Page 1: Cets 2013 gregory applying learning  theories  to e_learning design

Janet Gregory

Kenneth King

August 20, 2013

Page 2: Cets 2013 gregory applying learning  theories  to e_learning design

Explains what has happened in the past Predicts what will happen in the future Implies ways to control or respond to what is

happening in the present

Theory Modelvs.

Descriptive Prescriptive

Things to attend to

Framework of things to do

Mind Map Process Diagram

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Background & the three Ah Ha’s Organizing theories into categories Key characteristics and learning strategies for

each category Practice applying learning theory to scenarios

◦ You’ll learn: A practical framework for considering a broad

range of learning theories in your design work Potential learning strategies that you can apply to

elearning design based on learning theories

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More practical to think in terms of “buckets” of theories, not individual theories

Pedagogy-AndrogogyUnderstanding has changed over the years

Learning theories are delivery method independent

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Characteristics◦ Achieve “correct”

response through stimulation of the senses (responding to stimuli)

◦ Reinforce desired behavior; Discourage undesired behavior

◦ Start with a clean slate (traditional view) (people tend to make connections to what they already know)

eLearning Strategies◦ Provide stimulation that

is truly representative of the task to be performed

◦ Provide reinforcing and remedial feedback (more than correct/incorrect)

◦ Games (e.g., earn points or badges)

◦ Progress charts

B.F. Skinner; Ivan Pavlov

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Characteristics◦ Use the situation as the

focalpoint of the learning

◦ Knowing is intertwined with doing

◦ Is often informal learning; cognitive apprenticeships

eLearning Strategies◦ Present content (and

practice) in the context of the work

◦ Problem-based

◦ Story-telling, vignettes, cases

◦ YouTube videos, podcasts

◦ Just-in-Time training

Jean Lave; Etienne Wenger

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Characteristics◦ Learners grow up/live in

particular social/cultural contexts

◦ Colors and images have different meanings in different cultural settings

◦ People learn from interactions with others

◦ People have emotional reactions to situations and content

eLearning Strategies◦ Reflect learners’ core


◦ Interface design (colors, style, graphics)

◦ Terminology, language & writing style

◦ Enhance ability to relate to the content (e.g., voice of the expert, friendly advisor, leader)

◦ Text vs. media usage (videos or avatars)

Lev Vygotsky; Jean Lave; Etienne Wenger; Belenky/Clinchy/Goldberger/Tarule

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Characteristics◦ Based on how the mind

works (sensory input → working memory → long-term memory)

◦ Mental mapping; building schema to put information in proper relationships

◦ Learn by building strong synapse connections with repetition or intense emotions (use it or lose it)

◦ Manage cognitive load

eLearning Strategies◦ Explain relationships and

provide strong transitions; Keep the learner oriented to where they are in the bigger picture

◦ Move from simple to complex

◦ Use an ‘accomplishment-based’ writing style

◦ Provide multiple opportunities to practice; Scaffolding

◦ More ‘pulling’ of content (not ‘pushing’ content); Avoid sensory overload

Jean Piaget; James Zull; Ruth Clark

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Characteristics◦ Making your own

meaning; making your own associations

◦ Learning from experience (individual and social)

◦ Pulls together elements from other ‘buckets’

◦ Reflection = training

eLearning Strategies◦ Organizing content into

building blocks; Scaffolding

◦ Comparing and contrasting to other content or processes from prior experience

◦ Opportunities to pause and reflect; Allow time for the associations to be built, solidified & tested

◦ Working through cases

◦ Full-functioning simulations, Second Life

Lev Vygotsky; Jerome Bruner; David Kolb; James Zull

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Scenario◦ Large company; mostly knowledge workers

◦ About to implement an upgrade to a computer system used by hundreds of employees A few new features Easier to navigate A process change being made at same time

◦ You are designing elearning for existing system users

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Scenario◦ Neighborhood non-profit organization

◦ Provides after school programs and runs a teen center in a low-income neighborhood

◦ Attempting to educate low-income teenagers (pregnant and not pregnant) about childbirth

◦ You are helping them design elearning as one element of the education program

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Scenario◦ A work process redesign is being implemented in a

major division of a large corporation

◦ The new process involves implementing new equipment

◦ A reorganization is taking place at the same time and many employees will be performing different parts of the process on the new equipment

◦ You are design an elearning overview to introduce division personnel to the process, equipment and organization

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