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Page 2: Canadian Technician Magazine 2010 Media Kit

Canadian Technician is written exclusively for the automotive aftermarket repair professional in Canada. The magazine speaks the right language and enjoys the trust of its readers. We knew this to be true because readerstold us exactly that, time and time again, in letters, in e-mails and face-to-face conversations. Some even telephonedto say thanks for providing them with a magazine that speaks for them, to them, and about them exclusively...A voice of their own.

However the proof was entirelyanecdotal… until now. In November of 2008 we commissioned aunique, 100% third-party readershipstudy that proves beyond any doubt thatall the anecdotal evidence was in factaccurate.

Canadian Technician… the best read and best targeted magazine in Canada’s automotive service and repair market.

For a free copy of the Readership inPerspective study please contact the publisher, Martyn Johns,[email protected]. Note: All information contained in theReadership in Perspective is copyright.Copying or use by individuals other thanthose to whom the survey was originallysent is prohibited, without the expressedwritten consent of the publisher.

Readership IN PERSPECTIVEA look into the reading habits of Canadian

automotive aftermarket service providers.

Copyright, January 2009Newcom Business Media Inc.

The best read■ When asked which magazine they would choose

to receive if they could receive only one, 60.6%of the readers chose Canadian Technician. (34.7% chose SSGM, 3.8% chose CASP)

■ When asked which magazine they were most likely to pass along to others in their shop, 67.6% said Canadian Technician. (27.4% said SSGM, 5.0% said CASP)

The best targeted■ Canadian Technician is the only magazine in this

market with a circulation that is 100% personaldirect request from the recipient

■ Canadian Technician is the only magazine in the market that requires each recipient to have purchasing authority

Canadian Technician is the market leader no matter how you look at it.

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January-FebruaryMarketing: Brake DiagnosticsTechnical: Suspension

Closing Date:January 11

Material Deadline:January 21

Closing:February 5

Material:February 18

Closing Date:March 10

Material Deadline:March 22

Closing Date:April 9

Material Deadline:April 21

Closing:May 10

Material:May 20

Closing Date:June 23

Material Deadline:July 7

Closing Date:September 10

Material Deadline:September 22

Closing Date:October 8

Material Deadline:October 21

MarchMarketing: OilTechnical: Air Conditioning

AprilMarketing: Wheels, Hubs,Balance & AlignmentTechnical: Spark Plugs

MayMarketing: ExhaustTechnical: Oxygen Sensors, Modules & Emissions

JuneMarketing: Chemicals & AdditivesTechnical: Scan Tools & Equipment

July/AugustMarketing: Belts, Hoses & PumpsTechnical: Computers In The Shop

SeptemberMarketing: WipersTechnical: Building Your TOOL Investment

OctoberMarketing: AccessoriesTechnical: Brake Diagnostics

NovemberMarketing: SuspensionTechnical: Oil

• ReadersIdentify TopIndustry Issues

• Readers Offer BestRepair Tips

Closing:August 10

Material:August 20

• MostRequested and NeededTraining Topics

• A look at howthe latestproducts, toolsand programsare changingthe landscape

Closing:Nov. 10

Material:Nov. 22

• MovingBeyondBreakdownRepairs


* Calendar subject to change without notice.



Editorial Calendar 2010

DecemberMarketing: Steering, Brakes & DrivelineTechnical: Transmission & Cooling Systems








Canadian Car Owner is published quarterly. It is sent in bulk to automotive repair facilities and isalso distibuted with Canadian Technician’s March, June, September, and December issues.



Page 4: Canadian Technician Magazine 2010 Media Kit

Allan Janssen, Newcom’s Editorial Director and previous editor of Canadian

Technician is the man responsible for turning Canadian Technician

into the premier magazine it is today. Allan will continue to be

involved in the production of Canadian Technician

and as well in the industry at large.

David Menzies, editor of Canadian Technician and Canadian Car Owner,

is an award-winning writer and editor. David’s work has appeared in a number of

consumer and trade publications ranging from the National Post and Canadian Business

to Marketing Magazine and Profit Magazine. As well, David is an avid auto enthusiast

and has written about cars and the automotive industry for the past 15 years.

Rick Cogbill, Canadian Technician’s resident humorist, is a formergarage owner and freelance writer. His own experiences arerecounted in The Car Side column, featuring lovable fictionalcharacters including beleaguered shop owner Slim Shambles,diagnostic guru Basil, and apprentice Tooner.

Kelly Bennett is a management trainer with 15 years experiencecoaching automotive repair shop owners. His Management S.O.S.column, describes letters between a successful shop owner and aformer employee. His column has truly resonated with readers, by offering practical advice in a unique and entertaining manner.

Bob Greenwood is the president of E.K.Williams & Co. (Ont.) Ltd.His column, The Greenwood Report, features the hard facts andtough advice for which Bob is known in the industry. Bob is alsothe founder of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre, anon-line resource for independent shop owners.

Editorial Contributors

The Best Editorial Content In The Industry

Page 5: Canadian Technician Magazine 2010 Media Kit

Leader Board Banner (728 x 90)$1000

All rates are per month

Auto Answers(Sponsored links)$250(Minimum 3 months)

Big Box (300 x 250)$1000

Bottom Banner (728 x 90)$500

Online Edition(Exclusive sponsorship)(1 spot available)$1500

Service Notes Newsletter (2 spots available)$1000

Some current advertisers who are making use of both print and digital media.

Page 6: Canadian Technician Magazine 2010 Media Kit

Electronic File Delivery• We can receive electronic files for advertising and editorial via e-mail, FTP, or on

disk. Macintosh format is preferred. • Always supply a proof of your material (enclosed with disk or as PDF). Please

relay the method and date of transmission of your files to your Account Manageror the magazine Production Manager so we know where and when to expectyour files.

MAC Applications Preferred• QuarkXpress • Adobe Acrobat

Accepted Modes of Delivery• Compress all files (.sit or Zip) before e-mailing, and uploading to the FTP site.• E-mailed files should be sent to [email protected]• FTP files should be sent using a web browser to: cantech Password: cantech1

Polybag Service• $200 per thousand items, • Maximum quantity per issue 25,000, Minimum quantity 2500• For demographic splits a one time set up charge of $200 will apply

Contract and Copy Conditions1. The advertiser agrees to protect publisher against legal action based upon

libelous statements, false or misleading statements or unauthorized use of photographs or other material in connection with advertisements placed.

2. All advertising copy is subject to approval of the publisher.

3. The word “Advertisement” will be placed above copy that in our opinion resembleseditorial material.

4. Production costs incurred on behalf of advertisers will be charged to them.

5. Cancellations are not accepted after closing date.

6. The publisher is not bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise, appearingon contracts or copy instructions when such conflict with policies covered bythis rate card.

7. The publisher will not be liable for material uncalled for beyond one year afterlast use.

8. The advertiser and the advertising agency agree that CANADIAN TECHNICIANmagazine shall be under no liability for failure to insert any advertisement.

9. The advertiser and advertising agency assume a joint liability for payment of alladvertising placed via the agency, in the event that one or the other shouldcease business prior to payment of outstanding invoices.

Color Ad Rates Prices in Canadian $


Effective January 1, 2010

Ad Size 1 X 3 X 6 X 9X Full Program

Full Page $4,939 $4,860 $4,744 $4,665 $4,350

2/3 Page $4,308 $4,245 $4,145 $4,077 $3,814

1/2 Island $3,057 $3,005 $2,931 $2,879 $2,674

1/2 Page $2,863 $2,816 $2,748 $2,701 $2,511

1/3 Page (square or vertical) $2,100 $2,063 $2,016 $1,979 $1,838

1/4 Page $1,508 $1,486 $1,466 $1,445 $1,318

1/6 Page $1,109 $1,094 $,1062 $1,046 $973

1/8 Page $1,026 $1,015 $1,004 $994 $904

Martyn Johns PublisherDirect: (416) 614-5826 • Cell: (416) [email protected]

451 Attwell DriveToronto ON M9W 5C4416 614-2200Fax: (416) 614-8861

For advertising opportunities please call...

REGIONAL RATES: Available on request. BLACK AND WHITE RATES: Subtract 25% of colour rates.

8-1/4 x 11


16-1/4 x 11

Double Page SpreadBLEED

7 x 10

Type Safety

4-5/8 x 10

2/3 Page Vertical

3-3/8 x 10

1/2Page Vert.

1/3Page Vert.

Mechanical Requirements

• TRIM SIZE: 8" x 10-3/4"

• BLEED:Add 1/8" to all sides


• SCREEN: 133 line

• Saddle Stitched

2-1/8 x 10

7 x 4-7/81/2 Horiz.

4-5/8 x 7-1/2

1/2 Page Island

4-5/8 x 4-7/8

1/3 Page Square

3-3/8 x 4-7/8

1/4Page Sq.

2-1/8 x 4-7/8


3-3/8 x 2-3/8

1/8 Page

Supplied InsertsContact publisher or your representative for quotation and specifications.

Shipping Instruction for InsertsShip direct to printer: Check with production manager for information. Send 6 samples of insertto CANADIAN TECHNICIAN, and provide waybillnumber of shipment.

Shipping Instruction for all other MaterialsDigital materials, film, artwork, etc. send to:Production Manager, CANADIAN TECHNICIAN451 Attwell Drive, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5C4Urgent material should be sent by courier and waybill number advised. U.S. advertisers are advisedto use Federal Express.

8-1/4 x 5-3/81/2 Horiz.


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