Page 1: Chapter CA1R South Orange County, CA

January 2016

Chapter CA1R   South Orange County, CA

Monthly Gathering Place:Hometown Buffet

1008 E. 17th St Santa Ana, CA

8:00 AM Breakfast 8:30 AM Meeting

First Sunday of the Month


Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter CA-1R - South Orange County, CA

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January 2016

Chapter Miles for 2015 far:

107,593 Chapter CA1R communicates on channel 31

Community Spirit

We continue to collect the following at the monthly gatherings: Toiletries Pull Tabs


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January 2016

Kenny &Sharon Devor - Chapter Directors

2016 is going to be a terrific year for CA-1R. We have many dedicated members who are willing to give of their time to make our chapter a fun and exciting place to spend time with friends. We are going to plan events and rides that are fun, interesting, and invigorating to spark adventure and excitement in all who participate.

One thing that will be new each month is a member spotlight in the newsletter. Everyone thinks they know everything about everyone already. However, I would like to get to know members on a more personal level than a Chapter Gathering allows. This spotlight will allow folks to learn more about you. It’s hard to get volunteers so Sharon and I will go first. Each month I will invite another member to share their bio with our GWRRA Family.

So, Here we go:






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January 2016








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January 2016

Bill Himebaugh - Chapter Educator

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this year gives you the greatest riding fun ever. This past year we have shared many wonderful experiences together and sadly, some painful losses. But I must say that my overall impression is that we are still the luckiest riders in the world. These are the top 10 reasons I feel that way:

1. I ride with friends who practice safe riding skills – Like in team sports, the overall performance of a group is dependent upon everyone doing their part. Skilled and fundamentally sound riders make for the most fun rides.

2. I get to share experiences – Everyone has had different riding preferences and happenings that when shared, make everyone a better rider. I am thankful for what I have learned from our members.

3. I ride the best bike – Okay, tastes vary, but in my opinion the Goldwing is the most comfortable, durable and rider friendly bike on the road. Whether cruising or carving canyons, nobody can fault its versatility.

4. I have enjoyed great relationships - Riding with Chapter R has left me with lifelong friends – the real wealth of life.

5. The weather is unsurpassed – Ever see the mileage of Goldwings sold out of state? Much lower! They just don’t have the number of good riding days we get here in Southern California.

6. I have a great co-rider – my bride is one of the most calm and supportive co-riders around. She prepares well for a ride, keeps track of stuff and allows me to concentrate on riding. Also, a massage of the shoulders, a hug around the waist, or just the fun conversations make the long rides easy.


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January 2016

7. I get to help others – Ride for Kids has been something we have done every year with the chapter. We also have had several folks participate in the Injured Warriors ride. It feels good to see these efforts payoff for those less fortunate.

8. I learned more about my bike – Being a less than skilled mechanic, there were many things I dared not try to do on my bike. Well, this past year I was able to work on the overflow reservoir, replace headlights and keep my wheels free of deposits. This is thanks to friends in the Chapter who showed me how.

9. I get to help put on the best Chapter Rally around - Rally in the Valley has become less of a pressure and more of a fun time. The folks at R really know how to put on an event and have fun doing it.

10. I have a variety of rides from which to choose - From the beaches, to the desert to the mountains and canyons, SoCal offers the most incredible scenic and meandering routes. Most of us have knowledge of only a small fraction of what is available only a few hours away. I am hoping to be able to start documenting these routes for Honda’s GPS system to create an electronic ride library.

So next time I start feeling angry or frustrated, I hope I can remember how lucky I am where I am. Ride safe and have fun!


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January 2016


Gold Wing Road Riders Association Rider Education Levels Program “The Building Blocks of Rider Education”

Master Tour Co-Rider/Rider

“The Pinnacle of our Program”

Level 4 “Safety by Enhanced Commitment and Preparedness”


Maintains all Requirements and Safe Miles for 1 Year

Level 3 “Safety by Preparedness”

Level 2 “Safety by Education”

Level 1 “Safety by Commitment”





Proper Riding Gear

Traditional First Aid AND CPR Training

25,000 Safe Miles

Traditional First Aid OR CPR Training

GWRRA MEDIC First Aid (Covers CPR and First Aid)

GWRRA Riding Course MSF RiderCourse Other Equivalent

Motorist Awareness Seminar

Sanctioned GWRRA Motor-cycle, Trike, Sidecar, Add-

on Parking Lot Practice

GWRRA Rider Course MSF RiderCourse Other Equivalent

5,000 Safe Miles

Personal Commitment to participate in Rider Education

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January 2016

Hello California!

First of all Bob & I would love to wish everyone of you a great, wonderful, and FUN New Year. As we enter 2016 there are so many changes and opportunities to look forward to, or be nervous about, depending on your perspective.

We again want to thank Vince and Pam Puterbaugh for their sincere service to California for the last

three years. Much time and heart went into GWRRA as they loved participating, riding, and just being with the membership of California. THANK YOU!

Bob & I are fast approaching our first duties at Officers Conference. We hope to see many of you there as we install new officers, honor those stepping down, learn of the newest and greatest ideas from GWRRA, but most of all… have FUN. We hope California comes out to show Vince and Pam how much we appreciate all they have done for the California family. The new mascot will be revealed as well as the District Game for the year, games, and a time for all of us to rally together to make California the best district in GWRRA. GO CALIFORNIA! We hope to get to know each of you better throughout the year, so we can better serve our members. Our first opportunity will be at the party in our room after the conference. Hope you can join us for more FUN and FOOD. (I was told that if you have food, they will come…or was that ice cream)

This year of 2016 promises to be exciting. We are excited about serving California as the District Directors. We ask all of you to come enjoy the ride with us.

Nancy & Bob Clark

CA District Directors


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January 2016

Novella Vandal 1/19 Jack & Patty Wear 1/11


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January 2016

December Monthly Gathering At a Glance

Monthly Chapter Get-togetherMeeting Date: December 6, 2015 Chapter Members 33 GWRRA Visitors Non GWRRA Visitors 0 Bikes 6 Trikes 0

50/50 Winners Novella Vandal $49Mike Davis $48

Birthday/Anniversary Novella Vandal $10

Donation raffle Cathy Diaz $10

Door Prize Donors:Dean & Sharon Raustadt Mike & Gayle Davis Phil & Liz Bahler Kristi Moore Jan Jaffke Tom & Sharon Brower Kenny & Sharon Devor Bill & Gay Himebaugh Mona Levig George & Jackie Neuman Tom & Vicki Lorenz George & Cathy Diaz


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January 2016

January 2016 Observances

1/1 - New Year’s Day 1/2 - Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day 1/3 - Festival of Sleep Day 1/4 - Trivia Day 1/5 - National Bird Day 1/6 - Cuddle Up Day 1/7 - Old Rock Day (opportunity to enjoy and appreciate old rocks and fossils) 1/8 - Male Watcher’s Day (one for the ladies) 1/9 - Play God Day 1/10 - Houseplant Appreciation Day 1/11 - Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day 1/12 - Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day 1/13 - Make Your Dream Come True Day 1/14 - Dress Up Your Pet Day 1/15 - National Hat Day 1/16 - National Nothing Day 1/17 - Ditch New Years Resolutions Day 1/18 - Winnie the Pooh Day 1/19 - National Popcorn Day 1/20 - National Butter Crunch Day 1/21 - National Hugging Day 1/22 - National Blonde Brownie Day 1/23 - Measure Your Feet Day 1/24 - Compliment Day 1/25 - Opposite Day 1/26 - Spouse’s Day 1/27 - Chocolate Cake Day 1/28 - Fun at Work Day 1/29 - National Corn chip Day 1/30 - National Inane Answering Message Day 1/31 - Backward Day


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January 2016


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January 2016


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January 2016


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January 2016


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January 2016


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