
Colleen McCue, Lindsay Clovis, Kayla Canfield, Jess Mehlfelt, Kevin Moran Backpack gets a GPS measurement from the satellite. Bounces signals through atmosphere which may change the accuracy. Base station at known location tells the back pack the difference between satellites signal and its actual location. Backpack in radio contact with the base station. GPS -- RTK-GPS technology Measures height from given sea levels Data from base station communicated by UHF radio to roving unit Gives horizontal and vertical resolution GPS takes into account surveyors height Methods Put on GPS backpack Enter height to calibrate Begin at end of one transect, hit START button, slowly walk transect, hit STOP button at end Repeat for transects 1 thru 10 Import raw data from GPS into GIS Download White Point Swash images and files from SCDNR website (images: pictures of area, files: lat. long. coordinates) Change the shape file (ours) to state plane feet to coordinate with SCDNR data Change symbology Change points of elevation colors Classify elevation increments (more, less, different numbers) Add scale and compass rose White Point Swash surveying Elevation data of 10 transects and 2 channels Elevation data (z) imported into Excel Transects 1-10 Raw x,y,z data imported in GIS Colors assigned according to depth Data overlaid onto a SCDNR aerial photo Photo had GPS coordinates (align w/ data)

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