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Chapter 5The Four Major


A Glimpse of Chinese Traditional A Glimpse of Chinese Traditional CultureCulture

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The Four Major Inventions

Compass Papermaking Gunpowder Printing

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The compass is a device showing geographic( 地理的 ) direction by using the earth’s magnetic( 磁的 ) field. It enabled trade and exploration in whole new ways.

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Early in the Warring States period, while mining ores and melting copper and iron, Chinese people chanced upon a natural magnetite that attracted iron and pointed fixedly north.

Referred to as a "South-pointer", the spoon or ladle ( 长柄杓子 ) shaped compass is made of magnetic lodestone ( 天然磁石 ), and the plate is bronze. The circular center represents Heaven, and the square plate represents Earth.

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A compass vehicle ( 指南车 ) was an ancient Chinese vehicle equipped with many gear wheels and a wooden figure that always pointed south no matter which direction the vehicle went. It’s an earlier and more primitive form of the compass.

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The Compass gives play to ( 发挥 ) important function in the navigation after introducing to Europe.

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Paper MakingPapermaking Skill

Paper has been a major medium of recording, transmitting, and storing information in human civilization. The earliest characters were inscribed on bones, tortoise shells and bronze wares in the Shang Dynasty and later on silk, bamboo and wood.

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Do you know the process of paper-making?

In the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D.105), a court official named Cai Lun ( 蔡伦 ) used inexpensive materials such as bark, hemp ( 麻头 ), rags, fishnet, wheat stalks ( 麦杆 ) and other materials to make paper, known as Cai lun Paper ( 蔡侯纸 ).

The materials were soaked, cut into pieces, boiled with plant ash, washed, and grounded with a pestle in a mortar ( 杵和臼 ). The mixture was then poured evenly on a flat surface to dry, or baked to become paper. It was relatively cheap, light, thin, durable and more suitable for brush writing.

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Paper Making

Bamboo Slips The bamboo slip has

been used as a book form for the longest time in Chinese history. It was the main writing tool before the invention of papermaking and the popularization of paper.

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Gunpowder was invented in China, not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives, but by alchemists ( 炼金术士 ) seeking the elixir ( 长生不老药 ) of immortality.

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Gunpowder is made of niter( 硝石 ), sulfur and charcoal three kinds of materials mixing.

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In the Tang Dynasty, the gunpowder begins to be applied to the military affairs.

People utilize the throwing stone machine, light the gunpowder bag and throw out, burn the enemy, this is the most primitive cannon.

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In the Yuan Dynasty, the method of making gunpowder was introduced to the Arab world and Europe, bringing a series of revolutions to weapon manufacturing, as well as to stratagem ( 战略 ) and tactics ( 战术 ) on the battlefield.

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Printing/ Typography(凸版印刷 )

Printing, known as “mother of civilization”, was another great invention of the Chinese people.

It has a long history and includes block printing ( 雕版印刷 ) and movable type printing ( 活字印刷 ).

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Block Printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relief ( 凸起 ) on the blocks. Ink was brushed on the engraved block and a white sheet of paper was spread across it and then brushed with a clean brush on its back leaving an image when the paper was removed.

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The woodblock printing appear in Sui Dynasty. To carve protruding backward Chinese character( 反写字 ) on woodblock with knife, then brush Chinese ink-liquid, and print on the paper.

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The world’s oldest surviving book printed on paper is Vajra Sutra ( 《金刚经》 ).

It is the earliest woodcut illustration in a printed book.

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In Song Dynasty, word worker Bi Sheng (A.D.1004-1048) use the clay with viscidity (粘性) , make into the rectangle cube (长柱体) , carve the single Chinese characters on it, burn it with the fire, form the font (活字) . The printing skill is named the typography / movable type printing ( 活字印刷 ).

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Movable Type Printing involved engraving single words into pieces of clay, firing them until hardened and using them as permanent type. The type was then set into printing plates.

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Other Impressive Ancient Inventions

The ancient Chinese had brought many other fine inventions to mankind such as fireworks, the abacus ( 算盘 ) and silk.

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Fireworks: Fireworks were probably

first made by stuffing gunpowder into bamboo sticks. It was commonly thought that explosions would scare off evil spirits and ghosts.

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The abacus was an early form of a calculator. It is a frame with rows of beads( 珠子 ) on metal rods( 杆 ) that are used for calculations.

Usually, it can be separated into two sections; two beads above, each representing 5 and five beads below, each representing 1, it was used for the four fundamental operations ( 加减乘除四则运算 ) of arithmetic ( 算术 ).

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Silk: A few centuries ago, European traders trekked along the Silk Road for China’s exquisite ( 精致的 ) silk which only the Chinese knew how to make by rearing silkworms. It takes 40,000 silkworms to make just five and a half kilograms of silk.

Silk is cool to wear in hot weather and warm in cold weather.

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Porcelain is made from coal dust and the fine, white clay called kaolin ( 瓷土 ). It is baked at 1200 degrees centigrade while ordinary ceramics(陶) are baked at 500 degrees centigrade. The first glazing color (釉色) was blue from the mineral cobalt ( 钴 ).

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Discussion (5 minutes)

How do you feel about the Four Major Inventions in ancient China?

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Discussion topic for next class: Which Chinese festival do you like


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