caring for earth

CARING for EARTH Remember it is your home

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Page 1: Caring for earth

Remember it is your home

Page 2: Caring for earth

Welcome to a new WORLDVIEW

Looking at the planet as your HOMEand something you should CARE formay seem odd to you.Yet, this story will show youhow much sense it makes

It is as much the story of your life,as it is the story of our planet. y p

© P

hoto: P 11.05.2010 Climate change2

hotodisc Singles

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The journey starts in your MIND 11.05.2010 Climate change3

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It starts by taking a WIDER perspective. 11.05.2010 Climate change4

© Photo: tsintsin on

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It starts by looking outside the comforts of your family home and neighbourhoodfamily home and neighbourhood. 11.05.2010 Climate change5

© Photo: Scanpix / ImageSource

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It starts by looking at what’s happening with our planet Earthwith our planet Earth. 11.05.2010 Climate change6

© PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis

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First of all, you need to remember THIS. 11.05.2010 Climate change7

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The food you eat… 11.05.2010 Climate change8© Photo: Luth / Fancy

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The fresh water you drink… 11.05.2010 Climate change9© Photo: Luth / Image Source

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The air you breathe… 11.05.2010 Climate change10© Photo: Luth / MoodBoard

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The building material that gives you shelter… 11.05.2010 Climate change11© Photo: Luth / ?

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The energy you use… 11.05.2010 Climate change12© Photo: Luth / Corbis

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Are all products of this living ECOSYSTEM. 11.05.2010 Climate change13

© PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis

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All the things we take for GRANTED.

Might not be there for our childrenMight not be there for our childrenBecause we have forgotten that

resources are SCARCE. 11.05.2010 Climate change14© Photo: Scanpix / Corbis

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We see evidence of our MINDLESSNESS…

across the globe.g 11.05.2010 Climate change15© Photo: NASA

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Earth’s natural resources are being depleted…

at record rates. 11.05.2010 Climate change16© Photo: NASA

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CrudeOver the past 50 years,

we have changed ecosystems more extensively than in any period in human history. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change17SOURCE: World Resource Institute, Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, 2005 © PHOTO: Scanpix / AFP / David BoilyPLACE: Oil-sand field in Canada

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75%75%of the natural ecosystems on which we depend y p

have already been degraded. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change18SOURCE: WWF, A roadmap for a lving planet, 2009 © PHOTO: Luth / Fancy

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50%50%of all the forests that once covered the Earth, ,

have been cleared for farmland and urban development. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change19SOURCE: World Resources Institute, World Resources 1998–99 © PHOTO: Luth / Fancy

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25%25% of species is heading for extinction by 2050.for extinction by 2050. 11.05.2010 Climate change20SOURCE: Wildlife in a changing world, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2008 EVENT: Seabird caught in fishnet

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I th t 40In the next 40 years the pressure on Earth’s ecosystemswill increase dramaticallywill increase dramatically 11.05.2010 Climate change21

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2 billion2 billionExpected increase in world population. 11.05.2010 Climate change22SOURCE: UN Population Division/DESA, Press release: World Population to exceed 9 billion by 2050, March 11, 2009 © PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis / Alan Schein Photography

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200%200%World demand for energy is expected to more than DOUBLE. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change23SOURCE: European Comission, World Energy Technology Outlook to 2050, 2007 © PHOTO: Scanpix / Folio / Tor LindbergPLACE: Chicago

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300%300%The number of cars in the world is expected to TRIPLE.p 11.05.2010 Six forces of change24SOURCE: 50 by 50: Global Fuel Economy Initiative, 2009: FIA Foundation, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Energy Agency, International Transport Forum (ITF) © PHOTO: Pixtal

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400%The size of the world economy

(GDP) is expected to QUADRUPLE. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change25SOURCE: European Comission, World Energy Technology Outlook to 2050, jan. 2007 © PHOTO: Masterfile / R. Ian Lloyd PLACE: Ship near harbor in Singapore

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More and more developing countries are becoming industrialized 11.05.2010 Six forces of change26

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1 5 billion1,5 billionProjected population in China.

China is expected to become the world's LARGEST economy.China is expected to become the world s LARGEST economy. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change27SOURCE: Goldman Sachs, The N-11: More Than an Acronym" - Goldman Sachs study of N11 nations, Global Economics Paper No: 153, March 28, 2007. © PHOTO: AFP / Liu Jin

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1 6 billion1,6 billionProjected population in India.j p p

India is expected to become the THIRD largest economy in the world. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change28SOURCE: Goldman Sachs, The N-11: More Than an Acronym" - Goldman Sachs study of N11 nations, Global Economics Paper No: 153, March 28, 2007. © PHOTO: Reuters / Stringer / India

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The KEY point is…

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2xEarths’2xEarthsBy 2050 we will be using TWICE as many naturalTWICE as many natural resources as the Earth

can replenish. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change30SOURCE: WWF, A roadmap for a lving planet, 2009 © PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis

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The competition for FOOD, WATER, LAND and ENERGY will intensify. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change31

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As we keep CROWDING the Earth. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change32EVENT: Earth at night © PHOTO: DMSP and NASA

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In ever growing METROPOLISESIn ever growing METROPOLISES 11.05.2010 Six forces of change33PLACE: Chicago © PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis / Robert Llewellyn

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Food-shortages and malnutrition are alreadystriking hard-hit areas. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change34

Page 35: Caring for earth 11.05.2010 Six forces of change35EVENT: Food Crisis in Kolkata, West Bengal, India © PHOTO: Scanpix / ZUMA press

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2 billion2 billionpeople are already affected by water scarcity. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change36SOURCE: World Resource Institute, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005 © PHOTO: Scanpix / ReutersEVENT: Water crisis in Wangcheng county, central China, July 2007

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Up to 25% of the world’s food production“world s food production may become lost due to environmental breakdown by 2050 unless action is taken.”

– UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) ,The Environmental g ) ,Food Crisis – The Environment's Role in Averting Future Food Crises, 2009 11.05.2010 Six forces of change37

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Mass MIGRATION is inevitable. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change38

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Environmental damages force people to leave hard-hit rural areas to seek better conditions in already over-crowded cities. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change39© PHOTO: ScanpixPLACE: India

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1 billi1 billionare currently living as slum dwellersare currently living as slum dwellers

in the developing world’s cities. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change40SOURCE: World Bank, World Development Report 2009 "Reshaping Economic Geography PLACE: Lagos in Nigeria

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200 million200 millionEstimated number of climate refugees by 2050. 11.05.2010 Six forces of change41SOURCE: Synthesis Report, Climate Change, Global Risks, Challenges & Decisions, 2009

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To sum it all up… 11.05.2010 Climate change42

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UnsustainableThe fashion and speed in which we keep exploiting Earth,

is simply unsustainable in the long term 11.05.2010 Six forces of change43

© PHOTO: Scanpix / Corbis

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Now, to the first big question 11.05.2010 Climate change44

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What to do

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We should start to CARE more

How we care about ourselves How we care about our family How we care about our neighborhood How we care about our planet.

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We should rethink and redesing our lives.

How we get and use energy How we get and use energy How we work and live. How we make things.g 11.05.2010 Six forces of change47© Photo: Scanpix / Reuters

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Now, to the second big question 11.05.2010 Climate change48

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Who should do the job

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This is NOT a task for the poorest and developing nations. 11.05.2010 Climate change50

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2 6 billion2,6 billionAlmost half the world’s population live on $2 per day or less. 11.05.2010 Climate change51SOURCE: World Resources Institute (WRI), World Resources 2008 © PHOTO: Save the Children / Kelley Lynch

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They can yonly hope and pray for better times. 11.05.2010 Climate change52EVENT: Priests perform special prayers in order to appease the rain god due to lack of rain. Mumbai August 26, 2009. © PHOTO: Scanpix / Reuters / Punit Paranjpe

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This is a task for the INDUSTRIALIZED world. 11.05.2010 Climate change53

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16%16%of the world’s population account for

80% of the money spent on private consumption. 11.05.2010 Climate change54SOURCE: The World Bank, WHERE IS THE Wealth of NATIONS?, 2006 © PHOTO: GoodshootPLACE: Chicago

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Because we’ve created the problem, we must fix it

We = th

we must fix it.

the consumers, the leaders, the politicians, th tithe corporationsWe =US, Japan, China,US, Japan, China, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Russia, Spain BrazilSpain, Brazil, Canada, India, Scandinavia, and many more 11.05.2010 Climate change55

many more…

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So, please dear friend… 11.05.2010 Six forces of change56

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Start a new life today.

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Start to CARE for all life that surround you

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A Steria insight series 11.05.2010 Climate change59

A Steria insight series production.

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Created by

Anders LindgrenAnders Lindgrenmarketing director, Steria

e-mail: al@steria no e mail: [email protected] anderslindgren4u

t itt A d Li d AndersLindgren 11.05.2010 Climate change60