Download - Competency # 2

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Competency # 2

byKarolyn KirbyKaty Germain

Sabrina Desilets

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1- Importance of schools

2- Communication

3- Essentials of language


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What is a competency ?Definition- varies

Certain features-

Context Evolution Resources Ability Reoccurring


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Professional competencies


1. Professional inheritor

2. Language/ Clear communication

Teaching act

3. To develop appropriate teaching/ learning situations

4. To pilot appropriate teaching/ learning situations

5. To evaluate student progress

6. To plan, organize and supervise a class

Social and educational context

7. To adapt your teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, …

8. To integrate information and communication technologies

9. To cooperate with school staff, parents and partners

10. To cooperate with members of the teaching team

Professional identity

11. To engage in professional development

12. To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behaviour

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To communicate clearly in the To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both language of instruction, both orally and in writting while using orally and in writting while using correct grammar, in various correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching.contexts related to teaching.

( Professional competency )

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Meaning of the language competency

• Introduction

• Culture




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• Appropriate language

•Rules of grammar and stylistics

•Precise vocabulary and correct syntax.

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•Take a position


•Speak clearly and effectively

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Mastery of the skills

Master the rules of oral and written expression


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Reference: Gouvernement du Quebec, Ministere de l’education, (2001) p. 55, 63 – 67, 125.

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