  • 7/25/2019 CE 331C Route Surveying


    Definition of Route Surveying

    Route Surveying is a branch of Civil Engineering dealing with the design and

    construction of linear works, such as roads, highways and pipelines. 1A ocation Control !Route

    Survey" refers to surveys e#ecuted for the purpose of ac$uiring an interest along a linear

    corridor. %A co&pleted route survey will provide sufficient $ualitative infor&ation and

    di&ensional data for indicating the feasible align&ent, grades, and cross sections, and proposed

    right'of'way lines. A route does not provide construction data as can be developed fro& a

    preli&inary survey. Rather, a route survey provides infor&ation and data pertaining to general

    location possibilities, feasibility, and probable cost of right'of'way, construction, use, and

    &aintenance. ()ighway surveys involve &easuring and co&puting hori*ontal and vertical

    angles, elevations, and hori*ontal distances. +he results of these surveys are used to prepare

    detailed plan and profile base &aps of proposed roadways. n addition, the elevations deter&ined

    in the survey serve as the basis for calculation of construction cut and fill $uantities, and in

    deter&ining roadway banking. +his section presents a review of basic ter&inology, concepts, and

    standard procedures used in highway surveys. Surveyors are tasked with finding the &ost

    effective route to follow. An engineer will use the data gathered by the Surveying party or tea&s

    to plan out the route pro-ect in detailed work with certain specifications for workers to follow.

    +ea&s &ay spend days or weeks in the work field, varying on the nature of the pro-ect and where

    it is built. t is necessary to have a surveying degree or si&ilar $ualification to participate in a




  • 7/25/2019 CE 331C Route Surveying


    route survey, and so&eti&es internship positions are available for surveying students who want

    to ac$uire practical skills.

    urpose of Route Surveying

    Route surveying is to plan, design, and laying out of route such as highways, railways,

    canals, pipelines, and other linear pro-ects. t co&&only updates topographical, geological, soil

    and other &aps. Route Surveying is a /survey of the earth0s surface along a specific or particular

    route and it correlates selected contours and ob-ects with geodetic reference points and

    land&arks during linear surveys and also in the study of the dyna&ics of natural and

    socioecono&ic pheno&ena in a narrow strip of terrain. n a route survey, representations of the

    actual course of the survey and of the plane hori*ontal features on both sides of a specific road is

    within the li&its of direct possibility are plotted on a &ap board using &ethods of instru&ent

    surveying. +his type of Surveying has been e#tensively and widely used for centuries in &apping

    inaccessible areas. Route Surveying is done for such principally as sets of survey -obs to

    supple&ent a co&prehensive survey. Route surveying works &ay include surveys of e#isting

    roadways for upgrade or locating proposed new transportation syste&s. Route surveys re$uire,

    by their nature, the use of curves to ease the transition for vehicular &ove&ent along these roads

    and to increase the safety for the driving public


    5(urpose o$ )oute *urve!ing:$erence


  • 7/25/2019 CE 331C Route Surveying


    ntroduction of Route Surveying

    A faculty of Applied Engineering and 2rban lanning Civil Engineering Depart&ent

    known as the 2niversity of alestine introduced Route Surveying as a 3survey that deals with the

    route or course that a highway, road, or utility line will follow. Centre line layout is one of the

    first steps in constructing a road. +he certain road is broken into stations, in which in each

    station, the location of the center'line shoulder and slope stakes are identified. Route surveying

    pertains to the laying out of proposed corridors for transportation syste&s. Road surveying is an e#tensive

    study of a specific entire area that &ight be used for a road or airfield. ts purpose is to eli&inate or add

    routes or sites which are i&practical or unfeasible and to identify the &ore pro&ising routes or

    sites. Route Surveying along a co&paratively narrow strip of territory for the location, design

    and construction of any route of transportation, such as highways and railroads, canals and

    flu&es, pipeline for water, sewage, oil and gas, cableways

    ntroduction to ivil 0ngineering:$-


  • 7/25/2019 CE 331C Route Surveying


    &portant Structures for Route Surveying

    +he surveying party can &ake reco&&endations and suggestions about the route to help

    engineers prepare plans. Engineers are people who always &ark in their &inds that the &ost

    i&portant concept they should never forget is the safety of the people. +hey &ay think about

    issues like whether it would be better to go through or around various aspects of the landscape4 a

    deep valley &ay be cheaply traversed with a bridge, while a large &ountain &ight be too big to

    tunnel through, necessitating a diversion of the route around it.5

    Surveyors &ust acco&plish the &ost direct and efficient route. E#penses can rack up very

    $uickly and highly pricy when laying out roads, railways, and utility lines, especially in the face

    of obstacles like hills, large rivers, and the like. +hey also need to consider geologic ha*ards like

    faults caused by the &ove&ent of the earth0s crust in &uch une#pected ti&es which could

    present a threat to the integrity of the finished pro-ect.

    #portant *tructures o$ )oute *urve!ing:


  • 7/25/2019 CE 331C Route Surveying


    6ost of the ti&e, 7various co&panies or govern&ents will hire a surveying party to route

    survey as they prepare to e#tend services across a new areal peri&eter. +he surveyors will &eet

    with representatives to discuss plans, such as the nu&ber of lanes in a roadway or the type of

    utilities being laid across a region. +his infor&ation can be i&portant for planning, as surveyors

    need to think about the para&eters of the pro-ect. +he surveyors use a variety of e$uip&ent on

    the route survey to profile the landscape, taking special note of geologic for&ations, property

    lines, and other features that &ay beco&e an issue.


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