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1RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Caring for More

Cover Story

The cover photo shows RELX scientist, Dr. Xu Te, conducting a cellular aerosol exposure

experiment. The experiment is carried out to evaluate the effects of aerosols at the cellular

level. RELX launched its bioscience laboratory in September 2020 to conduct research

into the effects of aerosols from e-vapor products on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and

nervous systems, so that it can better perform comprehensive safety assessments on the

composition of the aerosols.

The launching of the bioscience laboratory marks an important milestone in RELX’s

scientific advancement. We have always been curious about and amazed by the many

unexplored areas of the industry, probing and validating the unknown according to

science and its methodologies, so as to expand the borders of knowledge in the e-vapor

field and lead the sustainable development of the industry.

1RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Keep those that are near happy, and those afar will be drawn to you.

——“Analects of Confucius: Zilu”


Economic Indicators

Environmental Indicators

RELX invested 300

million RMBin R&D in 2020.

By the end of 2020, RELX

applied for 495 patents


In 2020, RELX reduced its

e m i s s i o n s b y m o r e t h a n

15 tons of carbon dioxide

equivalents through reducing

empty return loads in our

logistical operations.

RELX opened more than

10 ,000 stores in

nearly 350 c i t ies across

China by the end of 2020.

I n 2 0 2 0 , o u r e x c l u s i v e

production plant substantially

reduced its production waste

by 76% from 2019.

I n 2 0 2 0 , o u r e x c l u s i v e

production plant reduced

its unit energy consumption

of water, electricity, gas and

other energy sources by

more than 20%.

By the end of 2020, RELX’s “Golden Shield Program” has assisted the police in solving 80 administrative and criminal cases of intellectual property rights infringement, seizing over

200,000 counterfeit products, and taking down more than 45,000 fake RELX

accounts and links on major online platforms in China and abroad.

RELX at a Glance

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021


Social Indicators

RELX’s intel l igent protection system,

“Sunflower System”, which prevents minors

from purchasing e-vapor products, has been

activated in ALL RELX stores since June


In 2020, RELX donated a total of 22.1 million RMB worth of

funds and supplies to disaster relief and

biodiversity causes, etc.

I n 20 20, 9 8 .4% o f e m p l oye e s

participated in online and offline training

at RELX, clocking over 6,500 hours of

training in total and 9.3 hours of training

per employee.

The percentage of females in managerial

positions at RELX has risen from 21% in

2019 to 33% at the end of 2020.

In 2020, the RELX customer service platform

served more than 1 ,360,000

people, with a 99% problem resolution

rate and 99.5% customer service

satisfaction rate.

As of June 2021, RELX has created more than

277,000 job positions upstream

and downstream of the industry chain.

In 2020, RELX held more than 350 online and offline training sessions for distributors and store

owners, involving a total of over 60,000 participants.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Table of Contents


Index of GRI Standards

About this Report

About RELX

Scientific Advancement

Upholding Quality and Safety is Our Priority

Protecting the Rights and Interests of Consumers

Company Profile

RELX’s Social Responsibility Concept

Economic Impact

Protection of Minors

Growing with Our Partners

Supply Chain ManagementProduct Responsibility

Offering Assurance to Every User


Risk Management and Internal Control

Audit Supervision

Business Integrity

Market Responsibility

Being a Dependable Guardian

Employee Responsibility

Achieving Excellence in LifeProtecting the Rights and Interests of Employees

Encouraging Employee Growth

Safe and Healthy Work Environment

Community Service

Community Care

Biodiversity Conservation


Energy and Resources



Community Responsibility

Caring for Those in Need

Environmental Responsibility

Commitment to Green Manufacturing

Corporate Governance

Be a Rule-abiding and Compliant Member of RELX

































RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

5RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

“Social responsibility is the most important part of corporate growth.

RELX will continue to pay attention to industry, community and

environmental issues, and engage in more substantive work, to

spread RELX’s warmth throughout society.”

Founder and CEO of RELXKate Wang

6 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Founded in January 2018, RELX has grown into a leading global

e-vapor company after more than three years of development. Our

core business currently covers research and development, design,

production and sales of e-vapor products. Leveraging our core

technology and capabilities that cover the entire industry chain, RELX

is committed to providing users with products of world-class quality

and safety.

RELX is actively involved in systematic scientif ic research in the

f ield of vaping and has collaborated with many higher education

institutions and research institutions, making many important

advancements and leading the industry and the public in expanding

the cognitive radius of e-vapor. At the same time, RELX continues to

improve the protection mechanism for minors, and by harnessing

technology and big data, safeguard the physical and mental health of

minors in all aspects.

About RELXCompany Profile

RELX store at Wujiang Road, Shanghai.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX’s Development Milestones


RELX was founded

The first RELX store opened in Shanghai

RELX obtained the ISO9001-2015 certification

RELX launched its bioscience laboratory

RLX Technology was listed on the New York Stock Exchange

RELX Infinity won the “Red Dot Design Award”

September 2020

November 2020

January 2021

March 2021

March 2020

January 2020

August 2020

December 2019

August 2019

April 2019

RELX officially launched the “Guardian Program”

February 2019

December 2018

January 2018

The RELX Physiochemistry Lab commenced operation

RELX launched “Sunflower System”

RELX’s exclusive production plant began production

RELX opened its first global flagship store in Shanghai

RELX Lab obtained CNAS certification

RELX Infinity won the “Golden Pin Design Award” in the product design category

The RELX scientific team published a scientific paper in the global SCI journal “Journal of Applied Toxicology”

8 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX’s Social Responsibility Concept

Involvement of Stakeholders

Analysis of Substantive Issues

Lao Tzu said in the Book of Tao, “If you think of others, you will have more; if you be with

others, you will have more of yourself.” It is more important for companies to create more

value for each stakeholder than to pursue profits and market value. With this concept in

mind, we have made every effort to understand the relationship between products, people

and society, and continue to address social pain points with innovation during our three years

of entrepreneurship. Through projects such as “Guardian Program”, “Sunflower System”,

“Golden Shield Program”, “RELX Care” and “Golden Time”, we have created value for more

people and built an environment of sustainable development for the industry and society.

We have identified the main stakeholder categories of the company based on interviews,

communication and information collected daily from various departments. Each

department has to handle different stakeholders directly in their daily operations.

Through diversified channels, we maintain smooth communication with stakeholders,

increase their involvement, and keep abreast of their demands and expectations of the


Through reviewing and compiling international standards such as the Global Reporting

Initiative’s (GRI) “Sustainability Reporting Standards”, the International Organization for

Standardization’s “ISO26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010)”, the Ten Principles

of the UN Global Compact, as well as GB/T 36000 of the Standardization Administration

of China, we conducted comprehensive benchmarking of substantive sustainability

issues of the industry and its indicators, identified social responsibility issues that are

closely related to the company’s development and its stakeholders, and formulated the

corresponding action plans.


We have benchmarked our corporate social responsibility concept with the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and identified goals that are closely aligned with

RELX’s social responsibility practice. In the future, we will fully integrate the identified SDGs

into our own corporate social responsibility plans, to better align our company’s development

with domestic and international sustainability trends.

9RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

E-Vapor Industry Value Chain






Stakeholders Consumers

Our Actions

Pay attention to changes in consumer demand

Ensure product quality and safety

Enhance consumer experience

Scientific research


Supply chain managementResponsible procurement


Production and Manufacturing

Partners, Environment

Protection of minors

Specialty store/franchisee management


Product UsageService

Consumers, Society

Advocacy for protection of minors

Advocacy for sustainable consumption

Engage in public welfare undertakings

Suppliers, Environment

Ensure product quality and safety

Increase resource and energy utilization efficiency

Emissions and waste management

Value Chain Components


orate govern

ance, strateg

ic man




loyee respon

sibility, p


ip m





Our Actions


Our Actions


Our Actions


Our Actions

Market ResponsibilityBeing a Dependable Guardian

RELX Store in Beijing Galaxy SOHO.

With every step forward, we contribute to the industry and society and make

people’s lives better. Being in a rapidly developing and emerging industry,

RELX is always mindful of its responsibilities and commitment as an industry

leader. We abide by the fundamental business principles and protect minors

by providing “no service” to them; we define business standards by providing

“all-round service” as well as entrepreneurial opportunities, driving the

development of the whole industry positively.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 11

Mainta in ing sound operat ions and stable grow th of the

company is one of the important driving forces for economic

development and industry progress. As we develop ourselves,

we also stimulate the progress of the industry, growing with our

partners and contributing to the development of society.

Economic Impact

RELX has established more than 10,000 stores in nearly 350

cities across China at the end of 2020, effectively contributing

over 277,000 job positions in the industry chain and promoting

the sustainable development of the economy, community and

environment where the business is located. During the combat

against the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, RELX set up a 20 million

RMB support fund and introduced 10 store-support measures

to help stores resume business, benef iting more than 120,000

employees in total.

RELX store employee introducing products to a female customer.

12 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

We actively provide opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. As of April 2021,

there are more than 5,700 female store owners among RELX’s franchise partners,

and 700 specialty store owners are military veterans. We also help retail workers

improve their professional skills and service standards through various training

and coaching sessions, increasing the number of qualified talents to drive the

development of the industry.

Indicator 2019

1,519.4 million RMB

683 people

1,500 stores Over 10,000 stores

773 people


3,819.7 million RMBOperating revenue

Total number of employees

Number of stores established

Chen Xiao, Head of RELX Retail Operations Center, speaking with a store employee at Jing’an International Plaza Store in Shanghai.

(directly and indirectly employed)

13RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

We display the prominent warning signs of “nicotine content” and “not for sale

to minors” in all our marketing activities and physical stores; we do not use any

models, words, graphics and cultural elements that can attract minors on any of

our product packaging and marketing materials.

In December 2019, we launched the “Sunflower System”, an intelligent

protection system to prevent minors f rom purchasing e-vapor products.

The system harnesses big data and AI technology to achieve prevention and

traceability, from store location to user purchase, further preventing minors

from accessing and purchasing e-vapor products. Over the past two years, we

have continued to explore more effective technologies that can protect minors,

and we are constantly updating the functions of the “Sunflower System”.

A male customer scanning the code to verify his age with the assistance of a RELX store employee.

Since its establishment in 2018, RELX strictly opposes the sale of e-vapor products to

minors and their use in their presence, initiating the “Guardian Program” to set up a

protection network for minors along the entire distribution chain. We strictly abide

by the Announcement of the State Administration for Market Regulation and the

State Tobacco Monopoly Administration on Prohibiting the Sale of E-cigarettes to

Minors, and the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors”,

and we have made it our primary principle not to sell e-vapor products to minors. We

are committed to protecting minors in all aspects, from product labels to marketing

channels and technology innovation.

Protection of Minors

14 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In June 2021, the “Sunflower System” was upgraded to version 3.0. In order to make

purchases, age verification is required; hence, when purchasing RELX products,

consumers must f irst complete the verif ication of their “name + ID number +

face recognition” before purchase orders can be generated, and those whose

age cannot be verified or who do not meet the age requirement will not be able

to make their purchase successfully. With this upgrade, in terms of technology

and systems, we have become the first to achieve 100% age verification before

purchase of e-vapor products.

At the same time, the “Sunflower System” also applies big data technology to risk

management. Each order will be screened to determine whether any stores are

in violation of selling products to minors. Severe penalties will be imposed on the

offending stores and those responsible.

2019, “Sunflower System” Version 1.0

2020, “Sunflower System” Version 2.0

2021, “Sunflower System” Version 3.0

Age verification was carried out in

the store using a tablet.

“One code for each store” was

realized, with 100% coverage of RELX

specialty stores. Consumers must

scan the QR code in the store to

complete age verification.

“One code for each order” was

realized and age verif ication

became mandatory. Consumers

can only complete the purchase

after verifying their age.

History of Sunflower System Upgrades

15RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Zhang Jinling, who came to Beijing with her sister when she was a teenager, has been working in sales.

Her sales performance has always been good, whether selling computers in Zhongguancun, running a

clothing store, or switching to managing a big vapor store. In Zhang Jinling’s words, running a business is

not difficult, it’s simply a matter of adhering to the rules and doing the most basic things such as operating

in good faith, treating customers with hospitality and abiding by principles.

Zhang Jinling set up a RELX store in 2018. From the very f irst day, she demanded that every single

customer verify their age before making a purchase.

This often created problems for Zhang Jinling. Some customers would frown when asked by Zhang or the

store employees to scan the Sunflower System code because they were in a hurry, while some would snap

at them as they saw it as an unnecessary measure. When faced with such a situation, Zhang Jinling could

only explain patiently over and over again with a smile, “It’s the rule.”

But of course, a majority of the customers are willing to cooperate. Zhang Jinling once asked a female

customer to verify her age, and the latter displayed her son’s photo as she scanned the code. “I’m a mother

now. It’s been a long while since someone last treated me as a minor!” This is also one of the delightful

moments for Zhang Jinling.

She may be running a business, but Zhang Jinling knows that there are times she has to say no to

customers, for she knows that some things have to be done to make the world a better place despite them

not yielding any returns.

Zhang Jinling’s store now has a steady flow of customers and a decent income. The Sunflower System’s

QR code gives her peace of mind as it keeps her from earning any undesired income. “Those who give

sincerely will not be let down. As long as they remain down to earth, they will reap the fruits of their actions

eventually”, Zhang Jinling said.

Zhang Jinling, Owner of RELX CapitaMall Store in Xizhimen, Beijing.

Story | Never Too Much Hassle for the RELX Store Owner

16 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX store owners watching the live broadcast of the remobilization conference across the nation.

On July 17, 2020, RELX held the “10,000 Store Owners’ Remobilization Conference on Protecting Minors” in

the form of a live video broadcast, once again calling on offline stores to further enforce the Announcement

of the State Administration for Market Regulation and the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration on

Further Protection of Minors.

RELX has attracted many partners and store owners over the past three years. They have implemented

protection of minors in their businesses, agreeing that they should abide by legal and moral principles,

even if it means losing a few business deals. The phrase they repeat most often to their customers every

day is: “You must verify your age before you can complete your purchase.”

Over 20,000 RELX store owners from specialty stores, joint franchisees and authorized retail outlets participated

in the remobilization conference. From various perspectives like corporate values, store operation, policy

interpretation, legal consultation and technical support, the RELX management team called on store owners to

strictly abide by the age verification procedures and not to sell products to minors.

At the end of the event, store

owners from all over the country

lit up the “Guardian Map” online.

The RELX management team

also joined the 10,000 store

owners in the commitment

to “Beautiful Hearts in Action”

during the live broadcast.

The management team of RELX and 10,000 store owners committing to “Beautiful Hearts in Action” during the live broadcast of “10,000 Store Owners’ Remobilization Conference on Protecting Minors”.

Story | “Beautiful Hearts in Action”

17RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX Poster on Protection of Minors.

On June 1, 2021, following the promulgation of the newly revised “Law

of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors”, RELX

published an “Open Letter to All Business Partners”, emphasizing that

all business partners, including RELX store owners, store employees

and distributors, must strictly comply with the laws and regulations,

and to prohibit the sale of products to minors. We have also put

forth many requirements to our distributors in terms of sales, use of

“Guardian Program” promotional materials, and discouraging minors

from entering stores, etc., which are implemented through supervision

and whistle-blowing mechanisms. In case of any violation, action will

be taken as required by the circumstances, including demanding

rectification within a given time limit, circulating a notice of criticism,

deduction of security deposit, payment for penalty, adjustment of

authorized areas and channels, and cessation of cooperation, etc.

“Whether from the standpoint of

sensibility, reason or law, RELX’s

bottom line is to protect minors.

We will continue to upgrade the

‘Guardian Program’ through

technological innovation and

higher self-standards, and we hope

that everyone in the industry will

do their best to protect the well-

being of minors and fulfill this social


— Kate Wang, Founder and CEO of


18 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX has established a comprehensive training system for our channel

partners to cater to their business situation and needs, providing them

with systematic training on industry dynamics, business skills, professional

technology and product knowledge, etc. In 2020, we held more than 350

online and offline training sessions for over 60,000 participants.

RELX Training Lecturer Wan Renzhi conducting a live training session.

The growth of a company cannot be achieved without the support of

its partners. We treat every one of our partners with sincerity, and we

help our channel partners achieve rapid growth, improve their expertise

and realize our common goals through an integrated distribution

management mechanism.

Growing with Our Partners

19RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX Channel Partners Training

Marketing Training

Product knowledge

Advocation of prohibition

of sale to minors

Maintenance of customer


Sales abilities

Store operations


after-sales service

Pandemic support program

Professional Training Specialized Training

Store employees from RELX Store at Wujiang Road in Shanghai.

Compliance system

Use of digital system

20 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX Partner App: Four Major Services to Assist in the Digital Upgrade of Stores

Operations service

Supply chain service


IT service

We have been keeping close tabs on the technological changes in the

Internet era, creating an advanced support platform and marketing tools

for our channel partners, and developing our own “RELX Partner” App.

We empower our partners in all aspects of marketing, operations, supply

chain and transactions, and help them improve their service quality and

efficiency by combining their actual needs and business scenarios to

realize their iterative process.

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

and store owners, we have also introduced a function for store owners

to report unauthorized resellers in the “RELX Partner” App. Store

owners who discover any online sales of e-vapor products can report

them directly through the “RELX Partner” App. The company will then

work with relevant law enforcement departments to collect evidence

and crack down on them based on the information provided by the

store owners, thereby promoting standards in the development of the


To address the operational and management problems commonly faced by store owners,

RELX offers them services such as design and renovation, store owner/employee training,

data analysis among others based on its deep involvement in the industry and accumulation

of big data. We also share industry trends and management approaches with store owners to

improve their industry awareness, operation ability and efficiency.

RELX has built an efficient and transparent supply chain to meet the procurement needs

of store owners. Through the order service of the RELX Partner App, store owners can enjoy

more efficient access to products and devote more energy to customer service.

By virtue of its brand advantage, RELX offers diversified information on brand activities to

its stores to help them keep new and existing customers coming and to improve sales and

service quality.

RELX leverages on its technology and platform advantage to actively provide

stores with IT infrastructure capabilities, making store operations such as stocking,

bookkeeping and membership management effortless for store owners. RELX also

continues to optimize relevant processes to achieve the digitalization and integration

of store operations and management.

Since the launch of this feature

in May 2021, in just two months,

RELX has reported and dealt with

2,147 unauthorized

reseller accounts illegally selling

e-vapor products online.

21RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX practices centralized procurement, and all procurement projects

are coordinated and managed by the procurement department

through a digital platform. Fair trading is part of our fundamental ethical

code, and we strengthen information communication, information

disclosure and information sharing with our partners through contract

negotiations, daily meetings, trust questionnaires, coaching and training,

senior management meetings, etc., to shape a fair and appropriate

market environment. We summarize and analyze feedback submitted

by suppliers promptly, and we also create specialized groups to address

important issues and work with suppliers to develop the corresponding


RELX fully integrates CSR concept into all aspects of supply chain

management. We continue to strengthen the social responsibility

awareness of our suppliers and guide them in fulf illing their

responsibilities. We set high standards for our suppliers and constantly

help them improve during our partnership, so as to realize our common

commitment of making people’s lives better and protecting the


Supply Chain Management

A quality inspector inspecting products in RELX’s exclusive production plant.

22 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

To promote sustainable supply chain operations, we have set clear

regulations for our suppliers in the areas of business ethics, human

rights, environmental protection and intellectual property. We require all

our new suppliers to sign the “Supplier Code of Conduct” formulated in

accordance with relevant laws and regulations and social responsibility

standards, and have published the company’s “Anti-Corruption Policy”

on our official website.

Social responsibility is one of the indicators RELX uses to assess its

suppliers. It constantly improves its supplier management process and

encourages suppliers to continuously enhance their own management

capabilities, so as to provide strong support for the establishment of

an efficient, stable and sustainable “RELX supplier team”. We conduct

annual performance reviews on our suppliers and determine whether to

continue working with them for the following year based on the results.

We work with our suppliers in every aspect of the supply chain to help them run their

businesses in a more ethical, responsible and environmentally friendly manner.

23RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Introduction of Social Responsibility Indicators in the Assessment Criteria

Supplier development

Supplier performance review

Supplier performanceenhancement

Chemical substance management

New suppliers are subject to qualification investigations in

terms of business scope, financial situation, organizational

operation, product quality, environmental protection, risk

management, corporate reputation, employee system

and other indicators. Field inspection is also carried out to

ensure that the suppliers’ products are qualified and their

operations are legal and compliant.

Regular audits are performed to comprehensively

assess suppliers’ own code of conduct, sustainability of

raw material sources, supplier risks and environmental

performance, ensuring that the suppl iers are

environmentally friendly and meet the requirements of

the social responsibility system.

Suppliers who violate the requirements or are deemed

unsatisfactory during the collaboration process will

be urged to improve their services and management

systems, and regular inspections will be performed to

ensure that the improvements are well in place.

RELX continues to improve its procurement standards and processes for chemical

products to strictly control the use and management of chemical substances. We

require our suppliers to provide a safety manual for chemical products, which will be

reviewed by a specialized team to prevent chemical substances in our products from

impacting the environment, public health and safety.

Product ResponsibilityOffering Assurance to Every User

A glimpse of the RELX bioscience laboratory.

RELX is forward-thinking in its creation of superior products and in offering every

user a unique experience. We share the same concerns over product issues as our

users. We are dedicated to every detail of our product design while also taking into

account the consumer needs and experience. We continue to explore the unlimited

potential of technological improvement, industry development and social innovation

with the spirit and mindset of pursuing excellence.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 25

Scientific Advancement

There can be no advancement without science. As the industry leader, it is our responsibility

to continue to expand the scientific borders of the e-vapor field and unleash endless

possibilities in the future of the industry. Driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, the

mission of RELX’s scientific work is to explore what we do not yet know. We collect evidence

and validate them through a systematic, scientific approach, to uncover the reduced-risk

potential of our products.

Product quality

Physiochemical research Toxicology research

RELX “1+4” Scientific Research Chain

Stable products and strict quality control are important cornerstones of scientific research. Only

by ensuring a consistent quality can meaningful scientific conclusions be drawn.

We monitor several indicators and impurity

contaminants in the e-liquid, and perform

systematic analysis of E&L (extractables and

leachables) in e-liquid contact materials. We

also focus on the chemical composition levels

of aerosols, and emphasize on the potential

risk components in the released content and

accumulated substantial data for quantitative

risk assessment and other biological and clinical

science experiments.

We track RELX users regularly, observe the changes

in physiological indicators and relevant biomarkers

in their bodies, and conduct research on users’

vaping behavior and nicotine pharmacokinetics.

We conduct systematic toxicological

assessments on the e-liquid and aerosols

to explore their effects on different body

tissues and in different dimensions,

which can also be used as a premise for

clinical assessment.

We s t u d y t h e c h a n g e s i n t h e

characteristics of user groups in the

public health context, and predict the

impact of e-vapor products on public

health by building comprehensive and

complex analytical models that combine

toxicological and clinical findings.

Long-term impact assessmentClinical research

26 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Reducing health risks for users is the biggest driver of RELX’s scientific

advancement. We continue to devote more effort into scientific work. In

2019, we invested in the construction of RELX Lab, the first independent

physiochemistry laboratory for an e-vapor product brand in China,

and established a rigorous laboratory operations system and data

management system. Through comprehensive data accumulation,

combined with scientific theories from fields such as chemistry, biology,

pharmacokinetics and social sciences, we were able to break away from

the traditional industry research model of “looking at the cause after

discovering a health or addiction problem”, and predict the potential

effects of our products and the future trend in public health.

In August 2020, RELX Lab was accredited by China National

Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), becoming the

first CNAS-certified physiochemistry laboratory of an e-vapor product

brand in China.

Supported by an international

team with a sol id scientif ic

background, RELX has created

the industry’s f irst industry-

academia research platform in

the scientific field of e-vapor. As

of 2020, we have collaborated

with 6 universities, 2 hospitals

and 10 research institutions on

research projects regarding the

science of e-vapor in different


The RELX phys iochemistr y

laboratory has been certified by

CNAS in two major fields, namely

chemistry and microbiology, and

covers 29 accredited items, 54 test indicators, 8 international

standard test methods and 6 independent methods.

RELX Physiochemistry Laboratory CNAS Accreditation Certificate.

A RELX researcher observing the structure of an atomizing core in

the physiochemistry laboratory to form an analytical basis for product

improvement and upgrades

27RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In September 2020, RELX opened its second pioneering and

groundbreaking e-vapor laboratory in the industry, the bioscience

laboratory, which systematically studies the reduction of harm caused by

e-vapor aerosols at the human cellular and animal levels, and carries out

pre-clinical safety assessments. We hope that by combining cutting-edge

scientific research results and the latest findings on e-vapor products in

a transparent, direct and efficient way, we can eliminate public prejudice

towards e-vapor products and enhance consumer trust; and at the same

time, be able to detect the possible risks of e-vapor products as early as

possible for timely response.

RELX scientist conducting protein electrophoresis experiment in the bioscience laboratory

to study the effects of aerosols at the cellular proteome level.

28 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In March 2021, RELX’s scientific team published its first research paper

in the field of “toxicology research” in the “Journal of Applied Toxicology”,

an international SCI journal in toxicology. According to the paper, no

physiological, biochemical and pathological changes related to the cooling

agent WS-23 were found in the experimental animals, and the safety of the

inhaled components was verified under test dose conditions.

The cooling agent WS-23 is an additive that is widely used in the food and

beverage, pharmaceutical, and e-vapor fields. Previous research on cooling

agents was focused on oral use. Our research was the first to prove that

vapor inhalation of the cooling agent WS-23 at test doses does not induce

toxic side effects in experimental animals. This study has filled a gap in

global toxicology research. It was also the first time that a paper from the

Chinese e-vapor industry was published in an SCI journal.

In July 2021, the RELX scientific team published another paper in the SCI

journal “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety”, unveiling the company’s

first scientific research results since the joint establishment of the Inhalation

Product Evaluation Laboratory with the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

Sun Yat-Sen University. The paper states that the effect of e-cigarette smoke

agglutination on human lung epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B) was less than

that of cigarette smoke agglutination under acute exposure of 24 hours,

which verified the relative harm reduction potential of e-cigarettes at the

cellular level.

This is the first study to test the different effects of e-cigarette and

cigarette smoke agglutination on human lung epithelial cell line BEAS-

2B using a common cigarette and a RELX e-cigarette at the same nicotine

concentration. The study proved that the negative toxicological and

genetic alteration effects of e-cigarette smoke agglutination on human lung epithelial cells were relatively weak at

toxicological doses, suggesting that e-cigarettes are potentially less toxic and safer.

As mentioned by Jiang Xingtao, the head of RELX Lab, “Product quality and safety is RLX Technology’s biggest

concern. We have made it a direction and commitment in our technology development and scientific research.”

RELX will continue to carry out relevant research in the future to improve the safety standards of RELX products and

to protect the rights and interests of every consumer.

The RELX sc ient i f ic team’s papers

published in the SCI journals “Journal of

Applied Toxicology” and “Ecotoxicology and

Environmental Safety in Toxicology”.

Story | Two Small Achievements on RELX’s Scientific Journey

29RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

At RELX, every step is full of challenges, from the inception of a new idea,

selection of raw materials, to production, product assembly and product

sales. We have developed and implemented a series of product safety

and quality control procedures and systems. With a comprehensive

quality management system and strict corporate execution standards,

the products we create bring confidence to users. The defective return

rate of RELX device and cartridge decreased by 50% in 2020.

A worker at RELX’s exclusive production plant checking the appearance of cartridges.

Upholding Quality and Safety is Our Priority

RELX always takes the consumer point of view and evaluates every

product according to their standards. We constantly improve our

product quality standard system, strengthen the quality control of the

whole life cycle, and strictly monitor every stage of product production

to ensure that only safe and high-quality products are delivered to


30 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In addition, we conduct REACH

testing in accordance with the latest

European Chemicals Agency’s

Candidate List of Substances of Very

High Concern for Authorisation and

its Addendum.

A Glance of RELX's Product Safety and Quality Related Technical Standards

UL8139 Standards for Safety of Electrical Systems of Electronic Cigarettes

GB4706.1 General Standards for Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

IEC62133 Safety Standards for Lithium-ion Batteries

All newly introduced products are tested in accordance with these standards.

EN55014 CE Safety Regulatory Standards for Household Appliances and Similar Apparatuses / EN61000 Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Standards for Electrical Products

GB/T26125 Electrical and Electronic Products: Determination of Six Regulated Substances

FDA21CFR177 U.S. FDA Food Contact Material Testing

All our products are subject to EU CE-EMC testing according to these standards.

All our products are subject to China RoHS testing according to these standards, with the test reports updated annually.

All our products are subject to quality inspections according to these standards, with the reports updated annually.

All plastic, ceramic, silicone and other materials in our products that come into contact with the mouth and the e-liquid are subject to food contact material testing according to these standards.

All our products are subject to surface temperature control according to these standards.

and Vaping Devices

RELX’s exclusive production plant located in Shiyan, Shenzhen. It has a floor area of over 20,000 square meters

and currently employs about 4,000 workers, with a peak production capacity of 50 million cartridges per


RELX’s exclusive production plant located in Shiyan, Shenzhen. It has a floor area of over 20,000 square meters

and currently employs about 4,000 workers, with a peak production capacity of 50 million cartridges per


31RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Low temperature storage High temperature and high humidity

High and low temperature cycle Thermal shock test Neutral salt spray

TPM testing Suction test

Product Design

Products with higher reliability means a longer lifespan. RELX’s stringent

requirements for product reliability start from the selection of raw materials

and components, and cover all stages of design, manufacturing, testing and

production. We constantly set higher standards for our products and strive to

break the limits of product design.

Product reliability test items

RELX’s product design team discussing the design of a device.

32 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX Devices

This is an important component composed of hardware and software that

is able to deliver stable current output, heat and atomization. It is not only

necessary to ensure that the electronic circuitry of the atomizing rod works

properly when in use, but that it also prevents variables and interference

caused by human and environmental factors. Therefore, we also impose

stringent rules on electrical performance from product design to electrical

testing to ensure full consumer protection under various conditions.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing Electromagnetic interference

Mic head sensitivity Burn-in

Overcharge protection Over-discharge protection

Short-circuit protection Over-inhalation protection

Electrical performance test items

A RELX researcher debugging the electronic components inside a RELX device.

33RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021


With reference to various systems such as the national food safety

standards and standards for drinking water quality, we have independently

formulated a set of stringent enterprise standards for E-liquid, adopting the

common measurement methods for essential oils, cosmetics, fragrances,

oral care and other categories and incorporating all kinds of explicit and

implicit factors into the standard.

Limit test is conducted for the e-liquid with reference to the test method for oral care products.

The physical and chemical stability index of pH value of the e-liquid is evaluated with reference to the general test methods for cosmetics.

The limit of benzene substances in the e-liquid is the same as that specified in the quality standards for potable water.

The limit of heavy metal contaminants in the e-liquid is the same as that of food products such as vegetable products, chocolate, coffee beans and seafood specified in the national food safety standards.

The quality and safety tests for the e-liquid involve 17 major categories and 54 specific indicators

A RELX scientist using potentiometric titrators to determine the acidic value of the e-liquid,

so as to make sure that the acidic values of outbound e-liquid meet the requirements of

the company.

34 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX device plug test to verify the rebound function and magnetic

suction physical performance of the thimble: Can be used 10,000 times.

USB normal plugging and unplugging test: Can be used 5,000 times

and last 13 years if plugged and unplugged for charging once a day.

In the capsule form, the negative pressure simulates the atmospheric

pressure environment in an engine room at an altitude of 10,000 meters

to verify the oil leakage rate on product arrival.

In the regular form outside the capsule, the negative pressure simulates

the ground altitude atmospheric pressure environment of Lhasa, Tibet,

to verify the oil leakage rate during use.

Application Scenarios

At RELX, our standards for electronic atomizers cover all aspects of structural

design, internal wiring etc. Our engineers and quality experts not only

refer to the “General Safety Standards for Household and Similar Electrical

Appliances” but also incorporate common oil leakage scenarios such as free

fall and pressure release into the test, so as to ensure that the durability and

quality of the products are not limited by scenarios.

Mechanical and physical performance tests

RELX researcher using a manual pull tester to test the physical properties of the device.

35RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Protecting the Rights and Interests of Consumers

Here at RELX, service does not begin only at the moment of purchase. We

regard consumer needs and experience as the top priority of our service

from the moment they are interested in RELX. We provide our customers

with excellent products and a rewarding consumer experience that covers

all aspects of pre-sales, in-sales and after-sales services. We strongly believe

this is why we have the highest customer satisfaction rating among e-vapor

brands in China and worldwide.

RELX attaches great importance to protecting consumer privacy. We are

aware that personal information is of great importance to consumers.

Since our establishment, RELX has built a comprehensive and effective

privacy protection system that is published on our official website, so

that consumers can understand what information is collected and how

it is used. In addition, we use advanced firewalls, information encryption,

permission settings and other technical means to ensure that personal

information is not disclosed or lost in the process of collection and use. We

have also signed confidentiality agreements with all related employees,

requiring them to handle consumer information safely and carefully.

RELX store employee Shen Yan at the entrance of the Coastal City store in Shenzhen.

36 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX Beijing Galaxy SOHO store employee organizing the products on the shelves.

RELX has diversified service channels to satisfy the different needs of

users. We have created an official website platform and an official WeChat

public account where we release relevant service information in a timely

manner; RELX stores provide thoughtful onsite services for users and are

able to solve their problems effectively. We comply with consumer-related

laws and regulations, and cooperate with market regulatory authorities

and consumer rights protection organizations in handling consumer

complaints. In the year of 2020, the RELX customer service platform served

a total of 1,361,289 people, with a problem resolution rate of over 99% and a

customer service satisfaction rate of 99.5%.

37RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Li Tiantian is the owner of RELX Shuangyu Wu Mart Store in Beijing. She

has met various kinds of customers over the past three years since opening

the store. She has a cheerful personality and loves to chat, and customers

who visit her store are infected by her enthusiasm. However, there was one


It was a female customer who seemed slightly reserved. She did not utter

a word when greeted by Li Tiantian. Instead, she gestured to her mouth,

then to her ears and waved her hands vigorously. Li Tiantian noticed that

she was wearing a cochlear implant in her ear –– she could neither hear nor


After a short pause, Li Tiantian began to communicate with the female

customer using pen and paper. At the same time, as she had to switch

between flipping through the product presentation and gesturing to the

female customer in various ways, she was worried that the latter would feel

disrespected due to poor communication.

And there was still another awkward situation to come. The customer was required to have her age verified by

RELX’s Sunflower System before payment, and there was a step that required the customer to read the numbers on

the screen out loud.

Seeing that the female customer was a little distressed, Li Tiantian quickly scribbled down on the paper, “I can just

take a look at your ID card. It is just to ensure that you are of age”. She also gave the female customer an cartridge

and a lanyard as a gesture of goodwill. Before leaving, the female customer left a message on the paper:

“When I go shopping, people often get impatient with me when they see my condition. Thank you for the gifts. I will

make my purchases here from now on.”

To Li Tiantian, not only did this message represent the customer’s recognition of her service, it was also a source of

fulfillment for her as a RELX store owner. Li Tiantian’s story also inspired RELX to upgrade the relevant features of the

Sunflower System, and now customers do not have to read the verification code out loud when they verify their age

before payment.

“It makes me proud to think that I made a small contribution towards this small change.” Li Tiantian said, “I really

hope that people can still feel the warmth in the world around them even if they are unable to hear it.”

Li Tiantian has kept the notes from her interaction with this special customer.

Story | A Voiceless Service

38 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

The RELX customer service team receives a variety of inquiries every day. The common customer inquiries typically

come in just a few types such as those relating to product information, usage method, troubleshooting and

reporting of counterfeits, but there can be no end to the number of customers asking them. Therefore, the “gist”

of RELX’s customer service is to always be attentive and patient in dealing with the questions, as if they were being

asked for the first time.

The phrase that RELX’s customer service staff repeat the most is, “Sorry, but you cannot enjoy RELX’s warranty

service because this is a counterfeit product.” These counterfeit products come with no guarantee of product safety,

and there are possible safety risks, such as power cell explosions. Some customers were not aware that their RELX

products were counterfeits and still approached RELX’s customer service for help after the products malfunctioned.

Some customers spoke harshly, which saddened Chen Zehua, the head of RELX customer service call center. He has

long been accustomed to putting himself in the customers’ shoes. After all, anyone would feel awful having bought

counterfeit goods. He would try to be more patient when faced with an angry customer.

There were also some unique calls that left a lasting impression on the customer service team: An elderly man who

spoke in Sichuan dialect and was a little hard of hearing wanted to know what was in the e-liquid, and the team

spent an hour answering his questions at the top of their voices; a male customer who was inquiring about after-

sales issues suddenly mentioned that he had broken up with his partner and “felt that life was meaningless”, so they

stopped their work immediately to cheer him up for fear that he would take things too hard.

The RELX customer service team has become skilled in many areas as a result: they are product experts, detectives

and psychologists who are patient, empathetic, and calm in any situation. The RELX customer service team also

summarizes the content of customers’ calls on a regular basis and gives feedback on issues that occur frequently to

the relevant departments of RELX to help them improve their quality of service in a more targeted manner.

At present, we have also set up customer service portals for our RELX subscription account, RELX service account,

RELX member center, RELX official website and RELX official Weibo account, in addition to the customer service

hotline, to help customers solve their problems in a timely manner.

Chen Zehua, head of RELX customer service call center.Chen Zehua, head of RELX customer service call center.

Story | RELX Customer Service: To be Professional, Patient, and Most Importantly, Empathetic

39RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX’s “GoldenShield Program”

RELX actively responds to the government’s policies and assists law

enforcement authorities in launching online and offline anti-counterfeiting

campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of counterfeit

products, as well as how to identify them, so as to protect the rights and

interests of consumers. By the end of 2020, RELX’s “Golden Shield Program”

has reported and removed more than 45,000 counterfeit accounts and

links from online platforms in China and abroad. The program has assisted

the police in solving more than 80 administrative and criminal cases of

intellectual property rights infringement, seizing more than 200,000

counterfeit products.

Counterfeit e-vapor products not

only infringe on the legitimate

rights and interests of consumers,

but also pose serious threats

to consumer safety. In order

to ensure that consumers can

enjoy authentic products and

the corresponding services, RELX

launched the “Golden Shield

Program” in 2019. This program

appl ies big data and other

technical means to accurately

identify counterfeit production sites

and online and offline channels

selling counterfeit products, and

promptly reports leads to the

law enforcement authorities,

helping them crack down on the

production and sale of counterfeit


RELX’s “Golden Shield Program” assisted the police in raiding a counterfeit factory site (all products in the picture are counterfeit products).

Law enforcement officers sorting and tabulating the counterfeit products on site.

RELX employees come from diverse backgrounds and have various perspectives, all of which have enriched the company’s culture.RELX employees come from diverse backgrounds and have various perspectives, all of which have enriched the company’s culture.

“Draw people to you with kindness, nurture them with righteousness,

requite them with benignity, befriend them with integrity, and receive

them with propriety.” RELX regards its employees as the powerhouse

of sustainable development and the core driver of our business. We

provide our employees with systematic welfare protection, a healthy

and safe workplace, and extensive career development opportunities,

and we promote RELX’s corporate culture of “Driving Positive Change”

and a healthy general environment. We ensure that all employees are

able to work in decent and pleasant conditions, and to grow together

with the company.

Employee ResponsibilityAchieving Excellence in Life

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 41

RELX strictly abides by the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, the

Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant

laws and regulations. The company establishes labor relations and signs

labor contracts with employees on the basis of equality and free will, and

the signing rate of existing labor contracts is 100%.

In 2020, RELX received a total of

31,480 job applications

and employed 208 new


Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees

RELX promotes equality in employment and does not discriminate on the

grounds of age, gender, ethnicity, religious belief or other factors. We forbid

child labor and forced labor, and will improve the recruitment mechanism

as well as the wage and welfare system to build a team of diversified talents

with international standards.

42 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

We implement a comprehensive remuneration plan based on the performance, quality and ability of the employees at their respective posts. The wage principle is performance-oriented, and is in line with:

Fairness in the company

Competitivenessin the market

Incentives foremployees

Ensuring that the implementation of the

company’s remuneration policy is consistent,

fair and reasonable across all departments and


Ensuring that the company’s wage policy is able

to attract and retain the talents we need in the

market of the industry.

Ensuring that the company’s wage policy

incentivizes and recognizes high-performing


The company makes fair and just assessments in a timely manner

and adjusts employee salaries according to the wage principle, job

responsibilities, level of contribution, skill requirements, cultural value

compatibility and other aspects.

RELX considers employees as its most valuable asset, thus providing them with a vast

platform for development and comprehensive protection of their rights and interests.

RELX considers employees as its most valuable asset, thus providing them with a vast

platform for development and comprehensive protection of their rights and interests.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 43

We offer comprehensive welfare programs to our employees to help them enhance their

quality of work and life. In addition to paying for various types of social insurance and

provident fund for employees as required by law, our employees are also entitled to annual

leave, paid sick leave, paid personal leave, festive gift packs, supplemental commercial

medical and health consultations, annual medical checkups and other welfare measures.

RELX supports an inclusive and collaborative corporate culture, creates equal and fair

opportunities for all employees and forbids any form of discrimination. We pay attention

to female employees and practice strict gender equality and equal pay for equal work. We

actively help female employees achieve their career development goals and maintain work-

life balance. At present, the percentage of female employees, and female employees in

managerial positions in the company has reached 34% and 33%, respectively.

In addition, RELX also encourages employees to actively express their ideas and suggestions

at work through diversif ied communication channels. We create an honest and open

environment for communication, enabling employees to participate in all aspects of the

company’s technological innovation, management improvement and culture building,

thereby deepening their sense of ownership.

Since 2020, the company has launched several “She Leads” training programs, providing

opportunities for female employees to interact with female leaders online and offline. We

invite female leaders and external experts to talk about female leadership with the female

employees, share their growth and work experience, and encourage more female employees

to participate in female leadership development to motivate and inspire confidence in them.

As of April 2021, 143 female employees have participated in the “She Leads” program, clocking

nearly 500 hours of training time. The program has been well received by the employees.

On March 8, 2021, RELX held a women’s leadership sharing session.

Story | “She Power”: A Force to Reckon with

44 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

RELX follows the talent development principle of “putting the right person

in the right job based on different types of competence”. We have built a

smooth career development path and formulated diversified and multi-

level development plans, including multiple forms of professional and

leadership training, on-the-job training and feedback programs, and

arranging for career partners and mentorship programs, etc. At the same

time, the company opens up internal recruitment opportunities to optimize

employee potential and to help them discover their own unlimited

possibilities, thus creating a closely-knit, high-quality team to support the

efficient development of the company.

RELX is committed to giving employees a stage to unleash their energy and realize their

potential, as well as offering them a variety of professional and vocational skills training to

enable them to achieve great success in various fields.

Encouraging Employee Growth

At RELX, we regard employee growth as the driving force of corporate

development. We take into account the different background of all

employees and personalize development platforms for them, so as to

provide infinite possibilities for their career growth.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In addition to offline training and knowledge sharing within the departments, RELX

also established the “E-RELXchool” online training system in 2020. The company offers

online training courses on management approaches, work methods, knowledge and

systems for employees of different levels and positions. Employees can engage in

training and enjoy learning anytime, anywhere, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, a total of 11,508 RELX employees participated in the online and offline training

sessions, covering 98.4% of employees with 9.3 hours of training per person.

Providing various forms of

online and offline training.

O r g a n i z i n g m o n t h l y t e a m

discussions in each department to

promote knowledge sharing among

employees and create an advanced

and comprehensive knowledge

management platform.

Promoting the concept of “Every

Leader Should Be an Excellent Trainer”

and implementing the “Meeting with

Training” mechanism, so as to improve

the competencies of employees while

enhancing the personal abilities and

influence of leaders.

Developing more targeted

t r a i n i n g c o u r s e s o n

p r o f e s s i o n a l s k i l l s a n d

management capabilities.

Diversified and Multi-level Training System


46 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Safe and Healthy Working Environment

It is our primary responsibility to provide a safe, healthy and trustworthy

working environment for our employees. The company has developed a

full-fledged occupational health and safety management system for this

purpose, including emergency response plans and a series of standard

operating procedures to respond to all kinds of public safety incidents

and natural disasters. We have also formed an emergency response

team and conducted safety training for relevant employees. We carry

out emergency drills twice a year at our RELX factories to build the

preparedness of our employees. There were no service-related injuries or

fatalities at RELX in 2020.

Shanghai RELX sales team members discussing a project plan.Shanghai RELX sales team members discussing a project plan.

47RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

We encourage our employees to participate in cultural and sports activities

within and outside the community. We have established sports clubs such

as soccer, basketball, table tennis and badminton, and we organize daily

activities on a regular basis, including cultural and sports events to enhance

cultural exchange among employees and enrich their free time.

We offer annual health checkups for our employees. In our regional offices,

we also implement health care activities depending on local conditions.

The “Health Hut” in our Beijing office provides weekly professional massage

and health consultation services for employees. The Shenzhen office

implements a “90-minute lunch break” to give employees time to rest their

brains. The “work exercise + health check-in” activity in the Shanghai office

calls on employees to mobilize their energy to stimulate their body and


The “Health Hut” at RELX Beijing Office, which provides professional massage and health

consultation for employees.

48 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

The safety and health of laboratory staff is of utmost importance to RELX.

Our laboratories refer to relevant national regulations and standards in

their management of chemical products and hazardous substances.

Chemical products are stored in special chemical reagent storage rooms,

and the outer packaging or containers of chemical products are checked

regularly to prevent leakage. We have set up special storage rooms and

storage cabinets for poisonous or explosive chemicals, and these are

managed by specialized personnel. We have formulated safety data sheets

for different chemicals and have put in place safety emergency plans. We

conduct safety training on chemical products regularly to enhance safety

awareness among our laboratory personnel. In addition, hazardous waste

from laboratories is collected and stored in special storage tanks, and is

handed over to qualif ied service providers for safe disposal on a regular


RELX laboratory personnel attending a safety training.

49RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

During the pandemic, RELX actively collected information on the

resumption of work and production from all over the country, and followed

up the health status of all employees on a daily basis. We implemented

flexible work resumption modes and schedules, and guaranteed the

leave entitlement and safety rights of our employees. We provided all our

employees with infection prevention items such as masks, disinfectants, and

hand sanitizers. At the same time, the company made a detailed study of

the government’s support policies on areas such as fiscal and taxation, and

financial and social security, and conveyed the information to the employees

promptly to ensure that the relevant entitlements of the employees were

not affected by the pandemic.

On April 7, 2020, the RELX Wuhan Office resumed work and the company welcomed the

return of all its Wuhan employees.

Special protective measures during COVID-19

Community Responsibility

Caring for Those in Need

“How to create greater social benefit” is the softest yet most powerful

theme at RELX. Through our long-term active engagement with

the community, we recognize that more people, animals and the

environment are in need of care. We actively share our operating

results, explore new forms of community service, send positive

energy, and make every effort to create greater social value by giving

back to the community time and again through our actions.

On April 26, 2021, RELX Care’s “Golden Time” program was introduced to the community and gifts of smart speakers were distributed to elderly volunteers who have been volunteering during the pandemic.

On April 26, 2021, RELX Care’s “Golden Time” program was introduced to the community and gifts of smart speakers were distributed to elderly volunteers who have been volunteering during the pandemic.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 51

Community Service In early 2021, the company launched the “RELX Care” community service program

to carry out standardized, systematic and sustainable community service activities

through the “warm technology” approach, joining hands with various parties to

do our part for the community and fostering a more dedicated RELX community

service image.

RELX makes full use of the advantages of its stores' layout so that they can a part part of the community and provide a wide range of community services to the surrounding residents.

Community care

Collaboration across sectors Celebrity projects

Innovative model

We engage with the community actively

and provide a variety of community

services such as convenience services,

elderly assistance, environmental

protection, education, etc.

We cooperate with many organizations

across different sectors and establish

friendly partnerships with them.

An important platform that allows the

company to promote public participation

in community service.

By harnessing our technological and

resources advantage, we continue to

explore forms of community services that

can be integrated with our own business

and help address social issues.

52 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In February 2021, we launched the “Golden Time” project, hoping to

unite social forces to help senior citizens overcome the digital divide

and integrate them into smart living. In the first phase of the project,

some of our specialty stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen

distributed a batch of customized smart speakers to elderly users

over 60 years old in the community at no cost; at the same time, we

launched the “RELX Care Hotline”, a customer service hotline that

answers any questions the elderly have regarding product usage.

The “Golden Time” project is now being extended to more cities

across China. RELX will also continue to pay attention to and collect

feedback from the elderly on their usage experience, and continue to

introduce more thoughtful and heart-warming services to help them

better adapt to digital developments.

In order to further connect community service resources to allow

more members of the public to participate in and benef it f rom

community services, RELX is actively utilizing its stores’ layout to do

its part in community service.

Community Care

53RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

In April 2021, the volunteer team of RELX’s “Golden Time” project visited the Xiushuiyuan

community in Liulitun, Beijing. The RELX employees transformed into “teachers”

and taught the elderly in the community how to use the smart speakers that were

customized for them.

82-year-old Madam Ni was one of the “students” at the event. She has participated in

a number of social activities such as “Pink Ribbon” and “Loving Mothers” despite her

old age, but she was at a loss with smart devices. She was evidently happy after having

learned how to use the smart speaker, “I’ll familiarize myself with it when I get home,

so that in the future, I’ll have this speaker to remind me when it is time to pick up my


The volunteers patiently explained the content of the manual, carefully designed in

“plain and simple language”, which included instructions on how to connect to WIFI

and Bluetooth, download software, register an account, turn on the device, etc., to the

elderly at the event. They also helped to preset the smart speakers so that the elderly

could check the weather, set alarms, listen to news and perform myriad other tasks easily

through voice search.

The gap between the elderly and informatized society is an issue that has gained

widespread attention in recent years. In addition to patiently explaining and answering

questions for our elderly in stores and through customer service calls, RELX has also taken

the initiative to visit the community and deliver our heartfelt gesture to the elderly.

The elderly will be more willing to embrace smart living if we can lower the barriers for

them. We hope to help more elderly people in the community take the first challenging

step on this rapidly developing digital journey in a more personal way.

A RELX volunteer explaining to senior citizens in the community on how to operate smart speakers through their mobile phones.

Story | Helping Them Take the Challenging “First Step”

54 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Baiwu Elementary School is located in Baiwu Village, Nagu Township, Huize County, Qujing City of Yunnan

Province, which is known as the “first stop for copper transportation from the mines to Beijing”. It is surrounded

by beautiful mountainous scenery. However, Baiwu Elementary School had had to make do with extremely

basic educational infrastructure due to developmental constraints. For instance, their sports venues were

simply located on concrete ground.

In 2019, in response to the “Opinions on Further Involvement of All Sectors of Society in Poverty Alleviation and

Development” issued by the General Office of the State Council, RELX donated 300,000 RMB to the “Sunshine

Runway Project” of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to build a plastic sports field conforming to

modern standards for Baiwu Elementary School.

After a thorough inspection of the school, the renovation of the school field was officially launched in October

2020. A 1,560 square meter standardized sports field was reconstructed for Baiwu Elementary School.

After removing safety hazards, replacing weak infrastructure and carrying out various other construction, the

new sports field was finally completed and ready for use in May 2021. The children at Baiwu Elementary School

can now participate in sporting activities on the new plastic tracks. They can say goodbye to concrete and run

around freely on the new field. The bright, modern school field and the innocent smiling faces of the children

form yet another beautiful scene of Baiwu Village.

Story | Allowing More Children to Run in the Sun

The school field of Baiwu Elementary School before the renovation. The new school field jointly built by RELX and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.

55RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Biodiversity Conservation

In the future, we will also set up a RELX monitoring network and

establish a “Zhen’anling Village – RELX Ecological Science Education

Base” in the region. Through this, we will promote the concept of

wildlife protection among local villagers and help them develop eco-

tourism, nature study and other green projects based on their natural

advantage, so as to promote the sustainable development of the local

economy and help revitalize the village.

Purchase of 20 monitoring

devices to observe wildlife behavior and patterns of crop damage.

H e l p i n g to o rg a n i z e a

20-member RELX patrol team

in cooperation with the National Park Administration to remove traps in mountains.

Planting of 60 acres of agricultural land exclusively for feeding wild spotted deer and wild boars, and providing villagers with subsidies to compensate

for 225 acres of damaged corn farmland so as to ease human-wildlife conflict.

Helping 20 villagers earn sustainable income through beekeeping.

Helping villagers set up ecological education and experience infrastructure, and carrying out relevant professional training and develop the ecological service industry.

In order to improve the living environment of wild Siberian tigers and leopards in the Northeast China Tiger and

Leopard National Park, promote the growth of critically endangered wildlife populations and protect biodiversity,

RELX launched the “Let Siberian Tigers and Leopards Return to Northeast China” project in 2020, under which we

donate 1 million RMB to the “Happy Home - Walk with Tigers and Leopards” project of the China Green Foundation

every year. The project, piloted in Zhen’anling Village, Hunchun City, a village close to the Northeast China Tiger and

Leopard National Park, aims to protect the individual safety of tigers and leopards around the village by organizing

patrol teams to remove traps in the mountains to prevent poaching, installing monitoring devices, securing food

sources along the ecosystem food chain, alleviating local human-wildlife conflicts, and promoting sustainability of

the community villagers’ livelihood.

The spring sowing of the “RELX Eco-Field” in Zhen’anling Village was completed in May 2021.

RELX selected 20 villagers to form the “RELX Patrol Team”, providing them with

scientific knowledge training and equipment support to help villagers increase their

income while protecting wildlife habitat.

At RELX, we position ourselves as a responsible member of

society. Driven by this mindset, we are constantly striving to meet

the challenge of striking a balance between business growth

and environmental protection. We take our conservation and

environmental efforts seriously, having incorporated green practices

in every aspect of our operations and implemented a variety of

measures to promote a sustainable environment.

Environmental Responsibility

Commitment to Green Manufacturing

RELX only procures materials and parts that meet or exceed national environmental standards.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 57

We require our suppliers

(and their suppliers) to

use raw materials that

a r e e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y

f riendly and send them

to a professional third

party for testing. Any

materia l that fa i ls to

m e e t e nv i ro n m e n t a l

s t a n d a r d s w i l l b e

prohibited f rom use in

our products.

For the processing stage,

we require suppliers to

possess green certification

and send their processed

r a w m a t e r i a l s t o a

professional third party for

testing. We will reject any

material that fails to meet

environmental standards.

R E L X w i l l s e n d t h e

f i n a l p r o d u c t s to a

professional third party

fo r a f u r t h e r ro u n d

of test ing to ensure

t h e i r c o m p l i a n c e

with envi ronmental


MaterialsRELX adheres strictly to green policy by ensuring all materials and manufacturing processes

meet or exceed national environmental standards.

58 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Energy and Resources

Through the energy and resource monitoring system, RELX receives

constant detailed updates on its monthly water, electricity and gas

consumption, and is able to conduct inspections on random samples.

By performing statistical analysis of data, our system calculates the unit

energy consumption of our products and compares it with environmental

indicators. This provides input that helps us implement proper energy-

saving measures. Meanwhile, we are always seeking ways to cultivate

stronger environmental awareness among our employees through various


In 2020, despite the limited expandability of the total production area,

employee numbers, and energy consumption, the consumption of

water, electricity and gas per unit was reduced by 20% at RELX's exclusive

production plant, while the production capacity increased by 30%, after

taking steps to improve and optimize the processes.

In the same year, every production line at the plant was equipped with an automatic

dripping machine, making the process of dripping oil onto atomizing cores much more


59RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021



In our operations, we comply strictly with laws and regulations, including the “Law

of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric

Pollution” and the “Integrated Emission Standards for Atmospheric Pollutants”. We

conduct emissions audits on our suppliers to inspect the processes and outcomes of

their actions in fulfilling their environmental responsibility. Our suppliers are required

to sign environmental protection agreements, under which they are mandated to

maintain proper emissions standards and require their own suppliers to identify and

prevent environmental risks.

In addition, RELX continues to optimize its logistical operations with the goal of

conserving resources and reducing emissions. While ensuring package safety, we

try to standardize the size of our packaging boxes as much as possible to optimize

transport resources. We also make every effort to avoid empty return loads while

planning our logistical routes. In 2020, the emissions of RELX's logistics was reduced

by more than 15 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents.

RELX monitors the waste disposal processes rigorously to ensure that the recycling,

transfer, temporary storage and final disposal of our waste are in line with national

standards. Guided by the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” principle, we treat the general

and hazardous waste from our production using scientific methods.

In 2020, RELX substantially

reduced the production

waste of its exclusive

production plant by

76% from 2019.

Note: For more details on RELX’s environmental data for 2020, please refer to “RLX ESG Report 2020”.

We engage qualif ied companies to recycle or

dispose of our general waste;

General waste

Hazardous waste We engage qualified companies to dispose of and

transport our hazardous waste, to reduce the risk

of environmental pollution during transportation.

Moreover, RELX seeks to reduce the generation

of hazardous waste in its operations by constantly

adopting new technology and management


Corporate Governance

Be a Rule-abiding and Compliant Member of RELX

Kate Wang, RELX founder and CEO, conducting compliance training for employees.

The growth of a company requires the synchronous enhancement of

its corporate governance mechanism. Since its establishment, RELX

has adhered to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness in

accordance with advanced global corporate management standards.

We have also established a corporate governance mechanism that is

in accordance with national laws and regulations.

The growth of a company requires the synchronous enhancement of

its corporate governance mechanism. Since its establishment, RELX

has adhered to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness in

accordance with advanced global corporate management standards.

We have also established a corporate governance mechanism that is

in accordance with national laws and regulations.

RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021 61

In January 2021, RELX’s parent company, RLX Technology, was listed on the

New York Stock Exchange (stock code: RLX). The company strictly complies

with the applicable laws and requirements of the listing rules of the New

York Stock Exchange regarding corporate governance to ensure that the

decision-making process reflects the principles of trust and fairness, as well

as timely and transparent disclosure of information.

As of June 30, 2021, the RELX’s Board of Directors consists of five members,

including three executive directors and two independent directors. The

company has disclosed information about the relevant directors as required

by applicable law (see for details). The duties of the

Board of Directors of the company are to direct, guide and supervise the

compliant and effective operations of the company to ensure its stable

development and maximization of shareholders’ interests. There are three

committees under the Board of Directors, namely the Audit Committee,

the Compensation Committee, and the Nominating and Corporate

Governance Committee.

RELX adheres to high standards of ethical business conduct. The

transparency of our operations and governance standards are recognized

by our shareholders and the public. We believe that strict and high

standards of corporate governance will enable the company to operate

in a stable and efficient manner. This is in the long-term interest of the

company and its shareholders.

Refers to The Securities Act of 1933 and the rules and regulations thereunder; The

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder; The Sarbanes-

Oxley Act of 2002; the auditing principles, rules, standards and practices issued or

approved by The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board applicable to “issuer’s”

auditors; the listing rules of the New York Stock Exchange and other applicable laws and




Detailed information on the structure of RELX’s Board of Directors can be found at


62 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Risk Management and Internal ControlAt RELX, risk management and internal control are very important parts

of our work. We are clearly aware that it is the responsibility and task of

the management to establish and maintain a risk management system

together with an internal control mechanism that is in line with strategic

objectives and adapted to the actual situation of the company.

In terms of risk management, we have developed a management system

covering design, implementation, monitoring and review, which we

are constantly improving. The Board of Directors formulates overall risk

management objectives and policies in accordance with the strategic

plan, and identifies, analyzes and evaluates the overall risk profile of the

company. They are responsible for reviewing and approving response plans

for major risks, as well as tracking the implementation of response plans for

identified risks.

In terms of internal control, the company attaches importance to the

establishment of internal control systems and mechanisms regarding

financial monitoring, operational monitoring and compliance monitoring.

For the annual financial report as of December 31, 2020, the company

is tentatively not required to provide a management report on internal

controls in its financial report, according to the applicable laws; beginning

from the annual financial year as of December 31, 2021, the company will be

providing a management report on internal controls in its financial report.

Wen Yilong, co-founder of RELX, discussing risk response plans with employees from relevant


63RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Audit and Supervision

Business Ethics

In order to enhance audit supervision on key areas, important segments

and major projects and to enhance the ability to perceive important

risks, RELX has established a supervisory and management system that

is risk control-oriented, supported by internal controls and safeguarded

by internal audit supervision. This ensures the implementation of risk

controls, efficiency improvements, compliant operations and the healthy

and sustainable development of the company, maximizing the function of

auditing as a boost to an organization’s immune system.

RELX attaches great importance to anti-corruption work and has

established a strict internal management system and punishment

mechanism. We will not tolerate any corruption and fraudulent behavior

among our employees and will investigate and deal with all cases


We adopt high ethical standards to regulate the behavior of our employees.

Employees are required to act with integrity and self-restraint, and to

conduct themselves as such in their daily work. In order to improve the self-

restraint of our employees and ensure that our production and operation

activities are in line with business ethics, we have established a series of

Code of Conduct and Ethics for our employees as well as a system to punish

and prevent corruption and malpractice. All new employees will undergo

training related to the above items and sign the relevant Code of Business

Conduct and Ethics upon joining the company.

We have also established an internal reporting and whistle-blowing

mechanism, which allows our employees to openly report and question

alleged violations. We have also set up a whistle-blower protection system,

including measures such as the inability to trace reporting information

back to the whistle-blower and a one-way contact between the supervisory

department and the whistle-blower, so as to ensure the anonymity of the


Detailed information on RELX’s corporate governance can be found at

64 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

Index of GRI Standards

General Disclosures


Ethics and Integrity


































































Not applicable



Stakeholder Engagement

Reporting Practice

GRI 103: Management Approach

GRI 205: Anti-Corruption

GRI 206: Anti-CompetitiveBehavior

GRI 301: Materials

GRI 302: Energy

GRI 303: Water

GRI 304: Biodiversity

GRI 305: Emissions


GRI 201: Economic Performance

GRI 202: Market Presence

GRI 203: Indirect EconomicImpacts

GRI 204: ProcurementPractices

GRI 307: EnvironmentalCompliance

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity

GRI 415: Public Policy

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety

GRI 417: Marketing andLabeling

GRI 418: Customer Privacy

GRI 419: SocioeconomicCompliance

GRI 406: Non-Discrimination

GRI 408: Child Labor

GRI 410: Security Practices

GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples

GRI 412: Human RightsAssessment

GRI 413: Local Communities

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 407: Freedom of Association and CollectiveBargaining

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment

GRI 401: Employment

GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 404: Training and Education

Serial No.



102-35 61

204-1 21-23

205-1 63

205-2 22,63





















No occurrence ofsuch event


56-57 306-4














No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

102-36 61






































































404-2 44-45







405-2 40-43

















413-1 50-53



404-3 44-45

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

GRI 306: Effluents and Waste










Not applicable

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor

Not applicable

Not applicable

203-1 Not applicable

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

65RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

General Disclosures


Ethics and Integrity


































































Not applicable



Stakeholder Engagement

Reporting Practice

GRI 103: Management Approach

GRI 205: Anti-Corruption

GRI 206: Anti-CompetitiveBehavior

GRI 301: Materials

GRI 302: Energy

GRI 303: Water

GRI 304: Biodiversity

GRI 305: Emissions


GRI 201: Economic Performance

GRI 202: Market Presence

GRI 203: Indirect EconomicImpacts

GRI 204: ProcurementPractices

GRI 307: EnvironmentalCompliance

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity

GRI 415: Public Policy

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety

GRI 417: Marketing andLabeling

GRI 418: Customer Privacy

GRI 419: SocioeconomicCompliance

GRI 406: Non-Discrimination

GRI 408: Child Labor

GRI 410: Security Practices

GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples

GRI 412: Human RightsAssessment

GRI 413: Local Communities

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 407: Freedom of Association and CollectiveBargaining

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment

GRI 401: Employment

GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 404: Training and Education

Serial No.



102-35 61

204-1 21-23

205-1 63

205-2 22,63





















No occurrence ofsuch event


56-57 306-4














No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

102-36 61






































































404-2 44-45







405-2 40-43

















413-1 50-53



404-3 44-45

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

GRI 306: Effluents and Waste










Not applicable

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No. Page No. andReason for Omission

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor

Not applicable

Not applicable

203-1 Not applicable

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No statistical systemhas been established

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

No occurrence ofsuch event

66 RELX Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-2021

About this ReportThis report is the second corporate social responsibility report released by RELX. This Report mainly provides

important information about the company in fulfilling its social responsibility and its creation of shared values.

The report is an important communication tool for the company to facilitate its communication with different


Description of the Report’s Subject and its Appellations:

The subject of this report is RLX Technology Inc. and the entities under its control. For ease of presentation and

readability, the subject is represented in parts of the report by the words “RELX”, “the company” and “we”.

Disclaimer on Prospective Content:

This report may contain prospective statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Many factors could

cause actual results to differ materially from those mentioned in any prospective statements, including but

not limited to: the company’s growth strategy; future business development, operational results and financial

conditions; trends and competition in the e-vapor market of China; changes in revenues and certain cost or expense

items; the Chinese government’s policies, laws and regulations related to the company’s industry, general economic

and business conditions globally and in China, and assumptions related to each of the above.

Boundaries and Scope of the Report:

The primary time scope of the content and data mentioned in this report is from April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, with

some data and cases covered outside of this scope.

Drafting Standards:

In order to comply with international standards for social responsibility and non-financial information disclosure

norms as well as reflect the corporate profile of RELX, this report has been prepared in accordance with the core

principle of “Sustainable Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative” (GRI Standards) issued by the Global

Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB).

Description of Report’s Content:

This report does not contain false information or misleading statements, and RELX hereby warrants that the

contents of this report are true, accurate and complete. Unless otherwise specified, the monetary amounts

disclosed in the report are denominated in RMB.

How to Obtain this Report:

This report is published in two versions, print and electronic. The electronic version can be downloaded from RELX’s

official website If you need a printed copy of the report, or have any suggestions and

comments on this report, please contact:

Contact Department:

Corporate Social Responsibility Department Correspondence address: 19F, Building 1, Junhao Central Park Plaza, No.

10 Chaoyang Park South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City

Email: [email protected]

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