes they made over the Pomona Wharf "development" and have vowed never to build trash developments in the borough any more. Pomona Wharf is not a neighbourhood of choice, it is a hellish place which looks and feels cheap. Trafford is, as you have recognised, a place that people want to live in. Therefore Trafford Council have much more room to demand more from developers, don't let organisations walk all over the council's planning department. That will get us nowhere. A more co-ordinated plan needs to be put into place for Pomona Island which encourages high quality development of the area before it's too late. This space could be a very special place for Manchester and Trafford borough - with waterside shops, bars and restaurants taking advantage of the area's unique waterway system and wide-open vistas. Please don't let this opportunity be squandered by the greed of developers. The council need to take hold of the area and adopt an imaginative and exciting vision for the area which will bring people into Trafford borough to enjoy Pomona Island and transform people's perceptions of Trafford borough for the better”

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In December 2017 there were approximately 1,650 empty properties in Trafford. Of these around half have been empty for over 6 months (847 properties) which means they represent an unused asset and are potentially a problem in terms of their negative impact on the community. Through a new Empty Homes Strategy we will look to work in partnership with local community groups and elected Members to:

identify those properties that the community would like to prioritise for action

explore options for addressing the issue

draw up a plan of action keep residents abreast of progress. We will consider employing the full range of legal actions including those in the Housing Act 2004 and specific measures such as Empty Dwelling Management Orders. Where these actions fail, we will seek to find a way to purchase the property, refurbish it and make it available for a family in need or for sale.

Response: The Council agrees that more needs to done to assist with the delivery of new homes including working with key partners to ensure transport infrastructure, new schools and new health provision is part of the overall plan for the area. The Council is aware of the issues concerning land owners who are granted planning permission and who have not delivering the schemes proposed. The Council is looking to utilise powers to tackle these issues as part of the toolkit contained within the Strategy. The provision of supported and specialised accommodation is detailed within the Strategy and the Council will be undertaking additional research to identify needs within this sector. The Council will develop a specific ‘Supported Housing Strategy’.

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Question 10: Are empty homes a particular issue within your own street / neighbourhood / community, and if so what else do you think that the Council should be doing to reduce the number of empty homes and bring them back into use?

Around one in five respondents (21%) consider empty homes to be a problem in their street / neighbourhood / community. The following qualifying responses were received: “Private properties that are well looked after, being marketed and are looking for a suitable tenant/sale are not a problem provided they are paying the Council tax, I know several that are empty which can take longer thanks six months to rent out” “It's clear the council doesn't have the capacity to address this issue otherwise there would be no such accommodation existing in the borough, it would be interesting to see the ratio between council owned property, and private sector. For 2 years there has been a dwelling vacant on Chatsworth Stretford Why?” “I think that it is a really good idea to get empty properties back on the housing market for lots of reasons. I previously lived next door to an empty house that was vandalised, not looked after, ended up with vermin problems. A perfectly good house left to rot” “Trafford Council should reserve new build homes particularly flats for Trafford residents/those wishing to purchase a property to live in rather than allowing new build and conversion developments to be purchased by investors where they are often left for long periods vacant or for use as short stay lets e.g. Air BnB etc.”

Yes, 21%

No, 54%

Don't Know, 25%

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“Of course rather than building new homes and dealing with the disruption that causes, we should be looking to make use of what we already have” “Compulsory purchase order, let’s get these properties back in the housing market” “Before building more homes, we should examine why empty homes have been so and rectify” “There are a number of reasons why properties can be left empty, resolving each one and bringing them back into use takes significant amounts of time. I would suggest that sufficient resources are required to enable these assets to be realised” “Empty housing should be CPO'd to provide for homeless” “I know from experience that a derelict property is difficult to bring back to a saleable state - more help and less planning restrictions would help” “Actions to be taken sound like a positive force. I am unaware of any empty properties in my area, this statistic could do with also being displayed as a percentage”

Other / Additional Comments: We recognise that the questions asked within this consultation are not exhaustive and as such do not cover or address all aspects of Trafford’s current and future housing challenges. We would therefore very much like to hear any and all other comments, views and opinions you have in regard to this draft Strategy and the housing issues which affect you / your organisation. Please provide any additional comments below: “More people would be prepared to rent houses provided you can get a bad tenant out but this can take months, cost thousands with court and bailiffs and the house is trashed in the meantime, more protection for good landlords would help to alleviate the rental housing market, no one wants a good tenant to leave or increase the rent if they are taking care of the property”

Response: The Council are pleased to hear that empty properties are not a major issue for those that responded to the survey, however reducing empty homes and bringing them back into use is a priority for the Council. The Strategy highlights the need to undertake a bespoke assessment to determine the extent of empty properties in Trafford and develop a Strategy and delivery plan to tackle these properties.

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“Technology enabled care appears to have been omitted from the strategy. I would like to see a commitment to invest more and develop both assistive technology and predictive technology (including advance risk modelling for early detection of frailty) for our older population and across all tenures” “Firstly it's good to hearing we have a strategy, but this only provides the constitutional aspect in order to satisfy your imposed government requirements, which affects future funding. I take future Carrington as an example, I contacted the future Carrington contact only to hear nothing back, this was what brought me to the Trafford site. Aspiring to achieve a development of this size is very exciting and gives the authorities the perfect blank canvas, and an opportunity to revise, reform and relax planning procedures etc., engagement with the community, developers, businesses, religious sectors should be open and transparent” “Is the reference to vulnerable groups inclusive of those with enduring and serious mental health conditions? I would be interested to know how the strategy will support home owners who are struggling to maintain their property due to ill health, including hoarding/environmental issues. The strategy should consider plans to have shared accommodation for single tenants (with MH or other health conditions where income is limited and to avoid demand on single bedroom properties) How will you gain pledges from providers to join the Housing first programme, will they cherry pick and the disadvantaged groups lose out?” “There needs to be emergency accommodation for people of all ages with the option of people staying for a period of time and being supported into their own tenancy, this could also be with floating support. The emergency accommodation could also have the option for people to stay for a short period of time when they need 'time out' from their current situation” “The main concern in Trafford is the way the council seems hell bent on destroying our green spaces to appease developers and deliver housing at all costs. We have to live in these areas for the years to come and what is done can’t be reversed, the current strategy risks ruining some of what makes the borough appealing. Speaking to friends in other areas, it is the increase of short term rentals and buy to let landlords which have had a negative impact on the areas they live, we need secure long term rentals where people feel part of the community and have a stake. It has to be noted that many of your plans don’t come with the necessary infrastructure required and in most places the services which once existed have now been cut, meaning there is less to go around. Our schools are double classed, surgeries full, roads and air quality abysmal, yet the council seems to only want to make the issues worse. What is the problem with properly planned and developed social housing?” “We're full up. Sort the roads and infrastructure first” “Please protect green spaces we need them to be able to breathe. Prioritise brown field sites. Create infrastructure before houses”

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Response: The Council are pleased that overall the respondents were positive about the creation of the Trafford Housing Strategy, the proposed Housing Propositions, the delivery mechanisms and the need to increase affordable housing provision across the borough. Amendments have been made to the Strategy to ensure:

Reference is made to ‘technology enabled care’.

More emphasis around the need for different types and sizes of affordable housing is contained within the Strategy.

Wider partners and stakeholders involvement in the development of the ‘Housing Propositions’ is made clearer within the document.

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Equalities Monitoring Information

Respondent Profile:

By current living situation 95% of the respondents were home owners, either with a mortgage or without a mortgage (i.e. mortgage free). By Age Around two thirds (65.23%) of all respondents were aged 41 years or more. The most responses by age cohort came from 56 – 60 year olds (17.4%). Around 8% of all responses were from respondents aged 30 years or less. By Gender Over half of all respondents (52%) were women, with around one third men and the remainder preferring not to say. By Ethnic Group 64% of all respondents classified themselves as being White British, with a further 20% classifying themselves as White English, 4% White Irish and 12% who preferred not to say. By Sexual Orientation 76% of all respondents classified themselves as being straight / heterosexual with the remainder preferring not to say By Religion / Belief 37% of respondents classified themselves as Christian; 17% as Atheist; 21% as having no religion or belief; and 25% who preferred not to say. By Disability 4% of respondents classified themselves as having a disability; 76% as having no disability; 20% preferred not to say.

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