  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011


    In this issue:

    P 3: 27th Annual Practical

    Cardiology Symposium

    P 5: Healthy Habits Corner

    P 7: 2011 Heart Walk Recap

    P 10: Core Measures


    P 12: News Bries

    P 15: The Center or

    Integrative Therapy


    Denise Charpentier

    VP, Marketing/PR

    (816) 276-9293

    [email protected]


    Mike Ralston

    Director, Marketing/PR

    (816) [email protected]



    Research Medical Center and Research Brookside

    Campus will join the fght against breast cancer onOct. 29 by participating as a agship sponsor in the

    American Cancer Societys Making Strides Against

    Breast Cancer, a non-competitive walk that will be

    held at Liberty Memorial.

    Stephanie Gra, MD, Ginny Gordanier and Carolyn Tessler, coordinators or the Research

    Making Strides team, have a goal o recruiting 100 walkers or a day o un-raising or this very

    important cause.

    An estimated 5,000 women in Kansas and Missouri will be diagnosed with breast cancer this

    year and nearly 1,100 will die rom it. The disease aects our wives, mothers, sisters, aunts,

    grandmothers, daughters, riends and colleagues, which is why Research Medical Center, as parto HCA Midwest Health System, has made a commitment to join the fght against breast cancer

    during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.

    We all know someone touched by breast cancera patient, a amily member, a riend, explainsStephanie Gra, MD, medical oncologist with Research Medical Center. This walk gives our

    Research Medical Center amily the opportunity to walk along side them, oering our support. I

    hope youand your amily and riendswill join us.

    As the nations largest non-government supporter o breast cancer research nationwide, theAmerican Cancer Society has unded $323 million in breast cancer research grants since 1972

    and has been an important part o nearly every major breast cancer research breakthrough o the

    past century. Funds raised through this event will support this critical breast cancer research and

    support programs and services the society provides to improve the quality o lie and chances osurvival or cancer patients right here, in our community.

    Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is about passion, prevention, and survival; and its aboutremembering those or whom the cure did not come soon enough.

    Making StrideS againSt BreaSt CanCer

    OCtOBer 29 LiBerty MeMOriaL

    Registration starts at 8 a.m.

    Walk begins at 9 a.m.

    For more inormation on how to join Researchs Making Strides team, contact Ginny Gordanier

    at (816) 276-6701 or [email protected] or Carolyn Tessler at (816) 276-3704 or

    [email protected]. For more inormation on American Cancer Society programs oror cancer-related inormation, call 1.800.ACS.2345 or visit

    Join the American Cancer Society in theBattle Against Breast Cancer

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011


    Heres whats happening at

    Research Medical Center and Research Brookside


    Oct. 3rd - WEAR PINK DAYWear pink and stop by our table in the cafeteria during


    Research Medical Center2316 E Meyer Blvd. Kansas City, Mo.Each Wednesday in October, walk-in screening

    mammograms are available on the main campus from

    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday appointments are available

    on the main campus on Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd.

    Research Brookside Campus

    6675 Holmes Kansas City, Mo.Saturday appointments and walk-in screening

    mammograms are always available.

    A free gift will be offered to everyone who receives a

    mammogram screening during the month of October.

    Research Medical Center and Research Brookside

    Campus offer enhanced digital mammography with a

    lower radiation dose due to tungsten tube technology.

    N Exu

    Get ScreenedHaving a screening mammogram may never

    be high on a womans list of things to do.

    But should it be? Absolutely.

    Early detection o breast cancer is vitally important when fghting the

    disease. Do something good for yourselfand get yor rotine screening


    Eight locations throghot the metro so yo dont have to leave yor


    Highly skilled and dedicated doctors, nrses and technologists

    Satrday appointments and etended hors dring October

    Walk-ins available at several locations

    Advanced technology inclding digital mammography and MammoPad

    a sot oam cshion or se dring screening or maimm comort

    In addition to screening mammography, we have comprehensive ollow-pservices available in yor commnity or breast lesion evalation. I the

    nthinkable happens, we oer breast cancer treatment as well. Research

    Medical Center is a National Accreditation Program or Breast Centers.

    Go to to learn more abot or breast health

    locations and capabilities. Yo can also learn more abot or hospitals

    special events and promotions or National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    in October, inclding tokens o appreciation to women who have their

    mammogram as well as ree health and wellness events.

    Missouri: 816-751-3775Toll-free: 1-888-953-3322

    In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, hospital staffare invited to attend:

    Breast Health: Prevention and Risk ReductionFriday, Oct. 21

    11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Classrooms L&M (B-level)

    Join Stephanie Graff, MD, medical oncologist and breastcancer specialist, as she discusses breast health, risk factors,the importance of screening mamograms and what to do if youdiscover a lump.

    To RSVP, call (816) 276-9650 by Oct. 14.


    Research Medical CenterResearch Medical Center Brookside Campus

    Call to schedule your appointment.

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    The 27th Annual Practical Cardiology Symposium is scheduled or 7:15 to 4 p.m., Friday, Sept. 30 at

    the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel. The event is designed to provide primary members o the healthcareproession with the tools and knowledge they need to indentiy and treat various signs and symptoms o

    cardiac disease.

    Doctors who are scheduled to speak at the symposium are:

    Stuart ZariCh, Md, FaCC Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes

    JOhn CahiLL, Md Heart Failure Management: Role o Cardiac Imaging. Which Test? When?and For Whom?

    raMeSh daguBati, Md, FaCC, FaSCi ACS: Inpatient and Outpatient Management

    BangaLOre deepak, Md, FaCC, rpVi Approach to the Patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease

    CataLin LOghin, Md, FaCC Valvular Heart Disease The New Era harOLd StiteS, Md, FaCC Updates on Arrhythmias Management

    The event is broken up into two parts. The frst three presenters will speak during the morning session, and the fnal three will

    speak during the aternoon session. Each presentation is one hour in length, and there will be a one-hour break or lunch at

    11:30 a.m.

    Some o the objectives attendees should learn by the conclusion o the symposium are:

    How to identiy current indications or cardiac imaging studies in heart ailure

    Outlining the role o dierent cardiac imaging modalities in guiding therapeutic management o heart ailure,

    echocardiographic and other imaging eatures o diastolic and systolic heart ailure Recognizing the value o cardiac imaging as part o a multidisciplinary team approach to heart ailure management

    Cardiology Symposium Gathers Top Physicians toDiscuss Various Cardiac Conditions

    Bangalore deepak, MdInterventional Cardiologist

    Second Quarter Recognition Awards

    tOp patient SatiSFaCtiOn

    5 EastMOSt iMprOVed patient SatiSFaCtiOn

    4 West

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    As you know, HCA is currently developing an enterprise-wide Electronic Health Record (EHR)

    called hCare. A key component o hCare is having a comprehensive, single view o a patients

    clinical data.

    The hCare Clinician Portal is an electronic access point or physicians and necessary clinical sta

    to view integrated patient inormation, clinical data, and access clinical inormation systems through a user-riendly, intuitive

    interace. It is the entry point to our EHR.

    At this time we are excited to announce the upcoming implementation o Horizon Patient Folder (HPF) and its integration with the

    hCare Clinician Portal. HPF is a computer system that contains multiple unctions and will house the patient medical record post


    Once in place, HPF will be the electronic permanent legal medical record post-discharge. From within the clinician portal

    physicians and clinical sta will be able to manage incomplete records, electronically sign documents, and access post-discharge

    documentation using HPF. The paper medical record will still exist prior to discharge.

    What yOu need tO dO

    Staff Train the Trainer sessions will begin in early January 2012. Physician training sessions will begin the week o January 23,

    2012. For access to Horizon Patient Folder (HPF) via the portal, you will need to have a user account set up and participate in an

    introductory training session.

    To learn more about training opportunities and user set-up sessions, contact Midwest IT&S, Physician Support coordinators at

    (816) 276-4357 or [email protected] or [email protected].

    Horizon Patient Folder Coming Soon!

    Get the care you need, fast.

    Your emergency isour emergency.

    An emergency can happen at any time.

    Research Medical Center and Research Medical Center - Brookside Campus are the

    difference between worry and reassurance. Our emergency team provides fast, expert

    care for any emergency your family may face.

    2316 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64132 Level II Trauma Center Accredited Chest Pain Center Certifed Primary Stroke Center

    6601 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64131

    Less than a 30-minute wait time

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    heaLthy haBitS COMMitteeComprised o members o various

    departments, the Healthy Habits

    Committees goal is to support and

    encourage employees who wantto live healthier and happier lives

    through physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth.

    Healthy Habits has championed many initiatives, including

    Weight Watchers, Biggest Loser, the Wellness Garden, Tai Chi

    classes, Two-Stepping classes, indoor and outdoor walking

    trails on the hospitals main campus, the Farmers Markets

    on both campuses, the new Fitness Center on the hospitals

    main campus, and coordinating the hospitals contingency to

    the Country Music Marathon in Nashville this past spring.

    Because o the eorts o the committee, Research Medical

    Center was awarded the American Heart Associations Gold

    Fit-Friendly Company award in 2009, 2010, and 2011 which

    recognized Research Medical Center or providing physicalftness and healthy eating options or employees, and or

    promoting a culture o wellness.

    the WeLLneSS gardenThe Wellness Garden struggled through the extreme hot

    weather o July and the frst part o August, but the plants are

    coming back with the cooler weather and rain. The gardens will

    be available next year so youre interested in having a garden

    or hal o a garden, contact Sue Funk at Ext. 4664. In order

    to receive a garden bed, you need to sign a commitment orm

    promising to maintain the garden during the growing season.

    You will be responsible or weeding and watering your bed.

    Those who gardened this year had a good time and would tellyou that there is work involved, but that its worth the eort.

    Current gardeners who have committed to the project and want

    to continue gardening will be able to keep their beds.

    Some o vegetables growing well this season include tomatoes,

    cucumbers, squash, peppers, corn, melons, broccoli and

    kohlrabi. The Kansas City Community Gardens, located near

    the Kansas City Zoo, have many garden classes throughout the

    year. For a nominal ee you can become a member, attend the

    classes and receive seeds and plants at a discount. For more

    inormation, visit

    A hal-mile walking trail has been

    established close to the gardens, with

    signs supplied by the American Heart

    Association. Now that the weather is

    cooler you might want to try it out. The

    signs along the way provide health tips

    to consider when you take your walk.

    Just ollow the signs toward the Child

    Development Center, then down the road

    around the buildings and by the Diabetes

    Center and townhouses and back to the frst sign. You have

    then completed a hal a mile.

    tai Chi CLaSS

    Tai Chi Chuan is one o the oldest systems o Chinese martialarts. It is characterized by uid, evenly-defned, circular

    movements, which can be practiced quickly or martial

    applications or slowly or decreasing stress and maintaining

    physical health. Licensed instructor David Wurl rom Three

    Dragons Way has 20+ years experience in the Chinese martial

    arts community. For more inormation, call (816) 276-4147.

    Mondays @ Brookside Health & Fitness Center

    7-8:15 p.m.

    Research Brookside Campus

    heaLthy haBitS COMMittee prOMOteS phySiCaL aCtiVity

    The Healthy Habits Committee encourages 150 minutes omoderate physical activity each week as part o the American

    Heart Association Physical Activity Guidelines. In many

    cases, the easiest path to physical activity is a regular walking

    program. The indoor walking path on A-Level and the new

    outdoor walking path by the Wellness Gardens oer excellent

    opportunities or beginning or continuing your pursuit o

    wellness. Below are several community opportunities:

    Sept. 18 the great prOState CanCer ChaLLenge

    5K run/walk and one-mile un run to beneft ZERO the Project

    to End Prostate Cancer

    Sept. 23 Lightthe night WaLk @ COrpOrate WOOdS

    5K run/walk to beneft the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

    OCt. 29 Making StrideS againSt BreaSt CanCer @ LiBerty MeMOriaL

    5K walk to beneft the American Cancer Society

    nOV. 12 FightFOr air Stair CLiMB @ tOWn Center paViLiOn

    Benefts the American Lung Association

    nOV. 13 Lung hiLL run/WaLk @ LiBerty MeMOriaL

    Benefts Lung Cancer Research

    A comprehensive schedule o events throughout the region can

    be ound at

    Sbme b: Jan Horton, Sue Funk, Susan Hendricksonand Cheri Hampton

    Healthy Habits Corner

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011




    Scientifc Registry o Transplant Recipients (SRTR)

    WhereCan i Findit?

    The inormation that is shared with the public on quality measures is more easily accessible than ever. SRTR

    inormation on our program can be ound at The website is updated every January and July.

    You can search or our transplant center specifcally or you can look at any transplant center in the United

    States and fnd inormation on quality measures or transplant recipients.


    Each day we strive to provide top quality care, and having that inormation available to you is one

    important piece in keeping you inormed about your care.

    Our transplant program monitors quality in real-time and retrospectively. Real-time means that each day we are looking at

    labs to ensure that patients are taking their anti-rejection medication appropriately to maintain their transplanted organ. We

    also round as a transplant team on the patients who are in the hospital. The transplant team consists o our surgeon, transplant

    coordinators, case manager, transplant pharmacist, dietician, and the nurse taking care o the patient. You, the patient, are also

    part o the transplant team and our most important member!

    Looking at quality retrospectively means that on a monthly basis, our Quality committee reviews all the transplants rom the

    previous month. The committee is looking to see what went well and what we could do better. We believe that always looking

    or ways to improve is one sign o a high quality transplant program.

    Another sign o a high quality transplant program is its outcomes. The graphs below represent how the program at ResearchMedical Center (RMC) compares to other programs in the city as well as the national averages at the one year and three year

    post-transplant timerame.

    BeCky huLett, rn, MSn

    Program AdministratorThe Transplant Institute(816) 822-8257

    The Transplant InstituteTransplant quality inormation that YU have access to 24/7

    Becky Hulett

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011


    SPtMB 9-10 Advanced Traumaie Support Class (ATS) @ Research

    Medical Center. Contact Janet Bjerke

    (317) 374-3767 or more inormation.

    SPtMB 16-18: Retreat & RereshStroke Camp @ Heartland Center. Call

    (888) 688-5450 or visit

    SPtMB 17: Aches and Pains inYour Arm, Hand or Wrist @ Research

    Brookside Campus. R.S.V.P. by calling

    (816) 751-3757.

    SPtMB 27: 2nd Annual DomesticViolence Conerence @ Research

    Brookside Campus. Call (816) 276-4631

    to register.

    SPtMB 30: 27th Annual PracticalCardiology Symposium @ Sheraton

    verland Park Hotel.

    ctB 1: Annual Transplant Picnic@ oose Park, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

    ctB 3: Wear Pink Day. Join usin the caeteria during lunch to learn

    about Making Strides Against Breast


    ctB 12: iving with Diabetes, @Research Medical Center, Rooms 3-4,

    6:30-8 p.m.

    ctB 13: Third Quarter mployeeo the Month/Retirement Reception @

    RMC caeteria, 3-4 p.m.

    ctB 21: Breast Health:Prevention and Risk Reduction @

    Research Medical Center, Classrooms

    3-4, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. To register,

    call (816) 276-9650.

    vMB 5: Research RoyalRebound @ The College Basketballperience. Call (816) 276-4218 or

    more inormation.


    U P C M I N



    Aches and Pains in Your

    Arm, Hand or Wrist?Saturday, Sept. 17

    9-10 a.M. (Curry auditOriuM)reSearCh BrOOkSide CaMpuS 6675 hOLMeS

    Join Vik Zadoo, MD, medical director or the Midwest Hand Center

    at Research Medical Center, as he discusses arm, hand and wrist pain.

    Dr. Zadoo is a diplomate o the American Board o Plastic Surgery

    and trained in hand and microvascular surgery.

    What are the signs and symptoms?

    What are the treatment options?

    When should you seek medical help?

    Light rereshments will be provided. Please RSVP by calling (816) 751-3757 by Sept.


    2011 Heart Walk Recap

    HCA Midwest Health System exceededits extremely aggressive goal by raising atotal o $121,110.92 or this years Heart


    esearh Meal cener placed frstamong the other HCA Midwest Health System hospitals, raising a total o$20,315.Congratulations to our top administrators! Kevin Hicks raised a total o $1,300 and

    Jackie Desouza raised a total o $7,796.

    Below are the individual incentive winners:

    Hear walk eam leaer ho rers 10 alkers ll reee a $30 gf ar.

    Shannita Khemraj-Beharry, Laura Miller, Ginny Gordanier, Jan Horton, CindyAnderson, Laura Fowlston, Theresa Nauser

    top alkers/fnrasers reee a $100 gf ar.Jack Jensen

    ll emploees rasng $1,000 or more ll reee a Pt a.

    Jack Jensen, Misty Crouch

    er emploee rasng $500 or more ll be enere no a rang for a Pt a.Ginny Gordanier, Cindy Anderson, Cyndi Green(Note: Cyndi Green won the drawing)

    the op fnrasng eam a eah fal ll go o lnh h senor eam.Cindy Anderson

    Research Medical Center is top HCA Midwest Health System hospital

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    COMpetenCy FairThe last mandatory Competency Fair or 2011 is ast

    approaching! It is Wednesday, Oct. 12 rom 7:30 a.m. through

    2 p.m. at the Research Brookside Campus. This will be your

    last chance to attend this year. Please make sure that you are

    able to attend i you have not done so already!

    graduate nurSe reSidenCy graduatiOnResearch Medical Centers sixth Graduate Nurse Residency

    class graduated rom the program on July 25. Please

    congratulate them and welcome them to the wonderul

    proession o nursing!

    Sane LiStenand LearnSeptembers Listen and Learn, The Forensic Nurse Examiner

    and the Sexual Assault Program, will be oered on Sept. 20

    rom 7:30-8 a.m. and Sept. 22 rom 12-12:30 p.m. in the

    Auxiliary Room on B-level. It will be worth 0.5 continuous

    education hours.

    SChOOLat WOrkThe 2011-12 School at Work Program is still open or

    enrollment. This program ocuses on the organizations

    continued commitment to uphold our guiding principles oQuality, People, and Service. School at Work is a career

    development system that brings education directly to the work

    site. The purpose o the program is to:

    Allow our employees to learn during normal working


    Learn skills necessary to explore other career

    opportunities in healthcare

    Experience the joy o learning with your co-workers

    Provide opportunities or employees to challenge


    Enhance computer skills

    I you are interested or have an employee that you would like

    to encourage to attend, please contact Stacie Underwood atExt. 4108. All Research Medical Center employees are eligible

    to apply.

    heart FaiLure nurSing SyMpOSiuMResearch Medical Centers inaugural Heart Failure Nursing

    Symposium: Care and Quality will be held on Oct. 7 rom 8

    a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Come join us and increase

    your knowledge o heart ailure care. CEUs will be provided.

    Registration is ree and inormation will be sent via MOX or

    you may call the Heart Failure coordinator at Ext. 3715.

    nurSing dOCuMentatiOnanditSLegaLiMpLiCatiOnSThis is required or charge nurses, directors, CNMs, and

    Preceptors (This is reqre oPcPtS to maintain their

    preceptor status). This will be open to all other sta as seating

    is available. You are required to attend one o the ollowing

    two classes: Oct. 28 rom 8-10 a.m. in Classrooms L/M or

    November 8 rom 8-10 a.m. in Classrooms J/K. To register,

    call Stacie Underwood at Ext. 4108. You will need to give her

    your name and reason you are attending (i.e. preceptor or

    CNM). 2.0 MONA contact hours will be provided.

    Clinical Excellence Update

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    New RN-MSN ProgramResearch College o Nursing has developed an RN-MSN program with a ocus specifcally on the Nurse Educator track or the

    Nurse Executive track or HCA nurses to prepare them or the classroom or administrative setting. This program will allow you

    to transer courses rom the community college or diploma program to meet pre-requisite courses and some upper division nursing

    coursework. Much o the coursework at Research College o Nursing is completed on-line. For more inormation, contact Jan

    Andrews at [email protected] or Leslie Mendenhall at [email protected].

    Congratulations to the Clinical Excellence department or winning the 2nd Quarter Harvesters Collection. The departmentcollected a total o 280 canned goods or Harvesters.

    Terry Duffey, Tien Nguyen Honored with

    Quarterly P.E.E.R. Awards

    terr dffe (Emergency Department) and ten gen(4 West) were recently honored with the second

    and third quarter Proessional Exempliying Excellence at Research (P.E.E.R.) awards respectively. TheP.E.E.R. Recognition Program was designed by the Nursing Councils to identiy and honor superiornurses at Research Medical Center who exempliy clinical excellence. This honor includes a monetaryaward or continuing education in nursing at Research Medical Center. This award is presented to onenurse each quarter.

    In addition to Duey and Nguyen, other nominees included tob callaghan (Emergency Department),Kae cleenger (3 North) and Heaher wespfahl (5 East).

    Below are several comments rom their co-workers:

    terry duFFey Terry knows whats best practice in every situation and always willing to share her knowledge.

    Shes an enthusiastic instructor or many o our required classes, and goes above and beyond inher classroom teaching.

    As a charge nurse, we all look to her to lead us through the day with diplomacy and integrity. Her proessionalism and caring attitude come shining through in all areas.

    tien nguyen Tien is a leader by example and expects nothing less rom other sta. She is dedicated to providing the highest standard o care to her patients. Tien will go the extra mile to make sure the patient is shown dignity and respect. She exemplifes teamwork.

    terr dffe2nd Quarter P.E.E.R. Award Winner

    ten gen3rd Quarter P.E.E.R. Award Winner

    Harvesters Food Network

    TIA Clinic RelocationEective Aug. 1, the TIA Clinic has relocated to the Center or Ancillary Prep and Procedure Services (CAPPS) area. Patients will

    need to be directed to CAPPS location and the sta there will show them to the TIA section. The direct number to the TIA Clinic

    is (816) 276-3915. I a patient calls the old number, they will be given options to press 1 or the Heart Clinic or 2 or TIA Clinic.

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    Whatare COre MeaSureS?Core measures are a set o care processes which were initially developed by The Joint Commission, the accrediting body responsibor setting standards or healthcare. The purpose o these standards is to improve the quality o healthcare by implementing a

    national, standardized perormance measurement system. These measures will now be used by the Centers or Medicare andMedicaid Services (CMS) or reimbursement because the evidence has supported the theory that by using these measures, there isreduced risk o complications, prevention o recurrences and otherwise standardized treatment or better patient care.

    COMparing perFOrManCeHospitals across the country have been measured and compared by The Joint Commission on its perormance in these CoreMeasures. This data lags so that all acilities can be compared equally across time. The inormation is posted to the JointCommission website and the website, on hospital compare.

    WhatareeaChOFthe COre MeaSureS?There are our categories (acute myocardial inarction, community-acquired pneumonia, congestive heart ailure, and surgical careimprovement project). Under each category, key actions are listed that represent the most widely accepted, research-based careprocess or appropriate care.

    99.88%99.50% 99.49% 99.36%










    99.19%98.77% 98.67%










    Core Measures Update

    e Moaral infaron


    Hear Falre


    Peraneos coronar inerenon


    hereShOW reSearCh MediCaL CenterCOMpareSinheartCare:













  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    Employee of the Month

    Congratulations to Amy Bringenberg, ultrasound technologist, or being selected Employee o the Monthor August. Nomination comments by her co-workers include:

    Amy is cheerul when working with patients and pleasant to work with overall.

    She never complains about the add-on ultrasounds we are always asking her to do.

    Amy is cheerul, proessional and always willing to go the extra mile.

    Amy oten works very late and is one o the last people to leave the Research Brookside Campus

    at night. She always inorms patients and their relatives when there is a delay, oten waiting or

    doctors orders.

    Amy BringenBerg UltrAsoUnd technologist

    Stroke Camp is exactly what

    the doctor ordered or survivors

    and caregivers. Rediscoveringthe simple joys o lie is what

    Retreat and Reresh Stroke

    Camp is all about. We get stroke

    survivors and caregivers out o

    daily routines and treat the body,

    mind and soul to relaxation, laughter, music, companionship,

    sharing, tips, hands-on activities, and much more.

    Stroke survivors and caregivers need a break rom the stress

    o everyday lie. Ater providing stroke camps or hundreds

    o individuals since 2004, Retreat and Reresh Stroke Camp

    is conducting the frst stroke camp in the Kansas City

    area. Sponsored by Midwest Stroke Care, which includes

    the fve accredited primary stroke centers that are part o

    HCA Midwest Health System, these weekend camps blend

    all the essential ingredients o what normal olks enjoy

    with an abundance o pampering, compassion, riendship,

    smiles, patience and an extra helping hand when needed. We

    guarantee youll never eel better!

    Heres ha SuvivS sa:

    You are among survivors and caregivers who

    experience the same kind o things you do. I cant say

    enough about camp.

    I elt like I was fnally around people who knewwhat I was talking about, that I could be understood,

    that I no longer need to hide or eel ashamed.

    It was the frst time since my stroke that I elt

    normal. The camp makes you eel normal.

    Heres ha civS sa:

    Were like instant riends, like amily. Everyone lets

    you be yoursel. You can be yoursel.

    He has no real speech, but he can sing. The joy o

    being with a music therapist at camp is so much un.

    I just plain relaxed. I elt this reedom, no


    This is the most un Ive had in two and a hal years

    since her stroke.

    We learn more rom another than we would rom

    doctors and therapists who havent lived it 24/7.

    The most important thing is the sharing, and the

    breakout groups where you pick up a lot o hints and

    tricks to help you as a caregiver.

    For more inormation, visit or call (866)


    Retreat and Refresh Stroke CampSponsored by Midwest Stroke Care September 16-18 Heartland Conerence Center Parkville, Mo.

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    News Briefs

    H. Sctt BjK, Md, MKSPPcS tH ctucicuit

    H. Scott Bjerke, MD, MidwestTrauma Surgical Specialists,

    conducted lectures at several outside

    events, including 20 Years o Trauma

    Care in a Level One Center at Bates

    County Memorial Hospital; Trauma

    rom Explosive Devices; and Meth Labs: What to Look

    or as a Medic; at the Missouri EMS Conerence & Expo.

    jui w civS Quity cHMPiF tH y wd

    Last year the Nursing Quality Peer Review Council(NQPRC) created the Quality Champion o the Year

    Award. The purpose o the award is to recognize an

    outstanding nurse who exemplifes the CARE behaviors o

    Research Medical Center and goes above and beyond in

    their bedside nursing practice. The person is passionate and

    enthusiastic, inspires and motivates their peers, displays

    honesty, integrity and most o all a committment to

    providing reliable, quality patient care at Research Medical

    Center. This years recipient o the Quality Champion o

    the Year award is Julie Wegener, RN. Julie has worked

    on 4 East Oncology Unit or more than three years. Herpeers describe her as a kind, caring, and dedicated mentor

    and leader on her unit. She has served as a charge nurse

    or over two years and most recently stepped into the

    role o night shit clinical nurse manager. She serves as a

    member on the Education Council and Inection Control

    committee. She is also a member o the Oncology Nursing

    Society and recently obtained her Oncology Certifcation

    which is a very difcult specialty certifcation to obtain.

    StPHi FF, Md, jiS

    MidwSt cc cPHySiciS

    Stephanie Gra, MD, medical

    oncologist, has joined Midwest Cancer

    Care Physicians and the medical sta at

    Research Medical Center. Fellowship-

    trained in hematology/medical oncology

    and breast oncology, Dr. Gra has

    strong cancer research experience and specializes in breast

    cancer treatment options. Board-certifed in internal

    medicine, she received her medical degree rom the

    University o Missouri-Kansas City School o Medicine.

    KutiS Miz cizd witH diHB wd

    Kurtis Marinez, senior accounting clerk at Research

    Medical Center, was recently awarded the 2011 Good

    Neighbor Award or his involvement in preserving the

    Waldo Tower. The Good Neighbor Award is the Citys

    way o recognizing the residents who are committed to

    preserving, maintaining and improving the quality o lie

    in their neighborhoods and our community. The Waldo

    Tower Historic Society was ormed in 2009 to protect,

    preserve, and improve the water tower located in TowerPark at 75th and Holmes.

    icHd c Syd, Md,jiS ScH tHPdicd cStuctivSPciiStS

    Richard Lance Snyder, MD, has

    joined Research Orthopedic and

    Reconstructive Specialists and the

    medical sta at Research Medical

    Center. Fellowship-trained in sportsmedicine, Dr. Snyder has more than 10

    years o orthopedic surgery experience. A member o the

    American Academy o Orthopedic Surgeons and American

    Orthopedic Society or Sports Medicine, Dr. Snyder

    received his medical degree at the University o Oklahoma

    College o Medicine and served his residency at the

    University o Kansas College o Medicine in Wichita, Kan.

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    LOgOutOrLOCkyOurCOMputerWhenSteppingaWay, eVenFOraMOMent:Its important to make sure that the organizations data is sae and secure at all times. Locking your workstation when youstep away is one o the simplest security steps you can take/do or prevention. Forgetting to log out poses a security risk with

    any computer that is accessible to other people because it leaves your account open to abuse. Someone could sit down at thatcomputer and continue working rom your account, doing damage to your fles, retrieving PHI, or using your account to perormmalicious actions. To avoid misuse by others, remember to log out o or lock your computer whenever you leave it.There are two ways to lock your computer:

    1. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time, and then click Lock Computer at the top let.2. Some Windows machines have a Windows logo key on the keyboard. The workstation can be locked by holding down theWindows logo key and pushing L at the same time.When you return to your workstation, hit Ctrl + Alt + Delete to log in. All programs, websites and documents will still be openand readily available as you let them.

    Information Security UpdateSecuring Your Workstation

    Research College o Nursing will undergo a comprehensiveevaluation visit November 7-9, 2011, by a team

    representing The Higher Learning Commission o the NorthCentral Association o Colleges and Schools. ResearchCollege o Nursing has been accredited by the Commissionsince 1987. Its accreditation is at the Baccalaureate andMasters degree levels. The Master o Science in Nursingdegree [MSN] is oered in an online instructional deliveryormat or its Executive Nurse Practice track and or themajority o coursework or the Nurse Educator track. Anonline ormat will be used or delivery o the RegisteredNurse [RN] to MSN and or the Clinical Nurse Leader[CNL] tracks.

    The Higher Learning Commission is one o six accrediting

    agencies in the United States that provide institutionalaccreditation on a regional basis. Institutional accreditationevaluates an entire institution and accredits it as a whole.Other agencies provide accreditation or specifc programs.Accreditation is voluntary. The Commission accreditsapproximately 1100 institutions o higher education in anineteen-state region. The Commission is recognized by theU. S. Department o Education.

    For the past year and one hal Research College o Nursinghas been engaged in a process o sel-study, addressing theCommissions requirements and criteria or accreditation.The evaluation team will visit the institution to gatherevidence that the sel-study is thorough and accurate. Theteam will recommend to the Commission a continuing

    status or the college; ollowing the review process, theCommission will take its fnal action.

    the pbl s ne o sbm ommens regarng esearhcollege of rsng o:

    Public Comment on Research College o NursingThe Higher Learning Commission

    30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400Chicago, IL 60602

    Comments must address substantive matters related tothe quality o the institution or its academic programs.Comments must be written and signed. The Commissioncannot guarantee that comments received ater the due date

    will be considered. Comments should include the name,address, and telephone number o the person providing thecomments. Comments will not be treated as confdential.

    aLLCOMMentSMuStBereCeiVedBy OCt. 7, 2011

    Note: Individuals with a specic dispute or grievance with

    Research College of Nursing should request the separate

    Policy on Complaints document from the Commission

    ofce. The Higher Learning Commission cannot settle

    disputes between individuals and institutions. Complaints

    will not be considered third party comments.

    Notication of Higher Learning CommissionComprehensive Visit

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011




    Celebrating 125 Years of Pioneering Healthcare Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

    Health Screenings are once again being oered to ull-time

    and part-time HCA employees this year. An up to $500

    healthcare reimbursement account (HRA) is available to all

    ull-time and part-time employees who complete a health

    screening, a personal health assessment (PHA), and any

    required ollow-ups. Screening events are available until Oct.

    21, or you may schedule an o-site location i you cannot

    fnd an event that is convenient to you.

    To schedule a screening, log in to www.HCARewards.

    com and click H2Uunder the Health & Wellness section.

    Select Step One: Schedule a Health Screening. All available

    screening event appointments will be listed. You may also

    select the o-site location button to schedule a screening at a

    Lab Corps location.

    The ollowing screening events will be held on the Research

    Medical Center main campus in the Learning Resource

    Center on B-level:

    Sept. 23 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Sept. 27 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Sept. 27 1-5 p.m.

    Sept. 29 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Oct. 4 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Oct. 4 1-5 p.m.

    Oct. 6 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Oct. 6 1-5 p.m.

    Oct. 13 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Please remember that you must ast or at least nine hours

    prior to your screening appointment time. You will receive

    an email when your results are available. You can then

    return to the H2U Wellness Path and select Step Two: Take

    the Personal Health Assessment. The system will guide you

    through the PHA and notiy you o any required ollow-ups

    You will earn $250 in your HRA or completing a screening

    event by Oct. 21 and the PHA by November 30 (you must

    complete both). You will receive $100 in your HRA i your

    results are within normal parameters or you complete a

    requested ollow-up with your physician. You will receive

    $150 in your HRA i there is no evidence o nicotine inyour blood or are willing to complete a nicotine cessation

    program through H2U.

    I you have any difculties accessing your account at H2U,

    you may call them directly at 1-800-771-0428. I you have

    questions about the wellness program, you may contact

    Cheri Hampton in Human Resources at (816) 276-4669 or

    [email protected].

    Life, Live it Well Screening Events

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011



    The Center for Integrative Therapy

    The Center or Integrative Therapy oers a variety o

    services or those who seek wellness options in their lie. It

    also oers patients wellness opportunities to complementtheir current treatment plan or health needs such as cancer

    care/pain management and womens care. The Center or

    Integrative Therapy ocuses on the quality o lie o our

    patients and clients by oering:

    Acupuncture (newly added service)


    Exercise Programs within our comprehensive Health

    & Fitness Center including aquatic classes

    Group Therapy

    Guided Imagery Integrative Medicine

    Massage Therapy

    Mindulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

    Nutrition and Cooking Classes

    Pain Management

    Strength Assessment

    Stress Assessment Stress Management

    Weight Loss Clinic

    aala Parn, Md, is the medical director

    or integrative medicine at the Center or

    Integrative Therapy. She is board-certifed

    in amily medicine and completed her

    ellowship in integrative medicine in

    2007 under Andrew Weil, MD. Dr. Parvin

    specializes in womens health issues and

    the prevention and management o chronicillness including cancer. She oers an integrative assessment

    and gives recommendations on the use o herbs, nutrition

    and dietary supplements.

    Acupuncture added to list o services

    COnCernedaBOuttheVOLatiLeStOCkMarket!Choose an account with HCCU that allows you to earninterest without risking your principal investment.

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    Contact Madeline at (816) 276-9403 or Dwight at (816)276-9404 or more details.

    Not a member, join today at orB-Level, Research Medical Center!

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    Healthcare Community Credit Union

  • 8/4/2019 CARE Newsletter - September 2011


    Understanding Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence

    SAVE THE DATETuesday, September 27, 2011

    8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

    Featured Presenter:Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD

    Afternoon Speakers:

    Tina Malinowski and Carrie Smart, LCSW

    Curry AuditoriumResearch Medical Center

    Brookside Campus6675 Holmes Road

    Kansas City, MO 64131

    Effective Interventions:

    Funding for this conference was made possible in part by the HHS, Ofce on Womens Health. The views expressed in written materials or

    publications and by speakers and moderators at HHS-sponsored conferences, do not necessarily reect the ofcial policies of the Department of Healt

    and Human Services; not does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


    Contact Hours Available

    Registration Begins at 8:00


    Dr. Elizabeth Miller is Chief of Adolescent Medicine at

    Childrens Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

    Trained in medical anthropology as well as Internal Medicine and

    Pediatrics, Dr. Millers research has included examination of sex

    trafcking among adolescents in Asia, teen dating abuse, and

    reproductive health, with a focus on underserved youth

    populations including pregnant and parenting teens, foster,

    homeless, and gang-afliated youth.

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