Page 1: Capacity Building In Decentralization

Capacity Building in Decentralization and Regional Autonomy

Disampaikan dalam Lokakarya “Desentralisasi Kepemerintahan yang baik Untuk Pemberian Pelayanan Publik yang Lebih Baik“

Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, 9 Desember 2009

Tri Widodo W. Utomo

Page 2: Capacity Building In Decentralization


• Pertumbuhan tercapai, namun kemiskinan belum juga terselesaikan.

• Anggaran selalu meningkat namun kesejahteraan tidak meningkat signifikan.

• Jumlah daerah otonom semakin banyak, program kerja bertambah, namun kinerja riil tidak terukur & belum dirasakan sepenuhnya oleh masyarakat.

Procrastination : the politics of doing nothing?

Tata kelola pemerintahan yg baik belum terwujud! Manajemen pemerintahan sedikit tertinggal oleh eforia Anti-Korupsi.

Page 3: Capacity Building In Decentralization

Defining Capacity Building(UNDP Briefing Paper)

the creation of an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal frameworks;

institutional development, including community participation;

human resources development and strengthening of managerial systems.

UNDP recognizes that capacity building is a long-term, continuing process, in which all stakeholders participate (ministries, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and water user groups, professional associations, academics and others).

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Capacity Building is much more than training. It includes:

• Human resource development, the process of equipping individuals with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively.

• Organizational development, the elaboration of management structures, processes and procedures, not only within organizations but also the management of relationships between the different organizations and sectors (public, private and community).

• Institutional and legal framework development, making legal and regulatory changes to enable organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their capacities.

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Soil Seed Water

Sunlight Fertilizer

Agriculture management

The group of people / individual


The entity / organizational level

The broader system / societal


( UNDP ) (Jin Park, KDI)

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Pillars HRD Mgt. Financial Mgt.

Soil Effective Bureaucracy System

Trust & Accountability Culture

Seed Selection of good people

Pengelola Keu. yg Jujur & Bertanggung jawab

Water Good Working Environment

Modern & Simple Budgeting System

Sunlight Strong Incentive to Perform

Clear Indicator of Objectives + Performance Orientation

Fertilizer Effective Training Effective Monev & Inspection

Agriculture management System for Reform System for Reform

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PillarsDimension of CB in Dev’t


Soil Integrated Planning System

Seed Capable & Professional Planner

Water Qualified substances 4 pro’s: growth (inc. investment), poor (inc. job), gender, environment)

Sunlight Strategic Vision

Fertilizer Active Participation from all Stakeholders

Agriculture management System for Reform

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Individual Institutional System level

Political background yg berbeda antara Gubernur & Bupati / Walikota dapat membuka potensi politisasi & ruang intervensi dalam penempatan pejabat Eselon 2.

Posisi KDH & DPRD sama2 me- representasikan rakyat / konstituen. Logikanya, tidak ada ruang konflik antar ke-2 institusi.

• Visi KDH dlm RPJMD bisa berbeda dg aspirasi & hak budget DPRD.

• Mekanisme politik dapat berbeda dg mekanisme teknokratik dlm perencanaan pembangunan.

Conflicting Values in CB

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