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This portfolio was centred on the theme of ‘Alcoholism’. Why do adolescents consume alcohol?

There is no single cause responsible for the consumption of alcohol by adolescents. Those

individuals who are heavy alcohol consumers do not readily admit so. However, research has led

to the conclusion of three distinct reasons as to why adolescents consume alcohol which are to

escape reality, peer pressure, to satisfy their urging curiosities.

The rough teenage years often take an emotional toll on adolescents, sometimes even causing

depression, so when teens are given a chance to take something to make them feel better, many

are unable to resist. Teens are turning to escape the hassles of home, school and even dating.

Even when they are unhappy and want to let out their frustrations, they turn to alcohol for

consolation and solace. The effects of the alcohol allow them to feel blissfully oblivious,

wonderfully happy, or energized and confident.

Peer pressure is a powerful force at any stage of life, but it’s especially influential during

adolescence. At a time when kids are trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in they

desire to be accepted and liked by their peers. Many teenagers find that their friends encourage

them to drink. By simply saying no there can be painful consequences ranging from being

laughed at or mildly teased, to being humiliated, rejected, and even bullied.

As the famous saying goes, “Curiosity killed the cat”. However, not only did it kill the cat,

curiosity it also can be a very seductive temptress. Adolescents often desire to try new things and

explore the world. The desire to find out what it feels like to get drunk or high. In addition,

teenagers are less closely supervised and often left home alone for chunks of time allowing them

time to enjoy their bliss.

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There were no difficulties faced while conducting research for this topic. Data collection

methods were appropriate as satisfactory information had been given on this topic. The data

collected was comprehensive, easy to grasp and manageable.

Evaluating sources

1. From the series of books: The Encyclopaedia Of Psychoactive Drugs

Book Entitled: Alcohol and Alcoholism

Written by: Ross Fishman Ph.D.

The author of this book Ross Fishman holds a master’s degrees and a PhD from the University

of Pittsburgh in the field of psychology. He specializes in Substance Abuse Counselling and

Clinical Psychology and has been in the business of over 20 years and counting. He is APA

certified for the proficiency in the treatment of alcohol and other psychoactive substance use

disorder. Dr. Ross has had much experience in his field of study including:

Owner of Innovative Health Systems established in November 1985 –Director,

Education and Training

Alcoholism Council of Greater New York where he was responsible for

developing educational programs, seminars and workshops for professionals

regarding the nature and treatment of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

Queens College, CUNY where he taught Introduction of Psychology.

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2. Drugs and Drinking

What every teen and parent should know

Written by Jay Strack

Jay Strack has authored nine highly acclaimed books including the one just mentioned. He is a

self-motivated speaker and founder of Student Leadership University. He speaks to more young

people than anyone in America he has addressed more than 8,000 assemblies and is in demand as

a speaker to corporate groups and pro sports teams. Strack is a former pastor and has been

commended for his work against drugs. He even served on the President's Drug Task Force

under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

This book speaks to adolescents and their parents. The information supplied in this book does

match its purpose which is to inform its audience about the use of drugs and alcohol.

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