
By Nnamdi Uzoukwu


So you’ve been putting off the gym for the entire year, and one day you decide to look in the mirror. What do you see? No muscles, a weak chest, (including no chest hair), and a beer belly. Does this sound like you?

From a boy… …to a MAN!

30 min. “Get BIG Quick” Plan

Will provide a quick “how-to” on the following workout:

Bench Press (3 sets)1st Set (10-12 reps – light weight)2nd Set (8-10 reps – moderate

weight)3rd Set (4-6 reps – avg. - heaviest


• Barbell rack• Bench • 35/45 lb Olympic barbell• 5/10/25/35/45lb plates• A buddy to “spot” you // spot – To support or assist a maneuver, or to be prepared to assist if safety dictates.

Equipment Needed and Targeted Muscle Groups

Target Areas:•Chest•Shoulders•Triceps

Step 1

If you're attempting to bench press a heavy weight, find someone to spot you. This is always a good idea in case the weight is too much to handle and will give you confidence you have someone watching your attempt.

Step 2

Put an appropriate weight on the bar . (Don't start out with too much. Try benching just the bar by itself a few times to become familiar with the technique.) Then start with small increments of 5-45lbs until you find a weight that you're comfortable with.

Step 3

Once you have found your starting weight for your set, lie down on the bench and take some deep breaths before you start. This will help relax your body.

Step 4

Ensure that you are center with the bar, your eyes should be looking at the ceiling, not the middle of the bar.

Step 5

You should have 5 points of contact: Feet flat on the ground Both shoulders resting on the bench Lower back flat and pressed into the

bench Butt and back on the bench

Step 6

Hold onto the bar with the weights on it. A wide grip will develop chest muscles, while a narrow grip will develop arm muscles. Bring the bar down to your chest, while inhaling. Lower the bar until it touches your chest.

Step 7

Press the bar straight up while exhaling. Repeat for desired repetitions. After the last rep, the spotter should help you place the weight back on the bar rack. Repeat steps 2-7 for Sets 2 and 3. Drink water moderately through sets to hydrate your muscles.


There you have it. Follow my “Get Big Quick” plan for a month and you should notice a tremendous difference in your chest, shoulder, and tricep size. Remember, always use a spotter when you are lifting heavy, and always refuel by drinking plenty of water Happy lifting!

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